Azure NetApp Files

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it's going to be recorded so if you don't wanna be um happy Friday and thanks for joining another session lunch today we have from our partner in Azure NetApp they're gonna from any and Chris Cochran they're gonna talk about a short and NetApp files so go ahead any and Chris floor is yours good morning everyone and mask can you see my screen is it being presenting yes fantastic well let me start here it is Good Friday so I think everyone should be excited about that with me I'm Chris Cochran the Azure director for the South Central and specializing around the oil and gas sector as well and along with me as Annie's our our card act excuse me cloud architect will be joining me in actually giving you a preview into the azure portal Azure net up files will refer to that if from this point forward is a and F if I may Azra net up files sauce some familiar names on the coalesced which to kind of get reacquainted with let's just talk about a and F in general tab Rockaway gave the announcement on the 28th about Azure net up files he was actually with us last week as during our sales kick off in San Diego's matter of fact I had a separate breakout session with him on our main stage not only did he doubt the fact that we were GA and and the receptivity has been pretty amazing but he said this and and I cornered him right after he said this is better than I could have expected or planned and I'll kind of talk to what that means in just a few minutes as your net files we have the general availability announcement for any customers that do need that internal or external and then we also have a video overview of AMF and it's a very very powerful product and tool that's serviced out of the azure portal so we traditionally like to start a conversation with the customer and Microsoft folks and and other our partners explain what it's not this is not a NetApp product any longer we we understand it of course our technology is there in the hardware and the software attributes as you know we have a large estate footprint globally for customers and then some large estates across some very specific sectors so when this product is spoke we we NetApp we succinctly say this is an azure product Microsoft product it is not a marketplace offering its no third-party licensing or other what it truly is is a first-party service it's a managed through the azure portal managed and billed through Microsoft and what it is is a very durable enterprise grade technology it does happen to be built upon that up technologies of flash and our operating systems it comes and services across three tiers there's a standard tier which will show a premier premium tier and an ultra tier and again just to kind of reiterate and and when I'm talking with your customers or our customers in general we do remind them that is fully built build it's a metered service managed and supported through Microsoft so even so far as if there's a technical related issue we ask that customer to open a support ticket through the Microsoft service portal ok I'll just keep moving through this information if you happen to have any questions please feel free to just chime those right in so the first customer is sue me the first thing that a customer will typically ask is what I use it for so what we don't typically go is to it's not a blob type of storage it's not a low-end type of storage technology it is an enterprise-grade type of performance here we have a standard tier the premium tier and the ultra tier and some areas that it works very very well with is enterprise grade applications so in the middle of the world we see databases your si PS your Oracle's your sequel database apps those are paramount and all of those testing that we've received today has been incredibly positive from the performance of what they're receiving in the azure net up files product as compared to what they would receive on Prem and there's some examples I'll show in just a couple of moments other areas is DevOps analytics AI bi you know everything is really wide open as far as you look at the azure net up files as that type of servicing tool we've also branched into some high performance compute environments seismic geospatial with the oil and gas sector with some of those providers such as slum rachet on their Eclipse product or trowel as well as Halliburton landmark and we also work with the Emerson paradigm applications so those are highly intensive storage related products other areas web-based apps we're branching into discussions with media and entertainment around media onboarding and then also on security media's as well so just a whole host in the gamut that we span as we service for Azure net up files for workloads and I'll briskly move through this just so we can get to a demo here that Annie will provide us in just a couple of minutes and the demo really is just a setup inconvenience so there are multiple services inside of azure and there's as your files as your net up files and then as your disk what I want to just really delineate here is just some of the specific areas so you can have a mind's eye view of what some of the performance capabilities the capacities how your Active Directory is associated the protocol support NFS and SMB support and then often the the data protections for snapshot and backup ting we will have a backup tool online within the Azure and then I ploughs and about the late summer timeframe oftentimes customers are looking for those those apps that are prepared