The NEW NetApp

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if you're an enterprise it or data center engineer  you've had it pretty good for the last decade   things with virtualization have been great many  new doors have been opened for advanced learning   and things like containers and application  development it's not unlikely that you're   able to focus on other more discreet tasks  and upgrades is automation has taken hold   or maybe you've got a lot of free time to  play call of duty over the corporate land   one day your boss walks in and says i want you to  have 60 percent of our stuff in the cloud by 2022 hello everyone and welcome to the channel my name  is nick howell and today i want to talk to you   about netapp or more importantly the new netapp  if you have any questions about anything in this   or any other videos here on the channel i do live  stream every monday wednesday and friday at 1 pm   eastern over on twitch where we do all kinds of  fun stuff with tech from building in the cloud   to creating graphics and stream overlays  to building high-end pcs right here in my   workshop link down in the description below most  it professionals associate netapp with enterprise   storage arrays and you know i don't fault you  for that netapp has led the industry in san nas   and object storage platforms for the biggest  workloads for decades now their hardware and   software has enabled and simplified the running  and protection of some of the most demanding   enterprise applications and workloads hell before  i ever joined in 2011 i was first a loyal and   admittedly very demanding customer condolences and  hat tap to my account team hi eric hi david and   shout out to wally from cdw over there putting  up with me unfortunately even 10 years later in   2021 people still think that's all we do it's  not uncommon for me to have conversations with   partners and customers on a daily basis educating  them on this evolution of the company now don't   get me wrong we can still provide you with the  most robust storage platform on the market and   tailor it to your needs see my a250 video but  today i thought i would take a few minutes to   bring to light some of the things netapp has been  working on over the last few years specifically   focusing on our cloud portfolio of new products  and services and how we enable empower you to   run your workloads in the cloud with the same  capabilities you've come to expect from us on-prem   as early as 2012 we've been able to run our  operating system ontap as a vm in the cloud so   we're no strangers to the nuance of running highly  available and resilient workloads up there back in   2016 we officially formed the cloud business unit  inside of netapp and set off on a grand adventure   of r d and acquisitions to expand and complement  the netapp portfolio we started off by laying the   foundation of storage now you can't put walls  in a roof on a house without a solid foundation   or it will crumble to the ground we also realized  that the expectations of the enterprise customer   were not being fully met by the native services  from any of the cloud providers and anyone   that has run data center operations knows that  storage performance and availability is easily   the number one dependency on being able  to successfully run applications at scale   while we were establishing this foundation in its  very early stages an unexpected thing happened   the cloud providers approached us with a cry  for help google cloud was great at nfs but   really needed help running smb and integrations  with active directory microsoft azure was great   at sifs and smb but really needed help with nfs  this led to one big thing that we did not expect   relationships establishing back channel  relationships with the three major cloud   providers has been in my opinion the thing that  has enabled us to bring to market the portfolio   of products and services that we have so let's  talk about those at a high level make sure you   subscribe to the channel here as i'll be putting  up deeper dive videos of each of these products   with full demos throughout the year so let's  keep this one informational and conversational   first up azure netapp files the relationship with  microsoft azure has been one of the most rewarding   as they took our original concept and one-upped  it several times over by making it their own   and unlike many other managed services that  sit in partner data centers like equinix and   require complex cross-connects and plumbing azure  netapp files is a purely native pas offering from   microsoft where the netapp a700 all-flash arrays  sit in the same exact racks adjacent to compute   and are wired directly to the same fabric  interconnects inside the regional data centers   what does this mean for you the customer it's  huge this means that it's natively available   within the azure portal just like any other azure  service it's deeply integrated to everything else   within azure such as monitoring and cost analysis  but the big one is that your apps and workloads   within your v-nets have direct unlimited access  to all the horsepower of an a700 all-flash fast   array from netapp in the cloud with full nfs and  smb support i'm going to pause for a second let   that sink in and say it in a different way for  those in the back that might not have heard me   hundreds of thousands of iops at sub millisecond  latency at your disposal without having to touch   any of the storage knobs you simply create a  volume give it a name how big you want it to be   and what service level you want it delivered at  what if i told you this was fully integrated into   azure ad sap hana certified and has also passed  all of the security screening