Azure DevOps Training | Azure DevOps Tutorial | What is Azure DevOps

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[Music] hey guys welcome to this session on Azul de box and in this session we'll be learning of zero ops comprehensively and before moving on with this session please subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss our upcoming videos and also if you want to become a real professional in telepods provides a course and you can check those details in the description so before moving on to the session let's take a quick glance at the agenda to start off with we'll be learning what is your and what is DevOps briefly and then we will be looking at the introduction to zero ops after learning what is easier DevOps now we'll be looking at the various services provided by it as your boats proposed pipelines test plants and artifacts and after learning all the services it has to provide now we'll be managing a debuffs project using Azure DevOps that's it for the agenda guys now let us move on with the session so the first question is what is is your Microsoft Azure is a cloud service provider like AWS and GCP who provides services we are the cloud to solve challenges in a business also provide architectural and trust structural solutions so we can use Microsoft Azure and launch virtual machines or launch databases whichever we want for our business so it is the same like AWS and GCP AWS is also a cloud provider which is a number one cloud provider and zero comes second so that's it about as your now let us see what is DevOps so Azure is a technology but the wops is some methodology so the ops is not a technology or a tool the DevOps principle is used and there are multiple the ops tools which can be used to create a devoxx life cycle so what is DevOps so donovan brown the Oscoda ops manager in Microsoft and this is the definition he gives for DevOps and I like that so I use it over here so that is the Forbes is the union of people processing products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users so value not software so whatever you deliver using a divorce lifecycle and obviously your product will be of quality so you just provide value and right now here we are going to see software because we want to develop software so we are going to provide quality software's to our end-users following the DevOps life cycle so to learn as you're in the wops we have multiple sessions and videos on YouTube you can check that so I'm not going to go deeper into these two topics so these are the basic definitions so right now let me move on to introduce your dev ops so introduction shows your divorce so a zero divorce the name might be misleading but so because you might be thinking he just told a zero so technology and Dobbs is some methodology so how those two go together so your DevOps was called as which will store your team services and it has been rebranded to as your divorce so as your divorce is a tool it's a service provided where's your so it is available in Azure as you is the cloud and they provide as your DevOps asset tool so ulster devoxx is a tool which has multiple services and you can use those services to create a divorce lifecycle in your business and you can make your product better whatever product you make it so you can use Azure DevOps in your business it's like you're using the Bob's tools multiple divorces creating your own pipeline code pipeline and then doing it manually I think Azul de Vaux automates it so it is better to use your DevOps so because Azure dopes has everything built in a single UI so you can use all the services in the same place okay so launching Azure devoxx you have two options you can go to portal 0 which is the Microsoft Azure page and you can after logging in after creating your own account you can just type in Azure DevOps you will be provided search results you can just click on that and you will be taken there or you can just type dev dr. Joe calm and you can go from there also and then this is a sample summary page of an Azul dopes project which I created so this is how it looks you can see over here so overview summary and these are the services I will explain them later and my projects name my projects simple summary and it automatically detects the languages used in my code and then project stats I have one book item I have okay it is completed so I made eight commits you can see over here I have okay guys a quick info if you want to become a certified as your Dov's professional you can take up does your DevOps training from Intel apart and the link is provided in the description below so guys let us move on with this session - here you can see 67% and 50% and the words not so this is built and this deployment so this is the success rate of builds and deployments so I will explain them later so I just wanted to show how it looks so it is all built into a single UI okay so the next thing is benefits of the ops on Azure so you can either use the webs tools on the Microsoft Azure cloud provider or you can directly use zero ops so the first benefit would be easy automation you can automate anything here you can automate a pipeline also you don't need to use Jenkins if you want you can use Jenkins also in SEO devoxx or you can use Azure DevOps pipelines instead of using Jenkins and in nazir DevOps pipelines you can automatically drag and drop or add jobs create multiple stages and you can do everything on a UI so it is pretty easy so you can automate everything and then orchestration so orchestration on the warps means using script based tools so writing a simple commands to deploy or launch services so you can also do that over here you can mention the jobs and you can give your own commands or scripts over here and that will run automatically and you can do that so orchestration tools are basically inbuilt in Azure door and then effective monitoring so there is dashboards you can there are a lot of widgets available and also there are many widgets available in the marketplace you can just install them all you can use all of those widgets you can create a dashboard which helps you monitoring the amount of bills or the work items or the number of bugs number of bugs has been solved so you can do all of this using a single dashboard you can put every widget in a single dashboard and then rapid deployment so whenever you make a push or whenever you change your code so you will have to go after changing the code you will have to put it in github and then you will be having a manual pipeline which you created using the ops tools so whenever you do something you can have a count and you save it and push it over there so it should automatically build and deploy so the exact thing happens here but it's I guess it's better because you just have to create it detects what code you have it gives you the platform to run on and you can do everything over there so it is rapid deployment because you don't waste any time in deploying your services you just whenever there is a change in code you just deploy it automatically so the change happens as soon as you change the code so the build runs and there is no failure then your production runs so if you have multiple servers every server will run and finally your production pipeline or your production stage will run and it will be deployed to the production server so rapid deployment is possible using the Bob so I think rapid deployment also increases your profit because you don't waste any time in providing your service or your product to your user you just give it away immediately after checking it on your QA servers so that's it so these are the benefits of the Bob some user and then we'll be moving on to zero develop services there are multiple services available and ezreal develops there are totally five and I'll explain each and every one of them first let us see what are those services so these are the services the first services is your boards and then as your repose as your opposes a repository provided by as you devop service and it's like github or bitbucket and it is also other posts and it is also unlimited you can use as your posts unlimitedly and as your pipelines as your pipeline as you see it's it's a pipeline it's like Jenkins or other tool and as your test plants as your test plans is not basically free you will have to pay for it but you can do manual testing using as your test plans and that is free and then you zero artifacts it is also - it is basically like a package manager you can connect feeds public sources or private sources whatever I'll be explaining all of these services in detail long after explaining all of these services we'll be doing a demo so first your boards so as you can see this image obviously it is a board and you arrange stuff over here so basically as your votes is for maintaining the work they can't make things work faster in assigning works to others and checking whether it has been completed or closed