Axial SCX10 PRO Live Build!

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good morning welcome to the scale Builders Guild some reason uh my uh screen isn't showing the actual broadcast there it is okay I guess they're YouTube's changing the way they're doing that again again uh check in let me know where you're watching from and uh we're gonna be building the Axial SCX10 Pro today I picked this up from one of my local shops because they are in short supply already I think this proved to be a fairly uh a fairly interesting uh release for axial uh one that was uh not expected by a lot of people um this is certainly a departure for axial but in a lot of ways in my opinion it's taking axial back to their Roots if you will um axial used to hang out at all the rock crawling comps with their ax tens and then afterwards after those hardcore robot comps they'd get out the scale trucks and have a lot more fun with those so this is sort of melding both of those together into one and uh here it is it's it's the new kit there's a lot of differences uh between this kid and a lot of other kits first of all it's a very tiny box as you can see um that's packed with goodies that's for sure one of the other things no body no wheels no tires this is very much just a comp spec kit flat rail chassis a first for axial as well uh technically I guess the tvps from uh the ax series that sort of counts as flat rail I guess but you know um uh oh lots of comments already Missouri it's a cold day before I'll recognize Missouri Minnesota uh Iowa uh PR that's oh Puerto Rico welcome uh Detroit Michigan uh that's that's not too far from me that's like a four hour drive uh Arizona missed you at UST yes sorry I couldn't make it this year um I do plan at some point to go back to UST uh it's certainly a great event and um they're doing a good job down there it's just hard for me to get there this time of year I'm pretty busy with work and also it's super expensive to fly down the Florida during the Spring Break Time lots of check-ins oh that's great welcome everyone um we're definitely going to uh man double logo scale Builders go logo and then scale Builder skills logo lots of logos all right um okay let's crack into it let's get started no time to waste and no time like the present all right uh I have this is the first time I'm opening it so your reactions will probably be the same as mine it's good to see um Servo arm Hardware don't know what that's for we'll get into that um nicely packaged well labeled bags um they do include a ton of body posts as you can see there for all your body mounting needs uh I'm definitely going to have a couple of bodies for this I think [Music] um don't see any Vanquish Parts in that box thumbs down well I don't think you would there's no there's no reason to have vanquished Parts in here um I did order all the hop-ups that are available um those obviously those haven't come in yet um here's something interesting they include all the the body stickers but not the body and you know why that is right because Circa went and changed uh their rules but after this truck came out or during the process of this truck coming out so the body that they were going to have that that I did order I did order that one um that body won't be sork illegal sort of how it goes troll move axial all right there's bag a so we're gonna crack this one open I believe it starts with the transmission we're gonna find out together we need precautions um motor they show um they show a spectrum they show a spectrum two in one as the preferred motor here uh those are only 3s rated though so we're gonna do I'm gonna do something else I think uh oh no you actually you start with the axles okay fine how am I supposed to know my first one um okay let's crack open some bags and get started here now uh you can see the instructions there I tried to make this as sort of easy for everyone to see uh now You released the sled video yet I presume you mean a ski ride no not yet uh funny story I took it out to to do precisely that and um I forgot to thread log my opinion so well it looked good in the very short little portion of video that I got I didn't get enough and it was a long walk back to the car and then back to the house so uh I'll probably go out later this afternoon and film all right what are we doing first we're doing lockers first oh nice juicy bag nice juicy bag filled with well lubricated Parts I'm gonna put out some blue paper towel so we don't uh get that messed up I'm on bag e of trucks of Fortune uh Phoenix portal Edition right on excellent enjoy that build blah so goopy I'm gonna be washing my hands all a lot all right we've got our cowrc magnetic mat there so we can uh lay out all of our Hardware not have it disappear on us these do come in very handy I went a long time without them but definitely recommend it you can reduce glare on overhead cam there's glare CNN glare looks pretty non-glary oh well maybe right there um yeah I can do that there how's that hi Ryan you haven't missed anything I'm quite quite literally just getting started here all right oh they do want threadlock already hey look this is gonna find you're gonna find this really interesting the thread lock uh thing they include and grease tell me those don't look really familiar if you've ever built a Vanquish kit you'll note these are exactly the same although this one says Horizon hmm that would lead me to believe same Factory all right lockers now uh I presume um there is underdrive in the transmission font on the parts bag is the same too yes that's right RC nerd very appropriate name one two three four five six of those we're just getting right into it we're building trucks today well I you know what I think you can still call this a truck it's not technically a robot it's close but it's it's not quite it still will look like more like a truck than most of like uh the like current crop of uh comp vehicles all right yeah thread lock right we determine the end off of that I keep saying every time I start a new video I'm like you know what I should probably get a new mat for like the bottom thing because I've heated it up so many times it's gotten completely ruined why is this not take that off no that won't that won't help there we go flow going are you going SOA serbo on Axel negative I will be running chassis mounted Servo because I need those points baby got to get the points now many people would probably say don't use your DeWalt here but we're going to turn the torque way down three get it lined up gummy what are you new yes don't want to over torque these because you can break them pretty easily heard a rumor Jeep went after tws for the CJ5 body Dana that would not surprise me they've been on a tear lately they got the mash again done so I mean that's my presumption I don't know for sure but I imagine that jeep was kind of not pleased about that okay we're gonna be doing this twice as one might expect uh hopefully everybody's having a very nice weekend weather here not too shabby uh after the eight to ten inches of snow we got really settled down it's not as cold which is nice two three four five [Music] already oh there it is it's going to say already missing screw but we're not the long tubes one of the three is different yes that is correct I uh while I have not built one yet I have been paying attention to others who have I noted that Josh mentioned that a number of times how come you go for liquid thread lock um well because I'm using what was in the kit I do also have a really nice thread lock by Loctite stick it's almost like a glue stick but it's Loctite I'm just using what was included because that way I know for sure it was what was intended in terms of the Locking ability what bits am I using in my driver these are the Traxxas bits which have not failed me in the duration that I've been using them which is four years five years which is good it's very good they're excellent tips I've had others wear out on me very quickly so uh I'm pretty uh pretty impressed with the quality of these ones I have not yet had all of my coffee so bear with me if I make mistakes call them out real quick so I can fix them uh and yes I did uh I did want to kind of do a stream earlier in the day so I have the rest of my day because I gotta I gotta get a workout in I also wanted to get it early so I could uh satisfy my European and other non-north American fans so uh welcome and thank you for joining in and watching all right um yes all the manual stuff still has uh proper sized diagrams so all of your uh you can just match up a bearing to the picture and it's the same which is good Dave Zilla hello good morning to you sir thank you for getting this to me so very quickly it's very much appreciated I was like I could go drive down there and get it but I don't want to ship it to me now when you guys open your bags when you're building a kit what do you do with the bags I'm currently tossing them on the floor because I don't care all right now we are building what appears to be different axle housings because they are different as you can see they look the same one has a upper link Mount the other one does not which I'm so