Azure App Service Tutorial | What is Azure App Service | Azure Training | Edureka

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[Music] hi all this is tanishka from edureka and i welcome you all to this session today i am here with a new topic that is azure app services so before we get started make sure you subscribe to our redirect youtube channel and hit the bell icon to never miss any updates also if you are interested in azure online certification and training then do check out the link given below in the description so let's quickly have a glance on today's agenda so today we'll be discussing about what is azure app service followed by why we use azure app service and then we'll look on to some of the app service application types and then we'll learn about what is app service plans and we'll have a quick demo on the azure app services and lastly we'll study about the pricing tiers what is azure app service the azure app service is an http based service for hosting web application rest apis and mobile backends it is a platform as a service where you can develop in your favorite language be core java ruby node.js php or python with azure app service you pay for the azure compute resources you use the compute resources you use are determined by the app service plan that you can run on your apps so in simple words if we say azure app service is a web-based service that hosts web application rest apis and mobile backends now let's see why do we use azure app services azure app service is a fully managed platform as a service offering for developers so here are some key features of azure app service firstly multiple language and frameworks so here the app service has a first class support for core java ruby nodejs php or python you can also run powershell and other scripts or executables as background services looking forward manage production environment here the app service automatically patches and maintains the os and language frameworks for you you can spend time writing great apps and let azure worry about the platform next is containerization and docker you can dockerize your app and host custom windows or linux container in the app services you can also run multi-container apps with docker compose and migrate your docker skills directly to the app service next is devops optimization so here you can set up continuous integration and deployment with azure devops github bitbucket docker hub or azure container registry you can also promote updates through test and staging environments and manage your apps in the app service by using azure powershell or cross platform slide command line interface next is global scale with high availability here you can scale up or scale out manually or automatically you can also host your apps anywhere in microsoft's global data center infrastructure and the app service cla promises high availability moving ahead serverless code so here you can run code snippet or script on demand without having explicitly provisions or manage infrastructure and pay only for the compute time your code actually uses next is application templates so here you can choose from an extensive list of application templates in the azure marketplace such as wordpress joomla and drupal last but not the least security and compliances so here app service is iso soc and pci compliant you can authenticate user with azure active directory google facebook twitter or microsoft account you can also create an ip address restrictions and manage the service identities at last connections to sas platform and on-premises data so here you can choose from more than 50 connectors for enterprises systems such as sas services and internet services and access to on-premises data using hybrid connections and azure virtual networks so these were the key features which makes azure app service more demanding let's quickly have a look on some of the app service application types so there are four app service application types that is web app api app logic app and mobile app so let's quickly look on to each one of them so first is web app azure web apps are used for hosting websites and web applications it lets us quickly build deploy and scale enterprise grade webs mobile and api apps running on any platform it helps us to meet rigorous performance scalability security and compliance requirement while using a fully managed platform to perform an infrastructure maintenance next is api app it is used for hosting restful apis the api app features make it easy to develop post and consume apis in the cloud or on premises the advantage of hosting apis in azure api app is that we will get enterprises gate security and simple access control automatic sdk generation and seamless integration with logic apps next is logic app logic apps are used for business process automation system integration and sharing data across clouds and last mobile app mobile apps are used for hosting mobile app backends where we can deploy our mobile backend services on azure using azure mobile app by implementing our mobile backend service on azure our mobile backend will be able to communicate with different azure services we can able to take the advantage of various features that are provided by azure mobile apps so these were the four app service application types so let's quickly move on to our next topic that is app service plan so to create an app service you need an app service plan without an app service plan you cannot create an app service the app service plan consists of many components so it means the app service is a baseline for the actual compute resources here the app service plan can have multiple app services and in these each app services we have different deployment slots so what is deployment slots deployment slot allow your function apps to run different instances called slots slots are different environments exposed via publicly available endpoints one app instance is always mapped to the production slot and you can swap instances assigned to the slot on demand when you create an app service plan in a certain region a set of compute resource is created for that plan in that region so whatever apps you put into this app service plan runs on these compute resources as defined by your app service plan so each app service plan defines the operating system maybe it is windows or linux next is region so it can be any region whichever region of your choice you choose whether it can be west u.s east u.s central india etc and the size of the vm instances so you can choose a small medium large and for sure pricing tires so there are different type of pricing tires such as free shared basic standard premium premium version 2 premium version 3 isolated isolated version 2 etc so we'll look on to these pricing tires in further so let's quickly have a small demo on azure app services so for this we need to move on to our visual studio code so let's quickly go on to our visual studio code and the first thing we need to do is to create a folder so i have already created a folder let's open that that is azure app services so i'll select this folder and as you can see here the folder is here so within this folder