or resolve that or whatever so here you can see why is your put so why do you need a board so basically this tool is for tracking your work like you can use using Kanban boards so you can have backlog Sprint's team dashboards and you can also have custom reporting so here you can create a work item you can mention tests or bugs or whichever book item you want you can create here and you can assign it to a particular person who is capable of doing it and it will be available in there as your dev ops account they can just go inside that and see what is the mistake and they can rectify it and so if there is a change in code they'll create a pull request and it will come back and you'll be seeing that it has been resolved and you check that whether it is a solved properly or not if it is a sword properly then you approve it and make it tools so basically it's for tracking work so it's simple as that just remember that it is for tracking work in a bigger organization or even in a small one but it's for tracking work items and book so these are available in as your boards so the first one is work atoms then boards backlog sprints and queries work items or anything any work or for example as it's there a bug in the website so we can create a work item as a bug the bug is a work item and there are multiple work Ramzi like test plans you can add others like update the readme or anything anything you create there is a work item so you can create that assigned to someone link some details over there and give some description over there what has to be done so you can create work items like that and then boats as your boss has a separate tool inside that is boards so that board will be having multiple columns you can actually modify the columns you can give your own column names or whatever you want normally it will be new there will be active there will be a result that will be closed so what you do is when a new work item is created and it is assigned to someone he can change it into active so when it is inactive you know the work is going on on that particular work item and then whenever the changes are done you can it moves too close or it moves to result so you can do that and then back locks you can plan and prioritize the work for one team or many teams in one product or multiple products so you will be having multiplied regions multiple sprints so you can just assign work on a particular iteration and you can assign in a nitration which comes after two months also so you can plan the work which has to be done today or tomorrow or next week or next month so you can do that and then sprint sprint you can a plan a work which has to be completed within a particular period of time so example your company runs sprints for every ten day so within ten days you you will be assigned a work you will have to complete it so that is one sprint so the same happens it keeps on happening so you can create another work item and put it on the second sprint and then create another work Adam put it on the third sprint and it has to be completed within those ten days and you can track the work and then queries queries as you see you can filter data you can for example there are thousands of iboga dams available but you just want to filter the bugs which are resolved to share it with someone who wants to know that so for example your manager wants to know what are the bugs which are saw result so you go to query you create a filter and you filter all the box which have been resolved and you can just share that a particular query to your manager using you're a zero develops account we can send it to him so this is pretty much about boats so right now let us see the concepts of other services also then let us move on with the depth so next is as your repose as your repose is pretty much deter we do you know deposit the world's most used repositories get up and as you also have their own repose right now so it is a free unlimited private repository you can have it as private also you can have it as public also mostly we we use it for their own organization so when in github you can keep you can keep it private and also public here it is private because it will be inside your DevOps account others cannot access it so whatever change you do there it won't be available to anyone else ok so what here they say so this is a free unlimited private repository or hosting software development version control so it is basically github but it's private inside your Raziel devops account ok guys a quick info if you want to become a certified as your Dov's professional you can take up the pseudo ops training from intel apart and the link is provided in the description below so guys let us move on with this session also github connectivity is available if you do not want to hear oppose and also you can connect all other version control systems like bid packet then mercurial and all those like that also you can connect 0 repos to command line which will store your code which is to do export eclipse IntelliJ I guess you can it is like a normal repository which you can use you can clone it somewhere or you can initialize this particular repository and you can push your local work in towards your repos you can do that it is similar to get up also you can use github you can integrate it up with your DevOps so basically as you repose is a version control tool it is like github it's almost like get up so it is free unlimited private repository and the working is also like github so you don't need to know much about it if you know github you can use Azure oppas easily so the next thing we'll be seeing is as your test plans so you can see as the name you can test so it is used for testing your software and you can either test it automatically or you can test it manually so normally we use selenium and other tools to test automatically like opening up a browser clicking on a button or whatever so here we'll be testing it manually or will not be using automated because automated testing there is only available when you get the tool but right now normally it is on manual testing so even manual testing is pretty good using Azure dough ops let me show you in the demo so first why do we use your test plans so it is to improve the quality of your code or to check whether there are any bugs or anything else so like even typos or color changes whatever so it captures rich data then you can test across web and desktop applications so there are options you can test it as a web application or you can test it as a desktop application and we get end-to-end traceability that means whatever you give you can check the complete software we can check each and every detail in my new detail and you can make your software better so that's why as you test plans is used and it is a tool for testing that it's pretty much that's it so it is used for testing you can do planned an exploratory test so planned test is you will be having a list of what has to happen so that has to happen you you will have to follow that procedure in testing and exploratory testing is like you just open up your source or QA server you go to your website and just go to every link go to every page see every paragraph see how it is aligned see how your code work and it's exploring your website so that is one kind of a test and you can there is a tool for that also test and feedback you can use that tool to do exploratory tests okay so that's pretty much about as your test plants so now let us see what are your artifacts okay so as your artifact from public and private resources you can create and share maven NPM Python nougat also they have Universal packages so what you can do is instead of always going to the public source you can keep all of your packages in a artifact so you don't need to go to a public resource to get the packages you just have to connect your feed to your local IDE like which will studio so you will be able to publish whatever packages you use locally to your artifact so your organization so you will be having you'll be using the same package so all of your members all of your developers in your organization will be using those packages so there won't be any inconsistency if for example if everyone are using version 1 of a package so it the version 1 will be used in every software and every code so you won't be using any other versions so if you use other versions their mind may a mismatch so there won't be any consistency so to maintain consistency to share code efficiently for example if you share your code with another developer on another team in your organization he might be using a different version of the package and your code might or might not run there so to use us use the same package you can use artifacts and also manage old package types you have various package types you can add these packages to a pipeline your pipeline takes packages from the public resources so instead of that you can take packages from your artifacts