I'm guessing this one is probably the front we'll find out in a moment or two nice big fat um what is this a five by fourteen five by fourteen by five super nice one on the uh output shaft what you want so that drops in there and this obviously drops in there and they have the black Grease what grease am I going to use I'll use the kick Grease and if I don't like it I'll use other grease later on but I like this black grease this is the same grease that comes in the Vanquish kits uh I think or do they put their own grease in I can't remember now I don't over pack these a lot of people like to just load them up I'm not that guy just enough to get it going you want to zoom in a little bit sure there we go just enough to keep it lubed when do you think they'll drop a portal version well I don't think they have to change much on these in order to do a portal version so um I think it's just like don't they just have to change out um like the Seas nice snap fit there on that piece it's good you drop the bags on the floor I dropped the screws all right I'm two and a half by 18s I need four of those so far manual not letting us down is good because that would be embarrassing if it was already screwing things up on step two we'll need a bit more torque there foreign there what Wheels am I and tires am I going to use uh undecided at this point um got a long way to go before we get to that decision in terms of in terms of body um I'm probably going to run because I bought the uh like I pre-ordered the the lexan body that axial is offering that'll be like my test body and then for competition I'm probably going to uh build something out of styrene or modify an existing Hardbody I love that squeal it's a little tight most heli cold cut ears I like to back these off just a touch just to give that some room to move around a bit there we go and bearing on the outside perfect spinning nice and smooth okay let's move on to step three which is building an axle still uh no need to pack grease just a film coat of it exactly Drew exactly Craig hi Rich said the portal would be an upgrade option to change out on this kit so there you go They're not going to do that sounds smart to me not do a whole other kid just offer portal housings Don I love this DeWalt more than anything it's my favorite tool in the bin I use it all the time okay now here's where things can get a bit tricky don't screw it up I'm talking to myself on this one um for this specific housing we need to make sure we choose the proper length tube and there are three in the kit one of them is shorter I think or one of them is longer one of them's longer but I bet you it's the 72.27 millimeter one which is not that one it's this one so this one's going to be longer too oh wait yep those two are longer okay perfect great so it's this tube and this tube boy these are so goopy all right okie dokie first things first we've got our housing here and we can plop this in here and it is keyed as you can see keyed on the ends see that just checking in you're not done yet no I'm not done yet nice firm fit there yep that's never coming out yeah good looking good and we'll need a grub screw I think we can probably get that and a little bit more how far in are we we're on A3 we literally just started yes there we go I knew it could go in a little further excellent okay cool cool now we can go with part number three these are all labeled oh that's fantastic see that number three so you cannot screw it up fantastic I love it then that slides over this piece thusly and then this goes in here keys in can only go one way then that's all put together nicely it's a good looking axle I like the uh the metal housings on the sides there that's cool same Factory as Vanquish yes I do believe it is I wonder if they ever go like if they by mistake are like hey we've got your new parts done and they show something to somebody that they shouldn't have that would be hilarious uh which do you think you'll prefer vs410 or the axial for crawling well for the say Okay so this question's come up a number of times already um and I haven't even like I haven't I this is the second time ever I'm seeing this vehicle because why it was driving Prototype at Nationals um that's where I first saw that one but this is the second time ever I'm seeing this truck what I can tell you right away is that because this is this is way more specific to comp or competition style trucks it's got an angled skid it's got flat rail chassis it's very much driven by performance first whereas the axial truck or sorry whereas the Vanquish truck is still more of a traditional like ladder frame c-channel rail truck uh it's got some really great features and it is a spectacular scaled truck on which to build a great platform but it's not comp first this is comp first like it's not supposed to be a scale truck so I don't think you could really I don't think you should compare those two I think they're two different in my mind that's my opinion we're gonna put this in here this here can you make a live stream where you build something out of styrene I've done that I've done some styrene building technique videos you should definitely go back and look for those because they are very useful uh so far I do very much think this is a pretty good quality construction looks pretty good okay I think that's all the screws required yep okay so that's our front axle and hard oh actually no this is yeah we did the chassis mounted servo option which is great that's what A3 is A3 has two different steps which you can't see because I'm in the way but there's A3 CMS which I did few and then there's A3 AMS which is the axle mounted Servo which we are not doing for this one we are doing chassis mounted so we can skip the AMS ones let's move on to step a four steering knuckle bits right Thomas biazek thank you very much uh nothing I love more than waking up on a sunny Sunday rolling over and seeing Matt's face on TV [Laughter] that's a good one thank you Thomas much appreciated it's nothing I like more than waking up to all of you looking at my face where can I get your hat uh it's from a tattoo company called indestructible and they have a website so you can go check that out do you use the same DeWalt tool for 124th no when I'm doing 124 stuff I do it all by hand because if you don't it's a great way to destroy things okay uh getting into some steering bits um nice good size bearings on the inside there hopefully that fits I always find that these larger bearings are the hardest ones to get in oh that's snapped in pretty nicely okay good and where are my okay I've got the right side here I need a c hub need the right side one man so this is like such a huge change from axial the past where they label all the bits love that I absolutely love that they've come a long way this is a much much more better different kit yeah I think this has been a long time coming I know that um like I'm I'm happy to see axial having a new like fully new product that isn't something they had before that it wasn't like a rehash they actually did something new uh well it isn't like it's not new to the industry there's been tons of flat rail chassis and comp specific chassis out there but from a major manufacturer uh this is something definitely new which is really cool to see all right left side has a shorter I'm skinny rich thank you very much uh when printing a cage what support setup would you use three failed prints so far oh darn that's not good well here's uh Josh's cage isn't it so random that I had this sitting right here here's Josh's cage that I printed on the prusa um with uh supports on build plate only uh with a 0.2 uh separation and that's that's it I didn't really change any other settings um it prints a lot more like material because it does print like a huge support structure so this can be this smooth but I found it worked pretty darn well as you can see almost looks like almost looks like shape weights almost but that's what I would do 0.2 to separate uh from the bed and if you're having if the if it's parts coming off the bed that you're having problems with depending on your printer and your print bed surface look at using like a glue stick like just a typical everyday glue stick it works very well for helping adhere that pla to the build plate so there you go that helps how much does the kit cost uh somebody help me out I'm not a hundred percent sure on that one is the Vanquish Phoenix not considered a competition level truck I to be totally Frank I don't think so no I mean you can cop with it nobody says like don't don't say don't listen to anybody that says you can't do something you can do whatever you want but keep in mind some things are going to be more suited to like a like the Phoenix if you locked out dig and you locked out the adjustable Overdrive then I would definitely use it in class one I think it's a perfect I think it's perfectly suited to class one class two I think you're gonna find it's not going to be as competitive as some of the other trucks out there because most people in class too are taking this pretty seriously and they're going to use something similar to either this style kit or