Baby Alive Nate Eats Green Veggies Food! Exploding Diaper! | Kelli Maple

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel today i'm here with my baby alive nate and i wanted to do a little feeding video with nate today so that's what we're gonna do he looks super cute right now we have an extra diaper for when we feed him we can change him we have this bottle to put some water in so we can drink it we have a bowl and spoon for him to put his food in a bib and this one catches all the food which is really good so if he spits any out or misses his mouth this will catch it we have a green veggies food packet to feed him and the little mixer to make the food in i also have some water right here in this water bottle and i have this little pajamas for him to wear after because i think that'll look super cute on him so we're just going to get started so we have to make the food first and i'm going to take these off to the side so we have to fill up to the line right here with water so that's the first step and i'm going to open up the water bottle so we can do this very easily perfect you can see we filled up the water to the line it's hard when it's not flat but it's filled up to the line and now we're gonna shake the food to the bottom and open up the packet let's see if you guys can see what it looks like that's what it looks like on the inside and then we just pour it right in here and i usually do a little extra water just to make sure it's nice and thin so it's not super thick and you can eat it easier now i'm gonna pour or i'm gonna put this cap on and then the fun part is we get to mix this so we're mixing his food really good right now [Music] do you see that isn't that really cool i think it's actually really well mixed i think i'm just gonna shake it it's another good way to mix it up that looks so perfect so now what i'm gonna do is pour the food right into this little white bowl we have so carefully remove the lid so we can pour it out you could just feed him right from this but i want to put it into a different bowl okay here we go oops it's not really focusing we're gonna pour it in this bowl i don't think he'll eat all of this but he has a good amount in there i'm gonna put this paper towel underneath him just because i know sometimes the diapers leak so if that happens i want a paper towel underneath and i'm also gonna put a paper towel underneath the food so i don't spill that on the rug we also need to fill up his water bottle with water because he doesn't have any right now so let's pour this water in perfect it's filled all the way to the brim so he's got plenty of water hopefully he'll drink all of this so now let's feed nate i'm gonna put the bib on real quick so cute we're gonna lean him back just a little bit just so it'll be a little bit easier for him to take the food this is my favorite spoon for feeding them with so i'm gonna zoom you guys in a little bit here's nate and now we're gonna feed him all right nate this looks so good here we go big spoonful so good he ate it all guys and you can see he's already starting to drip some i'm gonna try and catch it though here i'm gonna turn you guys a little bit perfect now you guys can see a little better when i feed him just like that keep that so good guys let's give him another bite such a good job nate he's getting it all over his lips now let's feed him some water mmm that looks good nate do you like it yeah oh that's so good i'm so glad to hear that let's pour his pouring smell let's give you some more he's eating so good right now guys he's eating really big spoonfuls he's doing a great job oops here we go he probably ate about half of his food he's doing a great job eating all of it oh no he's spilling it don't do that let's give him some more water he's probably thirsty you guys nate is so cute look at him he's such a sweetie just making sure he didn't leak anywhere his diaper okay let's feed him some more good job buddy we'll wipe up his mouth a little bit definitely need to be cleaned up after this let's feed him some more water he's doing so good i'm so proud he's almost eating all of his food i'm so impressed i didn't think you'd eat this much good job buddy here we go his mouth is covered it's definitely on his chin he's drinking all this water he's still not leaking which is really impressive i'm glad his diaper's not leaking i really don't like changing a leaky diaper all right it looks like he only got a few spoonfuls left he did so good you guys this is all he has left i don't even know if i can get it all here we go i don't think i can get the last little bits i'm so impressed let's see if i don't think he'll finish up his water because there's a lot left but he eats so much of his food i'm so proud all right nate why don't we take off your bib and it looks like we're gonna have to change him oh some spilt on his neck the bib did not catch it very good huh all right guys now let's zoom you guys out and we're gonna change nate's diaper because i'm sure it's looking pretty messy okay we are just going to lay him down right here i'm gonna try and do this on the paper towel again so we don't spill it everywhere okay kind of scared [Music] all right [Music] take off his outfit because he's not going to be wearing this one anymore it does feel a little wet not going to lie we're going to put this one in the wash buddy all right his diapers feeling heavy oh no it's all leaking it's all leaking oh no oh no we need more paper towels right now because that will stain my rug yikes oh i can't make this up guys it's not just spilt everywhere okay we are going to put down a thick layer this has two stacked okay well that was pretty gross let's change his diaper now there shouldn't be much left in it everything just came pouring out onto the ground that was so gross good do you guys see that oh he's spilling more he had a lot in him oh no we might need more paper towels i'm so glad i brought these over i wasn't going to [Music] oh i hope it's not spilling on the floor all right we're gonna fold this up we're throwing that away for sure that is nasty oh my goodness you guys [Music] let's him down for a second all right i have wet wipes to use to clean him up some baby wipes so he won't be all dirty i think he got some on his neck so i want to wipe that up [Music] just cleaning his whole body at this point did he get some in his hair just wiping them up completely clean we don't want nate to be covered in any poop that'd be gross i don't know about you guys but i think i'd consider that like an explosive diaper because it did all come pouring out okay then we'll go back in with a dry one to make sure that he's not all wet perfect and i like to blow into their mouths just to make sure nothing else is going to come out oh no i forgot i was wearing chapstick and that got all over him okay he seems pretty dry now so we can put on his fresh diaper oh no there's more coming out where'd that come from maybe there is more inside [Music] all right we're gonna put his diaper on here we go one these are my favorite diapers because they're so cute and colorful all right we shouldn't have to worry about any more leakage i hope i'd be surprised if there were more so i mean i think we're safe to take this out now we can put him into this little sleeper so he can get ready for bed here you go buddy he's so cute you guys i really like this guy and this looks really sweet on him it's so soft the sleeves and the pants are rolled up because it's so big oh look at how cute he is all right guys thank you so much for watching us feeding nate and his explosive diaper please click like and subscribe and in the comments let us know if you've ever had a baby live just leak out all their diaper and we'll see you guys later bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Kelli Maple
Views: 23,153,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelli maple, kelli, maple, baby alive, doll, baby, baby doll, baby alive doll, diaper, explosion, exploding diaper
Id: BkVlZldlWec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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