Migrate servers to Azure using Azure Migrate

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hi my name is thomas maurer i'm a cloud advocate working at microsoft and this video we're going to have a look how you can migrate your servers and applications to microsoft azure using azure migrate uh [Applause] [Music] so as as we said uh in this video we're going to talk about how you can actually migrate your applications and servers to azure using azure migrate now if you have ever done or if you're working on a migration or cloud migration project there's a lot of things to cover and think about right not just about the migration itself but also preparing the azure environment building the landing zones so i highly recommend that you have a look at the azure cloud adoption framework where you'll find a lot of information not just on how to migrate but also on how to build and operate the azure environment and many many more things now in this video we're going to have especially a look obviously on the migration part of things but again if you worked in migration before um there are a couple of things which you need to think of right in the first part you actually want to have a look at the assessment you probably need to plan okay what do i actually have like discover all the services and applications you have and then also figure out okay when i do the migrate to azure can i even migrate these or are they even compatible with azure or um how much costs are generated right how much does it cost to run this in azure and you probably need to go out and actually provide some sort of summary to your management or your customer and so we're going to have a look at all of that what azure migrate can do for you so let's jump in right into the demo so here i am in the azure portal and if i want to start a migration project of any kind azure migrate is the right place to go so in azure migrate what we can do here you can see here i can do a couple of different things i cannot just migrate servers and databases i can also have a look at web apps or sql servers and other specific migration tasks i need to do now every migration project really starts with a project and in my case if we want to migrate servers i already created that project but you can take create multiple migration projects if you need to so you can just open here and basically create a new project if you need a project is basically the container for all your metadata where your assessment is stored and your setup and so on so what we want to do here again is migrating servers and databases and web apps but as you can see here on the left side we can also do many many other things so think about if you want to do vdi like migration or if you have web apps or if you have for example a lots and lots of data which you need to transfer and you don't want to use the internet connectivity for this data box is also a great tool or a great service to look at now as i mentioned before azure migrate can help you through the whole migration process right it starts with an assessment where we actually have a look at the current environment we discover um the servers we're gonna have a look at how we can actually migrate them uh if we can migrate them and then we're gonna have a look at for example what the costs will be the second part then is the actual migration right and that is where we then decide okay after the assessment for example we're going out and we actually start the migration process in terms of replicating these virtual machines or even physical servers um to azure and then basically at one point um test these servers and at the end even do a migration so basically we migrate our servers to that now but i also quickly want to highlight is obviously we offer migrate azure migrate as a free service however if you feel like you need some other assessment tools we're working with third-party vendors which allow you to get even more benefits when it comes to assessment but also to migration so you can always use also third party migration tools as well together with azure migrate in that case now if we want to start as i mentioned the first thing we want to do here is actually go out and discover what we have and if i hit on discover you will be able to see that we can actually do um two things to discover our environment now the the best thing in my opinion is to actually use our azure migrate appliance this will also be used for the migration part but um and this is actually a virtual machine which you can download and then you can run that and this will then go out and basically scan all your virtualization hosts and virtualization environment and basically collect the data on the sizes of virtual machines as well as like what operating systems are they running and we're gonna see look we're gonna have a look at for example dependencies uh and we can also gather even performance data which is super handy now you would just choose for example which hypervised environment are you running in or even if it's a physical machine as well or even if you're running at another cloud provider as well now i also know that in some cases for the assessment part you can't really just go out and deploy a appliance right in that environment right sometimes you just get okay well we're gonna first know where this is going and we don't allow you to deploy this appliance so you can also import the csv file and we provide you with a template file which you then just need to fill out uh giving us the information um what service do you run what operating systems what's the size of the server and then you can also go out from there now in my case i already deployed the azure migrate appliance in my environment and i'm going to show you how that looks like so here is my hyper-v host which is actually running all my virtual machines in my case running them all on premises and you can see here i already imported an azure migrate appliance now again you can choose this for different hyper visors depending on what you're what you're running in your environment in my case this is a hypervm i just did the import now if you have a close look at that machine this appliance will then boot up it has all the azure migrate stuff already installed and it opens up a web based wizard basically to set up everything now it will obviously check if i have connectivity to azure or if i need to set up a proxy server it will also check if there are all the latest um updates for this appliance or installed and then what i need to do actually is actually go out and register this one to azure so that i actually get the data sent to my specific azure migrate project now i already have done all of this the next thing would be actually to get the information from my hyper-v hosts or in case i would use vmware it would obviously be the vmware host and so on so i gave give this an account which has the required credentials and then i provide the hyper-v host in my case this is the hyper-v server you just saw um where we actually can then discover what is going on on that hybrid host and what do we have again you can add clusters as well you can add vmware environments and so on so now when i'm back in the portal you can see here this will then take a while a couple of minutes basically to then show okay these are discovered servers you can see here what i'm actually running here it discovers what applications i'm running on and now i can basically proceed by creating an assessment now in my case i want to do an assessment for azure virtual machines you can see here i also have other