Azure Migrate - #7 - Server Assessments

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I'm Dean cipolla and this is the Azure Academy thanks for joining us today continuing with our migration series and don't forget to click on the subscribe button and help keep the Azure Academy making videos for you and give us some comments below on what you're interested in or any questions that you have so today's topic is one that I have been asked for repeatedly but I have held off because this is a special video or the release of the next version of azure migrate but has ER migrated is a tool that has existed for a while in the Azure platform in the past the azure migrate was a planning tool or we could discover and assess your environment and then based on that assessment make some recommendations the measure migrate v2 is positioned more as a migration hub doing assessments and discoveries and making recommendations but also the migrations directly from Azure migrate and Azure migrate is not just for servers right as you can see here it's for servers and databases as well as web apps and there's even some stuff here for data box and we'll be digging into all of these scenarios over the next several videos today we're gonna be focusing more on the migration of servers so we'll come back to the portal here in a few minutes let's take a look at our Docs we go to products and then things have moved around just a little bit management is now called management and governance so we click on that and then at the bottom here we have a sure migrated Docs here go into what Azure migrate is what you can get out of it what it does for you and some stuff about the pricing you can find these details under what you need to pay for as you go through the migration process so the docks here and the how-to guides especially will go into all the details that we're going to be covering but as we usually do we're not gonna sit here and read Docs we're gonna actually get this thing done let's go over to the azure portal so let's take a quick overview of what we have here so in the getting started section we have our assess and migrate servers and we'll come back to that in a second and we have a link here for finding expert and learning more and additionally there's a link here for a fast track for Asher and as you may or may not know I am actually on the fast track for Azure team and we are Azure engineers where we work with customers and help them build their solutions and move to the cloud if you're interested in working with Fast Track you can click this button to submit a nomination but for right now we'll go back to the azure portal and let's get started here with Azure migrate so we need to click on one of our assess and migrate buttons and since we're dealing with servers we'll just click that one and you can see here that as you're migrated is broken up into a series of tools so let's click to add our first tool okay so I'll build it out in my subscription and I've selected my resource group and given my project a name and then my geography is the United States and we'll click Next now the native tool in Azure migrate that does the assessments is called the server assessment tool now the server assessment tool will now equally do hyper-v and VMware environments pay in the past when we've had as your migrated we've had to deploy agents in our VMware environments Azure migrate v2 is agentless ok now there is still an agent that you can add which we'll talk more about later but that's doing dependency assessments ok and that for VMware and hyper-v both need an agent if you want that but that is completely optional we are also including third parties into the azure migrate tool and you can see several of them listed here and I'm sure more will be added over time and you can click on whichever tool sets you want here just a note though if you're using those third-party tools you have to actually be registered with those third-party services and then clicking on them here will just integrate them into the azure migrate portal experience but for today we're just going to use the server assessment tool so let's click that and we'll click Next now we have to select a server migration tool for our project here and for that the native tool is the very top one here server migration now in the past as I said you had to use as your site recovery so that required the deployment of another resource in Azure download the azure migrate appliance and then the address site recovery appliance then you have to agents in those environments and then you could do the migration this experience is about 10,000 times better because it's all integrated into the azure migrate experience just by selecting the first tool their server migration now you can also see here some of the features that it covers as well as again third-party integrations and like it was just in the assessment side when you pick a third-party tool you have to be registered with that vendor and whatever it is that they require and then you can integrate that here to the azure migrate hub and then you can have a unified experience across those different tool sets so we'll just select our server migration tool and we'll click Next here's our review of what we're going to build out so we've got our subscription resource group geography assessment tool migration tool and our project so let's hit add tools alright so we've got our server assessment and server migration tools loaded here and if you want to add more tools say some of those third parties and you can click on the add more assessment tools here or add more migration tools here at the bottom for right now we're going to get started so let's click on discover and we're presented with a pop out here where