B52 Bomber Boeing Plane | How it Works US Airforce Bomber

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this is the B-52 strata Fortress also called The Buff big fat ugly fella the wing structure interconnected by Wing ribs and spars is made of super strong steel mixed with alloy and magnesium allowing the plane to carry eight Pratt and Whitney low bypass engines paired in pods these engines are necessary to transport 70,000 lb of weapons both internally within the rotary weapon system and externally on these racks here is the cockpit inside you will find that it still looks like a plane from the 19 7s just behind is the weapon system officer and moving downstairs is the navigation section opening the nose you will find the active electronically scanned array radar this helps the crews see further and more accurately providing increased situational awareness the Fire Control Radars can detect and track targets at long ranges up to 50 nautical miles we will also look at the basic step-by-step process of starting all the eight engines and how to operate the targeting pod while opening the bomb b door all in the video ahead so don't miss a deep This Plane will be flying till the year 2050 let's take a look inside the frame structure and understand how it gained its rigidity and strength the wing structure is divided into several parts running along the entire length of the wing are the front and rear spars made from super strong steel combined with alloy and magnesium to reduce rust these spars are then interconnected by Wing rib constructions capable of withstanding substantial stress and providing flexibility during tight turns you can also find Hollow structures located all over the wings these are intentionally made to store around 7,000 gallons of fuel a quick note because his wings are so long and flexible the wings and tail would touch the ground if the nose were raised too much this is the reason they do not rotate like this regular aircraft while taking off but require a long Runway to create lift and flies almost horizontally moving back to the frame this Wing structure is directly connected to these bulkheads and horizontal formers all over the plane which are made of high-grade steel and magnesium Alloys this is the longer ronze that goes along the entire length of the aircraft here you can find hundreds of panels that are riveted to these frames to give it a lightweight versatile aerodynamic structure the B-52 has four bicycle landing gears located both at the front and rear of the aircraft you can also find two wing tip out Trigg Wheels to prevent the wings from crashing since they are among the largest landing gears the left side folds forward while the right side folds backward the reason they fold in opposite directions is to make room for both of them inside the plane interestingly the landing gear can crab walk meaning it moves sideways this feature proves beneficial due to the unusually large wing tips however its primary purpose of having the crab walk is to counter the crosswind effect during Landings in windy conditions [Music] as we are still near the landing gear let's open this ventral entry hatch as you can see there are small steps allowing the crew to enter the plane from here you'll find this small passage which is being sandwiched by these two huge engine control modules and communication compartments which are computerized systems that manage and control an engine's performance moving forward is the offence or navigation compartment on the left side we have the radar Navigator who also serves as the Bombardier utilizing the radar to Target and direct weapons and the guy on the right was also the Navigator although their role was on a larger scale guiding the aircraft for the entire Mission interestingly This Plane features an ejection seat unlike conventional upward ejection seats this one ejects downwards to a certain height until the Pilot is safe moving up to the second level towards the back of the aircraft we find two additional SE seats forming the defense station on the left is the electronic warfare officer responsible for controlling all defensive equipment including the previously mentioned ECM speaking of bomber aircraft here is the famous b29 bomber just for you available in War Thunder War Thunder has more than 2,500 tanks planes helicopters and ships from 10 major Nations join a worldwide community of over 70 million players in Epic Battles dive into the intense combat of War Thunder where Ultra precise Vehicles lifelike graphics and authentic sound effects come together to craft an immersive experience you can discover your style with an in-depth customization system that offers hundreds of camouflage and more we adore the impressive x-ray view of damage which precisely illustrates what occurs when a vehicle is destroyed join the battle now for free on PC PlayStation and Xbox by clicking the link in the description new players and those who haven't played in at least 6 months receive a substantial bonus pack on all platforms including multiple premium Vehicles a premium account and an exclusive 3D decorator for your vehicle play War Thunder today this role is pigal as the aircraft lacks substantial defensive equipment to evade enemy missiles or Fighters Additionally the aircraft is equipped with upward firing ejection seats as depicted in the animation finally let's explore the flight deck the co-pilot's seat is on the right while the captain's seat is on the left proceeding forward we encounter eight throttle levers notably engines four and five protrude slightly further as most Pilots prefer using these inboard engines for minor throtel adjustments alternatively the lever's positioned behind can also be utilized to turn all the eight engines in Full Throttle there is also a glass windows above these Aid pilots during air-to-air refueling like the defense compartment the pilot and co-pilot also have ejection seats these panels blow off allowing the ejection seats to safely jettison away from the aircraft before we delve into flying let's explore the engine the super Fortress boasts approximately eight engines this is how it is arranged from engine number one to engine number 8 in this order these engines are arranged in pairs within pods and are suspended by four pylons positioned beneath and forward of the Wings Leading Edge Let's delve in how a low bypass engine functions the fan rotor draws an amian air which undergoes powerful compression in both the low press and High Press compressors subsequently the air enters the combuster where fuel injection occurs this process generates a continuous combustion of fuel and air reaching temperatures of about 1,000° C the resultant heat causes the gas to expand leading it to escape from the combuster with high energy flowing through both the high and low pressure turbines as a consequence the turbine blades rotate the energy liberated by this process drives both the compressor and the fan thus producing thrust before we delve in how to start the plane let's familiarize ourselves with the basic controls this is the control wheel needed to steer the plane below are the rudder or brake pedals and these are the throttles this section comprises the dials for the eight engines above them is the engine fire shut off switch moving down you'll find the engine pressure ratio gauges just below is the tachometer and the exhaust gas temperature