Getting Started [1 of 8] | .NET on Azure for Beginners

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[Music] thank you [Music] hey everybody Welcome to the beginner series of dot net on Azure my name is Matt soakup and we are going to cover all things of dot net on Azure and we're going to start at the very beginning we're going to talk about really what is cloud computing so that is the very very start so I'm going to suppose that you know absolutely nothing about Azure but as we go along we're going to get deeper and deeper into applications on Azure so we're going to cover the whole gamut of everything so this is going to be a lot of fun and I really hope you do enjoy this whole series of dot net on Azure so let's get started on everything that we're going to cover so as I mentioned the first thing we're going to talk about is what exactly is cloud computing from the very start of everything and then we're going to get into more some use cases of dot net on Azure and then last in this episode we're going to talk about setting up our development environment so so really just getting our computer right here set up so we can start applications on azure so first off let's talk about exactly what is cloud computing what are we going to build for application so we can run them up in the cloud so really the cloud is a computer but somebody else has infrastructure right it's plugged in somewhere else it has a network cable it has the power it's not running in your power center or as I used to when I develop at a state government it wasn't a computer sitting underneath my desk that's a little bit of an exaggeration but not too much um and so what happens in this in additions for it to not being your own infrastructure cloud computing also has platforms to increase developer productivity and velocity and so some things you can think about where the infrastructure are things like Azure storage so blob storage or virtual machines the platforms to increase your velocity become Azure functions or Azure container apps and later on in the series we'll get to what those mean but they give you essentially shortcuts to start developing more complex applications and Azure handles all of the infrastructure and a lot of the code for you but we'll talk about those in due time so cloud computing really becomes to be Computing as a commodity it becomes cheaper you don't have to worry about the infrastructure you don't have to worry about the patching you really don't have to worry about anything except for your core logic your business application running so you're just writing your code and that's it so you're going to hear things when people talk about Computing as as a service is infrastructure as a service pass platform as a service even Faz functions as a service or says software as a service all these things are as a service so cloud computing delivers that to you as a service taking it up to you and delivering something as a service to you so infrastructure as a service would be like virtual machines or storage or something where it's pretty low level and you're gonna be taking care of a lot of stuff yourself but as things go higher like software as a service that's almost like Microsoft 365. so um word or Outlook a full functioning application software as a service that you have so things get higher along more abstracted more functional as well so some of the advantages of cloud computing especially for developer is that we have the delivery of Computing Services across the internet and so what you also have is it infrastructure like virtual machines or storage or databases we're not worried about that taking care of somebody else and we also could have some advantages of like iot or ml or AI we're letting Azure handle some pretty Advanced use cases that we can get for free we can access the research and development of Microsoft and bring that into our applications without having to reinvent the wheel ourselves so we're not really constrained by the physical infrastructure like a traditional data center we're not hosting our servers ourselves we're letting somebody else do it and then we can bring in like a highly available iot where tons of data is coming in or we can make use of a very smart artificial intelligence starter platform and build off of that and we don't have to worry about any patching I can't even imagine trying to build an i o iot device server infrastructure from the ground up we can use somebody else's knowledge Microsoft's knowledge and build off of that so that's some of the advantages and then we're not really responsible for keeping the lights on somebody else is going to do that somebody else is going to keep hear the patching server goes down somewhere somebody else is going to make sure that server comes back up or it's going to fall back and our apps keep on running we don't have to have the pagers on anymore and make sure things go on at night and then it's easy to scale our apps too we can add more horsepower to it we could add more machines to it really it's almost as easy as going into the Azure portal and clicking a button there's more to it than that but there's easy Skilling to get things out across the world so our apps when they become successful don't just disappear and fail that we can keep them up and keep them running so of course that's cloud computing in a nutshell real quick or what it is but what are some of the use cases for net on it web apps of course that's the first thing that you would think of we're going to deploy a web app to azure get that up and running almost a lift and shift from that server sitting underneath somebody's desk let's put that in the cloud let somebody else worry about keeping that server plugged in and then web apis themselves so a classic rest API they also can live both a web app and web API we could start living in a container and we'll talk about in a future episode of the advantages of having a net application living in a container and now with we can have our apps live in Linux containers as well which opens up a whole world of possibilities of where they can deploy to a whole microservice architecture then can be deployed on Azure so now we have our microservices which are responsible for one and one thing only they're using their own database they're completely separate from other microservices they can be deployed separately they are