offerings i can do an assessment for but in my case again we do one for azure virtual machines so uh what it then wants me to know is okay i want to do it from my azure migrate appliance or again i could also do it using my csv file and then i can change some of the assessment properties right because i want to know what actually the data what is the costs can i migrate to that specific location and so on so if i click on edit we can actually go through and change a couple of things so first thing i want to change is the target location so in my case i want to migrate all my servers in this case or i want to know what it would be if i migrate my servers to for example location like west europe i can also say okay it's like change the storage type if i have for example vms which are running for i know probably a year or longer i can also take advantage of our um reserved instance capacities so in my case i don't want to do that so i'm just going to take this one and it will calculate that i'm basically running pay-per-use in this case now i can also do some settings on the vm sizes now i can either do a performance based measurement or just a one-on-one uh how the setup is on premises now as you probably know if you set up things uh on premises you probably give a vm just at the beginning when you install it you give a couple of course a couple of them a little bit of memory and that's it right and you're never going to change it except when you need more and so a lot of vms which are deployed on premises are very often oversized right so what we can do actually with the azure migrate appliances get performance data and see if your virtual machines are oversized in that case just match the right size we actually need we can also take advantage of performance history so we can actually see okay how that how did this virtual machine do over a certain amount of time so obviously i want to probably go put this up uh for more like in just a day i could even get the data and use the data from over a month if i deployed the azure migrate appliance for a very long time i can actually get like all that data in there and then um i cannot say okay what this would be the target utilization and then i can also say okay i want to use only these specific azure vm sizes now in my case i'm just saying like i i don't care which size it's going to be just give me the best one for my machine um and then obviously i can also add some contour factor so if i'm like they're gonna not just like one like that what we think but i want to give it some margin right i could do that as well uh and go a little bit higher on this and depending on what i want so in this case let's just give it a little bit higher than this i can also choose okay what licenses do i have you can see here different licensing different subscription types i can have in my case i will do pay as you go but if you're for example an enterprise customer you would go with your enterprise agreement or any other azure subscription or licensing you have you can also select the specific currency for that we just keep um us dollars and then let's say we have different vm up times um that would it could change that as well and then basically calculate on that same thing by the way for azure vms if for windows server vms um which i want to run azure i can take advantage of the azure hybrid benefit so if i i can actually get save some costs on licensing as well if i have already windows server licenses which are um basically use you which i can use with azure with azure height benefit i can mark that as well and that will help me in the cost analyst so i'm going to change all these settings and from here i go basically the next part and the next one is going to be i want to obviously have a group of servers um i want to like okay which service do i actually want to assess right it could be all or it could be just a subset of the servers i want to migrate so for this i just create assessment let's call it 2021. again i can create as many probably assessments i want i can also rerun them in the later on but this gives me now an idea i can also create a group of servers um which i want to migrate so in my case i already created a group called the app servers so these are the specific application servers i selected before so i want to actually take like just figure out okay is that um what i want to migrate and then at the end i just go and create the assessment and this will then take a moment until it takes all the data we gathered using the azure migrate appliance or if we uploaded the csv we can now get basically that assessment so if i click on overview i can do now a couple of things in the assessment part i get more information about it here i can for example go edit the server groups um i could go and see the appliances i have deployed in my case again i just deployed one of the one registered appliance on my hyper-v system which is gathering all that information and then under assessments you can see here i have all the assessments i have created i have a couple of assessments with different servers and you can also see here that like some of the information we just entered but then also you get a confidence score and depending on how much data we have so how like how many days did you run your azure appliance in this environment we can get more confidence in the assessment we did over time so let's have a look at the assessment i just created um and you can see here we're looking at azure readiness that is one part we get we can see what servers can we actually migrate so you can see here well seven of these servers are ready to be just measures and two of them have some certain conditions so if i go into um i can actually see what's um what's actually supported here and why do i have this specific readiness status right so i can actually see okay this is this is working um this is good i want to keep on doing that if i go back um i can also go and for example have a look at cost analyzers which is very interesting especially if you need to show this to your manager so it helps me to monthly calculate the monthly cost depending on the information i just gave right i basically choose the most expensive setup where i have pay-per-use with all the flexibility run 24 7 and then no basically no discounts right so i could definitely optimize this a little bit depending on on what it is but then also get the information okay on terms of storage and what i'm using and you can see here what the assessment actually calculated so i had a look at the performance data map the following virtual machine sizes again if you're not happy with that you can always change it you can always say okay i don't want to use the a series virtual machines for example i just want to use the d series and so on but the azure migrate does actually just help you with that and select the best what we think or what it what azure migrate thinks is the best vm size in that case and then you get all these calculations here and if you need to show that you can also for example export that specific uh assessment and you can basically send it to your customer or manager or team lead or application lead so he can actually have a look and say okay this is actually the cost which would uh coming if we migrate the application like this to azure so going back to our azure migrate project i obviously now had a look at okay what other servers i want to migrate um what is it cost and now we make the decision okay we want to actually migrate these servers right so when i go down here i can actually go to the