B-Real Details Ice Cube Beef Over Stealing Songs

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you know um we were um we were working on our third album which was temple boom and right at this time he was uh doing the friday the friday movie originally i was supposed to be in that movie but our manager [ __ ] around and booked um book dates for us you know in europe so i couldn't be in the movie so i was supposed to be the mexican homie that [ __ ] smoked uh chris tucker's character out with the [ __ ] sherm stick yeah i was supposed to be the angel dust guy so i wasn't able to play that so to make it up to cube because like you know i i looked at cube like one of my [ __ ] homies you know i i was at his wedding the whole [ __ ] i kicked it with him aside from any recording stuff aside from every any touring stuff this guy was my friend you know and uh you know i felt bad about it so i said hey you know i i can't be in the [ __ ] movie my manager [ __ ] up i you know i apologize but you know we'll give you we'll give you some music for the movie if you want and he's like oh hell yeah you know so we uh we we uh made this joint called uh roll them up light them up and uh when we had finished the song i mean we we squeezed it in in between working on on our album so we we kind of just took time to record that song when we were done with it we asked cube to come down and listen to it to make sure that he liked it before we submitted it because we didn't want to give him something that he didn't like you know it's ice cube for [ __ ] sake you know we wanted to give him something that he he felt strongly about because he was a fan of cyprus hill he was a big fan of cyprus hill and and you know he he ra he he pretty much upped our game in the sense that a lot of people knew about us because he would go telling people about us you know what i'm saying so we felt like obligated to give him a good song so we asked him to come down and check the song and he liked it and you know as a lot of artists do when you have a another artist in the studio who's a trusted friend you like hey bro you know we've been working on our [ __ ] album you want to hear a couple of songs you know and he was like oh hell yeah let's do it so we played him like three four songs the last song we played him was throw your set in the air which was set to be our single and he really liked that song and he was like hey man what are you guys going to do with that song let me have that song for the movie and if we had thought about it more clearly back then thinking back we should have gave him the song not give it to him to record but give it to give it to him like he asked because he liked the song so much he probably would have made that a single but we you know sony felt strongly about us putting that out as our single so you know we told the blah man you know we'd like to give it to you but [ __ ] this is this is going to be our lead single and uh he was like oh man yeah i understand can you play it one more time and we played it one more time and and um we we took off on tour a number of months later and our homies were calling us you know from you know from home letting us know that uh you know asking us actually if uh if we had given that throw your set song to ice cube we're like nah we didn't give him that song what are you talking about and they're like well we just heard it on the radio and we're like how could he how could you just hear it on the radio we haven't even turned this [ __ ] record you know it's not out yet for anybody to hear and he was like nah man he recorded the song and you know you know we were confused so when we got home i finally heard the song and it was not the same subject matter you know he didn't he didn't write about what we wrote about he wrote about something completely different but what the chorus was was a variation of what our chorus was our [ __ ] was throw your set in the air wave it around like you just don't care where his cor chorus was oh yeah throw your neighborhood in the air like you don't care and we already knew that was that was [ __ ] our chorus when we heard that [ __ ] so a little a couple things happened and then eventually you know it all just snowballed into the beef you know what i mean we felt like he wasn't being genuine with us when when when we talked about it and then there was a reaction well the reaction initially was you know send dog and mugs went on the radio and dissed the [ __ ] out of them you know they're like oh man he's a biter and blah blah blah and this and that and once again after that we went on tour we were [ __ ] where were we um actually no he was on tour this time we were recording an album but they had went in to talk to big boy or the baker boys or something on power 106 and mugs and send dog called him out on on the bike and you know i got a call at three in the morning from cube he was in south africa and he hit me up he goes hey man you know um uh you guys i heard you guys were popping [ __ ] i said well you know the guys feel like you stole our [ __ ] man you know and and this was the reaction he goes man you know i wouldn't steal from my friends man i i mean i love you guys man you know i'm a big fan of you guys i love you guys i wouldn't steal from my friends and i said you know i understand you know it's all good and he's like you know [ __ ] like this happens in hip-hop you know you know people come up with similar choruses and you know i i don't know what to say but i didn't steal it from y'all i'm like all right cool