Baby Gets Stranded At SEA!

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uh brother we've been waiting for the bus for like an hour I don't think it's coming wait are you serious why are all these cars knocking us up uh yeah I'm not too sure I I don't know I think we're gonna be late for school but to be honest we can't be late for school if we don't even go yeah that is actually true I never thought about that yeah should we just go back inside maybe watch some TV oh wait we should go to the pool again the pool okay let's go let's go let's go all right brother we're at the pool and oh my gosh it looks extra blue today look at this whoa what the heck oh wait uh brother why are you Red uh oh crap I I forgot I never am in the Sun so when I go out I get a sunburn okay uh you maybe should go in the pool maybe that'll cool you off all right you know what I'm going in the diving board wait what the heck no uh brother you do know we are just babies and this is really like 10 feet deep why are you being such a baby it's a little diving board bro chill all right three two one oh my gosh okay I need to go see him I need uh brother are you okay oh my gosh she's drowning he's drowning I'm coming I'm coming Brother come on swim up swim up oh thank you oh my gosh no I'm never getting in here again brother if we got stranded in the ocean or something it would be the end of us stranded in the ocean what the heck oh why would you even say that but yeah we but yeah we really just passed away no really the turkey turkey listen brother I got tickets to go on a yacht do you want to go another Yahweh we had so much fun on the last one of course uh that was actually a cruise ship but yeah I understand we also had so much fun let's go let's go and also brother guess what it's golden wait uh the yacht is golden yes bro it's golden I literally got it from Mr Beast himself Mr Beast okay come on I'm driving I'm driving hop in all right brother let's go you better not drive around the whole yard this time just take a left bro okay I'll just take a left and then I go up here right yes take a left come on please don't get stuck in the doors again oh let's go oh all right you're gonna want to take a left up here let's go man we're gonna be late oh okay okay I'm going I'm going what time does the yacht leave oh oh my gosh I think it leaves in like five minutes we gotta go okay here we go all right brother we made it to Berry Avenue and look at all these people whoa wait are these guys going on the yacht with us I guess so I mean they look like they're all in a line but brother look in the distance the yacht is over there look at that oh my gosh wait I see it wait that's actually the one we're going on yeah but we do have like 10 minutes to spare do you want to like go shopping or something we're gonna go on the yacht hopefully we don't get stranded uh yeah okay but just make sure you have your watch on you because I do not want to miss this thing uh yeah I don't really even know how to work this thing but sure wait uh brother what's this orange thing over oh this is a Lamborghini wait what no it's not a good daddy oh my gosh wait it is don't let me drive let me drive ah crap there's no permissions well guess what it's fine because I actually have my own Lamborghini wait what no you don't bother me and you are both just broke yeah let's go oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I'm gonna put this all over Instagram oh wait oh there's a person right here oh wait what oh what the heck is our bike made out of obsidian how the heck did she not move whoa oh my gosh wait brother how did you get this car we've been together this whole time yeah I know I basically was able to afford it when I remember when we bought those Mansions my Mansion was free so I had like a million dollars to spare what wait what so now I have no money and you only have the cool car that's no fair yup I'm simply better little bro but let's go check out this yacht real quick I don't even care if we're not supposed to be on it yet we're gonna be the first people on it no jet ski whoa what the heck brother don't tell me you paid for this too uh no this is literally just sitting here but oh I changed it to my color what the heck okay go ahead and drive let's see it oh oh oh my gosh whoa this is insane how the heck are you even staying on this thing bro what the um kind of holding by your hair sorry if it hurts okay wait let's check out some other these other boats I think there's a couple more over here this is the sailboat oh wait no brother we gotta check out the speedboat look at this thing whoa wait and it's a two-seater okay hurry up before someone else gets on it okay you drive it you drive it I don't know if I can trust myself with this thing what if it flips uh well I guess we're gonna find out oh my gosh we're already gained in speed oh my gosh wait why they actually gone that slow yacht if we got this do they have any Cheetos in here whoa wait Cheeto no brother no stay focused wait let's see this and wait we can't even hit anything why the heck are you trying to crash this brother if we crash this we're going broke bro okay all right I think we need to try the sailboat and you can drive that one oh okay this is pretty good this looks kind of crappy I'm not gonna lie this thing probably doesn't even go far what the heck how do you even use this thing yo this thing's actually kind of fast look at this okay first off I gotta change the color to Orange hopefully it changes bam oh my gosh wait this is such an epic thing wait look at all the people waiting in me and you're literally so ahead I know wait why the heck are they waiting over there shouldn't they be waiting where the yacht is what oh yeah well maybe the yacht goes over there to the shore and picks them up I have no idea oh yeah oh wait brother I'm not gonna lie there's an even richer yacht that comes by they're probably waiting for that one oh yeah well yeah that's true because you you said this