Azure Training from Basic to Advanced Step by Step

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floated right now please note that this is a 7 months of you know extensive training and um it's every Saturday and Sunday so it is an excellent chance you know for you guys to get into azard you know slowly slowly and get to an advanced level right so every week 1 hour Saturday 1 hour Sunday 1 hour we'll do this training the complete from Monday to Friday you have ample time to practice and so on right so guys let us start so today uh not today but like today tomorrow and as well as must be the next Saturday right my goal is to try to complete the basic as your Concepts right okay and also please note you know with the feedback you know from the community what I've done is that I've also added you know uh some U what do you call Azure exam questions as well like a 900 and developer questions but please note that you know this is not an Azure certification course that is important to understand I will do give you a taste of these questions right but at the end of the day it is very important for me to see that you know as a teacher that you understand aure you can work on aure U you can give Solutions on a right so that's what the goal of this training is but definitely I I will make you understand what you know how the questions of each exams are we'll see that right so guys let us start with the basic concept and remember please this is starting from Basics and going till the Advan so sometimes what will happen is that many many people will think oh like I have done already this right fine you have done it you know just wait for the time you know when we go to develop a track or when we start moving to the higher end apim or when we go to Azure infrastructure right or when we go to devops when we go to machine learning so uh just be a little bit P have a little bit patience out there right so let us start with basic Azure concept first thing why do we need aor for example means first thing you know which comes to my mind is that uh we have goad and we have for example if I want to host my website I have good ID isn't it or I have some other many websites out there or I can call up a provider right I just want to make sure that I'm audible let me know here you know just to because all good with audio and screen share very good thank you and what about here remember this you know today's first session is streamed in many places so I want to just make sure that there also things are okay uh right let me see here yes queston support yeah everything is okay here queston support let me know before I move ahead yes any question questions right guys U you know I'll take it at the last uh this session what I doing is that I will do it for 1 hour and 15 minutes so 15 minutes we have ample time to answer the questions right so very quickly starting here so we have uh many hosting providers you know out there uh so we can call them up we can get a virtual machine isn't it what is so great about a your right that is the first thing which comes to my comes to our mind right see the the whole point of this cloud is you know pay as you go model right pay as you go and and first thing you know when you actually go to GoDaddy right you you know you have to go and you have to buy that for the whole month a whole year I'm sorry so for example if you say I want to go and buy some hosting out there you'll always they will not say that okay for one day or one hour that is not there in other words there is no pay as you go uh there is no um consumption based model right the first thing second thing if you look at the services in godid I don't think it is extensive like Amazon or Azure for example if you look at Azure right out here this is my a your login out here I mean like I can go here and say what do I want to do I want to go and create a virtual machine fine it's like a shopping basket I can go here and say virtual machine create it use it delete it okay or if you say no like I want to go and now create or must be I want to do Docker fine so Docker okay so there it is you know you can do Docker you can do app Services uh you say you want to use SQL Server you want to use Oracle so it's like you just go out there click on it use it test it right and remember the scaling ility the other thing is scalability for example if let us say you go and you buy on GoDaddy saying that this is a small size virtual machine and if you want to upgrade it I don't think there is an automatic way of doing it you have to then go and send a mail at least I'm not sure if there is a way to do it automatically go and upgrade it right and and we cannot restrict you know um you know just just website hosting I mean like if you think that you want to only go and do website hosting like you want to only host an MVC application with SQL Server right it would be very unfair to compare website hosting or application hosting with hosting on Azor definitely if you're just doing website hosting right there must be GoDaddy will be very cheaper but if you say no no I want to use um pay as youo model not possible with GoDaddy or other websites out there if you say I want to use cues I want to use different storage models not possible if you say you want to use Docker again you have to buy a new service right so in case of azure what happens is two three things are there or in case of any Cloud not only azure right in case of Amazon also it is a pay as youo model I will use it for a hour I will use it for a year I will pay it and that's how it is right the second important uh thing also here is that which I'm not sure if in goad it is possible or other places I'm using the word GoDaddy just as example huh so here you know other thing in Azure is that whenever you say Okay I want to go and use pay as you go right the question comes is at what level you know means what for example uh someone will say I just want the infrastructure infrastructure means I want a virtual machine I want the metal I want the hard disk I want the ram give me a machine with an operating system right so you can say at the lower level you will say Okay infrastructure as a service you just want an operating system with a a good machine with whatever GB Ram whatever GB hard disk right this is one level where you can go and just buy the infrastructure right the second thing you will say no like uh you know in when you actually buy an infrastructure right for example you say you want to do MVC hosting so what happens is you have to go there you have to configure the is pool you have to install SQL Server you have to buy license for SQL Server right again everything is like you know as you are doing offline you are doing it online right so on the top of it you know aure has created a lot of services you know so which which we call as software ass a service okay uh sorry platform assess service I'm sorry platform as a service in other words they will say okay do you want to do web hosting if you want to do web hosting right you don't have to think about the virtual machine you don't have to think about I and everything right I will give you something called as app service use this app service and host your application then you will say no no no like I you know my I don't have a website I just have a single s single function I want to run so let us say you want to just run one backup function right so okay like we have a function app so use this service or must you'll say no like I'm not interested in SQL as your I'm interested in cues I'm interested in is in tables right no SQL fine then they have a your storage so on the top of it for developers you know they have built platform as a service so when you actually go and buy at this level right what will happen is you don't have to deal with virtual machines and Etc and operating system and Etc so this is one more level right so this is one level where you say I want