we can download a OVA appliance if we have a VMware environment or a hyper-v VHD file and so we're gonna click download for our hyper-v and there our download has started so once that has completed then we'll extract that to our hyper-v server and import it and then we'll boot up and get started so on our desktop here is the azure migrate web portal so let's open that up and it's gonna check our connectivity to the Internet and ask us to sign into our environment and once you've signed it successfully you can close that tab so we'll register our subscription here and we'll select our migration project and we'll give our server appliance name and click register and we'll continue and now we want to provide the credentials for our hyper-v server so put in your username and password and if you like you can click the save details which will preserve those creds for you next time and now we need to add a hyper-v server or cluster so that we can do our discovery so click Add and then put in either the fully qualified mein name or the IP address of those hosts or clusters and then you can click the validate button and it's discovered three hyper-v VMs and now we can click Save and start discovery hey that was about a minute or maybe two and that's all going to depend of course on how many VMS you have in your environment and how many hosts are in your cluster that kind of thing so let's go back to the azure portal and there's our three virtual machines you can see their names IP addresses number of cores memory disk count how much storage all that takes up operating systems and the way that all this data is fed up to Azure B appliance on-prem running in your hyper-v or VMware environment will take a pulse of the system about every 20 seconds and then it will aggregate that data and then roughly every 10 minutes it'll send that data back up to Azure and then it will populate that data to this portal now we need to create an assessment usually when we're moving things we're doing it by applications or by locations so you want to group things together now to create a group there's a create group button at the top and we'll do that in a second but I just want to call out one thing here Asscher migrate v2 is an agentless product however I will also call out here that you can deploy an agent to do dependency visualization mapping a and we're gonna do this here so you can see what it looks like because it does add quite a lot of value if we click on require agent installation then we have to configure a OMS workspace the OMS workspace will then allow us to download the Mme agent which is the log Analytics agent we'll set up a workspace ID and key so let's click on configure OMS and I've got an existing workspace which I'll use and I will click configure and that succeeded and now I've got a workspace ID and key that we can use with our agents so let's download both of these the mme and for the dependency agent and we've loaded those tools on to our target systems and let's give them an install and we'll click Next and we agree after reading the license and then the default area is fine and we can choose to either connect with OMS in cloud or System Center operations manager I'll click with OMS because we're gonna sure this time next and we'll insert our workspace ID and our key and then select which cloud we're using I'm in commercial and we'll click advanced if we need a proxy I do not so I'll just click Next and I suggest you use Windows updates here I'll hit next and that'll install in a minute and finish and now we need the dependency agent so we'll install that and that just takes a couple seconds and when I finish now in order for this data to get up to the portal it'll take roughly 15 minutes and it may also take a reboot like it does in my case so let's go back to the edge of portal so now that we've completed the discovery phase we need to begin our assessments the simplest way to do an assessment is to use groups now what is a group a group is a set of systems that you define you select whatever the criteria is that makes that a group and then we want to create those as it makes sense could be all the systems that are related to the accounting application or HR systems and then you can assess those systems by groups which then help you to move them as a group so let's say you have a HR application and that application is a standard three-tier app but you didn't quite realize that there is another application in the finance department that also uses that same database server so if you're gonna move your HR app and you're gonna take the database with it that's gonna leave the finance guys out in the cold and that's not really a good thing to do so as part of our assessment and our dependency map we would see those connections and then we can say alright the HR app and the finance app have to move at the same time because they have inter dependencies so let's create our first group so we'll click here at the top for create group so we'll give our group a name and then we'll select our appliance and of course if you had more appliances here you can select systems from every one of those appliances simultaneously and then you can filter through your list of all of your assets so if you had pages and pages of assets which we'll see in a few minutes you can filter through that entire list for the criteria that you want so let's try a filter here for my main controllers and you can see there is my only domain controller so if you had several of these or several HR systems or s AP systems or whatever it is that you're moving you just filtered for that select them here but in this case I'm just gonna select all three of my systems and we'll create a group based on all that and let's hit create okay