gauge finally this is the fuel flow meter now these two large TV screens are the EVS monitors that display footage if you look from outside the plane there are two bolds underneath the aircraft's nose import conditions the low light television scanners are used to steer the plane to its destination or Target let's do a simple start up of the engine step one switch to pneumatic start then turn on the starter for Engine Number Four located here step two once the RPM reaches 15% you can advance the throttle for engine number four step three following the same sequence you can start engine number five by waiting for a few minutes however starting all eight engines is a timec consuming process we can switch to step number four in case of an emergency you can initiate startup using shotgun shells which are placed here just below the engine hot gas is rapidly pumped through the starter which swiftly spins up all eight engines at once step number five once the engine are on you can push for Full Throttle and that's a simplified process on starting a B-52 plane this is the steering Yol for the co- pilot and has a few controls first you have the EVS electronic video system that controls these monitors located here the red button is an engine stall prevention system usually activated during takeoff at slow speed if you look closely at the back you have a communication switch pressing down for the ground control and Command Center to talk to the crew members you can press this button up finally we have this stab trim stabilizer or the lateral trim stabilizer probably for this tail elevators moving upward down we all know that almost all planes have aerons on their wings but the B-52 is one of the few planes that do not require aerons at least in the latest versions instead it uses spoilers and flaps to turn the plane these spoilers opens up at a desired angle and opposite each other as shown in the animation while the flaps extends outwards as shown here this action increases the surface area of the Wings on both sides of the plane during takeoff all flaps are extended to their maximum capacity creating extra lift to help the eight engines launch the aircraft off the ground when Landing the spoilers act as brakes helping the plane decrease speed while the flaps creates a cushion of air for a softer Landing but this giant Beast will not stop easily it requires a drag parachute to come to a halt this is how it works when a drag shoot is deployed upon Landing two parachutes are used a smaller p pilot chot is used to pull the bigger main Chute out of its container and this is quite big it's around 13.3 m in diameters and around 27 M long that weighs around 200 lb which translates to around 90 kg speaking of size the B52 Strat Fortress is 40t 8 in high it's also 159 ft 4 in long and has a wingspan of 185 ft let's make a general comparison to other aircraft here is the AC 130 gunship animated in our recent video as you can see it's much smaller moving forward we have the Galaxy cargo transport plane which stands tall in height and even has a wider body and finally a worthy comparison is the Soviet t95 bomber also animated in one of our videos this is also a strategic bomber aircraft built at a cost of around $26 million while the d52 costs around $94 million considering all the tech upgrades added to it as the name suggests this external rack can carry around nine Conventional Weapons while the upgraded rack can carry around six Paveway laser guided bombs on one side of the wing these guided bombs have a maximum range of over 30 km depending on their drop altitude this means the higher the altitude the larger the distance it will travel towards its intended target while the main purpose of this rack is to carry around 12 agm1 158 joint air to surface standoff missiles this low detection standoff air launch cruise missile has a range of around 370 km which translates to about 230 mil this capability means that for example a bomber equipped with this system can Target any Russian military installation near the border offering a lower cost alternative to other cruise missiles but that's not all it even has an internal bomb bay door when loading it can open all the way in this angle it is done to provide more room for loading or unloading the various weapon system however when dropping or operating the bombs it opens only halfway this is probably done to maintain the aerodynamics of the plane when flying at high altitude here you will find that the new rotary weapons Bay allows for a wider variety of Munitions to be carried it can be fitt in with eight nuclear capable air launch cruise missiles also known as alcm if you consider the external weapon Bay it can carry up to 20 alcms on both sides of the Wings this missile was specially developed to increase the effectiveness and survivability of the Boeing B52 strata Fortress strategic bomber here's how it works it usually drops the first missile and when it is safely away from the plane it can slowly open its wings in the tail sections to Glide to its Target with jet engine the new rotari weapon Bay can turn 360° and drop the second cruise missile then the third and fourth these clever tactics of rotary weapons system help in carrying more missiles than the older B52 planes not to forget it can also carry up to 27 conventional bombs in its internal weapons Bay these can be Mark 82 dumb weapon which can be dropped in succession on a large scale without any guidance system let's take a look at how the weapon system officer operates in a simple process remember the laser guided bombs we talked about earlier this is the targeting pod that helps aims moving targets inside the weapon system officer section he can laser designate the Target with this controller located here this joy stick helps turn the targeting pod and guide the laser equipped weapons when ready he can flip the switch on the button if the laser guided bomb is located internally this opens the bomb bay door once released the bomb can be guided to any mobile Target like this moving tank and aiming through this laser targeting pod located on the wings obliterating it completely from thousand of feet away thus turning the plane into a flying super Fortress but a question arises since these weapons are very heavy when you drop and one side of the wings weapon pylon is empty it can tilt the plane to this angle to fix this the pilot can take fuel in any configuration and move it throughout the jet so you can start pumping gas from any of the auxiliary tanks the main tanks or the outboard and external tanks to maintain the plane's center of gravity this is also helpful that the plane has taken battle damage or if an engine is lost join the battle now for free by clicking the link Link in the description gain access to a large Bonus Pack featuring multiple premium Vehicles a premium account and more support the channel and start playing War Thunder today
Channel: AiTelly
Views: 514,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How US Airforce Bomber Works, How B52 Works, Inside a B52 Plane, B52 Super Fortress, How a Bomber Works, B29 Bomber, Alcm Missile, Paveway Bomb, LItening Pod, Targeting POd, Cockpit, Captin Seat, Co-Pilot Seat, Bombay Door, Rotatry Bombay Door, Pratt and Withney Engines, LOw Bypass Engine, Aitelly
Id: OWYADawjp2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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