is going to be covered in gold and this is not uh it was just to get you here I know you wouldn't have come if it was a regular white one but it's still insane look at this wait till you lied to me brother uh yep and oh crap I can't even drive this thing I need to pay for it oh my gosh okay that is a lot of money I don't know if I can afford that oh yeah good thing a cabin's gonna combine any minute now and drive it for us because oh my gosh wait look at this wait can we even go in this where the heck are we supposed to sleep uh well I don't think we should be caught because there's security cameras and the captain will literally ban us from this it catches us um that's true you know what I don't even want to go on the cruise ship anymore okay I just want to go in the ocean how about we each go on a speedboat first off we gotta change it to our colors so mine is orange okay and then I'm gonna change mine to Brown is this a brown oh all right I look like a poop mobile this looks absolutely awful no brother change yours to like blue or something are you serious that literally looks like a poop boat fine I'll change it to Blue let me see and boom okay I like this color okay wait wait you can also change the lightness by the little line Thing Once you click on paint make it bright bro you want to stand up oh my God oh my gosh okay this might be too bright but here we go let's go wait follow me oh take a left take a look oh oh I'm so sorry I didn't hit your boat oh it's fine okay the river's going wait brother I say we go straight out in the ocean I don't know about you though it's it's kind of dangerous straight on the ocean yeah of course how's that dangerous we're on speed boats we're fine yeah true or we can visit this land over here I mean we got a lot to explore brother what if we find an island with treasure on it an island with treasure okay I've only seen that like Scooby Doo with all the buried treasure but that'd be super awesome uh brother only idiots while Scooby-Doo guys comment down below do you watch Scooby-Doo yes or no yes of course people watch Scooby they're gonna watch Peppa Pig uh yeah Peppa Pig is literally the best show ever it's oh I love it so much the story lines oh it's amazing uh brother I'm gonna be honest I don't really know what the heck we're doing over here I mean I'm trying to find like a secret area yeah that's ruined what the heck wait this island to the right of us is literally getting bigger by the second uh the dirty derky that's not the island that literally connects to the land we just came from wait a minute uh do you have your watch because when is that yacht leaving oh wait wait wait brother break break oh my gosh look at this I guess it's the Flat Earth over here you definitely don't want to drive off of here whoa wait so it just ends like that uh yeah I guess so and also brother we already said we're not going on that crappy yacht oh my you wanted to but yeah I guess the speed boats are so much more fun yeah I guess we should just maybe go out here in the ocean more and wait uh brother I think I'm just running out of gas oh crap wait you're running out of gas wait I'm not oh wait what oh my gosh I just ran out oh no oh no wait what the heck why is my seat getting warm I can't even sit down anymore oh crap no oh uh brother what's happening uh well we just lost our boats they're completely dead and there's like gas leaking we gotta get away from it hurry get away get away okay we don't want to blow up oh my gosh I'm such a bad swimmer oh yeah me too we what do we do we're stranded in the ocean look the cities all the way over there oh my gosh we don't have any help we don't have anything did you bring your cell phone uh yeah I did it's in my pocket and it's drenched oh my gosh why would you have it in your pocket what do you mean I didn't expect us to be in this situation wait let me drink this oh my gosh okay wait maybe I can do like a bird mating call and maybe they can save us oh yeah yeah try it I'm okay brother what the heck are we doing right now man okay we can go on that land over there but okay actually no we can't make it that's way too far oh my gosh what are we supposed to do we have nothing here to help us the boats are out of gas oh wait uh brother I don't know why but my screen shaking oh my god oh wait brother I don't know why I put the water the water's shaking brother brother wake up oh wait what what the heck where are we oh my gosh looked like the water knocked us out and now we're on this crazy wait there's humans here look at the buildings what the heck wait where are we and what happened oh crap we might have just found our new home forever there's no way we're getting out of here what happened last time we were awake uh we were on some speed boats we were supposed to go on a yacht they ran out of gas and then we just got sucked under the water oh my gosh what the heck wait are we on like an island now um I'm not sure but this place is beautiful look at this water fountain I'm gonna climb it oh crap now my clothes are all white get off get off the heck okay uh so how are we supposed to escape this because right now it kind of looks like we're stranded what's this guy over here let me see the Caster okay oh wait what does he want anything valuable wait what he wants me to sell something I don't care about the valuable sir how the heck do we get off of this island there's only one way and I can't tell you yet you're here too early uh what do you mean we're here too early what time is it I don't even know maybe he means like we've we haven't been here for a long enough time maybe we should ask some other people how long they've been here wait a minute what is this Rodney's home who the heck is Rodney I'm going in yeah hopefully Ronnie's got some food because I haven't eaten in like three days worth of food where's the food anything in the barrel wait wait brother I just opened this barrel and got 500 coins what the heck wait he just gave me a wooden fishing