they're going to use something that is purpose built it's just that's the nature of of how competition goes it depends of course on the level of competition you're looking to get into as well um so you know there's that to keep in mind too if it's just among friends and you're just having a fun time then you probably don't need to go this high end uh another cool thing about this kit um this is uh the Caster the it's like a 20 degree Caster built into the tubes so uh if I can explain that better when the when the tube is straight you can see that your steering angle is much more rotated forward which means you're going to get a much greater turn not angle but it's going to have like a harder bite on the tire because it's it's pushed so much more forward it's it's pretty substantial a difference and it helps a lot what coffee am I drinking uh it's some Stockholm blend because I drive a Volvo now so I was like I'm I gotta live that Volvo lifestyle and in fact it's in my new Volvo mug how very Scandinavian of me Twisted liquid RC boats thank you very much for checking in uh great to Great to get a live stream in a cold winter Sunday hope all is good take care and stay safe thank you very much appreciate that I'm really liking this actual axle construction this is uh this is pretty pretty solid and the fit and finish is really really good so far too I'm uh I'm impressed oh put a bearing in there dummy Travis you've been banned from Instagram what did you do silly goose get there sometimes you just need to find that right angle does Volvo make an El Camino style car or was I hallucinating Tommy you may have been hallucinating I've never seen that before um maybe you were thinking of the Hyundai Santa Fe or Santa Cruz maybe it's the Santa Cruz that you saw what has gone on here oh I put that on upside down that's why oopsie like why isn't that going Brandon popping in on your lunch break huh uh no snow here in Toronto today I presume will probably get some more I heard tell that there was going to be another five centimeters or so um but uh no no sign of it yet he's like why isn't this working just slide right in yep well although what's going on here I wanna that's the bearing again that's really strange did I put the wrong no it's the children who are wrong just won't slide in that last three millimeters four millimeters do you have a Volvo RC car no I do not do Canadian weather people measure snow in squares yeah we're getting about uh because they're so squares today no that's not a thing see any reason why this shouldn't be working Slide the bearing all the way down the axle shaft then assembled to the tube I'll give it a go oh that's probably it exactly uh that's why you're here nope so no Volvo RC car yet well I've built a number of Volvo c303s in my day that's not working it the other way you know what I'm going to try without the bearing first I think it's just catching I think it might just be slightly out of phase maybe the set screws in too deep that could be that could be blind guy RC thank you very much hey man after Josh and yourself I'm not going to need the instruction book I'll still use it I'll be going for CMS on mine yes CMS for the win that could have been it right there we shall see are there any modifications you can foresee this kid needing that you would recommend well um I haven't finished building it yet so let me do that first that was it exactly thank you internet people thanks chat that was really helpful buy yourself something nice with your money excellent vindication CMS or SOA debate oh yeah let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos instead all right so there we go that's looking fantastic very very chuffed that's a lot that's a lot of possible steering angle holy cow Hamish storm hello Chris how are you uh excellent uh lasers man your laser stuff is cool as foreign skip the AMS now we're on to the rear axle exceptional good job good job me all right this is all very familiar it's only 11 40 and we've got an axle done God that doesn't sound good nope don't get it twisted we're doing it upside down this time laser is awesome I'm browsing Facebook Marketplace for a shark now you want a shark with a freaking laser beam on its head is that too much to ask just want a shark with a freaking laser beam you should be able to find one on Facebook they're out there have you ever run a three-link and panhard in a rear steer no I generally I think I've done four link uh Servo on axle that's all I've done preferable tempered sea bass [Laughter] so many great quotes from that movie here we go okay feeling pretty good Next Step Now setting up a rear steer on this would be pretty easy you just need to buy a whole other front axle assembly or would you maybe you could just do yeah you would all right so this one of these some of these guys you need two goes on the left side one goes on the right these are keyed again perfect yeah heavy storm Horizon stole your truck Chris uh if you guys have not seen it Chris did an exceptional job um creating the pull array which fooled me fooled Josh fooled a bunch of people at Horizon no less about um or like as like a conversion or like he was he was actually promoting it as a truck that you could buy and then of course Losi came out with the razor Ray so it's pretty funny that happened uh maybe not funny for Horizon but certainly funny for us um but yeah you should definitely check out that whole series because what Chris did I kind of almost think looks better than what what Losi came up with [Music] and I don't mean any disrespect but uh Chris's parts bin truck looks pretty darn good we actually had Brian Nunez from Losi on the live stream on Wednesday too oops don't forget the grub screws oh comparison coming up this week excellent yeah that's right because you've got the real one I mean not that yours isn't real I mean got the licensed one how about that you did a really great job of that Chris really great well I'm going to run a four wheel steer on my Vanquish ground Fox lcg build and trying to decide what axle combo to run hmm I would go with f9s probably that'd be my choice what's the difference between styrene and abs nothing they are the same foreign I think we've got that done huh flip it this way bearings go on the outside now polystyrene is not abs [Music] um Maybe maybe not I can't confirm nor deny why do they give you an extra one oh that must be fur um AMS I love that there is some uh german-speaking chat helping each other so nice really great to see that what a nice community we've got here I really appreciate everybody for checking in and watching this go down um what's on the bench this week will probably end up featuring this a little bit and probably also um art body crawler company because I've got that truck all done as well I spent some nice time last night painting and weathering that body so I'm really excited to show that off on Wednesday no Thursday Thursday is that show the right tube looks longer nope they're the same [Music] they're the same oh good now we get to build shocks foreign you speak German Matt how do you know they're not poking fun at your tiny hands I do I don't speak a lot of German I took it in school um conversationally I could probably get by just fine all right cool there we go nice smooth you build pretty quick let's see how the shocks go oh yeah I know it's gonna slow right down anyway there is the finished rear shock or uh axle that looks really good it's really good there's a bit of hmm there's a bit of flex just at the at the tubes I'm sure that's just my shoddy Construction but um or it's built in on purpose you forgot the spring what let me oh in the Box you see an error occurred you forgot the spring on your shot yes oh Chris I think we're good I think that's good it's refreshing my YouTube page it looks like it broke everything's still running though we're good what's the overall footprint of the prusa and what extra print she would you recommend I can't tell you exactly the footprint um um because that would require me getting up and moving and I'm sort of in the middle of this build but I would suggest getting the smooth and textured plate I think both of those are Mega important all right bag B here we go shocks second only to my hatred for links now to put all the axle goodness on a g-made buffalo [Laughter] yes exactly there's shocks right there Chris so don't go telling me there's no shocks I know a shock when I see one I do also have some losing Mini teesprings which I will be using at some point once I tune these proper that's actually changed chained to his chair rich is forcing him to build this and tell us it's a heck of a deal hey if I don't like something you'll be the first to know trust me but so far there's nothing not to like I'm a tiny bit concerned about the way the axle housing the way the tubes connect to the actual pumpkin but we'll see if that becomes an issue over time um it's tough right when you want to do you want to do a metal tube but you don't want to do a metal housing all of a sudden you've got this like conundrum how do we connect this to that without like adding a ton of extra weight and material and cost