you can take from private resources for example why do they use this because not all the time will get I get this from the public so so what if that website is down and you will have to complete your software right now and you'll have to show them all later so that website is down and your code is not downloading that political package so instead of that you can take that package and publish feed it to your artifact and you can use that package whenever you want and download it how many ever times you want and another usage of this artifacts is so you might have come across of packages in github so there will be some packages created by users so when you use one of those packages and suddenly the user doesn't want to share that package with the public anymore so it will be if it is taken down then you will not be able to download that package again so instead if you like that package you want to use it in your code you can just feed it right into your artifact and it will be there always so you can use that package whenever you want even if the user takes it down so this is about your artifacts so now let us see what is your pipeline as your pipeline is a CIC ad tool continuous integration and continuous deployment - so it gets the code gets built and the software gets deployed so why as your pipelines so you will have a but you can host your pipelines and next Mac OS and Windows using Azure DevOps and you can build any kind of software or any kind of application on any platform using any language and then you can use Azure DevOps to deploy it also you can use any one of these as you know up services or you can use all of this as you develop services at once so as your pipelines is effective but why because you can create everything in a single UI you will have you can create CI and Celie you can create a CI see the pipeline in a single go and you have a good user interface which you can use to modify those things so as your pipelines you can use any language any platform and use as your pipelines to host it and you can deploy it directly towards your cloud or any other cloud provider and you can implement as advanced workflows and features you can implement any number of parallel jobs for example you have your application on a Windows Mac OS Linux Android and iOS so you can run PI parallel jobs at the same in the same build so when you change the code and push it all of these changes happens at the same time so your change will be implemented in all the applications across all platforms so you can use a single push to do a change in every platform because everything will be built in a single build and then it's extensible so what is extensible you can use a custom-built tools like you can use custom built test tools you can use custom built monitoring tools and all these custom tools might be available in the marketplace you can just install them and use those tools here so it is extensible to across all platforms so you can take any tool and implement in your pipeline and then containers and kubernetes so you can easily build images and and after building you can push those images to a container registries like docker hub or a container registry and you can host it separately or you can host it on our kubernetes so these are the benefits available in as your pipeline so when you use this your pipelines you can do all of these any language any platform deploy to any cloud advanced workflows extensible and containers and Cobra DDC will use them easily and then comes some information about as your pipelines so continuous delivery and neighbors integration environment pipeline run end stage so what is continuous delivery so when you build a code then test it and deploy it across multiple stages or water stages like QA Quality Assurance stage then maybe a testing stage and and finally a production stage you can have any number of stages so that is what CD means you can uses your pipelines to implement CD and also you can use CI in here as your pipelines so CI is used to simplify testing and building of code and you can use CI on as your pipelines okay guys a quick info if you want to become a certified as your Dov's professional you can take up the sword Oh ops training from Intel apart and the link is provided in the description below so guys let us move on with this session and then environment so it is a collection of resources and you can launch your application on any environment which is available and also develops so you have hosted Linux you have Windows you have Mac OS and you have all the environments available you just have to post it on them and then pipeline yeah you can use CD and CI you can use these two processors you can implement them in the pipeline you can implement them you are using multiple stages and you can build your application using the CI CD pipeline and then run on stage so run is running an execution of the pipeline so when the pipeline runs for one time so that is one run and also a stage is like a logical boundary logical boundary means inside that stage you will be having multiple jobs to be executed for example if you have a website running you want to build that website and then push that a zip file to somewhere and then you will have to deploy it to an app service so we can do all of that in a single stage you can for example if you have an angular application so installing NPM and building it and then pushing it to an azure app service so you can do that in a single stage and you can create multiple stages doing multiple stuff as I told it is extensible you can use any tool and integrate it with this so this is pretty much about as your pipeline and you can build it on Linux Mac OS and windows with pipelines and and what are available for free is if you are doing open source you can run ten parallel jobs with unlimited minutes per month so that is running ten different pills at the same time or using ten different bills or a nine or whatever within ten it is three for you more than that it costs you so here you say parallel job a bit up to thousand eight hundred minutes per month so one is free using Microsoft hosted CI CD and for an extra parallel job you will have to pay two thousand six hundred forty three and eighty five rupees so and then self-hosted one is free and nine hundred ninety one rupee for an extra parallel job so self-hosted is like you have it is posted in your on premier setup and microsoft hosted is it is available in Microsoft Azure so that is what they are coming to say so these are free and these are the costs for extra parallel job so now we have learnt about all these different services and right now I am going to explain how to create a DevOps account then creating an organization after that I will be creating a divorce project so a divorce project is just like I am providing a name and creating DevOps project and inside of that project will have to implement all of you propose your pipelines your test plans your artifacts and also you can use boards and you can use dashboard to monitor so that's what we are going to do so managing a divorce project using Azure DevOps so first thing you can see here creating an 0 to Bob's organization the DevOps project integrating github with 0 demo project and your boards and then creating a CIC the pipeline for an angular application so build staging in production I will be having three stages one will be build and after build it will be stored in an artifact I'll be using that artifact to create two stages one will be queuing per cell deployed on a QA server so I'll be able to view the website how it looked before I change anything else so once it is successful in the QA server then it moves on the production server but in the production server only after proving it it will start the deployment in the production server so you can set it up like that and also you can use as your test and feedback tool to identify create workbook and also will be doing manual testing using your test plans after that so I will be creating a dashboard using multiple widgets to monitor all the work project so let us begin with the demo and before beginning with the demo I'll show how the architecture will look so this is that so I will have my angular application in my local machine I'll be editing my code in Visual Studio code so whenever I push it to the github repo and my build should start and it should deploy in the QA server after that I'll check and my I'll check my QA server I'll do some testing on the QA server I will be doing some exploratory tests and do some manual tests and after doing that if everything is alright I will be approving the deployment and the production's deployment starts and also I will be connecting github with my boards so whenever I do some changes and I create a pull requests the active work item will go to closed so automatic that happens automatically so when you is on something it'll automatically move without doing anything coming back to