rod wait a minute is he trying to help us what oh my gosh I don't even know where it does it does his bed work come on I want to lay down man you okay Mr Ronnie how the heck do we get off of this island man let me guess you guys are from Berry Avenue yes that's where we came from we were on speed boats and you got sucked up under the water yes that's what happened to us well you're here just like me I've been here for about 50 years and I haven't found a single way off the island what the heck brother 50 years and he's still here oh crap I don't want to grow old like this old man I mean no offense dude but I mean you look good for your age but we don't want to be here no no we got to get out of here I don't care if we have to swim come on come on no it's turning nighttime too okay I'm going this way uh I don't even know how do we go back oh wait a minute brother look in the distance I think I can see Barry over there look is that where we came from where I think it is in the way there's a bow oh my gosh how do we make a bow um brother that's not a boat that's a shark fin a shark fin oh my gosh wait so if we try to swim over there we're gonna get eaten by sharks yeah and we don't even really know how to swim anyways we have to our feet are way too small we're babies uh well did you at least get the fishing rod from Mr Rodney Uh crap I forgot to get it I'll be right back all right brother where the heck are you I haven't eaten in days I got a fishing rod come on come on then we have to fish over here maybe we can like build a boat or something to escape this because right now we're literally stranded hopefully okay I'm just gonna throw my thing in there about a bang wait how the heck did you do that oh I literally just fished it and wait a minute oh wait what the fish escaped you got fish we I want to know how to do this just wait for bubbles appear okay wait uh wait what uh what is happening okay uh can I catch the fish okay I'm keeping it hello bruh how the heck do I do mine bro what the heck I can't even fish fish escaped again no oh my gosh I just want to go back home why are we stranded I don't know how the heck are you fishing I'm literally clicking it nothing's happening wait whoa I think I just caught a boat oh wait no someone just spawned that in oh my gosh wait they have spawn bow magic oh my gosh how the heck are they doing that wait yeah brother let's try to get on try to get on try to get on okay I'm coming I'm coming and oh I'm sitting here I'm sitting here come on wait is he gonna leave us uh whose boat is this and can you drive us come on we want to get out of here we want to go black back to block Haven whatever it's called Uh I don't think he's here okay I'm gonna start fishing while we're on the boat because at least maybe we have something yeah you're lucky your fishing rod works mine literally doesn't even work bruh come on oh my gosh this is so hard to catch fish I know it's hard for me mine's stuck wait I caught a fish let's go a common trout wait what isn't that like a super basic fish oh wait what sit down sit down oh oh my gosh we're driving we're drowning oh oh crap now my clothes are even more wet what is happening bro oh my gosh wait we can't even get up anymore oh I don't even want to get on the boat I just want to go home okay yeah my fishing rod doesn't work I'm super super hungry two but oh wait I just caught a second fish come on come on you know I can get something for you I'm going back to talk to this dude this dude gave me a flipping broken one come on give me an actual fishing rod oh let's go I got another common trout wait what I need to catch one more fish all right I just talked to him and he literally said that he gave me a broken one on purpose wait oh my gosh wait why did he do that I don't know come on this is my last fish I need oh my gosh this is so hard this bear not be a trout wait brother I can see it underwater I'm helping you oh I got it I got it let's go where you save me okay brother just keep fishing I'm gonna go talk to Mr Rodney over there and okay please tell me knew it was in your blood wait brother I could sell the fish for coins oh that's so sick you know what's silly and uh let's see how much coins you get okay let me just head over to the caster and wait maybe we can buy plane ticket or a boat because there's no planes we're literally stranded on the island did this dude really just say a plane ticket bro are you stupid how the heck would we get a plane come on give us a bow I don't care if it's a crappy boat just give us a boat with some food and we're out of here Caster I just sold it for 640 coins oh my gosh brother wait how much does a boat cost over here where the heck can we buy one oh I have no idea but I need to talk to Mr Rodney again because I think he has another job for me maybe we can get out of this stranded Island all right well I can go to Finn's supply shop and buy some and also the deckard's boat to buy a boat okay we need to go to the boat we need to go to the boat all right let's go let's go I don't even care if I'm doing nothing brother I'm sorry if I'm not helpful I just want to get out of here don't worry brother me too okay where is the bow where is the bow okay wait what is this oh the boat shops are here oh come on wait how the heck do they store boats in this little teeny tiny boat shop how does that even make sense I have no idea but um okay where's the boatmanship and wait there's a chest right here oh wait there's coins I just got a thousand oh my gosh wait wait is there another chest in here this is the only way I'm gonna make money because I can't fish on is there another chest come on no there's not wait oh the deckard's right here 80 mate wait what okay uh just tell me how much a bow is and wait he just gave me a sharpened stick whoa hopefully we can uh use that as a boat I don't even know oh my gosh wait a robo is 2 400 coins and I have a thousand six hundred okay brother we need something that will make us more