AZ-900 Episode 14 | Azure IoT Services | IoT Hub, IoT Central, Azure Sphere

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hello guys welcome back it's adam and this is my azure fundamentals course our focus for today is building iot solutions with azure stay tuned in episode 14 we focus on internet of things so the general concept behind iot and what are the services within azure that helps us build iot based solutions and the key services that we will learn about today are iot hub iot essential and azure sphere let's backtrack a little bit and start from the beginning so what is internet of things internet of things is a network of internet connected devices so called iot devices those devices are embedded within everyday objects and they enable those objects to send and receive data from the cloud such as settings or telemetry most of us have some sort of iot device at home whether it's something as simple as a smart lighting maybe a mobile phone a plant watering system or something more complex like a door lock or a smart car most of us have some sort of iot device at home already and to build solution based on those iot devices you need a set of specific services for that purpose one of those services that we'll learn about today is iot hub azure iot hub allows for bi-directional communication between the cloud and iot devices and then allows developers to take advantage of this information to provide insights monitoring and develop custom solutions for their iot platform the key things that you need to remember about iot hubs are first of all it's a managed service for bi-directional communication between the cloud and iot devices second of all it's a platform as a service offering in azure for iot development thirdly it's highly secure scalable and reliable service for iot iot hubs perfectly integrates with a lot of azure services and has a lot of sdks for the most popular languages on the market so that your teams do not need to learn any new language to take advantage of iot hub for their development purposes and it also has support for multiple common standards on the market when it comes to communication protocols and just by looking at this list we can very easily see that microsoft created iot hub to help developers build custom iot solutions demo that i have prepared for you is using something called raspberry pi azure iot simulator a small web page created by microsoft so that you can simulate iot devices and play around with iot services in azure without a need to buy a physical iot devices on the left hand side you have small visual representation of a raspberry pi and on the right hand side you have a small block where you can edit the code to send data to iot hub with this we can create new iot hub service let's go to azure portal on the left hand side select menu create a resource and in other marketplace type in iot hub once the iot hub is found let's select the template and create new iot hub service let's select create create new resource group called az 900 iot hit ok select the region for me that will be west europe and provide a name in this case i will call it am demo iot and for this demo that's all we need so let's hit review and create and everything looks good hit create and just wait for the resource provisioning to finish once our resource has been provisioned we can select go to resource to start managing iot hub in order to play around with it the first thing we need to do is to register the device to do that on the left hand side go to the iot devices section and add a new device by hitting on the new button let's give it a name i will call it demo device and for the basic configuration that's pretty much it so we can hit save to register the device and once the device is added we can open this to copy the primary connection string that we will use in a raspberry pi to start sending data and authorize ourselves to iot hub so let me use the button on the right hand side to copy the connection string when i copy the connection string i can go back to the simulator to replace that connection string in that code here just simply paste it in and hit run right now we are sending data from our iot simulator into our hub and it's really that easy in most cases just few hundred lines of code and you're sending data from your iot device to the cloud now all the data is gathered and governed by iot hub next step as the developers would be connecting to iot hub from their external services processing data and reacting to that data but it's really all that you need to do to take advantage of iot hub in just a couple of minutes you can provision iot hub and send data directly to it but if building solutions from scratch is not something that your organization wants to do then you should look at azure iot central iot central is very similar to iot hub but it works on an entirely different level it still allows for connectivity of your iot devices with the cloud but iot central as a service provides you a set of templates for building applications using a standardized templates it's an application delivery platform for iot for device management and centralization purposes this is an amazing solution for organizations that want to take advantage of iot and they don't want to build applications from scratch so the key things that you need to know about iot central is that this is an iot application platform it's a software as a service solution that allows you to use industry specific up templates to get out of the box solutions for your iot devices and manage them at scale in the cloud microsoft with the service wants to allow their customers to build iot solutions without the need to have very deep technical knowledge about iot solutions so the main goal of this service is to provide you with application templates so you can very easily connect manage and monitor your iot devices at scale and similarly to iot hub this service is highly secure highly scalable and very reliable so you can build your applications without worrying about the platform itself and lastly i just want to mention that this service is actually built on top of iot hub and 30 other azure services which brings me to the last service called azure sphere in the end azure sphere is not really a service alone it's a set of components allowing you to build secure iot applications let me give you an example let's say we have washing machines and we're building applications that will run on those washing machines first thing that azure sphere delivers are azure sphere microcontroller units simply said those are simple chips that are built according to microsoft standards and specifications microsoft then delivers this specification to hardware vendors so that they can build their chipsets according to the specification additionally azure sphere delivers an operating system microsoft manages this operating system to make sure that it's always up to date and that this system has the latest security patches applied then you build your application on top of that and the third thing that azure sphere delivers is so-called azure sphere security service this service is used for a secure communication between the cloud and the devices themselves so that your support teams can apply updates to your application through that service but also microsoft can apply updates to the operating system again through azure sphere security service all of that is done to achieve one thing to build secure end-to-end iot solutions by creating a standardized certified chips by creating secure operating system and providing secure channel to communicate between devices in the cloud so as you can see azure sphere is something bigger than just a service it's set of tools for secure iot solutions to summarize our iot services iot hub is a managed service for bi-directional communication of iot devices in the cloud it's a platform as a service used to build custom iot applications but your organization can also leverage existing industry standard-specific templates for building iot solutions in that case they can use iot central which is an iot application platform with dozens of functionalities for provisioning management and monitoring of iot solutions and lastly we have learned about azure sphere which is our end-to-end approach for building secure iot solutions by providing both hardware operating system and communication channels for securing our iot solutions materials for this episode are found under episode 14 on my website and and that's it if you want to move to the next episode simply hit icon on the side or follow the playlist if you like my work support the channel by subscribing liking and commenting next up we will tackle on big data and analytics solutions stay tuned
Channel: Adam Marczak - Azure for Everyone
Views: 80,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AZ-900, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Azure Fundamentals, Full Course, Certification, Exam, az 900, azure sphere, IoT, Internet of things, IoT Hub, IoT Central
Id: RHkqFxJWhr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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