this slide what we are going to do is we'll be starting with logging into the azure dev ops account after logging into the g-dub's account we'll be creating in organization and then we'll create a project inside that so first let us do that and come back to the next so first I will go to move my browser so normally if I am logged in when I type this I will be taken directly to Melser devops console but right now as I am not logged in I am logged in to my Microsoft account so I'm signing out now if I type the same again I'm not logged in right now so let me show you the process of how to log in to Azure de Bob's so you can start free or you can go with github you can give your github credentials and more or if you already have an account again this sign in over here so let me start free so I say sorry free I was already in my account so I came inside so if you're not signed into your as you developed account if you want to create new zito box account you don't need to do anything it will ask for your Microsoft credentials you just have to enter the email address and the password then you'll be taken to your Azure dubs account so inside the dildo ops account then you can create an organisation and you can start off with your work so that is simple sign-in process so I think you'll be able to take care of that so right now let us start off with the basic so the first thing is creating an organization so what is an organization for example you work in a company who has mobile applications and web applications so what do you want in your organization you want to manage all the applications in a single place you don't want multiple places you just want to one single console on which you can see all the projects which our company is doing or done or it is under execution whatever it is it has to be in the same place and you should be able to keep on them view their statistics have view the work items view what are the pipeline's available everything so for that we can create an organization so I'll be creating my organization when I clicked on your organization I got this page so it's pretty simple just click on it check it out and continue so after that you will have to provide your the Bob's organization a name so I this DevOps organization name should be unique so it's not unique it will show another so it should be unique so I'll give it as in telepath or Ghana so this is going to be my name now so Debra L 0 slash in Lippert organization if I type this I'll be able to redirect to my azure DevOps console and I'll be in this URL so also you can host your projects multiple regions a 7,000 am choosing south india so continuing now it takes me to my azure develops console so after the organization creates it will automatically prompt you a project creation that would it's not a dashboard it's embedded with the website but once i am in you can see create a project to get started because after creating an organization you need a project to work on so you can create a project so there are two options either private or public I know what that means for example I get a public repository or a private repository private will be only available for people who you give access to public is available for anyone for example open source projects so I'm going to give a name you know first I'll make it private I want it to be private and I want to give it a name so I'm going to give it a name as Intel fat angular project so as I told you I'm going to just launch my angular application over here my an angular application is nothing when I when we create a new angular app so it will give you a default web page so that is going to be my application for now but I wanted to show how to use that and create a DevOps lifecycle for that so yeah so I'm creating this project so that is that simple so I will just give a brief about this console overview this is the summary when a few activities have been happened you can check them over here and then you can create dashboards there are so many widgets available this is used for monitoring for example you have hundreds of tasks you can see how many has been completed how many is going on how many has been done so you can add accordingly you can add widgets accordingly and then comes boards boards is nothing but a place to shake the scheduler work and you can track your work you can see what work is being done which is under execution which is under which is completed also you can I will show this so you can come over here in columns and you can add columns for example to do doing Enter so instead new active resolved closed so you can give anything you want and then these are some other stuff which I explained to you back locks prints and queries I am NOT going to explain them again and repose repose is the same we all know that Microsoft bought github so they built a your repos using the same infrastructure as get up so this this same but you can use it in a single console that is the benefit and then pipelines it's a CIC the pipeline and then test plans and artifacts test plans you can see right now you will not be able to use it you can install actually a test and feedback tool which is in Chrome extension which I have installed already and I have done some work with it so so that is okay that I'll explain later that is an exploratory test tool and then when we create tests there's cases in boards it will be available over here and we can do manual testing using that and then artifacts artifacts is mainly like a package manager you can store your private packages from your local system over here and use these packages instead of going to the public source but right now I'm going to use the public source I'm not going to use artifacts so you can create a new feed and you can use this for example and just doing my new field and only forward people in my organization and it takes from public sources only use public a package is published to this feed but if you use this artifact it will only use packages which are applied to this feed so if I upload a few only few packages to this and in my pipeline I want to use another package but I'm using this feed then it will not work you will have to add all the packages to this particular artifact in order to it to work in your pipeline so I will just use packages from public sources to through the speed and I'm creating it and that's it you don't need to do anything so this connect to feed you can check over here you can use these stuff you can use this and push your local packages into this particular field and you can do it for you get in PM maven tweedle python and also they have universal also so you can publish all the packages related to your project you can upload it over here and that's it so right now what I'm going to do is the second thing was integrate github to a zero ops so first we integrate github to a zero ops and then I will show how to import repository from github to is your reports because we are going to use a zero post the first it's actually simple you have project settings over here click on that you will be seeing is so many options over here and one more thing I wanted to show you is so you can change private and public over here and also you can cancel out services which you don't use for example you don't use your repose you're using github so you can just remove it that's it if I reload it you won't see it you will just be using for services and if you want it back you can just switch it on back it's that simple so now how to integrate github so I guess integrating github with the web's project and as your boards so you can see over here yes so in boats get up connections take on it miles your organization or my project is not connected to any kit of account so I am going to connect it to my github account so it's asking for my password and username so now I'm signed in and it's showing all of the github repositories which are in my account over here it's that simple and right now I want this repo city I don't know I actually you can add all of this and use one of the repositories in your pipeline but I just want this so I'm just going to save it yeah so it could connected right now you can use this github repository in your pipeline but I am not going to use it up directly I'm going to use zero reports so you can import it over here but before doing that I want to show the connection between as your boards and github so let me open github and this is the one this is the repository so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a work item a work item our freedom is nothing but a task a task which you want any of your team members to do so I'm going to say update so this is going to me my tasks so I'll just hit enter so a new task has been created and it doesn't state to do that is I'm not going to do so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put it over here and I will assign it to someone so right now I am the only member of this so I'm assigning