to take full control of it right and I want to take the metal part install I will do all these things right then you have the platform where you say Okay Azure has certain platform Services they have provided and as a developer you want to ease that process out right you can use them and the top this is specifically for end users software as a service where you say Okay I want an accounting software I don't want to even get into that platform and all I an end user or I want to use Office 365 Excel word PowerPoint and all right so or I want to use CRM dynamic I want to use SharePoint right so these are things you know which are software as a service which is for end users right so you can see when you say pay as you go model also right you can see like you know over here the name itself says pay as youo is my account so when you say pay as you go model and consumption model right you can buy at different levels of services you know so when you say uh for example if you're using SQL database you can see out here that means you are at this level platform as a service right if you're going and saying no like I want to go and uh create a virtual machine out there then you are at this level right so when you're taking any service out there um you are buying at one of these levels right guys if you have any questions you can put down after one hour I will make sure that I will answer the questions right so software as a service platform as a service and infrastructure as a service everything is as a service right it is like how how we hire Ola and U right we don't actually own that right so it is more I will say like if you you know this this two words I want to introduce out here it is more uh Opex right means more you are only paying for the operating uh operation cost for example if you say you want to own a machine you want to own the hardware right then you're doing a lot of capex isn't it you are actually buying that Hardware you're going to the market let us say you doing things offline so what you will do you will say okay let me go and buy an Hardware let me do this let me take that right so that is more capex oriented here it is just more Opex oriented where you say that okay I will just take that service use it and throw it right so these two words are used a lot here capex and Opex and specifically management you know loves to hear these words right okay now so why Cloud infrastructure e p and CS this is one and also I just discussed there some keywords out here that what do you mean by capex uh what do you mean by Opex and what do you mean by consumption based model right okay the consumption based model uh PS you go these are all synonyms you can think about right now the important thing comes is that okay so sh very nice how about going and opening up an Azor account so very quickly if you want to open up an Azor account just Google out there as your portal free account right and if you go out there uh you will get this first screen out here you can start for free start for free means what see first thing guys you know very important it is right we spend thousands of rupees you know eating money uh sorry eating food in hotels and Etc right or going out somewhere right so I would suggest you know for your knowledge you know don't hesitate to spend some money out here uh in other words a lot of people call us and say that okay like can you give us Azure free account come on like because if you look at Azure free right what do you mean by Azure free let me explain you first thing they will give you a $200 credit out here right means what uh for 12 months for 12 months you know some of these Services until your $200 does not finish until your $200 does not finish you can use it please note uh you know that that $200 if you use it properly you can use it very nicely for coming five six months if you if you go ahead and if you on a service if you don't stop it right definitely the $200 will exhaust right but if you go and say okay let me open up a virtual machine let me learn it once I do it I delete it you won't get a bill of more than 700 to 800 rupees if you're learning as your right even if you use the biggest virtual Network and even if you use apim right seven a maximum ,000 rupees right so you use it understand it but remember to delete it right if you do that first thing you have to exhaust the $200 right credit isn't it second one is that once that is exhausted let's say because our course is for seven months right after that I don't think that if you do this demos also it w cost more than that amount right at least my bills are like that okay so now very quickly here understand it first thing this $1,200 uh whatever you are having out here it you can see there is a word written here you will have it for 30 days to use it 30 days uh is there but for free services huh free services there is no 30 days what do you mean by free services uh uh free services means uh services like you know virtual machine SQL aure blob Cosmos DB app you know so some of these have the free services which we can use it at least for 12 months so I can go to Azure and uh buy the virtual machine which is free out there learn it right SQ the same way for some amount of core I can use it and do it right so again like when you say uh 30 days means for some Services it 30 days for many of the services when I say many of the services means uh until this developer track finishes I think uh this all would be on the free account right okay so go ahead uh register out here you have to put your credit card don't be afraid about it it is Microsoft just make sure that you delete once you use it I will show you how to delete that right great so go ahead register out here it's just you have to fill your name you have to fill your credit card information and you'll get the login right and once you get the login you are out here and ready to use right okay you would get a more clear clean screen out here you can see I'm using my aure account so you can see many of the Azure Services which have popped up out here but in your case you would probably get a very clean white area out here right okay so that is about the opening up an Azure account right so what I will do is now let me go ahead and create Azure virtual machine let me do some practicals out here I wanted to start in 15 minutes of practical so this first 15 minutes went into the theory right so let me go ahead and do a infrastructure as a service let me go and create an infrastructure as a service right um and yes you know please if you want you can put down the questions out here okay let let me take this question can you explain capex and Opex okay let me explain that must be I went too fast out there see uh capex and Opex you know uh remember some of these are very marketing things out here when AZ started these words were used a lot or when Cloud started see capex means what when you say uh you want to go ahead and poost an application right so let us go the traditional way in the traditional way what happens you will buy a server you will buy the operating system license you will buy the SQL license this cost is one time you have to invest this one time one time for these Hardwares you have to invest it and after that you know if these Hardwares uh once let us say one year is gone right then you you apply for depreciation and all that and slowly you know this machine after five six years you don't know what to do about it right you have to again dispose it or sell it at the secondhand cost again so here we have a onetime investment which you have to do plus you have to also pay the salaries of the employees you have to also maintain that so that is a capex a capital expenditure and there is an operating operation expenditure as well right so in case of without cloud or in case of offline right you have to do all this but in case of azure you don't have to you go out there you use infrastructure as a