Azkaban Mission - Hogwarts Legacy

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you wanted to see me sir indeed allow me to introduce myself so few students know who I am these days Eldridge diggery former Minister for magic and founder of the aura recruitment program at your Salas I believe you can help solve a Decades of murder thanks to that book you found and in particular it's missing pages how do you know about the book and the pages we portraits here more than you might suspect and most of us can keep a secret so what say you surely a Hufflepuff such as yourself will be inclined to help seek long overdue Justice this could be right up my street even we hufflepuffs enjoy a good mystery glad to hear you're up to the challenge a plus I believe you'll benefit from this undertaking my great niece Helen thistlewood can provide you with details she's retired now but was a skilled Aura in her day and the unsolved murder of which I speak was her case I often visit my portrait in her home in the nearby Hamlet of upper hogsfield shall I tell her to expect you How could a few pages of a book help her solve an old case a boy disappeared with those pages but they never found the body a girl was convicted of his murder nonetheless it seems those pages could exonerate her somehow my great niece can tell you more can you tell me more about your great niece cream of the crop when it comes to auras her star people here and then unexemplary servant to the ministry and her spark hasn't diminished one bit in her retirement Hershey and I often chat about old cases and our Glory Days no offense but it's nice to get away from the students and Converse with someone who's familiar with my legacy when were you the minister for magic over a hundred years ago 1733 to 1747 to be precise the stories I could tell you oh didn't have a chance to do all that I could I was in the midst of reforming Azkaban when my life was cut short by Dragon pox I was sneezing Sparks to The Bitter End I shall go and see her right away brilliant with what I suspect is your knack for hard work and her Keen mind Booth Mysteries may be solved sooner than you think I shall see you there soon I hope [Music] this must be the place Minister diggery mentioned Helen lives around here somewhere here you are I'm pleased to see you took my advice madame thistlewood I met your great uncle in his portrait in my common room he sent me to speak to you I'm pleased Maybe relevant to an unsolved case from my time as an aura very well I'm listening decades ago a student named Richard jackdaw disappeared after going to meet a girl named Anne they never found his body when his headless ghost appeared briefly in hogsmeade wholly unaware of how he died and was convicted of his murder and sent to Azkaban it was in large part due to the testimony of a girl called Apollonia black jealous of an I think sounds terrible but I'm not sure how I can help Anne's Alibi was somewhat labyrinthine she said checked or promised her Adventure following a map he found on some pages he'd stolen from peas and do you think peas ripped those pages from the book I found in the Restricted Section if my great uncle is to be believed yes at least that's what the portrait said Hogwarts suspect an insisted that jackdaw had asked her to follow the map with him but only after she solved a series of puzzles he'd prepared but wait a we were girl she swears she never even solves the first puzzle so they didn't meet jackdaw's ghost vanished almost as soon as he appeared without jackdaw's puzzle Pages or remains Anne was sent to Azkaban based solely on apollonia's spurious testimony I don't understand what can I do to help I believe Anne may have solved the first puzzle by now but after spending time in Azkaban she's a shadow of her former self she won't speak to anyone she doesn't trust and she trusts no one if you a student with a connection to the pages like jacked or had spoke to Anne she might reveal new information [Music] a horrible story you think I can help I'll come with you this is wonderful news you are to be commended for your kindness and bravery fortunately being a retired Aura has its benefits we can operate right to her I've escorted ministers professors and many others to that blasted place never a student I'll admit but I will keep you safe can you tell me more about Apollonia black wretched vindictive girl that one Apollonia claimed that Anne threatened to kill the boy after he broke her heart the black family's power over certain people in the ministry along with the fact that Anne is muggle-born sealed her fate I'd like to know more about Anne that poor so never was the brightest girl and that lack of wit proved to be her undoing I half suspect Jack door and Apollonia were merely toying with her who could have known he'd end up dead she's not held up well in Azkaban some ways she blames me for not proving her innocence I'd like to clear her name if we can you said jackdaw's ghost appeared briefly and then vanished where do you think you went I have no idea evidently he was always a bit Restless going