Aztec Religion Explained
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Channel: ReligionForBreakfast
Views: 332,525
Rating: 4.9449201 out of 5
Keywords: Aztec, Aztecs, religion, Aztec religion, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Nahuatl, Nahuas, Texcoco, Mexico, Mesoamerica, Mesoamerican, Mexico City, Mayans, Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, Montezuma, Moctezuma, Hernando Cortez, Bernardino de Sahagun
Id: vdO-QB7weUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
nothing goes with mealtime like human sacrifice
This was really fascinating thank you for sharing! I really loved the presenter here he explained everything not only extremely well but I really loved the way he handled the topic and the different ways the lens which we view what we know of the Mayans is also already possible filtered through by Europeans/Catholics etc.
The whole temple being the mountain with the desecrated body at its steps was such a fantastic mind blowing moment especially how well the art lines up with the story and backs up a lot of claims.
Also imagine being that sacrifice to live a year as a god knowing at the end you would die, I know you might feel a ton of pride perhaps especially given how your view of your life energy in the head and heart recycling as well as the honor to be the one picked but there must have been some really human moments in that where they were terrified/whatever other events might have happened with them and their loved ones leading up to it.
This whole channel (Religion for Breakfast) is really good, especially if you're interested in early Christianity which is his specialty.
Excellent video... thanks for sharing.
So the captured enemy would live with the people for a year before getting sacrificed dressed as a god?
And he was cool with that?
Great video.
Nahuatlphone religious practices are far too often reduced to simply "Human sacrifice", yes that is a central component, but it would be like reducing Abrahamic religions to "Circumcision" as if that really explains anything.
I would heavily recommend Fifth Sun, by Camilla Townsend, to anyone interested in understanding the "Aztec" peoples. Particularly when wishing to understand them, as one should, without the overbearing Eurocentric lense.