service you create the machine use it and then throw it away that's it now this machine you don't have to apply for depreciation all that right so here you know you just have Opex you don't have capex as such that already azer has taken care of it right so that is the difference here you have a capital expenditure please note and this expenditure uh because this is a hardware right because uh and and remember if you buy a software license also when you say you want to upgrade from let us say 2019 to SQL Server to 2022 again you have to pay money but in case here if you're using SQL as your it is it it is out there kind of automatic you can think about right okay so okay I I'll come to questions I'll come to questions and I'll come to questions okay let me go ahead and create a I hope that that answered the question right out there let me go and check if there any other question uh there is no free services like ec2 and okay I'll come to all the questions let me do some demos out here or else the class will not look practical right so infrastructure as a service I'm starting so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go here you can see at the left hand side there is a menu out here I never bothered to look at this menu right I just go out here and search right so and most of the time I know what service to use right if I want to use SQL as your I use SQL as your if I want to create a vnet or virtual Network I just go and create a virtual Network right uh so most of the time I know my service but for now I want to create a virtual machine so there is a virtual machine out here right I'm going to go and create a virtual machine right so create a virtual machine right you can see there are some other options like with preset configurations preset configurations means it will say is is enabled something is there some service packs are installed I'll say no like I want to do it all by myself remember this is infr structure as a service right uh now you can see when you buy a subscription right you get an account like this you can see I have this uh account out here at the right hand side it is flashed right this is the account which I have okay so whenever you create any service that you belong to that account okay it will go and belong to that as your account so your company will have an account right and in that account you will go and create the service right but then you will say that that is great you know that my company has an account but in that we can have various projects right you will say there is an UK project you know there is a US project and let us say that us project in which is running is is using a virtual machine it is using a SQL aure it is using some cues it is using something some caching uh apim and so on so you would like to build those projects separately you would like to maintain them separately you would like to apply some security at a common level right so in other words words you would like to in your in your mind you know you would like to think about you know something like this you would say okay we have an organization account which we have right inside this can I go and create a group you know called as uh you know the US group as us or let's say project one okay and then this project one what does it use it uses virtual machine it uses some SQL licenses it uses this and this so that you know I can manage them separately I can especially you know billing becomes very easy to understand out here saying that this project consume what you know you can you can go and build them separately then you have project two and you'll say project two is doing some machine learning something something right so for that we go ahead and we create a resource Group a resource Group is nothing but you can think about it is like a logical thing you know wherein you can go and you can add uh uh add your uh resources and you can build them you can apply security you can do a lot of things separately right so I'll go and create a resource Group here I will name this as resource delete so I'm showing you now how to go ahead and save your money right when you're using Azure please note guys if you keep an Azure service on your credit card will get build you'll feel very sad about it right so I've given a name as resource delete normally the resource would be UK project or something right or some division or some section so why I'm giv a resource delete because it becomes very easy to delete a resource so you create a resource you learn from it and once you do the Practical just delete it right I'll give a virtual machine name right so I'll say uh see again like I have got a question out here what do you mean by virtual machine a virtual machine is nothing but a machine right which is there on cloud out there which you want to use you want to create your folders out there you want to install some software it is like a machine which is given exclusive to you so that's what a virtual machine is so I'll give a name here vm1 123 something now one of the features you know which is available on cloud and which is again not available in websites like GoDaddy Etc is that you can go and you can create your resources in any region for example let us say that you say no like I'm going and creating something for the Indian government and I don't want you to create this virtual machine in the outside country then yes you can go and you can look at India out here and select something for example somebody who wants to follow the gdpr rules let's say if he's from Europe and he says no no no we want that this server has to be hosted in these regions you know so when you have some policies you know which needs to be followed as per the uh what do you call you know as per the regions right you can go and you can select out here uh I will not be selecting India because it's a little bit costly right so let me select the basic one Us East us I'm selecting so my virtual machine will be created in East us right now uh I I'll come to questions I can see some people pinging me don't worry I'll come to questions right now little bit this is uh so at the top you have a geography let us talk about it a geography uh a geography is nothing but the Sovereign of an country there is a physical boundary of an country which is the Sovereign of that country right so you must be having us right you must be having India or you must be having Nepal you so these are like countries you know which are known in the geography map right then you will say okay inside India right what they have done is they have created regions they will say Okay South India right or they will say North India right and they will say something right so these are termed as regions this word region which you see out here it it does not signify a sovereign of a country it defines a region inside that country right so let's say you have let's say you have South India out here right so that is a region out here okay now inside the region right uh so you so so this is the region out here right and then inside the you know what now what happens is let's say it's South India right so say South India in South India is let us say your Azure uh AO data centers are in let's say in Hyderabad AUM I'm just giving example out here right so you'll say okay let's say in Chennai so they have one building out here in chenai and somewhere inside Chennai again must be 50 kilometers away there can be another building as well think about that this is very bad diagram out there but this think about this is this is actual data center it it must be having different floors so you can think about this floor one and inside let's say let's say this is floor top floor out here on the top floor you have racks and somewhere that machine is out here on the racks this is a rack right and let's say 100 kmet away away 50 km away or must be much more than that there can be another building right see again these data