so there's definitely some challenges there all right build four of these right now okay already dreading it are we finishing this four-wheel steer Beast today we're finishing this Beast today but it won't be four wheel steer not yet anyway might as well separate a bunch of these pieces now you're gonna need them they Supply uh 35 weight oil and you know what preventative maintenance gotta get some green slime going in there too just in case they say these don't leak I say Forget You Charlie I'll make sure you don't leak by applying a liberal amount of green slime it's the slimiest nice aluminum housings okay a little bit more around the edges you never be too careful when is the speedrun series for this thing now that would be an interesting series I would watch that ah okay uh what what's the deal with shock building and where's the focus that's interesting look at that so that's so you can put shock on there nice it's pretty cool okay neat these long shock shaft hey eclipse uh if only I had a clip tool but I don't still don't have one I prefer the Pro-Tech o-ring grease well I'm pretty sure it's all the same stuff uh with the shocks that you you just use that move where you throw them at the bench and they automatically appear built oh you see it on YouTube all the time do you I got bad news for you uh these are the smallest eclipse I've ever seen that's not true I've seen smaller Mike J thank you for your Wikipedia they may all be different in terms of the the composition but they handle very much the same way in our Hobby and are bonded together with the very same glue yes the other ones easier to put on because you can just lay it on top of the uh thingy mama says Eclipse are the devil you can just lay it on top there and then just ever so gently clip it on there I might as well get through all the eclipse right now so I don't have to deal with them one at a time really really do detest this part because you just never know when one can just go peril and I bet you they don't include any extras impressive can e-clip and chat well I'm a top-rated amateur Brent Brett Brit Britton now did that one go on all the way it doesn't feel like it did uh huh and the other problem with these magnet mats getting these eclips to come off you don't have just in the way of fingernails Wyatt hey buddy I did include extra eclips for you thanks man I appreciate that I mentioned you earlier in this stream How uh you gave me a little sneak preview on this product project uh when you were still prototyping stuff at Nationals how fun was that he's like you can drive it if you want I was like oh no you don't want me doing that I was like didn't you see me driving in the comp he's like no I was too busy coming in an actual good it's okay I saw it I saw where it went phew lick your finger I'm not touching my I'm not putting my finger in my mouth after this after putting this stuff together yuck you're sick that walk away and have dinner that would be nice too sometimes it just doesn't look like it's on there but it is this is the riveting part of the stream where I know viewership goes way up man puts e-clips on shock shaft don't go anywhere remember the gaskets yes don't lick the gaskets the Canadian gaskets cess there are extras thank you Wyatt he goes you know what Matt's gonna lose one for sure put two extras not needed not needed okay we've got one shock partially assembled I do want you to remove that cap because you'll need to they do look like they're going to be a lot less leak prone if I'm honest zip and then shock pliers please Loctite tastes bad FYI I'm using Pro Tech shock pliers only the finest for my builds and when you want to put on rod ends quick I recommend the server tool because those are observable tool that's an actual Man's last name a very nice man whom I haven't seen in such a long time the Rod Stewart oh that's the name of the the tool all right now oil I'm not going to use the kit oil gonna be Blasphemous and use Traxxas oil I'm gonna put 50 50 weight in 50. 50 years old because when you comp you don't use the kit oil make sure to get all your bubbles out and don't overfill it because you don't want hydrolock 50 weight isn't that a bit heavy heck no not for me it isn't it's just right now what order do these go in this and didn't they pull one of those off already I guess I didn't what's the best scale crawler chassis I can't answer questions like that because it's such a personal preference and there's so many choices too is this that's right okay seem right won't it leak on purpose yeah because I'm putting tracks this oil in an axial shock pretty smooth I like then you put this on here plop this guy on which way do they want that to go oh that looks like a tight fit oh how the heck is that supposed to go on there yeah quite easily never mind and there you go here here at 50 weight feels pretty good excellent all right one down three more to go but now that we know the process gonna be pretty easy nice air pocket in there better than Hydro locking it our chair shock guy this make a good scale Trail truck no this is this truck is geared really towards high-end performance competition crawling uh if you want a trail truck axial's got a ton of options and so does everybody else but I would not use this primarily as a um as a trail truck especially with the extreme overdrive option as well I forgot to put that in I can do that later okay where am I at here sounds like too much air in that shock I will investigate if there is I'll fix it I do like how this uh this goes on the end here it's pretty pretty trick I wonder if Vanquish will have a comp version of the vs Court 10. anything's possible I mean if this proves to be a popular kit which I think it is I'm sure other companies will follow suit and start making comp chassis style trucks for their lineups it would make sense hey let's see if we can get no air in this one how do you mount your scale bodies to the chassis well probably through a custom method which I have not gotten to yet this has to go second it's going to need shock therapy after this stream this is actually going pretty well for for shocks these are not that difficult still airing that one too the tool for the win yep 100 percent there we go excellent what's the worst part of building uh either shocks or links I think both uh equally have their Merit for being the worst can't hear anything on that one I'll fix this right now is this is it bad to say this hurts my eyes what part of it what part hurts your eyes silent and deadly I am an expert shock Builder [Laughter] all of it I don't understand why this hurts your eyes is is that like being sarcastic just kidding but I do build different okay that's great everyone's allowed to do that I don't think there's any like right way or wrong way to build a kit but to each their own and wear that hat [Laughter] indeed I did can't please them all [Laughter] hey you were able to get one of your local hobby stop or a hobby shop well done Sunrise RC that's great news I also was able to do exactly the same thing I think I missed a Super Chat oh shoot I did hey RC Underdog thank you very much hey would you look at that you're building a truck and I'm also building a truck we are also building trucks together fantastic oh I did this backwards I should have put on the rod end first oh well that's okay sit there for a second other parts ready to go here just point to the Hat Matt foreign yeah I mean everyone's got different ways of doing things as long as it works for you that's great that's all that matters we're all having the same fun joil in this one that's okay I can suck it back out when are we gonna see the snowmobile in action um soon I might actually go film it uh immediately following this stream um I did try to take it out earlier but uh you may have missed it earlier in the Stream I forgot to Loctite my pinion so I got about five feet and it looked awesome I was really super excited and then it just kind of Wentz I was like ah nuts fat Jesus doesn't matter what road you take as long as you get to the same destination precisely I don't know what I could have been doing that was so wrong though other than following the directions it's all right it's fine that one's got a bit of air in it so we'll fix that high price how about some availability on this kit uh By the time April gets around they'll be back ordered until June yeah I mean you know it's proving to be rather popular it won't won't lie good for axial in my opinion I definitely saw a gap in the market and filled it for them all right excellent okay one more to go and then we're on to the transmission which I'm really I'm pretty excited to see how that all is going to work selectable Overdrive um similar to what Vanquish did in the V-Twin or vfd twin I mean um yeah it's gonna be good you summarize the kit for someone who doesn't know anything about it uh this is a competition style flat rail chassis crawler uh it's got things that make it specific to class 2 or class three you cannot use this chassis in class one because it has an angled skid and that's not allowed it is really meant for competition rock crawling that's sort of its general