so it's been a little bit and we've got our systems all set up with our dependency agent so let's take a look at some of our dependencies so at the top we can click on View dependencies so viewing our dependencies we can see we've got our three systems and those three systems are communicating with these different items on those different ports and we can look at some of that in a second over here on the right side we have the legend and then next to our legend we have our collapse all and our expand all buttons so let me hit expand all and when we do we can see that there's a lot going on here so let's collapse everything again and then down in the bottom right we have some ways to zoom in and navigate or you can push this zoom to fit button which is rather convenient so there's a lot of interconnectivity that we can see if we have the right systems that we're looking at now these three systems that I have are really not connected to each other although they do have common ports that they are using and that's why you see the mapping this way that none of these systems directly touch each other let me show you a another dependency map so we have our two front-end web systems that have four clients connecting to this box one client connecting to this box and then we have our front-end connecting to our middle tier and then our middle tier connecting to our data tier and so you see some common shared port services like LDAP which are here that most of our systems are communicating with and then there's some other servers seven of them running port 443 and then this middle tier is also talking out to nine 443 or some other WebSphere box and then this database client looks like it's running a sequel database has four clients connecting to that so that's probably your database administrators so you can see quite a lot in a map like this and then this gives you an idea of what systems talk to which systems so that you can get a good idea what should all move as a group as you build your assessments right so that's dependency mapping now with that mapping the next thing that we want to do is build an assessment so at the top here in our group let's click on assess servers then we'll give our assessment a name and then we have some properties around the assessment and we can see them if we click on View all so the particulars here around the assessment info is where we're going to have the VM so I'm gonna say east US and if our storage is going to use premium disc HD DS stds this all does affect the cost I'm gonna say standard SSDs then we have our reserved instances and a reserved instance if we see the tooltip here is where you can reserve this VM so you're basically telling Microsoft that you're going to have this thing running for a year or three years and by doing so we will then reduce the cost of that system to be running I'm gonna choose no reserved instances for right now and then you have your VM sizing now if we choose performance based that's what's going to use our dependency mapping and get that aggregate data over the week or so that we allow at your migrate to run if you say I don't really care what it is right now I don't care what the performance is I just want the thing to move right away then you can choose as on-premise and then we'll just take the VM config on-prem and move it to the cloud so by letting this run in performance-based mode we can then see what is the VM actually using now this also brings up a good point perhaps this VM that's you have doesn't really do much except the last week of the month put those special use cases I would definitely group those separately and then have them do performance based metrics and then performance history going back for a week or a month this is more of that aggregate data from Azure migrated and VM sizes is where you can select a particular VM SKUs that you want to allow Azure migrate to use as references for your VMs when it's going to move to the cloud and then your currency whichever currency around the world you want to have this shown in and then if you have any particular discounts I do not have any if you do then you may want to plug that data in here and then how long will your vm's be up and running and how many hours per day and then of course the azure hybrid use benefit so this is a feature that's available to you if you have Software Assurance where you basically do not pay for the licenses of your Windows VM in the cloud because you've already covered that cost on Prem and then you can check that if that is the case all right and then we'll hit save on our assessment and hit create alright and now you see a banner here that the group has one or more assessments that are getting computed so if I click on the view assessments at the top here's our first assessment and we've got a decent confidence rating and we'll take a look at what we've got and so it presents us with a couple circles here and these map to how ready our systems are to move to the cloud what our estimated monthly cost is for compute and for storage to run these according to what I set up and then we can click on the properties to edit any of the factors here then we click on the recalculating button and let's check out our readiness so as your readiness basically looks at the system and its current configuration to see if it is compatible with Azure now first off I have an unsupported boot type efi bios which my two VMs here are set up with are not supported on Azure today so in order to fix that I can click on unsupported here and it'll take us through the troubleshooting methods and over on the right side we can click troubleshoot as your readiness issues and then at the top as your bum supported boot types azure does not support efi bios and