centers are opened depending on how much is the availability in the region you know so the data centers are well planned by Microsoft by looking at the cost and Etc right so let's say now this is somewhere in Chennai right now let us say you know somewhere again in other South part of India you know there is another data center out here like this again inside that relat say Bangalore you know inside Bangalore again you can have another two buildings out here separated 50 kilm again racks and all that right okay so this I'll just zoom it out here so you have rack think about this a rack out here remember whatever I'm seeing out here you have to visualize it a little bit so let us say in the first rack you have machine one you have second rack you have Machine 2 So when you say you are going to go and create the virtual machine it will get created into one of these machines out here okay right now the this so over here now in this this is termed as a Zone this one is termed as a zone right a zone is nothing but you know where you have data centers right and you can have two or three data centers away like 50 km or 100 kilm please note you know there are some uh uh there are some norms out here that how much far away they should be there means it should not happen that if there is a earthquake at one place and you are just 20 kilomet away right then that building will also crash right so when you say that it is some kilometers away then it's a it must be it is 200 or 100 I don't remember the uh the Azure Norms out there right but it is quite a away right so this is so think about it you have a geography geography has a region right South India North India and then again inside the region you have zones right you have zones out here and then inside the zones you know somewhere your machines are created right okay so remember I'm just again trying to summarize here you have region right you have regions have zones right and zones have those buildings out here and inside that you go and create it right okay so I'm going to go here and I'm going to go and say uh okay so let's say now you can see you you can see out here this is a Us East one in that there are three zones he's saying so which one you want to select okay so in case if you want to know more about the zones you can go and click out here must be they must be having some table out here uh table out here saying that which country has what right you can have a look at that right so that zone one must be one of them okay now you can see there's a very nice thing here called as availability Zone okay uh so availability zone or I will say availability set also is there you can see that there is something called as availability set also when I go and click on availability set it gives me something out here okay let me explain these two concepts what do you mean by availability zones and availability set okay let's talk about it guys give me some five 10 minutes I know many questions are coming up I'll take all the questions okay so um right so you have Sovereign of a country you have regions right and inside regions you have zone right uh so just say Zone one and the Zone one is having buildings which are separate right you can have multiple zones also right like this okay now what happens is it's very important that if let us say the virtual machine goes down you want to go and have a backup or you want to go and have those things you know like 24 by7 live and so 24 by7 availability right so you would like to say that okay if something happens bad in this building right is it possible to go and go into this building and do things can I replicate my virtual machine out there so if you are looking for that right then you are talking about Zone availability right you're saying that inside the Zone inside this Zone if one if something happens bad in one building is it possible to go to another building right another one which you would like to also have is that you'll say okay like let us say I'm in the same building I'm in the same building right assume and let us say let us say my server is on rack let us say this is the same building top floor one right your top floor is is there and then you're saying okay this is my virtual my machine is out here and there is another machine down below I'll say see I don't I don't want to go and start doing a backup in some other geography or other region is it possible to just do a backup out here so if something goes wrong here I just want to get started here now that is termed as an availability set please understand the words availability Zone means that means that in one zone there is a problem and you want to go and put it into another zone right which is another geographical Zone zone or it's another physical building right an availability set means inside the same building or inside the same rack you want to have your plan and the the cost of this redundancy or the cost of this availabilities right they change you know if you say that no I want to have a backup in India and then back up in us and then back up here that means you are you increasing the cost right so remember the cost Rises you know as you go across areas and across zones and across regions right so availability set means it's in the same building in the same rack must be right so you can see when I selected availability set you can see here when I selected availability set he says we don't have anything as such you can see that you know you can go and you can create new one out here but the point is that uh at this moment you know uh so you have to go and create a new availability set inside that and then he you can apply it right but when you look at availability Zone as soon as it's availability zone out here he gives you the rade zones what are what are out here right so remember what you want to choose depends on on you are you seeing availability zone or are you seeing availability set right is important okay so I'm going to go and choose availability Zone I will just take the default Zone Zone one right uh I want to go and create a Windows Server so let me take a Windows Server 2002 x64 data machine out here you can see you can use uban 2 you can use Linux Debian Red Hat depends you know what you want right and uh so region is Us East I'm using an availability Zone you can see here if I click here multiple zones if I click here multiple zones what will happen is my two virtual machines will be created one for backup another one which I will use it if something goes wrong it will automatically go and select the other Zone please note it huh so for now I'll just keep it as it is right x64 uh so what kind of memory you want now you can see here uh uh if you see uh let's let's look at all the sizes you can see the virtual machines are available in different different sizes out here right for example the sizes are D series B series and so on right so we'll go into this series later on right on what these different series are but if I'm not wrong you know there is a free series out here I don't remember uh there is one series you know which is a free one uh somewhere it is H guys I I stopped using free things but somewhere there is you know uh there is a free virtual machine with uh some fire 2 GB RAM and uh one core and so on right so which you can go and Hunt around it right I don't know if I is it free does it show free it does not something something is there out there but fine so but for now you know what I will do is I will I will just close this what I've done is I selecting at this moment a 8 CPU 32 GB Ram now you can see here the cost please note you can see the cost out here right it is showing me uh 49,000 per month now definitely I'm not going to pay 49,000 for this what I'll be doing is I'll be using this virtual machine so I'll be paying 20 rupees for this one hour or 30 rupees for this one hour right but this is the per month cost is showing right uh don't go