purpose it's using new axles new transmission with a selectable Overdrive which can also be locked out so you can use it in class two um yeah that's about that's about it but definitely a new kit leaning in towards what a lot of smaller manufacturers have been doing in sort of the competition area for some time how extreme is the extreme overdrive I think it's like 46 I don't quite remember I haven't taken a close look at the Box Chuck's RC habit thank you very much afternoon Matt I'm late to the build party is this for the Rockies thank you for sharing your content rocks thank you very much for watching uh yes this is going to be for the road to the Rockies uh in what uh sort of fashion yet I'm not sure I've got a couple of ideas on how I want to see this kind of play out um I feel like it's going to be Class 2 and then I'm going to use the Artful Dodgers uh chassis for class three with some pretty big modifications to make it a little more class 3 friendly um but yeah that's about the size of it I'll be doing some sort of custom styrene body for this one why are they not having Nationals this year great question I have no idea I'm not um I'm not a part of that discussion um I I presume it's just because they couldn't get anybody to commit to organizing it because it's kind of uh it's kind of a lot of work and I'm sure that they just didn't get it sorted out in time um because uh you kind of have to have that planned out in advance to give people enough time to prepare and it just sounds to me like they just didn't quite get there uh Troy I'm using 50 weight oil right now just for sort of first time setup see that one I hydrolocked it did they officially say no Nats no they didn't officially say it but I'm saying it I just don't think it's gonna happen uh what motor setup um I'm not totally sold on this idea um and it's only I've really only done this I've made this decision today because it's what I had on hand but I'm gonna try a furitech lizard 10. and uh one of their in-runner Motors there we go what I like about this uh this shock collar at the bottom is that it does integrate a stop as well like you could trim that back if you wanted to uh get yourself a bit more travel I like it it's good okay shocks built let's get these uh put these in here that said it he's kind of a big deal you know what what am I what did I do what I say now Travis better use the Spectrum two in one like the manual says uh I was gonna use one I just all I have on hand is the 1400 KV and that's not enough KVs for me plus you can't run any of the tune ones from Spectrum on 4S and uh I kind of like to have a little bit of 4S power baby if needed so the fear attack system that I have here happens to allow for it I'll probably test with that and then decide whether or not it's the right thing for me later on um ultimately there's a lot of great combos out there I might even try one of those new uh uh what's the other two in one the hobby Wing one all right shock's done let's build a transmission but first a stretch the budget one or the big boy I guess the big boy hey Eddie uh thanks for these live videos you're awesome what are the main differences between this and the regular version is it worth it for someone like me that doesn't do competition uh I would say if you're not looking to cop with it it's probably not worth the investment this really is like it's a comp truck so if you're not comping I probably wouldn't start there bag C what are the pliers you're using on the shocks these are Pro-Tech RC shock pliers you can get them at Amine foreign for the new workshop coming along I keep changing my mind on things good looking skid um currently what I'm looking at now is a more DIY approach originally I was looking at doing it with uh like a contractor and just having it all kind of built for me but now I'm looking at some really cool DIY options mostly because they're a little bit more affordable and they give me the option of doing it myself or partially doing it myself with the help of a friend and that really appeals to me because I'd like to be able to say I assembled this anyway oh good more eclipse uh um yeah so there's a couple of sort of like half DIY half prefab um construction uh solutions that I'm looking at and it's really just about managing the space that I have available to me because there isn't much back there if I'm honest so I really have to be very kind of cognizant of the amount of space I need versus how much I can actually afford to and use up back there we live downtown uh and there's not a lot of space in my backyard there's in fact there's no yard it's just it's just a dirt what are these friends you speak of I well I know my best friend from high school lives across the street believe it or not okay let's build a transmission huh so far I've done it all right e clip me baby I put them on the magnet thing again why am I so stupid is he still your he's still your friend yes my friend from high school guys if you could keep it civil in the chat that'd be super great we don't need to be all like that please and thank you eclipse eclipse eclipse some fine e clipping foreign sorry 20 and a 26 tooth thank you mods staying on top of things okay that's one two pieces done next this one and we need uh this is getting exciting now giftable Locker thing bearing 46 tooth looks like that I bet yep another bearing hit the like button thank you very much and then another e-clip sick and a bearing Noise Okay and then on this side bearing 40 tooth bearing hi Adam how are you hopefully you're staying warm today it's not that bad today though it's like one I wonder if I've got I might have way of like making this Focus a little bit better hello there we go okay and then we need another bearing okay good and so far that's is that it just those two for now yes okay they didn't take all of the parts off the parts trees like you've seen in previous ones but they got pretty close there's only like not much waste so far aside from plastic bags only these three pieces which is pretty good I like it when they don't include all of that stuff there's more stuff to throw away which I don't like doing okay so we're gonna start with this piece here and we're gonna put this in there that seems correct and then this piece has to go through the whole weight must it's not supported by a bearing on that side okay this is obviously gonna have to go in there okay good and the back half of the case wow okay it's pretty easy they want some grease on there but we're gonna do that in a second first looking at screw these two halves together edrick Wang can you please give me a shout out done as you can see selectable uh I see okay yeah nice hey black Grease wait you're using kick Grease yeah this is this is good grease I like this black Grease I hate sealing up a transmission it hides all the cool stuff yeah if only there was a way they could do like uh clear aluminum transparent aluminum [Laughter] oh we got to put on the uh the shifting doodad here almost forgot about that let's make this so hard to get on there huh acrylic yeah that's right selectable overdrive not two speed yes who said two speed hey Rich trajillio how's how goes the build go how how is the build going hopefully nothing major I always miss something no matter how close I look nothing yet rich so far so good make these easier to get on though I don't think I can use my serba tool for this one oh maybe I can maybe I can I'm gonna try boy howdy that would make it a lot easier ARG son of a gun how do they make this so tough tap hold to open it up yeah we got one of those oh get my head on the on the light see if that helps yes yes hi from Sweden hello just use one of the screws LOL things are so funny rich well there it's on it's the other little piece do you guys not include that piece surely you do don't call me Shirley where is it they probably don't you do I don't oh here it is it's on the parts tree oops very rich I found it bye Rich thanks for checking in and out of here like uh is that expression I gotta fart in the Wind [Laughter] oh okay moving on foreign we're going to start with the three gear portion of this transmission uh so far I like the kit very much Sam yeah uh no complaints whatsoever check your rings I do have to go for a seven and a half kilometer run later holy Rich I just about spit on my coffee you built a sand scorcher this weekend that's amazing I'm very proud of you I hope you're very proud of yourself uh did it wrong I built it wrong shrink RC thank you very much um looks like the two set screws in the back of the pumpkin are threaded into the tubes I suggest back them out put a pick tool in there and wiggle the tube over a little on the which one I backed them out on purpose I think we're good everything's good but thank you appreciate that I'll double check later on but I think we're okay foreign smaller gears is the wrong gear but I don't remember which one probably the one that wasn't engaging probably this little tiny guy that's the 18 tooth one whoopsie what a mistake idiot I'm going to pull the e-clip off and everything that's gonna be annoying it's my other tool that I like to use there we go