let me talk to the other homies and try to square this away because i wanted to believe him i mean this is one of my favorite rappers this is one of my [ __ ] homies this is somebody that you know i looked at as you know the guy to inspire me to make me a better rapper here on the west coast he was like the best out here you know what i'm saying so it was hard for me to like deal with that so you know there was a situation where he came down where he asked me to come down to his studio even after all this [ __ ] because mugs and son weren't really buying into it and me i i was like you know i got caught in in it because he was like i was closer to him than they were you know what i'm saying and uh so i went down and he was working on a project called caution and there was a couple lines in there that he wanted me to to come say he didn't want to sample them because you know sony was trying to charge too much for a cypress hill sample on that song so he asked me to come down to say a couple words so as i'm saying these words there's a part in in the caution verse where there was words from throw your scent in the air that we created nobody had used them yet on any records like los scandalis california and little terminology within that throw your set song that eventually got out there he took those words and put him in the caution song and after he had just said that he didn't bite our [ __ ] so when i heard those words i was like man he [ __ ] straight lied to my face you know i was like because if he hadn't bit us why are these words in there and i must have made some sort of expression or something and you know that and i had to go make a phone call to my manager after that they had called me while i was while i was doing [ __ ] so i walked out of the room and i came back to redo it i said hey let me get that back one time i could do it better as i'm listening down on the verse now those words are no longer in the [ __ ] song the the engineer had muted those [ __ ] phrases out of the song because because i think he figured that i recognized them so at that point i was like all right you know i i couldn't i couldn't believe that it was a coincidence at that point because here are our [ __ ] words that realistically and this is you know if you look at it caution and throw your set in the air those two records put out terminology that people started using eventually in in if you were from cali and it's something it's petty and [ __ ] like that but for us as an artist when you create something and somebody tells you that they didn't steal it you know and then you find out they do that's a [ __ ] big deal to you so we decided okay it's time for us to call him out and as much as it paid me to do it i had to because cyprus hill we were at a point where we were never ever gonna let ourselves look weak to no one not not you know not to anyone even if it was ice cube you know we knew that he had a history of bodying people on wax you know what i'm saying but we were [ __ ] that we knew that we could body people on wax too so we were like okay well we're gonna have to just take our chances and call him out because we can't be made to look like we bit him it did you know it that just ain't gonna sit well so we put out no rest for the wicked and immediately that got to him then he put out uh the west side connection they did two songs king of the hill and something else i can't remember the other [ __ ] but king of the hill was like the the bigger deal out of them and then we eventually put out ice cube killer which was we didn't put it out commercially we put it out underground because you know obviously we didn't want to you know we had already put out a record out there this wasn't on the album we didn't have another album coming out so we don't want to like put it out as a single and and we should have but we didn't so we we put that [ __ ] out underground and we made sure that he heard it and then just stuff started happening and uh you know depends on who you ask won that [ __ ] you know obviously we feel we came up on the the better end of that and i think a lot of people recognize that we did some people that love ice cube would say he [ __ ] on us you know so it's i guess it just it's a matter of opinion you know sam but in the end fortunately man we were able to you know years later like you know get down and resolve that [ __ ] beef and and squash it and become friends again and and we eventually worked on a record with shaq then eventually on a record with warren g we still haven't done nothing like together on our own yet but you know it felt good to let that beef go you know what i mean because it was somebody that i respected and somebody that that i admired and felt like was a good friend and [ __ ] but you know sometimes [ __ ] like that has to happen you know and unfortunately it had to happen between us too you know you know you make that fake ass movie and make a fake ass edit and lied about everything that took part you know what i mean but you did it to to assassinate me and believe me he been getting his worth out of that female and i heard something about it that in the pre agreement or nothing that he said he wanted his titties and that booty back if they go down he owned that
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,791,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B-Real, Ice Cube, Beef, Hip-Hop, DJ Vlad, VladTV, Cypress Hill
Id: LTgBBf1C_tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2013
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