money all right I'm looking wait a minute brother we can actually buy boats for somewhat cheap uh yeah they are pretty cheap but we need to catch more fish and wait there's literally a houseboat wait brother they literally selling a super yacht for 15 million coins oh my gosh oh my gosh if we got that we would literally get out of here and we would have an actual yaw we can go on and it would be like we never even missed the first one oh yeah okay brother this is what I think you should do I think you should just fish and fish and fish can you like keep selling them fish well there's only one way to find out let me just pull out my wooden fishing rod and okay everybody move it and I guess it's Gonna Keep fishing yeah just keep fishing hopefully you can help us and uh yeah my fishing rod still doesn't work here I'm gonna reset my character oh I got a fish okay I just need to keep it in the green now no nice okay I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with this stick oh maybe I can like throw that stuff uh uh brother you're supposed to put the fishing rod literally anyway I just got a copper brand brother fish wait what oh my gosh that's insane okay Rodney's telling me I need to go over here to the aquarium uh brother where are you I'm getting up here don't leave me behind I know I'm useless but just what are we doing whoa wait look at this this isn't like the shape of a Bowie maybe we can offer to buy it um by the aquarium are you insane whoa what the heck where am I upgrade to tier two ten thousand coins wait okay I'm getting out of here we have to buy this 10 000 no brother we're not worried about getting an apartment on this crazy Island we want to get off of here dude yeah that's actually true okay I need to visit one more place and that's actually the supply store and maybe they could supplies with maybe like an actual fishing rod for you or something yeah that's true but you know what brother I don't even care if we cannot even afford a boat we're swimming out of here I don't care okay let me talk to Finn I don't think we've met before yeah we already know what he sells fishing rod upgrades okay brother try and talk to one uh I don't even know maybe this was a scam maybe he gave me a broken fishing rod just so I had to spend more money to fix it wait oh my gosh but he's literally selling me hook speed upgrades Wheeling speed and strength okay I'm gonna upgrade each of those once okay I'll do it too hopefully my Boat Works after this man dang oh and look me and you have like little backlings on whoa this is like a this is so cool all right come on please work after this please all right let's go try and catch some more fish okay come on we could fish over here I don't think we have to go all the way back and oh my goodness look at this this is kind of scary that's actually smart if we fish over here less people less uh less people trying to take our thing okay I'll just do that oh I caught fish okay and oh no I have to just keep in the green now ah crap okay brother is there any way like I can fix this like why can't I do it uh hold on let me just catch this fish and boom let's go I got it um okay let me try and help you uh wait let me just examine your fishing rod wait the string looks a bit off that's actually the problem the String's broken ah crap okay okay there you go okay brother just stand still let me just tighten it and boom there we go okay try that now all right I'll try oh it works oh oh my gosh brother you're actually Legend I'm gonna make money I'm gonna make food let's go oh wait I think you just caught something come on come on please give it to me give it to me give it to me fishes are such Fighters wait did I get it oh wait I got it let's go oh I got a trout oh a trout oh I remember that was like my first fish I caught it's okay okay really wait a minute okay my brother's such an idiot I'm gonna go to the top of this rock and fish maybe I can make it go farther all right come on uh yeah just fish right next to me and uh wait what brother where are you um nowhere you know I'm just just don't even worry about it brother what the what are you doing all the way up there I'm fishing hopefully I can make it go far oh my gosh went so forth on the method let's go brother I fixed your rope but it can easily break again and what if you catch like a shark it's gonna pull you in there ah crap okay wait I'm throwing my thing out it's fine brother it's fine I'm not gonna get I'm not gonna do this okay how the heck does this even work their bubbles start clicking on the bubbles oh I'm going back to the cast and I'm selling everything I have and oh my gosh you barely gave me anything for that yeah you you do that I'm gonna be up here but brother right after you're done you should come up here because I think the farther we are in the ocean with the casting line the better the fish what if I get a golden fish a golden fish wait oh brother okay I think I just figured out a little glitch to get anything for free okay there's a chest over here for a thousand coins and I just bought it and I don't even know what it gives me what uh yeah that was definitely a stupid move on your part what if it gives you like a dirty shoe uh brother what the heck I just got a baguette Rod what the heck is that what does it even do oh my gosh wait I just equipped okay I'm coming up to show you oh my gosh we have food for days oh my goodness okay I'll stick with my uh crappy little one but hopefully I can see this okay there we go wait this guy's gonna mess up my fishing line with this bow no no oh no wait he's really scary know the fishes away what are you doing oh my gosh that guy's such an idiot he could have just killed a fish wait to be honest we aren't going to sell them anyways oh come on I need to catch bigger and better fish um brother Are you seriously fishing with a piece of bread or am I tripping yeah I am but oh my gosh wait it's actually catching me all the fish way I think it's working oh crap my fish