to go lift and shift we have great workload intensity there that often times gives the customer an opportunity to come right in for testing if the customer has an enterprise agreement and and as your commit these being build against those do the old ACR and are applied towards those commits so just as an FYI let me pause there and see if there's any questions before we move on okay some people say okay great eight tell me about ANF and who's using it so we've put together a snapshot this is not the entire portfolio but this is almost the who's who list of some of the customers that are on board of the 233 there's about 3.7 petabytes deployed this morning globally that number is growing in about twenty whitelists a day globally and on boards averaged about between 15 and 20 on a daily basis so that is this is a very hot service but you can see from a referencing standpoint we're starting to show some of the largest top 5 top 10 customers of the top Fortune 500 so we have a lot of interest and demand and then in addition to that we are building some use cases and referenceable customers since the service is now active in a lot and and GA so to begin the process or the next steps and keeping with our time here this morning we will continue to follow the Microsoft process to give white-glove on boards and that process as defined by Microsoft is we will whitelist all customers so to do that literally use contact myself and I will work with you to whitelist the subscription ID will pick the data center that they choose whether it's the south central central east west Europe Northern Europe etc we can pick that those locations and then welcome on board them the thing that has worked very very well is to get on the phone for about a 15 to 30 minute discussion with the customer to take him through setting up and onboarding and with that I'm actually gonna have an e if I can share the screen she'll take you through that process that has been working out very well and I bring this over to you there we go okay can you guys hear me okay gotcha perfect really quick Chris before I jump into the demo since we have a technical crowd on the phone I wanted to cover the architecture so this is just a quick architecture slide really to show you that down here these are our bare metal servers in the azure data center and this purple path just represents the data path so customers come in here they would deploy a volume and just know that we are deploying that directly into their v-net so there's no public endpoint and you will hear tad Brockway or Andrew Chan on the Microsoft side talk about how this is a key differentiator for our service this network overlay directly into Azure software-defined network is just kind of unlike anything we've seen before and that's actually one of the biggest reasons we see the performance that we do out of the service so this is just I wanted to touch on this really quick and really highlight the point of this tight integration with Azure z-- network we're using vena injection to overlay the service into a sure's network and all resources are going to be private private addresses let me close out of that and jump straight into our demo so if I go up here and I type that up this is nice for customers to see sometimes because it's helps them understand that as your net up files is a native Microsoft offerings listed directly under services as opposed to anything we have available in the marketplace so after we click into our Azure net up files blade there are really three key steps to get yourself up and running with the service and the first step is it going any we're just seeing a picture diagram to get into advance sorry about that and you should see it now yeah okay there's a link okay yeah so I was just when I was talking about this now that piece I was pointing out that we'll see a genetic files listed directly under the services blade as opposed to any marketplace offering that NetApp has available today so after I've clicked in about we are in the azure net up files service blade and there are three key steps to really take to get yourself up and running with the service and the first step would be to create a as your net up files storage account so if I click Add Account we'll give our account a name we'll choose the subscription that chris was mentioning has been white listed and on-boarded here we'll choose a resource group and then we'll choose a location so today we're available in east u.s. north europe south central us west year up and west us two and very soon we will have east us two and central i believe chris please correct me if i'm missing any you are correct okay excellent so we'll create one of those accounts I already have one created so I'll click into my account and the next step will be to create a capacity pool so the capacity pool is a logical claim to space it's not a addressable resource or anything like that but basically we'll go in here we'll give our pool a name and this is where we will choose our service levels so we have three service levels standard premium and ultra so small medium large workloads you can think of it to get into the technical details of it a standard performance level will give you up to 60 megabytes per second of throughput per terabyte provisioned at the volume level premium will give you 64 megabytes per second of throughput per terabyte provision at the volume level and Ultra will give you a hundred and twenty eight megabytes per second of throughput again per terabyte the volume is provisioned against