responsible for just one thing they're using their own databases they're easy to maintain so one person is just responsible for it or a whole team is just responsible for one you're no longer having these huge monolith applications and we can start making those and then deploying those out on Azure and have like different deployment cycles for each one so the net use case then for that becomes really available to us we can start doing message broker Brokers there's a whole ecosystem of message brokering applications and services up on Azure which we can build our application for and use that so highly available time series we can like if we have a bunch of messages coming in push them up to Azure and we have services that can handle that and in Mobile back ends of course tying in with web apis tying in with identity as a service with like Azure active directory b2c so things like where I can log in with my Social account like something like GitHub activate that with Azure b2c on my mobile app then have it hit a web API to get data from let's say an Azure SQL database and bring that back we can have serverless functions which is really not quite serverless but you can think of it as like a web API that scales down to zero when you're not using it and not only is it like a web API but you can have this function that just is monitoring something like a storage queue or it's monitoring like an Azure Cosmos DB database so this function you're writing and it's just looking at your code you're not you don't care one bit about how you have to new up something to hit Cosmos DB you don't care how you have to new it up to respond to http requests you're just worried about writing your code and that's it and then we can do more complex scenarios such as writing a web API putting it into an Azure API management front end which allows us to control access to our API things like only allowing some paid subscribers to hit it stuff like that or then we can allow it to export into a custom connector so power apps can then access it so there's a ton of net use cases that we that we can allow and that can light up when we start doing things in azure and here are just a few of the Azure services that we'll talk about as we go through this whole beginner from App services and Azure SQL app services are web blob storage manage identity which is a way for different Azure services to talk to each other in an authenticated way container apps which are containers that run like in a microservice way Azure signal R which is real-time communication there are a ton of different ones that are pertinent developers and we'll start covering those and you'll learn how to use those and integrate those into your applications so there's several tools that we need just to get started with it and the first one of course when we're developing would be the SDK so there's a whole dot net SDK out there that's used to hit at Azure services and not only is it used to hit at Azure Services regardless of which one you're going at it's used in roughly the same way so it's designed to be familiar to you whether you're going to hit Cosmos DB or whether you're hitting Azure storage once you know how to do one you're going to be familiar enough where it's not this huge learning curve to hit another service with it of course Visual Studio is going to be one of our main tool sets whether you're running on Windows or Mac vs code also right in there has nice great support for net developers into Azure and then there's a whole slew of command line interfaces that you can use to get ad Azure including the Azure CLI itself which you can run locally Azure Powershell and then Azure Cloud shell which is a shell that runs in Azure and you can run the Azure CLI from the Azure Cloud shell which is pretty amazing and we'll take a look at that all right now so the first thing I want to show you real quick is the Azure developers so these are all going to be nougat packages and they're going to be nuget packages that you download as needed however there is a great documentation site to go out and grab everything and to learn more about it so I just want to call this out right now so you can learn if you wanted to learn real quick about what things are that you can go out and grab it but we'll be using that a lot throughout this series the next thing I wanted to call out is Visual Studio code there's a whole tool set that's used just to access Azure and making your life easier when you get at Azure and it's installed through the extensions portion of vs code and it's called of all things if you search for azure and the Azure tooling comes with it so it's an extension pack that's consistent of eight different extensions including things like app service Azure functions storage and so on so I already installed everything here and then you can get at it through this little Azure icon on the left it gives you your subscription and then once you open up your subscription you can see various servers and services that you already have installed such as a function app go in here and I can see the various function apps I have installed I can right click on it browse to it deploy to it start and stop it so it gives me a way to quickly administer really my development site so when I want to use it to start and stop a production site but this really tightens up my inner development Loop now of course there is the big one and that's Visual Studio so visual studio has an entire Azure development kit put inside of it and to install it when you're going through you can install brand new when you're installing Visual Studio or you can go through and install it later it's the Azure development workload so you don't necessarily have to install it right away if you don't want to but to ins and actually you don't have to use install it at all if you're using the Azure SDK but it creates you a ton of different tooling that makes life easier so all you need to do is check Azure development and then Visual Studio will either modify your existing installation or if you're installing it from scratch it'll put it in great so that's your tooling and then there's a couple command line interfaces I want to call out as well the first one is the Azure CLI so so what that gives you is the Azure CLI and so what the Azure CLI gives you is a way to interface with Azure from the command line so I could create things such