on and on about Adventure if I had to guess he tired of Scotland and is somewhere on the other side of the globe by now very well let's go steady yourself we'll operate together don't worry I've never splinched anyone do take care now and tread lightly in that horrible place we'll be there in about a moment [Applause] [Music] thank you that ought to keep them at Bay for now though be aware you may feel a wave of Despair it will pass thank you for the warning dismal Club will be out of here soon enough now follow me the dementals won't harm us now still be careful I never thought I'd see the inside of Azkaban for myself mentors not even I could convince the ministry to send them off there's no need for such monsters careful around them she's been here a lot longer than the rest of us [Music] I had my bond I'd cast crucio and a lot of you foreign which you're with has a dark cloud over up I can feel it what is that perhaps death in all its Mercy oh brochures the Call's going to believe now remember Anne has been here a long time the Dementors aren't kind patience and speak to her quietly and respectfully a Yuan who's there oh speak to me is that death finally come from here I'm a student from Hogwarts I found the book that you said would exonerate you ah the book the book no one would look none of the Mage is found the pages me things the factless knife meandered to his cave my faith was surely sealed in a boholsky field what are you trying to say that the missing pages are in a cave near Upper hogsfield Hogs Hawks hog's house of Vault concealed a vault in some ruins near Upper hogsfield I suppose it can't hurt to look kinda to look can't her to look go find the pages from your book Ellen Ellen no you're here come in closer be a dear what is your turn [Music] your heart go the cave you're safe now you have what you need I'll be all right once I get but Madam thistle would I all right I'll find it I'll find jackdaw's cave ah ah this must be the place Ann told me about no one's been here for ages how did you do this tractor revelio back here we cannot wait Ninja Now where's the clue you'd have find a note from jackdaw I never found it so how does he die was she to blame it all someone sold my puzzle after all these years well done indeed Richard jackdaw At Your Service the Richard jagdoll I heard you disappeared years ago you have some explaining to do I do that was my puzzle you solved what are you doing here a retired Aura Helen thistlewood told me about a map you stole from peeves and then Anne told me about a cave you saw ran broke my heart I had to go on without her probably best of her in the end Dare I ask how is she she was imprisoned in Azkaban for your murder why didn't you exonerate her what Azkaban oh poor Anne I had no idea I thought she'd written me off I've been traveling the world for years to Mend My Broken Heart I came back here only recently on a whim I must speak to the aura you mentioned and see how I can help Anne I'm glad to hear it but before you go would I still be able to find the pages with the map hella mentioned I'm almost certain I dropped them in the cave the moment I was beheaded they're bound to be moldering away with the rest of me tell you what meets me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I'll show you precisely where to find them if you don't mind me asking how did you lose your head I was having a look about when I suddenly sensed a refreshing Breeze after which I felt well light-headed that's all I remember hence if you do find yourself in a cave be prepared I can't tell you what for specifically but you seem a perceptive sort beware a light Breeze Helen mentioned Apollonia black did she set up Anne to take the Fall have you never met any members of the black family they can be rather vindictive once Anne showed an interest in me Apollonia couldn't let it alone that her own heart had grown cold simply didn't matter how is it possible to steal from peeves a poltergeist I didn't steal the pages from his ghostly form I merely found them in his wake of Destruction he has a poncho for Wrecking things books bottles suits of armor whatever's likely to cause the most chaos found them on the floor outside the library where he discarded them not my luckiest find All Things Considered thank you I need to find those pages to help a friend I shall see you there these rocks have seen better days
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Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts, legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy cutscene, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts legacy no commentary, harry potter game, harry potter gameplay, hogwarts legacy mission, hogwarts legacy missions, hogwarts legacy azkaban, hogwarts legacy azkaban quest, azkaban, harry potter azkaban game, hogwarts legacy dementors, hogwarts legacy azkaban scene, azkaban scene, hogwarts legacy Prisoner of Love, Prisoner of Love, dementors, Richard Jackdaw
Id: yM9pFpBmUJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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