there nice easy does it all right so let's count teeth shall we it's always fun 18. that means these are the right ones now go back a step fool fool so close on that 22th goes on this side this 26 tooth on the back Perfection again glad I caught that literally just pewd my last two spare ex E clips pew bye never to be seen again there that's better is it yes now it all goes together like it's supposed to ah crisis averted that was that was close nice day for wrenching just put speed gears bearings and new bead lock tires on my trx4m Bronco nice those speed gears makes it pretty fast did you or Josh have the first idea for the Porsche build I think Josh had that idea first but I fully support it Ah that's much better much much better okay cool now back to this where were we start here 18 tooth you go on bearing bearing it's a crazy idea not gonna lie but I'm excited to see where you guys go with it I'm pretty excited to see where it goes too it's um it's definitely going to be an interesting build okay this needs to go in there today we need this that's not the right piece that's it how many classes are there for pro crawling uh sorry what do you do you mean like what class does this fit into two or three it'll fit into either of those two classes some of these parts so small for my giant hands said me never oh I wonder if this is one of those gears that has like it's Square on one side and circular on the other no it's the same on both sides excellent cool okay that goes on there then we get a bearing on there after that make this gear here uh Henry's RC garage thank you very much thank you for all the info on the Holly landlark M1 on the live stream I'm also doing an SCX10 Pro build but I'm thinking my video will not be as good as yours but the audio will be phenomenal hey you know what that's fantastic um let me tell you uh that microphone changed everything for me I love it I love it glad you're using it too and you're right the audio will be phenomenal okay this goes into the top oh goes into the bottom yes and then this one must go into the top the bearing in oh they probably want you to do this in a specific order bearing can go back on that bearing can go back on there cool grease it up great okay now what Ace goes on foreign so good and we've got two of these posts here which are also keyed slide right in with some ease foreign I said some ease that holds a little bit tight probably just the way it was molded there we go cool and two screws from the back side here time is it 12 48 times not time is flying although Beyond this links should go together pretty quickly we might be done by like 132 let's see that all right now on to the skid which is this way and I believe that ah now I see okay so this is one of those things where I can see this all of a sudden becoming not so easy to work on because of the way it screw it screws together it also screws in on this profile not just from the bottom so that way it's not gonna come off all that easy what's uh oh at ease thank you start the small screws on the skid plate before putting the four bottom screws in copy that we'll do short ones in the front slightly longer ones in the rear Josh probably loved building this he didn't have to paint this is yeah that's definitely true I didn't use the CMS so I couldn't say but there were a lot of posts about it uh like from amateur to Pro class oh well there isn't there isn't that differentiation on like if there is no like Pro class you can just show up at a comp enter and pay and start running it's not like they separate you into like your skill levels uh even Nationals you can just show up provided you got a ticket you're running that's how it works excellent no these are hopefully the same one two three for eign cool okay now we've got our transmission on the skid we'll still need oh that's smooth that's nice I like that it's good shocks went together very easily transmission went together very easily uh now this step here um I did have some Electronics ready they give you the option of either remote locking and unlocking or not locking and unlocking but remote shifting of that overdrive or under Drive pardon me um I'm I have a Servo that I would use it's this reefs micro uh 179 smart but I'm not going to install that today today I'm just going to go with the manual lockout for now um because chances are uh I don't think you're allowed to have a selectable underdrive overdrive system in class two I can't remember the rules exactly but I think it has to be locked out so there's really no point in adding the servo if I'm going to be using this in class too just so you know so we're going to be skipping that part but we will do the manual lockout here so um what we're going to need to do is add the manual lockout spacer which is here it's this piece here because that's where your you'll be basically cinching this in there and then it just stays has to be locked out great okay so we're just going to manually lock it up flip this to this orientation here and we need to add this piece which just hangs on do we even need that yes this has to attach to that okay awesome live thank you very much for watching much appreciated this gets attached to there um picking where it needs to be locked out locked in that position there okay this probably should have been put on first but we can collude it in there there we go and what screws they want to use for that it's D bag D bag give people what they want we're almost there almost there on the d-bag okay now it's effectively locked in its under Drive of forty percent forty percent underdrive and you can of course just pull this out and now it's locked in one to one cool and because they want to make sure you can actually lock it out there is the option toss a pin in there so now it's a totally locked out that won't come loose so the back came loose that would be bad I like that I like that design a lot that's not a huge transmission it does sit a little high because it still has sort of like this three-year sort of orientation but I'm sure that once it gets into the skid it'll sit quite low now let's build the spur 62th spur we need an e-clip and goes on that one is that a locker it's key in there yes it does it's a bit of a tight fit just okay it's into place nice that's a nice machined slipper pad or it's not a slipper actually that is still a slipper isn't it no because it rocks Target UST was a lot smaller than they looked in the release photos huh interesting all right that's all in place and we've got our motor mount here bearing supports on both sides for that shaft and then to build a connector shaft here this is obviously so you still get the divorced points I guess I guess that sounds accurate when the buys going to be available uh beats me I am not privy to that sort of information I I don't imagine it'll be very long a little bit of grease in there I got grease on my phone you can use the yeah they're like anybody will fit on this just a matter of like what comp body you want to put on there I've got a cliffhanger done I've also got that single cab uh Power Wagon that Proline makes got that ready to go to um so it's just kind of a matter of what you want bodies available in mid April there you go all right how does this all go together up shaft there don't show that actually going anywhere do they ah there they do red lock these I'll do by hand VW Thing body that could be a thing Dana I actually kind of forgot that I even had that still I need to finish that and show it off to Wes okay and then this goes through here obvious oh wait before we do that to add some screws so this has to screw to something it's like a multi multi-bit situation here lots of parts that have to go on at the same time this needs to go on there and then this has to go on here oh boy oh rich said the Cliffhanger fits perfectly okay if Rich said it it has to be true why am I making this more complicated than it probably needs to be so I want to get it started oh I know why because that can't go on there yet screw these on first dummy let's look at the teaser it's a single cab cliffhanger oh uh no I'm not no I'm using the Dodge I have a power wagon single just the cab cab only uh truck I don't know I don't know what that Cliffhanger is if that's indeed a single cab or not it looks like it could be though right foreign spacers that's smart now that can go on yes thank you a means expecting kids on April 20th put your pre-orders in now Joshua 6 8 of the power wagons out there all right there we go functioning transmission forty percent under Drive working perfect that's great love it add a motor all right so here's what I'm using today uh we're using a lizard 10. and a 3600 KV brushless in runner motor from them it's what I had on hand it's probably quite similar to like a puller Pro fact it looks identical to a puller Pro oh this says 1950 KV okay so maybe it's a 1950 KB motor which would be even better for not censored but it is uh I don't know if this is the right thing to use actually now that I look at it again it's not at all what it was labeled as so we'll see um I mean Fear Tech does a pretty good job with a lot of their stuff so we'll give this