it to myself for example if there are hundreds of people you can assign it to one of them if you are a manager you can assign it to one of your teammates so it has been assigned over here and the task number is one so how to connect this with each other so this is not connected with this but we can connect them using this particular number so how to do that I will show you before that how how does these two connect because there is a tool which you have to first install let me get up so if I hit Azure you can see over here as your pipelines and as your boats so if you want to use as your pipelines there a key from github or as your boats directly from github then you will have to install both of these I have installed it already so it's not showing for me and if you want to use then you will have to install it once you install you can do so they asked me to update readme for example I'm another teammate I am checking this okay after update the wavy so I am going over there I'm taking you on to read me I am going to edit it I am giving so just updated it Oh fun and so now to commit changes I am NOT going to commit it to the master branch now I'm going to create another branch to commit so if I do this it won't affect the master branch there won't be a change in the master branch only when we merge it then the changes will be applied so for now there won't be any change so that is what I'm going to do I'm going to propose this file change once they accept it it will go and now you have to open a pull request so while you open a pull request what you're going to do is you'll have to really leave a comment like this fixes or fixed or fix so this is I'm going to give fixes a B is for Reserve boards and hash tag number one so number one indicates number one indicates the task number so one is the task number so it indicates it so if I create a pull request right now it will automatically consider this one so for example I click on hold request yeah so it is checking for ability to merge if there are no conflicts it is right now ready for a merge so right now I can click on this and just merge them so but right now you see here there has been a change you can see a github commit or a get up pull request actually it's a get a pull request has been registered over here and it is in this update readme so if I click on this it takes me to the pull request page so same goes with this if I click on this it takes me to the zero boards where this particular work task is so you can see it took me over here and it is connected with this so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go back and I'm going to merge this and I'll show you what happens I'm going to fit and yeah I just confirm words and now the is confirmed it will automatically go to done so you don't need to come over here and check whether it is done or not and push it over there it automatically happens and this saves a lot of time so this is what I wanted to show you guys about github and as your boards so the next thing we'll be doing is we'll be importing this particular repository sorry github repository - male zebra pose so I'm going to go to the repose if you have a local repository you can just exactly do the same things you do for github you can initialize it you can create a remote origin using this your URL and then you can just push all the contents - this is your repo or instead you can import an existing github repository so I'm going to do that so git and this is my this is going to be my URL I'm going to paste over here and I will have to provide authorization so I will have to provide my use the name and password so I keep on import reimu yeah so it is importing it's on its way processing the request so it's showing will send you notification when it's ready so why is that showing because my repository is very small organisations repository will be so huge it will be like for example if it is 1 gigabyte it will take a lot of time to import so that's what so it notifies you and you can just see here it is the exact same as this you have everything over here so you can use right now you can use as your proposed instead of your github so that's why they develop is Europe oh so now if I go to branches I can see the branches which were created I can see there were two ranches created and you can see the pushes so this was the only push which happened and then come it's you can see the number of come which happened these were my old ones these were the old comets and these are the new ones so here also there was an update feed me happen and here also there is an update really so this one was with another as your organization before and right now you can you can actually see all the history here you can see all the merge history you can see the number of times you created a pull request every detail is over here you can add tags yeah you can see everything busy you can see the number of comets and the files and also you can upload files over here you can just click here and then you can just give a command browse choose a file and upload that's it's that simple or or what you can do is you can actually push files over here so you will have to initialize this first so to do that what I am going to do is I am going to clone this now we can also clone this to our local repo we can clone it too which will pseudocode or we can just clone it normally using git bash after cloning it what we can do is we can push our changes made in the local system and we can just put it over here that's it it's pretty simple so I'm cloning it I mean what I'm going to do is a move on right now I'll open git bash and right now it is in okay so no problem for me I'm going to clone my directory out here so it's good Sloane taste so right now it will ask for my password so this is not my account I will have to login to my exactly let me login first yeah guys I gave my ID and password so right now you can see removed the zoo proposed found 71 objects to send and packing objects done so right now it has been cloned and if I go so let me this check so there's a lot of stuff here so I think the name would be angular apt one yeah at this angular up one so I'm in master right now so that's good so or just a second so that was not the pile guys actually it was in telepods angular project yeah throw right now yes so this was the cloned as your repository so we are going to use this for example I will propose a change over here so I'll open my read me you can see updated it for fun so I'm going to update it that said I'm just going to save this okay so now I'll change it and I'm committing it dated readme so it has been changed so now I just have to push it just be push and my work is done it has been uploaded and right now if I open readme it won't be there sorry it will be there yeah so the change has been made so it is that simple to use is your repose and to connect the local system to your zero post it's the same as github so guys now what we are going to do next let me switch back to the slides and check what we'll have to do next so now we are going to create a CI see the pipeline for the angular application and with a your pipelines in the report so we've created repose they are going to use this repository to create an azure pipeline so I have already built my application so there would be a dist folder so you can see over here I already built it locally and just pushed it so there is a dist folder so right now if I run my application the angular page should be shown and before doing this guys make sure you have two app services created in your a zero count so in a zero can make sure that you have two app services so the app services will have their own URL you can use that where you launch your website okay so right now let us start off with pipelines so new pipeline you can either go directly over here or you can use the classic editor I prefer the classic editor so I will just show this once I'm choosing a zero PO yeah that triple so now it shows me in OJ's because it will read what is under my code so it read my god so it knows that it is no J's so it is showing me to use no J's with NPM so I can just use this so I can install NPM and I can run build I can just add it over here so I can do this over here or I can do this manually so that process shows everything which happens so let me go over there I don't want this so I'll just go back and I'll use the classic editor it's the same but it shows more information so I'm going to use is your repos yeah at this repo master branch so I'm going to use master branch on continuum so now it shows you can just you can do configuration it's code you can type your entire yeah mill file as a code or you can choose one of these templates so these for example your application is a dotnet desktop application you can just click on this you'll have multiple jobs you can execute them or Android but mine but mine is a angular application which requires NPM so first what I'm