escaped are you serious right now bro okay you know what I'll just gonna wait for you I'm ready to sell my fish but I'm gonna be a gentleman and actually weigh you yeah just be a gentleman or a gentlefish get it because we're fishing okay if you ever say that again I'm not your brother anymore all right I've caught a fish now I'm gonna be a gentleman and I'm gonna wait for you all right please please come to Papa Come to Papa I'm being patient I'm being patient uh Brother come on reel it in I'm trying it's so heavy I think I caught a shark uh brother okay if you caught a shark let me just see and help you wait an Epic ship has sunk find it to claim its treasure uh brother we gotta go no what do you mean we gotta go we don't even have a boat to use uh yeah well maybe it crash near the shore or something and maybe that could be our one way out of here if we fix it I don't think so okay I got a new fish oh my gosh I got a large fish large fish wait what you caught yourself yup yeah oh are you serious I'm not even a fit oh yeah I am actually a fish I forgot I got fish powers only 31 coins for that wait this is robbery all right where the heck do I go to sell the fish again you have to come over here to the caster and just hit cell wall but he's kind of a scammer he gives you such bad prices um okay well to be honest I don't care about the prices let me just uh do you have anything I could buy yes buy my fish how much is he giving you 11 coins what am I supposed to do with that buy a lollipop what the heck yeah they don't even have lollipops on this island are we only supposed to be fishing this is the worst way to make money all right brother you know what we're getting off this island right now follow me okay come on wait is Barbie here too wait Barbie turn back I don't even care wait oh they waited they waited let's go this is our time hold on oh uh brother are you serious okay I don't even care just brother just keep swimming I don't care I'm just swimming just keep swimming uh it's so salty it's so salty oh my gosh wait brother I think the kraken's here wait what the crack oh no I can see I am oh wait brother where the heck are we oh wait what last time I remember I was catching a fish no the last thing I remember was the Kraken wait oh crap look it there's an air on that door over there but before we go over there wait what is this oh my gosh brother okay uh something is telling me we should not touch the water in this uh yeah look at the way the boards are yeah you're definitely right I think we would uh not wake up if I want to put it lightly so you're telling me the Kraken literally just took us here uh brother look it's Caster look at him oh my gosh wait I'm actually kind of glad that happened he was kind of scamming us for the fish yeah it was like six dollars for a fish are you serious right now bro okay let's go in here what the heck is this wait okay are we trying to escape the island or what is this uh yeah I think this is some cursed hobby Pirate Island whatever the crap oh my gosh wait what there's literally pirate cannonballs let me show you how it's done little bro you just gotta keep running don't stop okay don't stop can't stop boom let's go let's go oh oh one more one more let's go oh wait who the heck is this Cook's log uh hello uh yeah I'm not chatting with you bro I don't care enough um his friend got lost in the Maze wait um brother why do we have to save him why can't he do it um I'm not sure but has this dude been sitting here waiting here like this entire time we're like the only people who have came here before this guy's literally an NPC he's doing that wave over and over I know look look at him look at him he's waving what the heck brother oh crap wait don't touch the green I think you won't make it well this is actually scary is anything gonna pop out I'm actually scared oh I don't know brother I'm standing behind you you just go ahead you just go in front of me wait who are these people wait are these his friends mommy is that for you which is worse um how the heck do we get him out of here I have no idea this guy literally called me mommy is that you like what no I'm not your mom uh I'm just gonna leave them in there I mean they've been in there forever they can stand there yeah let's just keep going this way let's just keep following the Torches I guess and wait maybe there's like a way out because we're literally stranded at sea for so long I know and brother all we wanted to do was go on a yacht that was literally it and now we're in some crazy Pirate Cave but maybe eater's treasure oh wait is this the entrance uh the entrance don't you mean the exit the turkey turkey oh my gosh wait it actually wasn't it no no no I can't do it brother I can't do it wait why not why not what do you mean why not look at this thing no guys no we need your luck if you guys think we can make it to the end of this which actually doesn't look too hard uh subscribe to the channel and comment uh what are these like meatballs comment meatball I guess oh my gosh no these are literally coconuts okay but do not touch the water if you touch the water kraken's gonna pull us hey guys look how stupid my brother is he's doing the actual thing I'm getting this secret coffee floating over here wait what how did you get that I want it uh don't ask how I got over here I'm just gonna go follow you now oh my gosh okay well they saved me some if you can uh yeah I wonder if the coffee's the only way we can escape or we get something secret if we collect them all oh well it doesn't matter if we need the coffee because there's literally spikes over here yeah and I literally just fell do not fall in the water you will write this whole time the water is not actually water it's like goo oh my gosh wait it's probably like blood from the kraken's brother or something it's probably Super Evil oh that's true but what kind of blood is blue bro what are you talking about bro I don't know maybe they like primer some something come on oh