B2TTH PODCAST Episode 31

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hey what's going on e jones bottom to the top hoots you already know your boy black elvis we're in the building yeah we talking about hoop ology 101 for um the student athletes that are coming up specifically of a younger age yes we want to tackle this topic just specifically because it's almost as if there's some rules missing and we want to shed light on some of the things we think can can help some of the young people what's your thoughts on that love the topic e go right into it brother i'm with you well before we do that obviously shout out uh k1 dom uh steve make sure you check us out on youtube and damon shout out to my boy damon haywood who's been scoring all of our new series we've been doing man team is coming together man god is good super dope man definitely shout out all the cast and decisions jerry isd jones a bite also man um want to make sure you check out the podcast on youtube spotify apple tv subscribe to the channel now let's get back into them one more big big shout out to t-mobile man yes sir yes sir and with your peoples uh what is that kip's bay yes sir boys and girls club for sure so out i think there's uh you know right now people do a lot of focus on you know travel they do a lot of focus on on on tournaments they do a lot of focus on rankings uh camps um all those things which is important but if you are a parent please listen and listen carefully what you need for your child before anything i don't care if they're playing for sisters that are blind and they lose every game you need a coach who is going to develop your child young man young woman and i'm talking basketball emotional physical everything because the amount of time that these coaches are going to spend with your children is inherently going to have an effect on the impression they leave on your child so if you choose somebody just as a basketball coach or as a basketball program and you're not sure what the dna of that program is or the principals understand that you're leaving your child out there to be around somebody or some people that may not hold the same standard for academics or moral compass that you do so that's first and foremost that's just what i want to touch on first out definitely feel you on that um one thing i can say is that um the beautiful thing is we can always reference back to ourselves because we we played major ball we played with two of the top teams in new york city at that time which was riverside and gauchos and what i realized is coaches is too worried about playing they got away from training shout out to dermon from uh riverside um when he had young life when he was at riverside darren was able to develop kids like stefan marbury and old lee kojo lockhart carrie thompson he and karim reed he was able to develop those kids first so when they got on the circuit or they really played in tournaments they got it a lot of these coaches now they so caught up in being in all these is that they're just putting these kids in these tournaments and i'm gonna be totally honest with you what's really happening these kids are developing bad habits and that's what you see when you understand the game when you're watching developing bad habits i'm going to just pick up on and piggyback on that the first thing you want to do on the basketball court as a player is understand the game so when you teach the game if you can remember back to high school and college before you even touched the ball the coach went into conditioning right so maybe you'd spent a week two weeks into conditioning why is that because you can't really play up to your potential until you're in great shape so if you have a talented ball player and the coach is not consistently doing things in practice to work on your conditioning even if it's basketball drills strike number one secondly if there's not a clipboard or some teaching happening in practice where you're explaining floor spacing ball screens uh defensive rotations shell drills all of those things where you're explaining the game to put kids in scenarios if you're not doing situation drills in practice you're just letting the kids go out there and rely on their talent so there's a difference between being a trainer being a teacher and being a coach some people are blessed and fortunate enough to beat all three but not everyone is so what do you need most i would say teaching and training is more important at an early age than coaching that's my opinion because you can draw up a strategy for somebody but more than likely your child is going to be put in a position to help the team win which is good but if that does not help your child understand that you need to find someone else on top of the team to develop and teach that child because now that's when you have the kid like myself who's five nine who's constantly playing inside and then you go to high school and you're a four man and you're five foot nine point guard's body and eventually i became a point guard and i had to learn that as a freshman in college when somebody should have said you know what i mean i was a good ball handler and i had you know i could transition and i was i was a converted point guard but just to understand how to play it you know what the reads are all those things there was nobody teaching so you need we need basketball teaching so i could talk about that for days but i'd be interested to know from your experience of when you played and what you see now what do you think is missing training i see it you know you know the beautiful thing about it is people are really acknowledging that and then they're looking for something for their kids to do so you know people who are in demand like you and you know like real traders that understand the game it's not about just basketball and putting the ball in the hoop at a young age when you're 15 and i'll even say 14. by then you should have figured the game out by now you had the fundamentals you understand the game but i would have to say 13 and under it's really about training i'll give i'll give props to uh new bank um rose at one point had the hottest program in new york city because he was developing those kids and you've seen it with his fruit with sid and isaiah and and what's brother and paid the shooter um you've seen it you've seen the development and i think new york we really got away from that and i really honestly believe it's because all the other states caught up so we don't have the time now to develop we we feel we got to compete well i think what happens is there's so many people and kids changing programs coaches don't even have time to develop when you get older so if you're going to be a private dancer and jump from team to team and you're looking for the best deal god bless you and do that if you must but if you're going to start doing that dance at 15 make sure your kid has a solid foundation so wherever he goes you're not counting on that net new program to give your kids fundamentals or teach him how to play there's a difference between playing basketball and being a basketball player yeah so if you're counting on these programs to develop and you're playing on the eybl i think they want you to have it figure it out you gotta have that figured out by that or guess what you're gonna have to have a seat because at that point when you're playing on the adidas gauntlet or you're playing on the ua circuit trying to win games and keep their sponsorship let's just call a spade a spade absolutely and you know in practice i'm assuming there's some skill stuff happening but they don't have time to teach you how to read a screen and roll you've done it three times and you've turned the ball over next man up we don't have the time if if you're playing at a lower level school and you were able to get away with that and you were their best player and now you get to play against some you know some studs and and you don't have the same ability to to make those plays you're playing against the best of the best and i got no time yeah to teach you yeah and that's why i think this summer was a gift and a curse obviously