going to do is I'm going to configure this pipeline I want it to run on Windows yeah so I'll tell what I need I need to install NPM then I need to build my project and then store it to a zip file after storing it it should be ready for publishing in - at least that is I want to push it to a QA server or a production so it should be ready so we'll have to do four four jobs so for tasks so our first task would be installing NPM if I type in NPM I can see over here so the default process would be install NPM yeah so you can choose a registry directly from god nvm ours is this it takes from the prior public source or you can choose and a zero artifact one so I'm just going to choose which I created right now it takes on the public resources but I'm going to choose it yeah so next I'm going to build my project to build my project I cannot use install I cannot use publish or I cannot use this also I have to use custom and provide my command over here my command is run build product because build prod is what I mentioned in my package third JSON file and so that's what I have to run and again I'm going to choose the sole let it be this I'm not going to choose public over here let's see what happens then I will have to archive my files into a zip file so I am going to choose archive so I am going to change this name as archive files and also will have to change this so what you'll have to change this to is we will have to change this to the disk path so that is going to be this an angular app ok so this will be my path because it will take the HTML file or the contents from this so this is the folder which has to be archived so it has to be zip yeah so you can see over here build out artifact staging directory and build dot build ideal so this will take the build area so that that's what we are trading we are creating a build so the it will take so right now I'll show I'll have to create another job I told you we will have to publish it so to publish I'm going to use publish build artifacts so the artifact which we build has to be published so you can see here builder artifact staging directive so the directory which was taken here will be taken here also this is like a variable so you can go to variables and also add variables over here you can just sit here and add your own variables or you can also you'll have to enable this triple let me tell you so why do we do this because we want a CI CD pipeline we want continuous integration and continuous deployment so the build is for continuous integration from just going to tools and whenever there is a change in master branch it should are the continuous integration process should have come so this will be useful then there is a pipe release pipeline so right now this is not going to be any continuous integration because this will just build and keep the artifact as it is and then there are a few other options a retention period then the history will shoot it with this build so right now there is no build I did not do anything so there is no history ok so that's it for the build we don't need to conflict there anything else so let us save this first and then run it you can saving queue it directly or you can save and queue it over here so now you can see number one this is my first build on this repository and the commit was updated readme which I did and then it will start with a first job so these are the jobs which will be done before you starting with to install and then to build and then it will archive publish publish artifact and then it will be completed and then we can create a release using this so let us wait until this completes so guys the execution has been completed you can see over here everything has been succeeded in p.m. install succeeded you can check over here you just click on them and see what happened in them so you can see my build has been completed that's been archived and it is right now ready for release so what I am going to do now is I am going to release this and I am going to create a CD that is this build will create a CI and this will be CD so I will be creating a CI CD pipeline so I'll release going to use this build it will automatically take the build or if you want to create a released separately for example you will be having 1015 bills you can choose any one of that build and you can you can click on this and you can choose any one of that build or you can add multiple bills so as I told you I will have to launch it to my app service I already have to observe is's in my account but they are not running first let me create this then I will just with just the Mon and after that I will show whether my CI CI pipeline works or not so I am clicking here clicking on apply my first stage would be QA yeah so this is for quality assurance for in a turn for example in an organization obviously they'll have a lot of stages I am just going to show two stages that's it I'm going to show a QA stage and I'm going to show of production stage so Cubase stage will have to configure something you'll have to provide your as your subscription and so right now my I usually use this subscription and it's not showing if you show once I choose that subscription then it will show the app services running in my account so once it loads before that I will just go to my portal and let me switch it on so this is my sign in so I'll just go to my app services I'll check whether they are running or not I think oh they are still running so no problem okay let them be running so right now let me refresh it once to the fish I'll check over here still not join for example because that this is not authorizing for me if you have an account and you have multiple subscriptions the first time you do you will have to authorize it over here when you click on authorize it will load if the gets authorized it will show nothing there won't be any error if it is not authorized it is show and I ready throw you an error so I think this will throw me an error because I know what this won't get on with rice but when I use this it won't get so you can see over here if I use this it's not authorizing because I don't know why but this subscription as it is authorizing for me so good so now you can see there are two running over here so this is the subscription for my zero account and if I see now I can see code you want and Cody fraud over here so let us take Cody one as my QA server so let it be there and you can see over here deploy app service you can see it has been autofill for my app service name and my subscriptions so we don't need to do in here things over here this is going to run so now there are no nothing else you will have to change one more thing you have to do here that is you can do it manually that is you can just run it there won't be any connection between the build and the stages that is artifact which has been stored and the stages or after the build has been completed this when the build completes the release automatically triggers so that triggers this okay so that's it I want for my QA and and another thing in queue where you can soak it I'll add one test over here I'll add I like this test but right now I think I'll have to so if you don't find anything over here you can just click on them you can get it for free you can actually install them I'll show that to so that I cover all of the concepts here so if you want any task which is not available you can just search for them they will be available in the marketplace and then you can just install them once you install them then you can use search them over here and you will find use them ad so you can then add it so okay proceed to my organization I'll go here I'll go to my leases here nothing is there so I just refresh it and then I'll search for software test so right now you can see there is that so what I'm going to do is I'll have to add the URL of my as your app service so this is that service and it will be Cody one dog as your website's dotnet so that would be the URL I'm going to copy it and paste there it does nothing it just checks whether it sends back or 200 that is whether the website is running properly or not it is okay or not so that's it I won't put you in and now for example you have 200 tasks running if you want to create a production server and you will you will have to emulate the same thing for the end users you don't need to create the task again one by one you can just click here clone that's it all the tasks will be copied over here and then I'm going to name this as rod this is going to be a production server and then I don't need this because I would have already tested it's okay so right now I just want this but you'll you cannot host your QA and prod in the same URL you'll have to change the URL because this is for public use so this is going to be my URL for public use this is going to be my app service so I'm choosing that and done so now I'm saving it and also one more thing I wanted to show you so this is after the