oh wait I just made it wait what the heck is this whoa oh my gosh look at this ew look at this lady yo what the heck is she wearing the heck okay I have so many questions for her but you know what we need to escape this I need to go back home I know why the heck are you green lady oh my gosh okay I'm getting out of here I wonder if our dad even misses us or if he even notice probably not yeah I'm gonna be honest with you man daddy hasn't really been home for like a month he's been in none of our like at home he's been nowhere like I think he just left yeah I mean honestly that's pretty bad but uh wait what oh my gosh I see a teacup I need it oh my gosh yeah we need to go we need to go get up here get up here come on and jump oh no okay be super careful it's a balance beam oh be careful be careful jump jump oh my gosh oh watch out for that wait are we supposed to jump on this okay I'm going oh wait you are okay that scared me oh my gosh you're telling me we could have jumped on those green things the whole time there was like 20 of them bro okay watch out for the water it rises up and down wait wait wait we can go this way uh yeah before we go I'm getting this coconut I haven't eaten in so long wait so good oh there was a coconut oh no I missed it yeah no wait there's more you're running past coconuts dude oh I don't want anymore I just want to get this coffee because I'm getting super tired oh wait the water just overtook it okay go go okay we gotta go we gotta go okay there we go there we go and jump there we go let's go I got the cup of coffee ah crap the coffee's up here for me oh I got it as well but I got all three you've only got two oh my gosh okay we better not we better not be required to get all 10 cough I fell I fell brother oh okay thank goodness I respawn hey what's up brother what is wrong with you come on we need to stay focused wait we're supposed to go that way oops oh my gosh dude you're wasting time daddy could be home right now and yep you just fell with an idiot okay yeah I probably shouldn't have spoke too soon okay yeah even if daddy's home he's probably not gonna notice us because he never checks on us I know that is so true Daddy doesn't even care but we need to stop talking about daddy okay we've been talking about it for the past minute the only thing we should be talking about is getting the heck off of this island bro oh my God oh my gosh it just sunk the rock as soon as I jumped oh wait oh dude I think I found that cable supposed to go in let's go come on get in here oh oh come on come on there you go come on come on come on oh my gosh let's go we need to get out of this I hate being stranded oh brother you hate being stranded do you know what I hate I hate when you say oh my gosh every two seconds man oh my gosh I mean oh wait oh my gosh dude sorry dude just stop saying oh my gosh No One's Gonna care about that it's so annoying to hear whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh oh sorry I keep doing it ah stop saying that okay I'll try let's just keep doing this oh it's Olivia flood wait the pirate guy's over there again okay okay just wait for it wait for it we gotta jump in three two go go go go go go go go go go go go make it make it oh wait this guy's literally an NPC what is wrong with him I know blood has literally just been sitting here this whole time but oh we got a new little tunnel here I don't even care what that guy's got to say I'm going for it oh he said there's a way out of here and he said good luck so I actually kind of appreciate that yeah I mean I guess he's nice after all this time but yeah can we climb these is that a thing no we can't uh wait wait there's a thing right here in the wall oh no the rock that's just a rock you idiot okay oh the water's Rising water rises oh go okay okay I was literally gonna say oh my gosh but this is an oh my gosh moment you literally just said it twice oh dude watch out the thing breaks be careful be careful whoa whoa whoa okay brother just be super careful here I know I literally just told you to be careful is there anything in these barrels oh I wonder if there's anything in oh there's Brother come on the water is rising and oh wait there's a ladder no you're literally blocking it oh my gosh okay just keep going I don't even care anymore well do not fall in this part do not fall in this part we follow the crack and is literally just gonna make us cracking babies I know we're gonna be cracking dinner oh I think we made it I think I think we're saying oh crap no it's even higher now go actually brother go go I'm running I'm running I'm running away there's a coffee cup get the coffee coffee we need coffee okay we got some caffeine in this hopefully we can run faster oh wait the roof is right here wait tell me we escaped Dan let's see it oh oh my gosh oh brother brother give me a hug give me a hug oh my gosh wait we didn't even Escape it yet yeah now I understand why you say oh my gosh so much because these are definitely some oh my gosh situation guys comment oh my gosh if you made it this far in the video and oh my gosh again are you serious the world is oh crap okay I think you got some respawns left I I got eliminated myself but I made it oh that last one is so hard brother I literally have one more life left that just told me okay you know what before we do that I want to get this coffee I think we go up here and we jump to here here and then jump to there bam we got another coffee let's go okay maybe we can get like super powers with this because this is a lot of work to get all these I know hopefully we get like some treasure if we collect everyone because there's no way there's just coffee chilling down here there's no way wait a minute you know what I just realized us being stranded at Sea you know who else recently stranded at sea oh Mr Beast oh wait a minute are you telling me we're in a Mr beats video where's the Tesla where is it come on where's the Tesla hat no I don't know if we're in a Mr Beast video