on this cost I've just select I normally select virtual machine which are higher because you know in in the class what happens is if it takes time to log into the virtual machine it becomes quite sick right so that's why I take up a virtual machine which is bit higher out there right okay fine so I'll just select this one and administrator account for use for uh Windows you know what kind of account you want so I'll just give a a login name and a password right and yes uh you should allow me to connect through RDP right through the remote desktop so that I can log into to my desktop and so on right so that's it what I filled we'll talk about the networking and disk and all later on you can see when you go to disc out here you can configure here saying that do you want a SSD or no you don't want an SSD you want an HDD and so on you can go and you can configure the cost I will keep it as it is we will see this more detailed configuration later on you can see by default a network is also created for you inside this network your virtual uh your virtual machine v r right so when you actually go and create a virtual machine it it is not just the virtual machine right it is also the cost of the operating system license it is a cost of the virtual Network there is also an IP address which is assigned what happened to the disk uh uh isn't it what is it basic hang on okay the passwords okay right so you can see now he's telling me that it will cost you 68 rupees per hour that is okay for me right so always try to look at this cost out here before you create now remember that this is an estimated cost uh because the cost is not only evaluated only it is not a flat cost it is not there is no guarantee that this is going to be 68 rupees it can be 100 also it can be 20 rupees also it depends on that how much you are using your CPU it depends on how much your CPU is running right that CPU running cost cannot be predicted at the first right so it's just a guesstimate I will say not even an estimate okay one of the things you know which we learn in this class is that how do you go and optimize Azure cost you know which there's a special lecture which I've kept on it so when you say you want to go and install a is and use SQL aor the cost what you get how do you optimize it right how do you go and say that okay locally my cost is this much if I go online then how much it is right so you can see there it is the deployment is in progress right and uh uh so at the right hand side first thing you will see that this deployment is progress out here so in case if you if you leave from the screen out here you can still see the notifications at the right hand side okay great so that was a let that this uh virtual machine get created right I can go to some questions now until the virtual machine is showing deployment in progress right so very quickly uh what we have done is uh we have looked into very quickly what we have done we are creating this right uh arm we'll talk about so we have talked about EAS pcas we have talked about PSU go model we have talked about capex Opex consumption based model I talked about how to open the aor account and then I went ahead to create a virtual machine and I explained like geography regions zones and availability zones and availability set right also we talked about resource groups right and we filled the Z machine virtual machine we are waiting for it right so let me go to the questions out here I'll start from here okay is it necessary to keep it so let me copy you know what is happening is I am on multiple platforms today streamed the first one hour is free it's on Facebook also it's on YouTube also internally also right so let me take up some questions out here uh let me take up something from from the from YouTube and from Facebook and then also internal right is it necessary to keep or we can keep it switch off see even if you keep it switch off this is one of the AZ 900 questions even if you keep it switch off he will be at least for the hard disk space see if you even if you keep it switch off right uh the Azure virtual machine has the it's still consuming some hard dis space right on a your you will be charged for it for some of the service you know which are uh serverless for that you don't get charged serverless means what for example function app function app is one of the service where you have a piece of code and you want to run it now when you run it you will get the cost for storing the code there is no cost right for serverless yes if you create that service if you keep it you run it and you pay for that right but over here what happens is in case of a virtual machine even if if you keep it switch on that HDD and sdd whatever is there right it has to be stored somewhere right so for the storage cost it will be there and when you're running it definitely the storage Cost Plus the CPU cost remember nothing is free in AZ in AZ Amazon free small things are free to learn and Etc but then rest you have to pay it from your pockets okay so okay so let us let me go back here also uh okay let me take some questions from here I'm sorry I'm multiple uh okay I can see some people answering it I'm so I'm so thankful that you are answering some questions as well uh do costing differ so okay let me start from Top oh my God it's SC down there is no free service like ec2 and micro in AWS uh no free service is that as I've said you know for example you can go to the virtual machine and you can say it is free but free means what free means until your credit is $200 is expired in Azure it is not like ec2 which you can run free and do something so there is no free free out here huh uh so you have to pay money but yeah but you know I did not go too much into free but you know what I what I think is uh for ec2 comparison yes you know there are some a virtual machines which you can use for free till 12 months I think so uh but it is more stricter than stricter than Amazon in case of Amazon you do get a lot of free services here you don't right and free means what you know only for one user and all that you cannot use that in production please note it so yes so there is no direct comparison sir can I create it with the debit card I think you can create Amit go and try it out I think you should be right uh but I would suggest to use an credit card uh and I'll tell you must be in private I will tell you why credit card is good not now okay hi sir deploying WCF service angular in aure is called a platform as a service yes so if you want to go and deploy a net API with angular and Etc right there is a service called as an app service so what you do is that you create something called as an app service out here so this is a platform as a service for example now when you go and when you click on this service out here right and you say it's a web app you can go and say I want to go and host a web app we'll see this later on but the let me show you so I can go and say okay what is my application net Django or python or whatever right I select it and I host it right so to answer your question yes if you're selecting WCF and Etc you can go and use an app is WCF I'm not sure old Technologies like uh something very oldet 2.0 I'm not sure huh uh WCF I need to look into it but web applications you can right web how I don't know in terms of okay so in terms of career path see yeah it will help you in career path see this is uh is it good for developer this track yes you can see there's a separate topic of Azo developer track yes it is very useful uh okay let me go uh let me see see if I'm if I'm in India and if I select us Zone there will be latency yes there will be latency why not right okay what are the factors to choose from the best reasons for a project so let me answer this question in detail see what happens is uh choosing uh choosing of a choosing of a region Etc right one can be the cost Factor but I think I think the most important factor