one a go um if it doesn't work for me I'll swap it out and do something else two in one is always an option so they include a 13 tooth pinion Fusion Pro for the win yeah I feel like that's probably where I'm gonna end up um but I just wanted to get something in there for the sake of getting something in there that's a that's a madism for the for the day just for the sake of like setting it up properly and getting something in uh just to show what it it's what it's like to put a motor in and everything I want to do all of the steps yeah tires that's going to be something very personal uh to each specific build and where you're running and all of those things so can't say I know for sure even at this point what I would what I would choose Josh would have to order a whole new Mamba Monster and 300 robot motor well you know whatever floats your boat right 550 will fit absolutely yes a 550 will fit if you think you need that let's do the paper trick uh very handy if you don't know this you should just smoosh a piece of paper in between your pinion and your spur tighten it down nice and tight take the piece of paper out and you should have a pretty perfect mesh still feels a bit tight for me back it off ever so slightly that's better yep excellent okay that's it for those steps we're opening the d bag it's time for the most hated part of a build link Construction but with the right tools including a zerba tool you cannot be too upset it's still not fun but it's at least a little bit easier on the now why do I have an extra pin maybe they include an extra one just in case right Wyatt there is an extra okay thank you now drag link make sure to get the right links I mean assembling too long there we go uh what makes these are all the same rod ends perfect even better okay foreign pliers are see addict hello from Romania don't know if you're familiar with wrcca but do you know this kit will be competitive to the aftermarket chassis is it worth buying for comp purpose I don't know wrcca is that the more uh roboty style of comps if so probably not you should still go with a more robot like truck see you later Wyatt thanks for um for checking in good to see you buddy good kit that you put together here pal and how easy it is to build links when you have the right tools shock pliers for the win hmm uh if you haven't please depress the like button yeah shock pliers have many uses from building shocks to building links to uh inserting your pillow balls tons of great great things to do yeah like comment subscribe ring the notification Bell call your mom call your dad CMS all right I think we can skip that tiny link because that's for AMS who's been watching pre-season testing and formula uh and hard brawler baller I already called your mom what'd she say how's she doing thanks for checking in Ashley no worries appreciate you oh you subbed F1 this year nice yeah I've been uh on the F1 TV app for a number of years because I got tired of the shabby coverage in Canada and I hate to say this even though I work in advertising too many commercials they would always cut to a commercial during the most exciting part of the race it seemed and they wouldn't cut but they'd make the window really small and turn off the commentary and I was like what's happening okay panhard done oops I forgot to shim something but I can go back and shim it I know which part I did did not do he panhardon front upper link it was kind of nice that it's all the same rod ends there's a there's it's going to be a good year for Formula One I don't I think Red Bull is obviously in great shape they've got a good car that they basically just did nothing to from last year um they lose a little wind tunnel time because of their bad boys and spent too much money um I don't think Mercedes is gonna be super super competitive with Red Bull right away I think there'll probably be some developments over the season um I don't think my team McLaren is going to do all that well they're looking pretty bad but uh there's some some Pro some surprise teams up there that look pretty good okay front lower link two just right my team because Brent I like that I like that team they're not my team but they're my team that I support but yeah I I got lots of love for valtry botas he's my favorite driver [Music] um so I'll be cheering for him as well I'm sad Ricardo's not got a race this year uh lots of rookies Keen to see how they do Logan Sergeant us driver foreign you've convinced me to buy a set of shock pliers hey all right that's great they are extremely useful seven years I've been building them without like a troglodyte yeah we've all been there man uh and if I wanted to go even faster I just use my Ryobi and Chuck these up and just spin them on real quick but it makes a lot of noise and it doesn't save that much time if I'm honest uh Alex I think Audi is in they're 100 in they're taking over the Sauber Alpha Team next year I think or 2025 Maybe I don't know how they're going to Brand the car yet but I I don't think it'll be it'll be like Sauber it'll probably be Audi Sauber instead of cyber Audi 2026 thank you Ray I need a refill on my coffee that Rebecca to do that for me or I could just take a break or I could just wait until I'm done which really won't be much longer I don't think okay rear uppers and then they also show that we are lowers in the same step links are done doing AMS by the way I'll go grab you a cup of coffee thank you thank you kindly mini b or jrx2 I need something to Chase my dog with um I don't know that JRX t two is that the one that just came out that looks pretty cute coffee break you deserve it I'll go ask Rebecca to put on the put on the stove actually no I'll just have her make me a latte the jrx2 looks better to me than the jrxt yeah I S I hear you Matt says I need more coffee and my wife says Matt needs a new chair too ah I'm I'm doing okay with this chair I'll get a new one for the new studio that's going to be a weird transition for me I don't know that I'm ready because I like I like my little cave down here I would I would miss it I think like I'll still obviously I'm gonna use this space still but it'll be for more it's odd but more of the messy stuff I want to keep that studio more for for building and filming and keeping it clean this one I don't mind if it gets filthy because it's filthy all the time a little Montage of you and your cave uh release on bbx not sure I haven't heard any confirmed information on that yet but I'm really excited because I want one really badly that car looks awesome oh no no no no no [Music] I was a Volvo bin this past week S60 recharge black looks so good uh s60s do look nice I I like the um I like the XC more I like being a little bit higher up I'm not a sedan I've never been a sedan guy I definitely get the the value in it though they're they're nice my uh my XC60 has been fantastic I've been shopping around I can't believe this but I've been shopping around for winter tires because it's even though it's close to the end of February I think we still got a bit of winter left in us so um I found a a set of like very lightly used XC90 21 inch wheels with uh blizzax um and I think I might buy them uh reset the odometer and then keep the 21s just put Summers on them uh for the rest of the year that's what I'm thinking anyway I'd like because I have 18s on it right now and while that's nice and comfortable it doesn't look very sporty I wouldn't mind making it a bit sportier uh Grim juror thank you very much something to fill your pot I appreciate that I'm gonna see if my wife is here I don't even know if she's still here make me latte please see what she says or if she's here make an occasional throwback to the dungeon yes that's a great idea I think like I'll still do a lot of like fabricating stuff down here it's a crossover not gonna look sporty I disagree 100 percent I think the XC60 is one of the the sportier classier looking uh crossovers and with the right wheel and tire package I think it can look very sporty anyone's aware of the brakes faster yeah some establishing rules and changes for something such as sorca uh there is a committee uh that you can try to speak with um but you have to basically be on the committee to participate in rule making um not require I'm only Quebec is the only Province I think that requires snow tires by law Ontario doesn't but you'd be a fool not to have them fool I say uh Jay all smiles so far this has been uh pretty easy build gotta say uh it is it is though by design a fairly simple truck there's not a lot of complications so it should be an easy build but yes definitely all smiles see even Alex puts snow tires on the iris okay this is it for links what's the diameter of the links uh uh I don't I don't know let's find out have just everything sitting sitting zero that out millimeters oh fractions shouldn't be using those there we go millimeters five mil lengths oh winter tires are required in BC huh there you go I learned did Rebecca say oh they're walking right now but she'll do it when we get back took the puppers out okay links complete let's make some uh Drive shifts boring that's in the e-bag but we're uh we're rocking