but I think we have Mr Beast cursed oh crap that's true wait he's been in caves he's been in the ocean wait we might have been into being a Mr Beast video but without him recording I don't know if that makes sense uh Jimmy if you can hear me I'm never eating a feastable bar ever again yeah me neither I don't want the Deez Nuts bar by the way how are you gonna name it these nuts all I want that well okay I'm gonna jump on the paddle oh wait brother what just happened to you are you serious now I gotta run all the way back in me out of this water oh wait no I spawn right here there we go oh my gosh I just fell back in there and missed a paddle okay this is literally my last life where I turn into cracking food yeah I think I'm on my last couple of lives myself come on just spawn me in already I don't have time to waste jump on the paddle and brother oh no there's literally jumping fish over there watch out be super careful wait brother those are piranhas those are literally piranhas oh my gosh are those the ones with the super sharp teeth yes okay I gotta time this perfectly come on come on okay I'll try and distract them hey look over here piranhas thank gosh oh no wait it literally couldn't get any worse what is this walls of Doom oh crap wait come on come on wait is there anything back there wait wait a minute wait a minute what the heck where am I brother go in the cave is literally lava and there's more coffee uh we're supposed to go on this one I think we're supposed to go straight I think so too but wait there's more coffee over here so I don't even care oh wait this is another coffee level okay I want to get all of them there has to be a secret with this coffee I'm sorry for saying it over and over okay I got it I'm on my way back I'm literally risking my last life just to get coffee I'm So Dedicated I know me too okay I'm making my way back as well jumping across the lava by the way how the heck is there lava in here how does that even make sense we're not even in a volcano I think Mr Beast actually put us up because he's the only one that could afford that yeah this has got to be the most unsafe Mr Beast video ever real lava okay we gotta time this perfectly okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go pause okay and just hide and just go go pause go go go go go go go jump up Josh oh my gosh oh release the Kraken uh brother what is happening wait a minute no there's an actual Kraken no no oh my gosh it's actually Squidward oh my goodness he's got such a big forehead squitter we loved you in SpongeBob wait are we in the he just ate us are you serious oh my gosh this is I follow the Kraken no brother I might I might have just ran out of Lights I might have just ran out of lives uh brother no I think you're fine because we're in the cracking stomach so he's just gonna spit you back oh yeah that's true if we uh fall in here he'll just digest us and I'll go right back that's so true what the heck wait I thought we had one more life I didn't think we were gonna get eaten I know me too what the heck even is this place man and how does he have all these lasers and acid inside of him yeah is this like a superhero cracking like what the heck this green is literally hurting my eyes whoa this is like moving does he have a laser system in his stomach well okay yeah Mr Beast you know what the joke's over where's Chandler where's everybody this is literally a prank I know come on let's go oh what the heck it's super slippery over here okay be careful oh oh my gosh you gotta like jump around wait this dude has like a speedrunners course inside of his stomach yo I kind of want this okay this is actually better than the treadmill I hate the treadmill come on we need to get more coffee in a minute uh brother think about this whenever we eat bugs and stuff do you think they go in our stomachs and do the exact same thing wait a minute that's why I have all these stomach problems oh crap okay wait wait wait we got fine is there like a secret in here anything anywhere we can go oh wait uh brother you have to talk to Captain steel wait apparently we have to blow up uh TNT inside the Kraken and get a key okay I don't even know anymore come on okay oh my God you gotta do so much stuff I'm so bored what the heck oh my goodness watch out only Fireballs inside the kraken's mouth over here what is going on what Fireball okay oh my gosh I see them as well be very careful oh my gosh they're like falling down this is so whoa whoa it just hurt me it hurt me oh wait maybe I made it I made it to the top okay I'm gonna go over here and hopefully grab the key oh come on I'm going as well okay I made it I made it I'm right behind you brother wait for me what's up brother now we gotta do some Parkour okay okay come on where's that key at we need to blow up the TNT and then maybe the Kraken will finally just you know die when we get out of his mouth yeah I know it smells like butt cakes in here it smells so bad what did this guy eat wait now that I think about it actually sell it actually smells like Mr feasible's Deez Nuts bar and wait the keys right there he's right there okay and wait a minute do you tell me we gotta go all the way back okay that one turned green okay and wait oh wait we can unlock the TNT now I think let's talk to this guy real quick nice word getting that game yeah obviously thank you okay now okay brother why the heck is there a gated room instead of a kraken with TNT in it does that even make sense uh brother we have to use Ken is to shoot the king piranha oh my gosh okay so we have to blow up the TNT and wait oh wait no we have to literally go over here now yeah we gotta go this way please don't have any harm in danger brother this wait brother we gotta go this way for the car wait what what even just happened oh no brother where are you oh I don't even know okay I'm coming back wait dude uh wait for me oh I don't know if I can there's only Fireballs getting spit at me by this guy I thought you'd be a fish um