migration tool as i mentioned before not just can i use the azure migrate tool for free within within within that project if i need some other support or i want to use some other vendors which have some additional features for example i could also use some third-party vendors here which offers great support for these migration scenarios as well now in my case i'm just going to choose the default azure migrate server migration tool and again if if you can see here what how we would start you don't necessarily need to do a assessment before you could also just start with migration right if you're feeling comfortable you just want to migrate you don't want to do the assessment that's fine then in that case you would start with the discover face and then as soon as you discovered everything and you can see here it takes automatically um the information here because i discovered it already using azure migrate i now want to have a look at this and so i can actually go in into this migration project and step one really is now to actually replicate these um servers right so i already replicating one we're going to have a look at how i can actually then like migrate that server in just a bit but we could also go and have a look at how we actually migrate the server so first of all we would obviously need to prepare our infrastructure service in my case the hyper-v host zero one i already connected that that needs to have a basically an add-in installed for the replication part which sets up the replication to azure and so i already did that but you could add more service here if you need to and then if you go to for example replication my machines you can actually see okay this is the machine i'm already replicating now if i want to add more machines here it's very simple i just go to replicate more machines or replicate here and this will help me to go through the whole process of how i'm going to set this up so again it asks me because i could have multiple environments what do i want to migrate i want to migrate my hyper-v environment i want to then select my virtual machines i want to replicate so in my case yes i have an assessment which i want to take advantage of and that's from the app server group and the assessment we just created is assessment 2021 and now you can see here these are all the machines which were in that assessment again i could now select the machines i want actually been replicated so in my case let's just select one but you could obviously like select all the virtual machines you want to start replicating to azure which would be the normal case and then you would set up okay what region where do i want to do that which subscription should they be deployed on and then we also need to define a resource group obviously uh where we migrate these servers to and we need a storage account this is actually where we like store all the replicated data um until you create you you migrate the servers over uh we will select um a virtual machine network with a subnet that is actually when as soon as we fail over the virtual machines we'll automatically change the ip addresses of that virtual machine so it's actually welded within that azure virtual network and that subnet and again you can then configure if if these servers are actually a liable for the azure hybrid benefit or not and then i can go out and do some changes here in my cases okay i want to keep the name of the of the server um so i keep that the same uh it automatically did like this is the source frame size i can then okay select automatically the the vm size i want to um i could also go and and change the size at any time like to say okay this is that specific vm i can also choose like let's say this is a windows obviously windows machine and then this is the os disk and if i have multiple disks for example like in this case i only have an os disk but if left server would have also data disks i could also select the disks i want to replicate if i don't want to replicate all i could use azure tagging obviously again if you set up tagging user azure policy that's also fine and then at the end you get a review and what you can do is just start replicating that vm now and this will then obviously take a while depending on your network as well right so if you have a good internet connection it could be very fast but it needs to actually do initial replication of all the data of that virtual machine and then it will start replicating all the changes that is basically what i'm doing currently with this healthy vm here so this zone as the status protected and healthy that means all the changes done to that server um will basically be replicated to azure um so there's no huge amount of things i need to do in that case now before i usually want to migrate um a server i can do a test migration right i want to test if everything is working especially if i migrate if an application has multiple servers involved and i want to see if everything still works when they're migrated i can perform a test migration now in this case i would just select the server i want to migrate and then you can see here some additional information and then if i do test migration i can then select my test virtual network so in this case um this is an isolated virtual network running in azure um and in this case the virtual machine gets controlled to that so there's no problem with dns or overlap or anything of that it would be just isolated to test the application so i could then go forward and do testing and this will start doing a test migration of that specific server so after that virtual machine is then created you can actually go out and test it and at the end you can just go and clean up the test migration and this will remove again all the testing environment the test vm again now when the testing was successful you can actually go out and say okay now i know and i'm very confident that i can actually migrate that application so you would hit the migrate button and then the first question you basically get is do i want to perform a shutdown of the source virtual machine um that i don't have any data loss so i usually would do yes and that means that it would shut down the virtual machine it would replicate the latest changes to the azure environment and then create the azure vm uh with the latest changes so you have will have obviously a little bit of down time in that time you do that but you don't have anything um happening there or any data loss in that case and then you just hit migrate and then you start basically the migration process and at the end you will have the this virtual machine migrated to azure so i hope this was useful and you saw how you can actually use azure migrate to not just migrate servers like physical machines and virtual machines running on vmware hyper-v or other cloud providers to azure but also how you can actually do an assessment of your environment and actually figure out okay does the virtual machine or that server run on azure um can i migrate it without any changes what are the costs involved in migrating my applications to azure and so on so i hope this was helpful if you liked that video please hit the like button subscribe and hopefully see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Thomas Maurer
Views: 3,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Azure, Microsoft Azure, Server, Windows Server, Linux, Migration, VMware, Hyper-V, Cloud Migration, Servers, Azure Migrate, Assessment
Id: yOKjbqbyF4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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