no aau ball hurt everybody but all everybody could do was train and i saw a lot of programs in the gym in the lab working with their kids and they didn't have to because those kids who are moving on who are going to be class of uh 21 they they they can't use those kids they're going to play high school and move on but i did see people still training those kids and holding to their commitment and and preparing them so hopefully we have a high school season but i think we're gonna see some better high school basketball that's just my hunch because a lot of kids really spent time in a lab and wasn't just running around playing a million games or something shout out to the traders man shout out to you shout out to jerry powell shout out to jay cole shout out to your boy book yeah you know i know you got a couple of trainers but we gotta give the trainers they props because that's the missing boy why all the other regions have caught us yeah man and and and it's so spread out and and you know and shout out today on merit who does a good job over queen's training i i i think that you know there's a little boy from les when we did the uh oh yeah my man bg bg does a great job too um it's it's you know hoops in the sun has got this thing called the summit and they bring kids out for free basketball clinics on sunday mornings and the whiz kids are you know training their kids with strength and conditioning and the lightning have their kids in the gym and i'm watching j david and i'm watching the players over in jersey i see kids in the gym i see kids in the gym and i think ultimately what that's going to do we're going to see better basketball you know what i mean yeah and i would but they're forced to be in the gym right now eve because they can't really play on a major level as far as tournaments and travel maybe that maybe that catches us up by a half might help us it might help us cause your big shout out to our scooter yeah man he always training i see him on ig shout out to him mel mel um what's his and what's his other son named uh irene and rin shout out to them boys man you know what's what's interesting too is uh i see scooter training his son and you know school is always out there working and promoting but i also see him out there with a lot of other kids that he has in that fact so man i i come from having a community dad and and you know to be able to get those other kids out there you know that's a dope thing and uh i know reggie howard and pop is doing some training over in the bronx man just shout out to all the people doing the development and that that's a it's a big piece we need in new york city and i think that we definitely we it's so necessary and i'm i'm glad to see it unfortunate why i went this way but you know it's a good thing yeah yeah shout out to little zaza man he always watching the show yo lozad is next up man and there's some things happening some things going down but uh i'm gonna say this l if we could put the game first um sometime um talk to a couple of people about doing some interesting things of getting a couple of teams together right and allowing the kids to kind of co-mingle and and and you know bringing four teams together four really good teams and you know letting kids compete in shooting competition ball handling drills and and playing on games with different teams i think we need to build that camaraderie back because you know we're a city that you know you might see the same team in five different tournaments and literally begrudge somebody that might be a good person she just don't know that well yeah if more platforms are created for us to just you know kind of work together we could compete hard as hell man but at the end of the day we still new york and we got to get back to that you know what i'm saying absolutely so in your bottom line to this whole segment this whole episode man what do you feel that our youth the younger kids let's say 14 and under that's not you know 14 and under what do you feel that their parents and their coaches should truly be focused on to kind of help them get to the next level the first thing is understand who your kid is understand the difference between somebody who likes the game and who loves the game and somebody who likes the game is the one you wake up in the morning to take to the park or to training and you say i i bought a truck or and i bought a trainer but i paid a trainer and i want to take you over here and then so that's you starting the kid and that's okay in the beginning but if you notice that your kid is pulling away you got to follow that pattern right and figure out what your kid loves and if they do love it foster it and put them with some people and take a step back trust who you have with your child and let them do the work and if you feel like it's unsatisfactory find somebody else if you try and train your child i'm going to say 7 out of 10 times it's going to strain your relationship meaning the father and son mother and daughter i don't care who it is um just it just it just creates this you know it can bond you but but i feel like there should be somebody else working with the child outside of the panel in addition to this the next thing is i think that we really have to focus on getting the kids iq and understanding how to play developing their conditioning in their basketball tools ball handling shooting the ability to defend you you are who you can guard if you're a point you need to be able to guard a point if you say you're a wing you need to be able to guard a one two or a three or else you're not a wing and then the last thing i would say l is get kids to learn how to love to compete love going up and wanting to to give your best effort and be in the the midst of battle and competition go love that and the first person you should be competing against is yourself be better today than than you were yesterday and if you're not willing to do that then you don't love it and go find something you love because you're treating yourself and you're cheating the game and i'm okay with with with somebody who doesn't love it but i'm not okay with somebody who's there who's just you know an imposter i love the game and respect the game too much you know what i mean that's my god hey i don't need to follow up on that when you said a lot of stuff while you was talking i was like yeah i'm gonna say this up he covered that i'm gonna say this up he covered that so we straight hey everybody play that back man so you can hear it again and know what you need for your youth the little guys i'm talking about 13 and under once you 14 i mean come on we ball players you you should have figured it out by now you getting ready to travel but 13 and under it's it's about really the proper way of shooting like understanding dribbling with your head up never look at that but these are a lot of the little things that so many people bypass and then when they really get to that that that that that level of competition they wondering what happened well what happened was you didn't really get developed in the first place the game passed you by well l we gave him a mouthful i thank you always my brother uh i appreciate you i appreciate your time your effort your energy your enthusiasm and all of the the great insight that you bring to the table and making this platform possible i want to give you your flowers while you're here man salute to you my brother i appreciate you brother saying to you for producing this show as soon as the corona came man he said all right well we can't stop we gotta we love it because we love it because we love it right and i'm gonna start you when you love something that's right yo it's e jones it's your boy black elvis yo big shout out city legends bottom to the top hoops make sure you subscribe to the youtube channel check us out youtube spotify apple tv who you shout now the person who makes all of this possible man the man upstairs shout out to god yes
Channel: BcommTV Blount
Views: 5,959
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: A8ht_nVGGSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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