so I have a standard capacity pool already created in here so I'll click into my capacity pool and the next big step is going to be to create our volume so if I click into the volumes blade let me go in here and add volume you I'll give my volume a name we'll see available quota here this is referring to the available space left in the capacity pool that I'm provisioning the volume against we support a minimum of a hundred gig volume size up to 92 terabytes so here I'll leave it at 100 gigs this is where we'll choose a V net and we see that the subnet auto-populated the reason it does that is because in order for us to deploy a volume into a certain subnet we need to delegate that subnet to our resource providers so that's going to be Microsoft NetApp forward slash volumes and the subnet delegation that's typical to all other V not injected services from my understanding on the next blade we'll choose our protocols so today we support NFS version 3 with NFS version 4 on our plan of intent and SMB version 3 so to cover the SMB piece really quick today we support bring your own Active Directory or classic active directories we do not integrate with Azure Active Directory and in order to set up this configuration there's actually a blade that I will circle back to and show you on the on the azure net up file storage account that we can go and set our Active Directory connection and from down here this will Auto populate to to that active directory that we've already established connection to let me go back to NFS so we can create a volume so we'll give this a file path we generate a mount command for you so this file path is just going to be the local directory will mount that file server to and then at the bottom you'll see export policies listed this because we do not support NetApp I'm sorry we do not support security groups on this subnet that's been delegated we tell customers hey we have export policies available you can lock down the volume to read/write access to certain explicit IP addresses or a range of IP addresses next you can choose as your tags if you're tagging in your environment and then we'll do review and create this we'll run a validation and then it will run a deployment but while that's deploying for the sake of time I'm going to jump back over to my blade and cheat a little bit to make sure we cover everything active directory connections this is where customers go in and establish connectivity to their active directory so they'll put in DNS IP that the domain name the computer account prefix that they want the öyou if they want to specify a specific o you with in Active Directory for this computer account to go and to go and sit in and then credentials most customers will use service accounts to pass credentials to this some use admin accounts that it does not matter and NetApp is not storing these credentials or I'm sorry Microsoft is not storing these credentials and it looks like my volume was able to successfully deploy so let me go and click into this volume and we will see that we have the ability to dynamically resize this volume you can also dynamically resize your pool if I click down here we can edit export policies after the fact as well and then we have snapshots space-efficient snapshots they can take against the volume right now this is a manual process meaning they have to manually snap against the volume very soon in the service will be releasing snapshot policies to allow customers to to apply policies and schedules to snapshots and next just to quickly cover metrics so we are integrated with Azure monitor so customers can go in here today and set metrics and alerts against the volume you'll get a chance to explore the service you'll see the kind of metrics were providing latency IO logical size things like that and then lastly we'll see mount instructions available down to the specific mount command to to go and mount this on your Linux host so I ran through that very quickly Chris did I miss anything no there well done thank you can we take any questions if anyone has any at this point so Chris um just uh beep I just want to clarify it so there is no net app licensing required I mean this is basically all through Azure and it will conceal I mean it will consume from the commits or if you are doing pay-as-you-go is right yeah that's exactly right so when we have the conversation with the customer that's how we specify it mr. customer access is through the azure portal and it will be billed against your monetary commitment correct okay thank you NetApp has has no participation in any of the billing discussion with the customer and if they have already NetApp user so it's I mean it's just they are already NetApp user it doesn't impact their ability to use this yes and no we have tool sets that will allow them to begin bringing their migration of the data into a genetic files and if inherently they have a net app estate we can use some of those on-prem tools however if they have a competitive landscape such as any other fill in your storage of choice right HP's LEM see other we can migrate that data in as well there is there's no impact as we're doing those migrations and we're having those communications as traditionally the customer will ask us for recommendations to migrations or a migration tool we have a product called cloud sync and if if the customer is migrating into ANF net app we can provide them that tool at no cost thank you and then Chris I just pulled this up really quick because we are talking to a technical crowd on the