is security for example if you're doing a project for a government right they won't want that dat Center to be hosted in other countries so over there you don't have a choice at all like gdpr rules I've said you know or let's say that day was doing some project for a Chinese government they won't allow you to create something outside there even Indian governments won't allow you to create something outs so there you don't have a choice so I think the biggest choice is that do you have some compliance if you have a compliance then as for that you have to select it if the cost comes in right um I think uh you know what I understand is definitely the wherever the data Center runs for example if you're running the data center in India I feel that nowadays I feel the data center of India less uh costly than us definitely know because there is this dollar factor and all that right and all that so definitely that in that if you're looking at the cost Factor right cost Factor only then I think going to Regions you know which are uh going to countries you know where uh where you have like little bit discounted cost you can do it it yes that is possible but don't don't run after discounts huh okay uh okay let me also take up some questions from here also let us see uh okay I don't know I okay I have a lot of questions out here okay what are the Serv Pro which are provider okay let me take a okay guys let us I'll take up these questions let us go to Azor virtual machine out here remember I also want to do the demo so the virtual machine has been created right uh let me go out here so go to the this one I'll take up questions I can see one person saying I am from YouTube you're not taking the question I will take the question don't worry uh connect so you can see this is my virtual machine I'll just go and connect out here and I'll say now you can see either I can download the RDP file uh from Windows if you want to go and do RDP you use the Microsoft terminal services so either you can do an mstsc from here so if you look at this is the virtual machine out here and and uh this is the public IP address right so this is the public IP address now please note huh when this virtual machine when this virtual machine is created if you look at the resource Group you can see a resource delete was the name if you go to that Resource Group right you will find it has lot of things inside it right you will find there a lot of things inside it he has means you are not charged you are charged for everything on cloud okay so you can see that he says okay you are charged for the public IP address you are charged for the network you are charged for the NIC card network interface you are charged for the hard disk and then you are also charged for the processor as well so everything what you do on aor they will bill you you have to be very careful about it right okay so um uh you know so that you can see that is the resource Group and so many things have been created inside it right so I'll go now but I'll go to the virtual machine and this is my public IP address so what I can do one thing is that I can just go and copy this public IP address and I can go to my Microsoft Remote Desktop connection and I can put it out here like this and say connect right another one in know what now you can go and you can download that RDP file also so you can just say connect out here and you can download the RDP file and it's the same thing and you can just run the RDP file as well whatever you wish right so yeah and so that it is now remember that one of the things in Azure they have taken utmost care is security you know like for example uh you saw the password you know uh for example you know when I login out here you will see that he will enable the local firewall you will see that there's a network security group already been enabled you will see that there's a basic antivirus also been installed right uh you will see that by default many inbounds and outbound ports are disabled so somebody tries to Ping this right the icmp packets are not enabled so by default you know they make sure that anything which is there on as your or even in Amazon the same thing the first thing you know they will make sure is that the uh you know your security is of prime right so that you can see that's a virual virtual machine which I'm browsing out here right and uh I can use it this is this is infrastructure as a service I have to install everything I can I you also get an internet connection and you definitely you need a internet connection right but you can go and you can install things and can start using it right so that's uh that's my virtual machine which is running out here okay right so I'll just close this right and let us go back to questions okay don't worry H there are some topics which are pending here public and private and hybrid I want to take that in the next class tomorrow also we have a session right so I don't want to for this topic for this topic I want to give some time out there okay let me let me go back to some questions you know from from online can I attempt a your developer certification after this course yes you can see remember as I've already already said that this course is not this course is not meant to make you certified right see guys you know I'll tell you something about certification I I have been in this industry for a lot of years I remember when I was doing Java Java certification was very hot Oracle certification was very hot after some time and then I saw Microsoft certification this AZ certification I know it is very hot today right but believe me that when you go for a job profile they will ask you questions you know which are which have nothing to do with certification practical questions like somebody asked me right which region you will select now in Azo certification at least to my best knowledge I don't know if there is a question asking all this right so the point is that aure certification is good to show a certificate but at the end of the day until you don't create a virtual machine until you go and don't deploy an app service until you don't go and spend some money from your credit card and do that as your s server or virtual Network it is very difficult to crack an interview or get a job right so I would say that don't run after certification run after knowledge but definitely if I'm teaching you zones areas and I'll be showing that when you go to AZ 900 you will understand all the questions what to answer so it will help you but my goal is not to make you certified H at least this course is not there we have a separate course for that is it useful for DBA well for DBA um see now for DBA like from databas perspective uh yes we have azer SQL out here but there is no DBA DBA in that right but as a DBA what I feel now like you will get acquainted with lot of other Azure storages like files and cues uh Cosmos DB and no SQL and all that but remember that this is a complete course out here which has also infrastructure which has also machine learning so have a look at that if it fits your uh requirement is it I apologize will replace software development fires I'm starting with net uh okay we'll take this question later on will AI replace software development so no questions out here I think right let me go back to some questions here right okay yeah and so that's a good answer from ashis yes if it is a production try to choose it near your zone right that is definitely there but remember as I've said the Zone selection first look at the compliance you know don't just select Zone on the cost huh uh right yeah F series I'm yeah that the F series is the free one sir okay let me take this question from Sai out here let me copy it out here today's uh sorry guys today's day would be like I have to copy it in notepad because if we select availability set and if we create a it will be created which zone Zone one on zone two or Zone T because us