will be creating a dot net program so let's open our terminal yeah let's create our dot net program dot net new mbc so here you can see your web application is being created and you can see all your folders are available over here so as you can see your program has been built successfully now let's run this program so we'll just hit the command dot net run all right so here you can see it is building so let's wait for a few seconds yeah so here you find your local host where your program has been created and it has run successfully so just click on this link this is the local host where our program is run all right so here you can see your in your local host your program has been run successfully now what do you need to do you need to deploy it into the app services so how do you do that let's go back to our visual studio code now for this you need to have an extension that is azure extension so how do you do that you just go to this extensions tab and here you can just select azure account and azure app service you need to install these two extensions to avail all the services so as i have already installed these two accounts and azure app service so it's already feeded inside so let's quickly move on to our azure and here as you can see in our resources our azure labs this is our account where we can utilize all the services so as you can see here there are many services now what do we need to do just click on the create resource and we'll select create app service web app so we'll just click on this and we'll just give a unique name to our web app so let's give it a new name azure web app demo 3 alright so let's hit enter so here they will be asking what type of language it is so it is net 6 that has been recently used and they ask about the subscriptions that is our pricing tire so let's take it free and here our web application gets created so as you can see your web app has been created successfully and here you can see our azure web app devo 13 web application so here now what do we need to do is to deploy so let's just right click and deploy to web app so we'll just click over here and we'll just browse so as you can see here you can see our folder itself so i don't have to like go into the folders and find my azure app service demo and i'll just quickly click on this and they ask permission for configuration so just add configuration and then they ask whether are you sure you need to deploy the azure web app demo 13 or no so just hit deploy and as you can see it's feeding all the programs are being feeded in your azure application so here you can see all your packages and all your programs are being stored into the azure portal as your app service so let's wait till it gets completed all right so our deployments is successful so now we'll just browse the websites just to check whether it has come into our azure or no okay so this is the link we'll just follow this link and let's see yeah so here you can see it has azure web app demo thirteen dot website dot that night so it has been deployed successfully so this is how you deploy into the azure app services now let's quickly move on to our azure portal and let's check whether we can see it over there as well or no so this is our azure portal so let's go to all services so here you can see it we have the web application azure web app mo 13 so let's just go into it let's have an overview all right so as you can see over here all your details are given over here you can see all your metrics based on whatever files are there and let's quickly move down and see our scale ups and scale down that is our app service plan so as we had chosen the free option so here you can see this is our shared compute so you can upgrade your tires based on your requirements so as you can see here different pricing tiles are there so here you have the recommended pricing tires based on that you get your features so the higher the tire the more upgraded features you can avail in your azure app services so you can change it anytime whenever you need it so for currently like we have it for free so we have no other features in it so let's also check to our azure service plan over here you can get app service plans so here you can see our app service plan and just view so you get all your details over here so here you can see your pricing tire is free and your operating system is windows and your one application is running so there's one application faded in your azure app services all right so if you wish to see here scale-ups same thing so here also you can see anywhere you can just upgrade your tires based on whatever requirements you need to have so this is how you work with azure app services and it's quite pretty easy so you can do it or through azure portal as well or you can do it with our visual studio code like how did we do it so this is how you work with azure app services you can just feed in any of your desired programs or your web applications and you can just directly put into your app services so it's quite pretty easy like through visual studio code you just need to hit some commands and you can directly like deploy your applications into the azure portal so this was all about the demo and lastly we come to our pricing tiers the pricing tier of an app service plan determines what app service features you get and how much you pay for the plan so the pricing tires are available to your app service plan depending on the operating system selected at the creation time so there are few categories of pricing tires that is shared compute dedicated compute and isolated in shared compute we have three and shared two base tires that runs an app on the same azure vm as other app services including apps of other customers these files allocate cpu quotas to each app and that runs on these shared resources and these resources cannot be scaled out next is dedicated compute in dedicated compute we have basic standard premium premium version 2 and premium version 3 tires that runs app on dedicated azure vms only apps in the same app service plan share the same compute resources the higher the tire the more vm instances are available to you for scale outs and lastly we have isolated in this we have two types of pricing tires that is isolated and isolated version two so these two tires run on dedicated azure virtual networks it provides network isolation on top of the compute isolation to your apps and also provides some maximum scale out capabilities so this was all about azure app services i hope you enjoyed the session and got to know what is actually azure app services happy learning i hope you have enjoyed listening to this video please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply them at the earliest do look out for more videos in our playlist and subscribe to edureka channel to learn more happy learning you
Channel: edureka!
Views: 19,631
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, azureappservice, azureappservicetutorial, azureappserviceplan, azure, edureka, azureedureka, azuretutorail, azuretraining
Id: P79Z574kcNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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