phone our team and Microsoft's team has done a phenomenal job documenting everything down to concepts quick guides even fa Q's as a person who is a fellow engineer I know I like to inquire find out how things are working this is this is the landing page to do so almost 90% of technical questions I get we have an answer for somewhere in here so if you get a chance to work with their product and you find yourself stuck anywhere you know please take a look it's very well documented for the most part do you mean like file level auditing I mean like you know auditing in terms of capturing the audit logs and so so yeah you know comic tivity information access information that type of thing for the for the most part we yeah we should see some of these operations logged in activity log on various resources throughout so this is the volume I'm sorry this is the storage account activity log if I go into capacity pulls will have that same blade available is that what you're referring to do it can you provide more detail man what yeah so I'm talking about actually being able to capture the audit logs to you know an all MS workspace to be able to go in there and and query the audit logs okay so today we do not have that available I've had a couple of customers actually ask that so it's been raised to engineering yeah so it's it's it's definitely been bubbled up to the right people thank you Thank You Steven to that point we are fielding requirements things that that customers are requesting on the roadmap and we're using the semester the Microsoft semester methodology for adding and prioritizing those we're right now in the midst of a semester and that under Andrew Chen's guidance and Prashant Desai on our side so those types of feedback if you could just send me an email with that request we'll make sure that a number one it's either added or on the list and then we'll come back to the folks and we can say you know hey it's been added and you know would fall into one two three four semester okay thank you you're welcome please bring those that that feedback into in to us so we can get it into the hands of the androgens of the world okay I have another question regarding throughput I mentioned premium and other standard levels or no those are all based on express route or VPN or how much variation so all of this traffic as it relates to a genetic files and the deployment of these volumes is traversing Asher's network so this is the trooper training this is the disc throughput this is no reference to if you're using express route because that is the pipe this is the disk and it will always vary right depending on what the customers use cases how they're going to be mounting these volumes so so that will vary but but thank you for that clarification thank you how are you finding the customers is mounting the volumes is it from Aya's VMs so good question it usually depends on the specific use case but yes I've seen a lot going and mounting to Aya's instances I have some customers that aren't necessarily concerned about the latency of mounting back on Prem for whatever reason for because maybe their use case doesn't you know isn't sensitive to that latency but they will establish an Express route connection go and mount and back on Prem as well hey guys what are the plans for cross region replication and backup so cross region replication and backups are on our plan of intent and like Chris mentioned we are following this Microsoft methodology of semester planning so currently we are in that kind of black mode of semester planning so when that is finished in the next few weeks we'll have a tighter timeframe around when those two features will be released but as of now I can definitely say engineering is well aware of those two features we're just trying to figure out in which quarter we will implement into the service and to that point Caleb that if we have a few customers that are interested in preview you know an early preview of the back up we've got a few customers that are actually testing it right now and we can bring that request forward and see if that would be approved thanks you bet any other questions I'll just share our contact information one additional time if you want to take a quick screenshot feel free Annie and I will be available to work with you across any requirements requests things that we can help you with please let us know and right now as the services is whitelisted there's our schema as it's been g8 there's several additional announcements that will be taking place that you'll see filtering in a on the net upside beyond the Microsoft side ready inspire coming up so you'll probably see a big splash there from us as well Chris if you don't mind can you see me send me a kind of a version which is available for public distribution the presentations yes I will thank you thank you yep great questions thank you so with that we want them to stay within that 30 minute window of time that was allocated for this type of discussion feel free to ring us email us and any now be available to assist as needed thanks Chris thanks Annie thank you for the session thank you everyone for joining and see you next week for another session of azure Power Lunch have a great Friday everyone thank you thank you thank you you
Channel: Azure Power Lunch
Views: 5,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure Power Lunch, 06-14-2019, NetApp, Chris Cochran, Aainy Zahra
Id: km8um8lxqR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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