release if I click on this I will come here still come here man will it will be separate so I'm just keeping it after stage so after QA fraud will be automatically triggered but what if QA succeeded but there is some error or some typos there but you wanted to change it but it went automatic it went to production and it starts executing you cannot stop it right so you can do this you can create a pre-deployment approval that makes sure that for example I am adding myself so after the QA is completed and it's ready for production so you can check whether everything is right once and after that you can approve so that only then the production starts so then only this stage starts running and for example you can kill any number of approvals you can give 10 approvers and only if all those approvals click approve then it starts otherwise it doesn't start so it's done so I'll just save this so I'm creating a release and if you build so it'll automatically release right now I'll have to create the release manually and then I'm just creating release 1 has been created so now we've created a CI CD pipeline rice it's that simple in a zero DevOps so we have created a CAC the pipeline let me show this once it is running and once the QA server is completed I will show you how to use as your test and feedback tool and also how to do manual testing on that particular URL so let me go back you can see over here you can just click on them you can see all the tasks running over here there are no tests you can see come over here again so now you can see initialized job we are done it has been deployed successfully so right now if I go here my website should be running if it is not running and there is a following my website but yeah so my website is running and it's successful so this is my app it is running successfully so my task has been succeeded and this is fully one dot you websites dotnet and it has been succeeded so if I click this it went to my website and it showed that it's running yeah so now if I go to the pipe lab now you should see now you will be see and approve button over here so this saves you then there is a server a QA server running for example 10 people checked it tested it and thought it is ok but they left out a minute mistake which will affect for end-users so then when you check it you find it out then you can tell them to change it and rebuild it once again so then you can approve it and start so right now only this will be running while it there won't be editing here and right now what I'm going to do is I am going to do some exploratory tests on this and I want to change my title over here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the exploratory test first then I will do a manual test so first Xperia T test I'll have to connect my test feel and feedback tool over here so but how to download this if you ask you can just do the test plants when you are a new user you will be shown this you can click on this it is take you to this marketplace you can just click on this and you will be taken to the Chrome Web Store and you can just install it like a normal extension it's pretty simple so that's how so right now I'm going to do an exploratory test over here to do that I will need to connect to my URL so this was I this is the project to take connected earlier so right now this would be my organization I'll have to connect it next so it is asking yeah so this would be my intellibid angular project in saving it so now I can run tests on any website which I have but right now I only have this so I am going to start the session and now you can see multiple options over here capture browser tab you can add notes you can record the screen this will be to create a bug which will be shown in Azure boats and then this will show the entire process you have done in your session and this is to explore work items which are linked and this is to connect to a device and this is the setting so right now I want for example I have checked my website I don't like my title and I want to change it so I'll click on browser and you will be seeing this so you can just click on this and now if I go here you can see it has been added what I'm going to do is I am going to create above I don't like it so I'm creating ePub so now you can see the observation has been added here if you don't want it you can remove it but I wanted my bug is going to be change and you love I've won ooh hello so I want to show it - hello app is running so this would be a source this is what I wanted to add so just do it now here we T so I'll just use and if I save this you can see the entire process in the session so what I did the session started I took a screenshot and I created an issue so you can just click on this and it will take you to the issue page so this is my issue and you can see the observations do it now priority okay so now what I do you can do that here also you can change it to doing so you can change it from this and change it to doing or you can just go to boards let it change so now it will be doing so now what I'm going to do is also I did a willing listener if you know that okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to change this in my local system I am going to upload it so now when I upload it automatically my build should run then my release children so if it happens then I am going to approve it once again because there will be a release to happening and I found the error over there and before doing that what I wanted to do is I wanted to add some tests over here so to add tests what you can do so for example for to check it I am going to add a test so open the website check the if hello then ask all tests though this is my manual test so now if I go to test plants these tests will be available there but diesel emmanuel tests you have to do them one by one manually and just pass them one by one so this was still loading so I just opened it in the same window okay so now it's showing it over here you I if I clicked on this test you can see open the website check the name if I low then pass all tests so how to run this you can just select all of them and run them run them for a web application and you will be shown a prompt over here it will so you'll have to do this manually and then you will have to just pass them one by one so you can see your honor this plants and it's showing open the website and if I go to next will show check the name so go to next in fellow then pass all tests so I'm not going to do it right now so what I'm going to do right now is I'll update my name then I'll push it and then I'll do this test and then everything will run so a release 2 will be created and then I'll approve it so what I'm going to do I am going to I'm only cancel this I'm not going to approve this I don't want this to run I want to change and then only so I'm going to just cancel this like Wow so I cancelled it so right now you can see it is not deployed so this release did not define okay so now I'm going to my local system I am going to open my readme sorry not my read me I will have to open my index dot HTML file so I'll just see here I will have to go into si si I'll have to go up I'll have to go into name dot yes sorry I I cannot go into it it's a file I'll have to open it yeah so I'm going to change my name I'm going to change my name so I think I changed it yes so now I'm going to stage it and then commit it I'm going to commit it has changed the website title and then I'm going to push it but I think before pushing let's just pull it once if we did okay so I pushed it now the change would have happened now there should a build should have started so you can see here change the website title so a build is running so this I do not do anything it automatically did itself a continuous integration was on if continuous integration is on whenever there is a code change on the master branch then this will automatically happen so now it's installing NPM so once that is done then this will happen because they have enabled after release sorry after this so this would be enabled we even neighbors can use deployment trigger once you enable this so it will automatically happen so now let me go to releases let us wait until that completes so I will open build over here raises over there so it is still installing let us wait so guys the build has been completed so once the build completes as I told you the release has to start so let me open release yup so there is a release to running it is on the build two I click on this right now it has been queued it is waiting so it will start running now yeah so the deployment is in progress so after this gets deployed this name should be changed to holo if it is if it did not change to hello then I did something wrong or there is some error in my pipeline but it should happen if not whatever but it will happen so let us wait until this deployment is completed yeah the deployment has been come is completed so I'll try to