only by default it will go on Zone one so it will be in in one of the zones out there right we'll see the avalability set demo tomorrow so what I'm going to do is let me put that out here let's do because avability set is not so let me put it out here availability set demo let me put this so tomorrow we'll answer this question in more detail that in which zone it will be created today uh if I do an availability set it will take again 10 15 minutes so I've kept some things for tomorrow as well uh let me see some other questions so this will take tomorrow sayi s if possible give some point how can we migrate on PR yes this is there Nishant just let one or two lectures go off this migration I will have a look into it Gish private public uh how much it will be helpful for net developers I think many people are asking this see guys if you look at as a net developer right what does the industry look at industry says that do you know how to host an application do you understand AZ your uh SQL right do you understand the different storage things uh as a aure developer what I feel now that I think the industry will look at overall so if you look at developer track as I already said there's a complete developer track function app logic app web app security you know open ID o 2.0 a developer uh they will expect lot of things they will expect the developer should know how to configure even Docker how to configure devop so it is so um this is all developer only at the end of the day I feel so but yes if you're seeing just pure hosting developer application then this is what it is but if you're seeing overall like you have to do devops also you have to do machine learning also right then the whole course is for you right uh recording will be available yeah don't worry only Resource Group cre yeah Resource Group creation is free I agree that uh whatever the ca can it go yes it can go beyond that cost I've already said that it is a guesstimate it is not even an estimate so yes ashoke uh the cost can go above that also but I think you know uh to my best knowledge you know whatever I have used aor for so many years it does not go uh plus minus 15 20% so let us say if they have shown 80 rupees so it will not go above that let's say 15 20% you can add extra and think about it at least I've seen I've not got build more than that and remember what you can do is that every day the cost is updated so you can go to your uh so you can go to your uh cost center out here we look into this and you can just watch your bills right the daily bills out here and you can just have a like this one is see my last build amount don't go on my last build amount of 4,000 rupees this is for a project it was right but the point is that you can at least get uh uh the bills out you let's say if like today I'm using it right tomorrow I'll show you a bill uh he will show me that okay this much is the amount right so with that you can just extrapolate it and see that how much is used okay remember guys now You' be shock oh 3,000 no this 3,000 Rupees is because last time I used a fireball I used an apim I did lot of things huh that's why it is 3,000 and I forgot I I forgot to delete it right uh okay app service is used for delie and web is used for yeah so I think I don't know if for Deli there is an app service we'll see that tomorrow whenever we do app service but I think Deli also should be there I have not checked it don't they have dely they don't have it this becomes a problem problem for example what if I want to do webforms no nothing right so sad thing for Deli I think samita can we enable two Factor authentication in VM setup yes you can let me put this also let me put this I think these are good inputs two Factor authentication Au in VM you can you can know okay you can deploy I can see many questions out there uh you can deploy your net uh app service and so on okay yeah so again like this questions of AZ I will attempt to I will I will show the questions but I will not be going like my goal is not to cover AZ 204 and AZ 900 tomorrow we'll cover some AZ 900 question but mandar as have said that I will give you the dams you know very frankly you can have a look at it but let us focus more on knowledge what is armm right let me talk about armm as someone has answered it it is it is template you know for example I can go out here now let's say that this is my virtual machine out here I can go and I can create an armm out of it a template out of it and that template and let's say somebody says I want to go and create 100 such virtual machines so I can keep clicking again on every virtual machine and say it GB RAM and all that right so what you can do you can go and you can create an armm and then say Okay create 100 VMS out of it and done so it's like a template we'll see that demo also right okay very quickly I can see one question out here sir so how do we go and delete everything what we have created let me show that ASO see now if you say you want to go and delete it what you should do is now this is a resource this is the resource out here go to the resource Group out here and delete the resource Group completely this will ensure that whatever you are using out here the IP address the NIC card that virtual Network everything will go and delete it don't delete individually this is something you know it was very painful you know when I was in AWS it's I'm not saying that they don't have groups out there but the point is that it was a little bit painful I felt in case of aure I find find it to be very easy right so you can just go and say resource delete this is the resource Group name copy it and delete and there it is you won't be built so I'll be build 100 rupees must be for this maximum and nothing more about it right so that will go and delete the resource I guess so right after some time I will not be able to access this resource right so delete the resource Group guys don't delete if you go and delete the individual virtual machines it will not work okay okay so yeah so there's a good question actually I deleted that meral machine but good question out here I'll take it uh so if we have got the public IP address can be pinged no look so by default you know in case of uh any VM which is created right the security are first applied so icmp packets are disabled so if you want to do a ping if you want to do a tnet all that right icmp packet has to be enabled so you have to go to the Windows Firewall and you have to enable icmp packet then only you can go and ping that public IP address okay so by default it is not there I'm sorry I deleted the virtual machine or I I would have shown you how to do it right so guys I'm avoiding questions you know which are not related to a training up okay so must be you can send us a mail and we can discuss this right should I have skill and all so let me not take this question out here uh let's stick to Azure yeah go back here any questions uh yeah so we will be uh this is good question out here you know can you tell me something which are unique features of azure when compared to AWS or gcp right uh gcp I will not keep in comparison because gcp I think will have its own sweet time to come to the level of Azor and AWS I'm not seeing gcp is not good it is great but I feel the biggest player markets are definitely Azor and AWS AWS is the biggest one uh it was the biggest one right azur is slowly capturing it right it has come very near to it now let me tell you what the biggest difference is see like you have ec2 you have virtual machine out out here uh if you have uh what do you call something out here of no SQL you will have something here right I think those all things are out there where I feel you know that Azor will win or Azor wins over AWS is that if you're working with Microsoft Technologies right very clearly I will say you for example let's say that you are a visual studio guy you're doing the integration of vs with azur is