dude literally uh if you go the left way you can get the coffee did you get the left way or the right way wait I don't even care anymore because wait if you use the Cannons you can shoot and do damage to this guy wait there's coffee right here okay I'm getting this and boom got it okay oh yeah we gotta go into this okay just jump on it bam oh I hit him I hit him with it yeah me too now we have to wait for it to literally fire up again okay I'm just gonna keep running over here all right I'll get this cannon on the left let's go bam I hit him with the cannon hold me to me too oh my gosh these Fireballs are super toxic run run run run run I got this cannon right here bam oh I did it two-way okay how much life does this guy have oh wait he went down he went down now we go to the middle oh my gosh okay what is this Mr Beast please tell me this is a video oh my gosh what the heck do we just pick up do we just pick up its tooth now all what do we do now we gotta talk to this guy great work matey let's get out of here oh my gosh we're about to light the TNT on fire okay wait do we light it and then go in there or do we just go in the Kraken is defeated look it's blowing up it's blowing up Josh run whoa wait look at this wait a minute I actually feel kind of bad we're the ones who invaded his home uh brother no remember we were literally trying to go on a yacht and then we literally got stranded I know I feel so bad for him though he was just minding his own business We're The Intruders no no no it's not even like that but I do kind of feel bad uh where the heck are we supposed to go yeah what the heck what do we do here I'm like oh we go down here whoa oh my gosh another level almost stairway dude I thought we escaped this yeah I thought we escaped too okay this thing's like spinning I gotta be super duper malooper mccooper careful okay do not get hit by the spinning thing okay I'm gonna jump back whoa oh you got it you okay okay there we go all right oh oh I think we made it Beatrix who is so why are they all they all week yeah I know oh we made it all live let's go wait okay I think if we like uh uh oh wait brother I think if we get on the pirate ship we go back home okay no okay that's it I've had enough in oh okay brother I'm not gonna lie I'm going to the pirate ship without you oh crap did I just lose my last life okay thank goodness oh my gosh wait brother wait before we go look this Krakens right here look wait is this a real Kraken um oh my gosh brother he's moving get me out of here oh wait a minute the Kraken didn't even die just got put into a smaller cage hey Kraken we're so sorry but at least you're alive let's go I'm not sorry oh and brother by the way we didn't even get all the coffee how the heck did we miss some of them I have no idea but I honestly don't care and I'm gonna get on the boat so I'll see you later all right let's go whoa I think the pirate ship teleported us to our house what the heck okay we actually made it home okay uh brother I'm gonna go swim in the pool because we have not been in water in so long oh that's so true oh the nice water yeah all the water we've tried to swim in has literally just uh taking us for granted and they teleported us now we got some safe water if there's a kraken in here brother I'm literally gonna flip out and move out I know same here let's go oh yes I'm never going in an ocean again I'm just gonna swim in pools okay come on we're almost there and let's have it fun oh what the hell look at us this is so amazing wait brother we gotta have a pool noodle fight a pool noodle fight we don't have any um are you stupid we literally have pool noodles over here dude what the heck okay wait these kind of scare me because they remind me of the kraken's arms oh that's true wait we get to be the Kraken or also these kind of remind me of lightsabers you ready you ready okay I'm ready three two one boom brother I think you just broke my butt I'm not lying I'm not lying wait I broke your butt okay uh wait you know what uh you know what I quit I'm giving up later see you later no no to make it fair I get to hit you how about that oh my gosh okay fine you know what fine you can hit me but since you're really strong let me put on a floaty first all right well what if that'll make you like actually float into space then you cannot come home uh well honestly that'd be pretty good because I don't even like you okay just hit me okay three two and I'm holding it I'm holding it oh and I landed on my head I definitely just cracked my head oh that was absolutely hilarious Jerry okay yeah I'd say we go back inside because even this pool is dangerous are you serious not even that it's literally like 210 degrees outside which is not even possible but it's literally happening right now I know dude it's always so hot outside how the heck do we never have a winter here oh speaking of winter I can't wait for Christmas time why do you want it to be Christmas time so bad uh because whenever it's Christmas we're literally gonna spend a whole day with the subscribers opening gifts but that's not till a long time from now wait brother wait what's that out there don't you see that way go back outside real quick oh okay I mean it just looks kind of like a normal normal day out there see you later buddy I just locked the door wait what brother no
Channel: Bongo
Views: 292,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bongo, bongoishere, bongo is here, Baby Gets Stranded At SEA!, mrbeast sea, 7 Days Stranded At Sea, mrbeast 7 days stranded at sea, baby daddy game, whos your daddy, whos your daddy 2, baby, baby game, baby gets, stranded at sea, sea, stranded at sea challenge, baby gets shots, bongo roblox, bongo baby gets stranded at sea, stranded at sea for 7 days, mrbeast sea challenge, baby stranded at sea, baby 7 days stranded at sea, mrbeast stranded on an island, bongo whos your daddy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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