it is recommended that we change the boot type to bios instead of efi before we run the migration however we can use Azure site recovery to do this migration and it will convert the VM to BIOS during the migration ok so not really a big showstopper for us and we even see that suggestion inside the portal we can see all of the disks that are registered to that system and then all of the network adapters that we have as well we can see the current traffic inputs/outputs or MAC addresses what our read and writes are on all of our disks so we can see a whole lot of information here and that this particular system has two gigs of RAM at two cores and it is also is recommending a standard f8s size for our VM and over on the Left we can go to our cost details and review all of the costing around these systems it looks like our DC one that has a whole lot of disks is going to be our biggest cost in terms of storage and most of that cost factor is because we have our premium SSDs on our domain controller so let's see what we can do about that so on our assessment we'll choose our storage type of standard SSDs and select all of our compatible sizes change our hybrid benefit back on turn on our reserved instances we'll say we have no discount and we'll hit save then we have to push our recalculating button here and then give it a few minutes to do its thing and then you can see that our VM size has changed as well as how much our compute and storage costs would be for running these systems in the cloud with standard SSDs instead of premium SSDs so you can play with this to get type of configuration that you want and then judge based on that is this a good workload to move to the cloud if so get it to be properly sized so that everything can be ready to go all right so I've duplicated our tab here and I just want to show you what a much larger assessment looks like you go on the right here to change our migration project and I'll select a different subscription choose our contoso project and click OK now one of the things that has happened with Azure migrate v2 is our scale limits so before we used to have very tight limits on how many systems you could evaluate and how many systems we could manage in a single migration project and those numbers have been blown away by what we can do now so you can see here that we've got 41,000 discovered servers so not only do we have 41,000 discovered servers but we have them across VMware and hyper-v into the same project and so we could look at any one of these different appliances that we want to the nice thing about this is we can create groups now based off all of those appliances so if you have different clusters that are running in your environment we can group those systems across those different clusters or across hyper-v and VMware into a single group so let's give this new group a name and under our appliances we've got all seven selected here so let's do a search for HR systems okay now we've got three pages worth of systems with HR in the name all right and now we've got 15 machines selected and we can review the list of which 15 those are and then let's create our group so if we look at all of our groups we can see here's our Azure Academy group and then there are all of our systems so we need to create an assessment for this so let's click assess servers at the top we'll call it a a group assessment and we'll change our details here and we'll use north europe and we'll choose automatic for our storage type with reserved instances with performance histories based on the last month and a comfort factor of 1.5 with a 8 percent discount or 31 days a month running for 24 hours a day with the azure hybrid use benefit we'll hit save and wait create assessment and view assessments at the top and there is our completed assessment we can then of course drill into any one of these details around as your readiness and it looks like all of our systems here are good to go so the scale limits again are greatly increased over what we've had in the past and then of course once you have done your discovery and your assessment then you're ready to start your replications and your migrations I hope you've enjoyed looking at the new version of azure migrate with us today a tool that's native to the azure platform that helps us do discoveries and assessments including deep discovery with dependency mapping to all of our systems and then we can map those things all to our assessments to make informed decisions as we migrate to the cloud in our next video we're gonna be talking about doing the actual migration phase it was just too much to cram into one video so we'll break this into a few parts because after that we're gonna do database migration talk about app services and data box and we'll see what else everyone's interested in so please give us some comments below don't forget to click that subscribe button and a thumbs up and while you're at it click the notification bells you can get an alert when our videos come out which is about once a week and thanks for joining us today happy learning
Channel: Azure Academy
Views: 20,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure migrate server assessment, azure migrate, azure migrate step by step, azure migration, Azure CAF, azure blueprints, AzureRM, yt:cc=on, Academy, azure blueprints tutorial, Azure, Microsoft Azure, Automation, Azure Tutorial, AzureAcademy, ARM Templates, Microsoft Azure Academy, Azure Blueprint Samples, Azure training, cloud adoption framework, The Azure Academy, Azure Governance, blueprints, cloud migration, azure academy, Azure fundamentals, Azure migrate physical server
Id: tN4BS9qJkao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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