by fedramp and   other rigorous regulatory agencies oh and it's  also a consumption model so you only pay for   what you use and it just shows up as a line item  on your monthly azure bill want it even sweeter   i knew you would it also draws down negotiated  azure quota commonly found in enterprise   agreements just like any other azure service there  is so much more to talk about when it comes to a   f that requires a deeper dive and i just i can't  wait to go over all of that in a future video   for google cloud the service is similar  natively integrated into partner solutions via   the marketplace simply search for netapp cloud  volumes enable the service attach your billing   account and start creating volumes same access  to the same a700 all flash arrays same nfs and   smb support same active directory integration same  natively integrated vpc experience the big value   add for google cloud though is that your volumes  can be mounted across vpcs that are in different   regions last year i did a full demo series on  cloud volumes in google cloud over on the netapp   youtube channel so if you're interested in diving  deeper i'll leave a link to that playlist down in   the description aws likes to distribute everything  through the marketplace and restricts native   integrations but the same performance and access  is available through netapp cloud volume service   via the aws marketplace unfortunately it does  require some one-time setup of bgp cross-connects   so that they can talk to your vpcs and your im  roles once you're past that initial setup the   experience is similar to that of azure and google  cloud that we talked about before now if you're an   existing netapp customer you probably love all  of the flex and snap features native to ontap   if you need more than just a volume in the sky and  you're looking for that level of ontap specific   functionality to extend to the cloud we can  provide that as well with cloud volumes on tap   and that can simply be orchestrated through  cloud manager over at try it out   i'll have a guided tour of cloud manager coming  soon here to the channel subscribe to sum it up   we've got high performance resilient and secure  storage available to you in all three major   cloud providers above and beyond what the cloud  providers are able to provide natively with their   own storage services and whether you need all the  flex and snap words of ontap or you just need some   raw horsepower for your applications without any  of the storage management overhead we've got you   covered what i tend to find among our install base  is a healthy mix of both this allows you to lay a   solid reliable foundation of storage underneath  any application or workload in the cloud and is   paramount to your ability to do so confidently  congratulations you've got a volume in the sky   but now what unfortunately i'm afraid i've  got some bad news for you you still have to   do all the same data management stuff in  the cloud that you've always done on-prem   sizing matters you still need to move data  efficiently you still have to secure it   protect it control access to it tier it control  costs and monitor it so getting back to our   adventure now that we've laid the foundations  of storage in the cloud we set off adding some   of our auxiliary products that we're known for  to the cloud portfolio to integrate directly   and allow you to monitor tier and secure your  data in any of the public cloud providers   head over to and check out cloud  sync cloud tiering global file cache cloud backup   service in particular i'd especially like you to  take a deeper look at cloud compliance and cloud   insights as monitoring ransomware protection and  regulatory compliance are some of the hottest   topics right now in enterprise enterpriseit and  we make that easy to do on-prem and in any of the   cloud providers with our sas offerings i'll have  some deeper dive videos on all of those here on   the channel very soon finally for the big close we  need to talk about the applications and workloads   themselves we've spent a lot of time in this  video talking about storage and data management   but more importantly is the change that  i've seen happening across enterprise it   that i like to refer to as application driven  infrastructure and what that really means is   instead of developers and app owners waiting  in a queue for the data center admins to   give them access to resources to power their apps  they now hold the power to drive the provisioning   of infrastructure from the top down with code  technologies like ansible terraform helm charts   and others have taken orchestration and desired  state methodologies that we've used in the past   and baked them directly into the application specs  on top of that running compute operations in the   cloud has proven to be a costly endeavor thanks to  some gartner research we now know that upwards of   80 percent of organizations will overshoot their  infrastructure budget due to a lack of automated   cloud cost optimization or misguided upfront  cloud spend commitments the two big products to   talk about here are netapp astra and the vast  spot by netapp portfolio one was built from   scratch and one is the product of an acquisition  last year both of them are comprehensive enough   to warrant their own videos they're literally  next in the queue so stay tuned and subscribe   but let's go over each one of them and what they  bring to the table netapp astra brings traditional   application lifecycle management methodologies  to modern applications running on kubernetes   backup cloning and migration orchestration for  containerized workloads is not a new concept   but the ability to do so seamlessly leveraging  