as resource groups or app Services all just from the command line and to install it just follow the directions on the documentation which I'll include of course in the show notes how to do that for Windows it's just an MSI which you would run and installs all right so then finally let's go and take a look at everything working in Windows terminal Powershell I could do a z which is the Azure command line and if I do account show it's going to say all right Matt you're logged in underneath this account so this is just part of the if I do az-h for help that's going to show you all the commands that I could use to interact with azure from the command line so I can do things such as create a static web app or storage use SQL signalr all from the command line and do such things so it becomes very very powerful as we'll see in a couple episodes now there's this Azure command line right but we can do even more and that's done through something called the Azure Cloud shell now so the Azure Cloud shell can be accessed from a couple different spots it can be accessed from Windows terminal and you can see this is the first time I'm accessing it from Windows terminal but the cloud shell can also be accessed through the Azure portal itself now I already have it open and in order to get it open once you browse to the Azure portal there's a little icon up top in the toolbar that looks like a terminal prompt so you click on that and this opens and this is a full on shell terminal you can see right now I'm running bash I could run Powershell if I wanted to and the same thing as before if I run a z account show I'm now running a full shell version of my Azure CLI and what's neat here is this is my Essential hard drive that I'm running I can see where I am currently I home slash mat I also have things such as Docker installed here that I can run and build Docker images or containers I even have .net install so I can get my code installed download it to Azure run Docker all from the cloud shell itself and so that's what this is doing from the windows terminal Windows terminal is calling out into Azure to run the cloud shell so it's not running the Azure CLI at all what it's doing is running porting out to the cloud shell and running it there so I'll log in and then once it opens up it gives me a variety of tenants that I already have and most of these are Azure b2c tenants so they're not real party part of my subscription but the top one and we'll talk about B to see it in a future episode but the top one Microsoft is my real one that has all my Azure resources in so I select that and then that is the one I can use going forward and so now it looks just like when I was running up in the Azure portal before but now it's on my laptop and I can run it here doing the same thing as I did before and I have full access to things like docker as well all right so let's start tooling and there's one other thing I want to talk about real quick before we Dive In to actually creating applications and running them on azure and that is naming conventions of how to organize things that we have in Azure and will a naming conventions come down to a personal preference of how your organization wants to do things and it could be many different ways to do it as long as you're consistent it's a good way there's no right or wrong answer and so essentially what you're going to want to do is have the type of resource as the first one and so Microsoft has suggested for every type of resource in Azure you can create has given an abbreviation for it so resource type and so this would be a web application type so the next step would then be the application name so this is a web resource called app azure where it's running here running in East US the environment Dev and then the instance so this is rather verbose but just by looking at it I can tell exactly what it is which is great and so really it's just a folder structure for me to understand everything and so then let's go through let's actually create our first resource by using the Azure CLI from Windows terminal and Cloud shell and so I'm logged in already as from before and so what I can do then is do a z group create so group is going to be a resource Group and it's something overall where I'm going to put other Azure resources and so the abbreviation for Resource Group is RG so now I want to figure out what my application name is and so what we're going to be creating overall during this series is Munson's pickle and preserves a product review site where we see a bunch of products we're able to give give it reviews pretty simple pretty straightforward so we'll just call it RG one cent then after that we could put down where it's located like if it was in East U.S we could put down the whether it's a Dev and then an instance so I'm going to say East U.S Dev Dash zero zero one so again as long as I'm consistent that's all that matters so if I didn't want to call East us or if I didn't want to put in Dev I didn't have to but for here that's what I'll do so at first look I can know what's going on so that's the name and I want to make sure I give it the option of Dash G of saying the name for it and then the option of Dash l of locating where it is so once I do that it tells me that a provision okay and now I should be good to go I'll go back into the Azure portal go look at all my resource groups and I'll have to refresh probably a couple times in order to see it pop up and here it is RG Munson East US and nothing's in it quite yet but in future episodes that's what we'll be doing so there we have it a brief overview of really what is cloud computing fits into that and then some tooling that we can create that we can use for creating our apps within Azure including Visual Studio vs code the specific tooling for that and then also some CLI tooling and then we saw a quick Creation with the naming conventions of our Resource Group so in our next episode we're going to be talking about actually deploying a web app with database access to this Resource Group and then we're going to start looking at how to create this muscles munsonance pickle and preserves web app [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: dotnet
Views: 37,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .NET
Id: EzdqO6jX8u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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