#BabishPanini Response - Family Guy Car Panini

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this week we're taking a look at Peters car panini by popular demand I don't spill it don't spill it out god I spilled it you can see my hesitation and having to take my third and final bite of this horrible horrible thing in one day normally I try to make a quote/unquote good version of every gross food I make on the show but I can't figure it out that's where you come in try to make a halfway palatable version of this sandwich take a picture tag me on Instagram hashtag I don't know babish panini can do Andrew welcome to my kitchen today I'm gonna be doing my best babish impression because I have this babish shirt and camera and I love film and food and 90's TV so I guess I've been working on this impression for like 31 years I wanted to take on the panini from this week's episode and boy is it a doozy it's got chocolate and peanut butter and fake Easter Egg things and weird meat and I don't know I just wanted to make something at least edible so I kind of threw out the whole playbook sorry for that but I made my own version of this sandwich so let's get started I want to start by swapping the regular sandwich bread for ciabatta the Vienna sausages which I'm not a hundred percent sure are made of actual food to a kielbasa sausage the peanut butter cups for real peanut butter so we could get rid of the chocolate I just couldn't figure the chocolate part out the Doritos were actually pretty fun I found some recipes to make homemade Dorito flavor it's not exactly the same but it's very close it's very salty so I want to use it on the eggs to season them before we put them on the sandwich and finally babish was right it's not Easter I couldn't even find a Cadbury egg for just this shot but I'm gonna switch it for a fried egg with the Dorito flavoring on top to season it the Dorito dust as it's called is mostly mac and cheese powder like almost all mac and cheese powder we add some chili powder onion garlic and smoked paprika the smoked paprika has a very strong flavor you might want to use a little bit less in your recipe I'm gonna mix it up and give it a side-by-side comparison to a chip I mean two chips who who eats one chip yeah it's pretty close apparently this goes really well on your popcorn for the kielbasa I wanted to do kind of an old-school split sausage sandwich diner type thing so I cut them into somewhat sandwich sized pieces and then split them on one side using the casing to hold them together this is so we can press them into the pan and get some good grilling going on babish has one of those fancy induction cooktop things and I don't so we'll have to do a camera move over to the stove you want a high heat on these but I think I used a little bit too high of a heat I went a little bit past the brown stage it looks worse than the video than it did in person I didn't just sit around eating burnt sausages I got some butter melted in a medium-high pan and put my egg down for the fried egg I use the Dorito dust in place of salt because mac and cheese powder is just straight-up msg which if you're a fan of David Chang you saw on Netflix a few years back that that stuff's just pure flavor so bring it on I learned this neat little trick that's similar to how you melt cheese on a hamburger where you use a little bit of water to create steam and then pop a lid on top and the steam cooks the top of the egg which means less cooking time which means more runny yolk what's a YouTube video without an unboxing I ran out and grabbed this panini press and I'm definitely not gonna return it first thing tomorrow morning you never actually used a panini press so I hope I don't light my kitchen on fire or worse make a really dumb looking sandwich and then post a video of said sandwich to the Internet some nice crusty bread is there anything more satisfying oh yeah gotta turn the panini press on again never used one but I set it to panini so I think we were good I got some nice healthy sandwich sized slices buttered on both sides the panini press is more or less a two sided grill so it needs some fat to give the bread those nice grill marks which you'll see soon that I failed at the peanut butter goes on right before the kielbasa and then the egg and then the whole party gives into the pool could Anini press of the continuing first-time panini press crimes I committed I added opening the lid too soon to see if the grill marks were there I am NOT a patient man and then I broke my egg yolk so even better pulled the panini out got it on a plate and of course we have to check the cross-section a babish staple cross sections a little unimpressive because the egg yolk cooked a little bit too much but let's see what it tastes like the kielbasa is not really working for me on the sandwich but I had a Eureka moment right after I took my first bite there is another sandwich with peanut butter on it and meat and that's the Elvis sandwich so we're gonna make some bacon and replace the kielbasa with bacon I preheated my oven to 400 degrees and I'm gonna cook it on a baking rack in my oven if you aren't cooking your bacon this way you really should try it it turns out so good every time I can't eat the bacon with a little brown sugar and fresh cracked black pepper this is honestly the best way I've ever been able to make bacon at home how could I make a video about cooking without an homage to Alton Brown and an interior oven shot bacon turned out pretty well and I had to do some gratuitous b-roll so there you go started again with butter and then this time I added a little bit more peanut butter than we did the first time I couldn't really taste it on the first sandwich stacked some bacon look at the size of that bacon it's crazy I also added a little bit more Dorito dust to this version and this time I pressed my panini down and left it which you can see it presses it down over time and then we have grill marks I added The Hague after I did the panini press to keep the yolk runny without cooking it all the way through for this cross-section which I hope makes babish proud because I'm pretty proud it turned out pretty well moment of truth how's it taste I'm going to shamelessly hook up this egg yolk and actually want to listen to the sandwich that's how you know that's how you know it's a great sandwich this actually was pretty decent overall it was very rich because you've got the egg yolk the bacon and the peanut butter all combined together it was a very rich sandwich I don't think you would eat this all the time but it was palatable considering where we started was pretty good it had the eggs bacon and peanut butter which made it taste like a breakfast sandwich not a breakfast sandwich but a sandwich that reminded me of breakfast like all of breakfast I want to take a second to say thank you to Andrew to babish for doing this every week this show is a part of my weekly routine I'm a freelance director and filmmaker and I just wasn't booked today so I thought it'd be really fun to make a little response video I've been cooking and making films for about 10 years now but this was way more work than I've ever had to do on either separately it's doing both at the same time so thank you Andrew for doing this every week if you're still watching this and you're interested in anything that I do as a filmmaker you can check out my Instagram or you can hop over to my website if you'd like sorry for this shameless self-promotion but that's youtube so thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you actually try the sandwich let me know thanks
Channel: The Full Measure
Views: 123,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: binging with babish, babish, babishpanini, family guy, car panini, cooking show, kansas city missouri, kcmo, dorito dust, fried egg, peanut butter, chibatta, breakfast, kielbasa, bacon, andrew rea
Id: flCms6xVNGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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