press shift so the change has been made my website didn't go down I didn't do anything to my website I didn't it did not go down even for a second it changed so this is how you do a CI CD pipeline but right now we are still one step missing that I didn't do the tests so my build is running my test has been completed so if I go to my pipeline you can see yeah the prod is pending approval so yeah I liked it but I want to do a test so what I'm going to do I'm going to do this test on my website so I will just run them and yeah so this is my runner so I'm checking open the website I opened the website it's running check check the name check the name I don't know what name but yeah it was hello yeah checked if hello did pass all tests yeah so done then I save it and close so now what happens if I go to my xored ports like go here every test would have been passed yeah so you can see the tests have been passed so the test is done so it's good so what I'm going to do I'm going to approve this you can add a comment over there if you want so I approved it so right now my production server will run once my production so it's not exactly a server I'm just deploying it it is a job it is a task I'm just saying it for the understanding purpose so after this runs my website will be launched in this particular URL also so let us wait until this completes so in progress pre deployment approvals as we've done and now it's running on agent yeah succeeded so now if I go here this side my old website at this was I already hosted a website over there so right now it has toast this website over here so it has to have hollow in it it is see guys it's a different URL so you can see I it is running so my production server worked so I've created a complete CIC the pipeline which enabled me to do QA server I ran it there I tested it and then I approved for my products also so now what I'm going to do is so this was good this happened good I'll go over here and we go so I go to my boards so there is nothing here okay so I think if everything is completed there won't be they won't be showing so this is over here yeah so it is showing now so what you can do is it's completed so I'll just push it over there it done that's it so this is w uses your boards and this is how you create a CI CD pipeline and the next thing I wanted to show you was so this artifacts so I use the public feed guys you remember that right so I use the public feed for my build so when I use the public field what happens is all of the packages which are used all of the packages which got installed will be stored over here so we can see there was one download and one user used it and the few things had many downloads also so right now if I use this feed it won't go to the public source it will directly take from my feed and that will reduce time it won't go to the public source because there will be a lot of people accessing that site there won't there would be traffic or sometimes there would be a DDoS account and the service would have been denied but if I move all of the packages to my feed then I run the bill right now it will directly take it from here it won't go to the public source now it will be available here so everything will be done properly so this is artefacts you can also upload your own feed you don't need to upload anything any public feed so this happened when I run the build so it automatically pushed so you can see guys you can see 28 minutes ago so that is when we ran the build so that so that is about artifacts it's pretty simple it holds all the packages you can use it whenever you so you can see there are so many packages which got installed and all of the packages you can see it over here and if your company only uses four packages you can just use those put those four packages upload them over here and keep on using them instead of going to public or your local system anymore so that's it guys and I find after I've shown all of these topics I have shown board size showed repose I showed pipelines there's plants and artifacts and I think artifacts if you are not sure where did we do that I will show where did we do it once more I'll click on edit so here you can see in custom registries I used a registry I select here and I choose general a pad organization which we created and here I just used the what is that the public source I did not use my registry if I choose this again so it will take the packages from here so that's it that is about artifacts so I just wanted to make sure that where I use it I wanted to show that to you guys that's it and finally how to monitor all of this for example there will be a lot of processes running a lot of bills running a lot of deployments going on so how to manage all of this is you can add multiple digits so this shows the number of work items which has been assigned to you so if I add this so right now there won't be anything but let me add when I work at one work item so let me add a work item so this is a task and it is okay it is signed to me and say so this is my task might ask is okay so if I go over here so right now nothing will be seen I'll have to complete it so right now you can see one task has been added Edison to do state and it has been assigned to this user which is me and then I can add my build history I can add chart for test plans I can add third for both items I can add an embedded web page you can add all of this if anything is not over here you can go to the extension gallery and find them so let's consider so and just you can just drag and drop them actually you can just move them wherever you want so I'll say I want it here so let it be like this so done editing charge for test plans you can choose which test plan so this was my test plan test suit this was my test to group by let's say Grady ID or it's the you can choose anything actually so we'll get them typed or whatever so right now according to test cases there were three there were three tests running on a particular test case and then I can configure my bill history this was my build so it was successful here once here twice and then I can add a URL over here so my URL for example if I add this overview before launching the website I can see my embedded web page over here itself for exact okay so this is not working I'll just enter Google's copy so it is not showing or I can use anything I'll use calm so you can now see the entire batch website over here this would be a static website you cannot do anything over here so you can just see all of these stuff and all and now for chart for work items you can choose the query which has been created right now there is no query so you cannot do that so this is how you monitor your as you do ops application so guys I've explained all of the concepts over here and I've explained boards how to connect it to github how to create work items how to link between github and work items same thing goes with Azul repose we saw how to import it how to cool it how to push it it's the exact same thing as get up you don't need to learn anything else apart from that and then pipelines we learn builds we created a CI CD pipeline and then we created plans and also we did exploratory testing using this tool so I'll just stop this yeah I stopped it then we learned artifacts by uploading all of the public source content over here that is the packages so if you see the summary page you can see everything so nine work items were created - okay times code completed zero pulled requests were made and eleven commits by two others so if you think to authors one was my github account and one was this the person sorry the local systems author so the local systems author is different over here and the author over here is depend so you can see a build succeeded 100% deployment succeeded 100% so this is the basic considered the warps CICE pipeline and as you repose guys okay guys a quick info if you want to become a certified as your Dov's professional you can take up the pseudo ops training from intel apart and the link is provided in the description below okay guys we've come to the end of this session and I hope this session was informative for you if you have any doubts feel free to comment it below will allow to help you out thank you
Channel: Intellipaat
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Keywords: azure devops training, azure devops tutorial, what is azure devops, azure devops, devops, azure, devops azure tutorial, azure devops plan, azure devops pipeline, devops on azure, devops cloud computing, devops cloud, cloud devops tutorial, devops in azure cloud, azure pipeline example, azure functions pipeline, azure devops pipeline java, azure devops online training, azure devops ci cd pipeline, azure devops edureka, intellipaat, azure devops intellipaat
Id: QmvAYDc4UUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 10sec (5050 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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