like it's like you know it's it's like the Dal and the rice you you just click on it it just goes out right in case of AWS I'm not saying it is not there but you have to install this you have to install that you have to install that extension right uh second you know what I found is that if you're talking about Microsoft software licenses let us say you say SQL SQL or like some of the services like SQL aure right now SQL aure is not available on AWS there you have to actually go and buy an SQL Server license and if I see last time when I was talking with one of the companies that SQL licens on Azure it was cheaper as compared to that right but the same time in as your the Linux products will be costlier or non Microsoft products will be costlier out here because then they have to negotiate that rates right so I feel that if you are a Microsoft shop this is my feeling this is my feeling if you're a Microsoft shop right you are doing net you are doing SQL Server you are doing we are you're hosting on SQL as your Windows operating system don't even look I I'm not saying with all respect to AWS I would suggest to go on a right the the the integration is so smooth and so on but if you're on non Microsoft platforms then I would suggest to go on AWS right cost Factor also like nowadays the cost factor is also coming very nearby I know that someone will say it is 5% costlier but if that person has optimized it properly that 5% will become 2% or 3% right uh frankly you know some of my last Azure configurations which I've done last 12 months of Bill I have for a very big project they they have there are two companies inside it one company is like non- Microsoft they are hosting on AW same kind of application another company group of companies they are they are the CTO is a Microsoft shop they host Microsoft I I don't see the Bild differences too much on the contrary because they're using lot of Microsoft products I found the Azo to be cheaper by 10% okay this is just my analysis I'm giving right okay okay so that is that brings us today to the end of the session let me see if I can uh can you explain yes and pass so suum have a look at it but I'll just tell you IAS means infrastructure as a service you want to take the machine you want to install things you want to do it all yourself platform is a service means you don't want to get into that I you want to just say Okay select app service host it the app service will go find a virtual machine and do the hosting right uh okay yeah that's fine too many things okay let me okay I think guys there I think there are a lot of many other questions out here uh let me see okay I don't know why people are not able to understand esas Pas and C let me try again two three questions I've seen out here see guys what happens in azur is I'm sorry guys if I'm repeating this uh because I've got four questions out there must be my explanation was not proper see let me try this again right and this will be the last question I will take okay and then whatever other questions are there uh queston support please send those questions to us questions to me right and we'll try to uh keep an answer ready in the next session right so here it is see what happens is you go on a your you go on cloud and you say that I want to handle everything myself I want to configure everything myself I want a virtual machine that means you are talking about infrastructure as a service you want to control that machine you want to hold that machine you want to probably format it you want to do whatever you want to do over here this is called as infrastructure you are the guy who is in control of it right in a platform as a service what happens is you don't want to deal with this virtual machine you want to deal with some service at the top which is provided by that aure or AWS and let us say you say Okay host an application out here he will figure out a virtual machine from somewhere he will host it he will will configure it he will do the I thing and you are just working on this service right and then we have software as a service where you don't even have to deal with a service but you are dealing with a direct software with a UI out here and there you are saying okay like accounting application or must be Excel or must be word MS Office Office 365 right so that is the software as a service okay again go through the videos uh try to Google you'll get the answers right okay guys so thank you very much thanks a lot uh let me just tell you what is for tomorrow so today we have covered these things right tomorrow my goal is that I will just run you through private and public and hybrid crowd we'll talk about that uh we will look into this availability set and two Factor authentication a little bit I'll show you the idea what to do it we'll understand these terminologies I think these terminologies I'll be using now and then when I go ahead right this is high availability this setting is for scalability this is for elasticity so a lot of developers think you know that this availability scalability elasticity agility sub a it is not one there are a lot of differences in that right and definitely I'll be running you through some AZ 900 questions remember that this class is not here to clear your Azure certification but let me give you a flavor of as it 900 some 510 questions we'll look through right and we'll be looking through questions every now and then for example if I go and do a web application a developer track I'll be doing some developer questions around what I've taught only around what I've taught I will not be taking questions which are talking about Services which I have not taught then I won't take that questions right okay guys thank you very much you'll get all these recordings right remember anyone who has problems specifically who has taken this course right from Monday to Thursday you can connect with me so you can go ahead you can send a mail first first do send a mail then we connect online in the afternoon time or sometime right and ask me questions only around what I've taught if you're doing if you're asking me Project based questions remember it takes a lot of time to go inside your project you can't give access to me your to your infrastructure right so it does not work anywhere so I can just answer to you at from the top but it is very it's not a it's not a support service huh please understand that sometime people come with project and I don't know what to do right so but yes I'm there here to guide you right and please practice from Monday to Friday is your day if you don't practice what will happen is I will just take one class after another class and another class and the course will finish right so the practicing part we are not doing it you can see here I've kept four hours you know why I kept four hours as a trainer I think that one hour will go in doing the practicals right that's what I've kept it uh but definitely this is this Le this will take four hours ass surely it will take one or two hours extra over there but some hours I've kept you know for practice as well right so please utilize that time as well so thank you very much uh Happy learning out there let us connect tomorrow 9:00 p.m. and let us do the rest of the things
Channel: Questpond
Views: 19,400
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Keywords: azure training, azure training for beginners, azure, azure cloud, azure automation, what is azure, azure advanced training, azure from scratch, azure devops, docker, kubernetes, Azure ML, Azure AI ML, Azure Machine Learning, azure step by step training, azure roadmap, azure full course, azure networking, azure microservices, azure basics, azure advanced, azure tutorial, azure data factory, ADF, Advanced Azure training, Azure for professionals, azure infrastructure training
Id: 4t2uHC7Yyeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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