netapp snapshot technologies is what is key to   understand here the customers have enjoyed  protecting cloning and migrating traditional   multi-tier applications for decades using the  power of ontap but now that we have ontap has   managed pas offerings in the cloud we can continue  to extend that functionality to applications   running in kubernetes services using our trident  plugin managing persistent storage in kubernetes   as a filming of this video astra has support for  workloads running in google cloud's gke as well as   aks in microsoft azure leveraging the power of  cloud volumes in azure netapp files for safety   applications with persistent storage astra creates  protection policies to apply snapshots and backups   to entire app stacks and then you can leverage  those backups to facilitate dev test clones   full restores and even complete migrations from  one kubernetes cluster running in one cloud to   another kubernetes cluster running in a different  cloud i know it sounds and feels like sorcery and   it shouldn't be doable but i promise you it's  very real and very mind-blowing to see in action   it is an absolute game changer for those running  stateful applications in kubernetes and later this   year will bring support for aws eks as well as  kate's clusters running on-prem now moving over to   spot spot was attractive for many reasons but to  me it's all really born in its origin story that   resonates with early clown adopters in today's  enterprise spot creator and founder amaram   tells an amazing tale about being at university  and having a professor cut off his cloud spend   because it was just getting out of control  sound familiar engineers it was then that he   discovered the cost-saving power of reserved  and spot instances in the cloud providers   but harnessing the power of the manually proved  extremely difficult so he built a platform to   automate and orchestrate the reservation purchase  migration and evacuation of apps and workloads   running on reserved instances and leverage  short-term spot instances to compensate for   burst in an on-demand fashion and when the demand  goes down so do those instances they get released   all predictable all automated and all seamless  to the end user now spot can work either as a   central console to handle all provisioning of  cloud compute resources or it can act as an api   shim that goes in between your internal systems  and the cloud providers and whether your apps   are stateful or stateless or simply functions that  need execution they need compute to process spots   portfolio has an answer for just about every type  of app out there and we're bringing to market the   first storageless offering with spot leveraging  our cloud volumes platform we talked about earlier   but we're gonna let spot manage the capacities and  performance level demanded by your applications   pretty cool right the beauty of spot overall is  in the simplicity it provides it really gives   you the ability to not have to care about sizing  of cloud resources simply deploy your app and let   the demand drive the provisioning for you also  did i mention there's no charge for it until you   know i left that part out there's no charge for  it until you actually realize any savings i'm not   kidding you can run the cloud analyzer dashboard  today completely free of charge just create your   account add your cloud subscription accounts  and let it run and show you where you could save   and once you're ready to let it take the wheel  netapp only takes a percentage of what you save so   if you don't save money you'll see no invoice from  us but i promise you you will see a difference   most customers see upwards of eighty percent  yes eight zero percent eighty percent in savings   moving from on-demand instances to spot leveraging  reserved and spot instances just like astra i know   it feels like sorcery but it is very real and  extremely powerful and can be the make or break   in your cloud journey if you haven't started  your cloud journey yet you don't have any big   monthly bill ptsd experience to contend with  and you should just start with spot immediately   for those struggling with cost controls in the  cloud spot is the cure that you've been searching   for give it a shot you will not be disappointed  if it's any final consolation netapp it   ourselves in our own internal hybrid cloud labs  realized 83 savings simply by allowing spot to   control our compute provisioning so as long as  this video is turned out to be it really doesn't   do justice to the effort that netapp has brought  to the cloud in the last three to five years   the portfolio is so vast now and i hope  this gave you an idea of just how vast   you can find demos risk-free trials and complete  feature breakdowns of every product and service   over at and hey if you have  any questions feel free to drop them down in the   comments below here make sure you subscribe to the  channel here on youtube for further updates and   deeper dives of all of these products in  the cloud portfolio coming soon take care
Channel: DatacenterDude
Views: 4,425
Rating: 4.9766083 out of 5
Keywords: netapp, cloud computing, netapp cloud, netapp cloud manager, netapp cloud sync, netapp cloud backup service, netapp astra, netapp cloud insights, netapp cloud volumes, netapp cloud compliance, netapp cloud volumes ontap, netapp cloud volume service, netapp cloud secure, datacenterdude, datacenter dude, azure netapp files, microsoft azure, google cloud, aws, netapp ontap, kubernetes, netapp trident, netapp spot ocean, netapp spot wave, netapp spot eco, netapp cloud analyzer
Id: UY8Yl4wAvEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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