and rolling here we're almost done it's great pretty chuffed and yeah like I said I'll be running just sort of like a body I haven't decided yet I've got the axial one on order I miss the D-Back ah probably don't need much more oh we do need grease for this step another thing you get done by two eh well James challenge accepted drive shafts all the same length no more hunting for different ones Flight of the Bumblebee see Alex way headier [Laughter] glad we're all on the same page here oh we gotta thread lock these because it's metal into metal yeah how much longer will it take what am I am I boring you are you not entertained are you not entertained is this not why you are here it was the best Gladiator impression you're gonna hear all day laughs well if you're not entertained feel free to not watch anymore it's not a requirement by law for you to watch this but for those of you who are enjoying it thank you very much for hanging out with me on this lovely Sunday afternoon I've got uh eight kilometer run ahead of me which I should have gotten up and done this morning but I was tired and didn't want to feel free to read my hat that is an excellent response and I'm going to continue to use that one thank you for that don't make me point to the Hat again ah I love you all thank you so much for for hanging out good days good days now the old style wild boars are at one point they actually had um or is it the Vanquish ones that have the little Notch to show you where they are in terms of phase so you can't get them out of phase these ones don't have that that's okay can't win them all if you love me that means when you get it built you'll donate it to my collection I've got to use this truck though this is my comp one of my comp trucks for this year so let's get the phase right here yes excellent 130 I got half an hour I think I can get this done all the hard stuff is finished now it's just assembly I built this truck well I assembled it anyway uh my wife is running right now five miles that's a good quality run that's like eight kilometers I think which is exactly what I'll be doing later ish is she training for something YSU or is that just that just her vibe you don't have to win you just have to beat Josh I think beating Josh is moot I don't think that's possible for me and I'm not being a negative Nelly I just don't think that I've got that same uh level of skill and again I don't I'm not putting myself down just the way it goes how do you know when they're in Phase uh the two halves sorry I should have mentioned that the two halves you can see how there's a notch on the uh the universal there and a notch on the universal there as long as those are matched up you're in phase you'll know when they're out because it'll sound horrible competitive pickleball eh huh cool that pickleball's taken the World by storm everybody's pickleballing these days got guys are probably like yeah you know I was in pickleball before everybody else was I'm an OG pickleball all right chassis time f and g now I also ordered the uh carbon rails those aren't here yet either because they're not available yet pickleball's the new highlight really I didn't even realize that like are people betting on pickleball now because things are getting real that's no joke [Laughter] oh what a sweetest second now we're gonna put some links on first dummy maybe more Angley part of those inserted oh open the G bag find out dummy getting ahead of myself because I'm trying to rush now do something dumb you gotta work out YSU I agree working out is important I was just curious if she was training or something but it's her vibe it's throwing stuff on the ground oh they include a couple of nice metal serbo horns there that's nice and a metal panard link too for some reason I didn't know that didn't realize it okay what are we using here oh cool long grub screw doodad things what body am I putting on it uh undecided I guess that's supposed to go in there foreign let's see yep foreign that is a good choice but I'm gonna go for something a little bit out there of course that's probably going to be not very competitive but I don't care I want to have fun and that's the only way I know how by doing things to annoy Josh to my roots too you know I'm a scale guy at heart so I should do scale things has this been drifting do you think no AMC Eagle also valid foreign how far in do they need you to go with that they don't really say I'm going to give it a touch more that feels better just need one more of those it all look the same where is it it literally there it is literally going crazy Ford Transit van not a pro paint job I'll be I'll be painting it quite professionally expensive Mercedes Sprinter vans no that will that won't be a thing all right let's let's construct some chassis stuff where should we start the beginning all packaged little Bandits front skid mount for uh yes servo and Servo winch it says there's a couple of different options for putting that in so I'm Keen to see how they manage that all right there actually is a lot of screws here it's the bumper this guy start at the front teen 10 mil steel or aluminum this is aluminum you get aluminum rails in the Box uh they're offering carbon rails as an upgrade option as well foreign it's just a pot metal aluminum panhard mount not that there's anything wrong with that steam Mill there yep okay that one requires eight mil sway bar is yes or no on a crawler no sway bars are usually meant for fast stuff no 16's too long seem to be just fine there though at ease so I think we'll go with it for now opens that part what is this is this for body post mounts yes skip that for now there's 16 mil oh I see what you're saying it is too long for the back one that's for sure do you think you'll have a chance to try out your drift car that was a nice paint job I have not painted a drift car are you thinking of the Porsche that's a race car um and no not yet I was I was actually half hoping that I was going to go today uh alas that has not happened this diagram is not the easiest to follow we'll say that much it's a bit uh not exploded enough or there's too many steps in this Thrift crawler taking notes from Tamia no I Servo winch that I was going to use it's not one of the ones that would mount in this orientation so I'll be curious to see how they handle ones that don't have an external spool foreign I don't have a tt01 either that's an mo8 and it's not in this room anymore but uh yeah the plan is to definitely take that one out ASAP all right sliders next a lot of pieces a lot of pieces I don't recognize either what is that oh that's this but where does this go oh that goes there what is that what is that thing 147. ah it's gonna be tight to be done by two okay I've watched several videos on this but I can't find what the wheelbase is good question I don't know what the wheelbase on this is either it's probably longer than 12.3 inches is this a wire retaining thing wheelbase is 12.5 all right there you go thank you very much for that some lock nuts okay where does this go top hole and it requires a 10 mil there it's locked that day interesting the tt01 I suppose you your candy bar with your fingers laughs [Laughter] ah great reference that was very good yeah they give you no 80 which one is that 80. 18 mil supposed to go through middle hole that's where your rear upper goes and I bet you lock nut you missed shock building Richard uh but you know what for you I'll take them all apart and reassemble them they actually do look like pretty good shocks say foreign mounted hello it goes in the square hole square holes then put these on oh I hear my wife my wife what is this oh doing it wrong there you go six mil they make the weird squishing noises from the air bleeding out not anymore they don't they're entirely silent six mil foreign ERS are pretty trick I like those cool rear port which looks the same on both sides and those are fives which are 10 mil one to three Richard it's a very copy chassis do you know me I'm gonna ruin it are you stopping at two or going till you're done I'm gonna go till I'm done which I don't think will be much longer you're very copy these days it's true I know I'm a compstent disappointment I'm gonna pass on the body mounts for now and we're just going to move on to the next step we'll do body posts maybe later maybe another time no top links for front optional SUV body mount eh pass or no SUV body on this okay well that's for axle mounted so we don't need to worry about that now we can plop the transmission in which is happening it's happening foreign that's going to do that just like so you can't really see as well so I'll move it over and down so I can see I need a bunch of 10 mils one two three five same DeWalt question here what's the first one kind of screwdriver to use I'm always breaking the screws of mine this is a Dewalt 8 volt gyro with clutch you must get the one with the clutch otherwise you will hate everything but having that adjustability means you won't strip or break screws because it's not powerful enough to do that um but it's great it's awesome in fact okay I hear a coffee hi thank you hey can I do you mind if I pour it in my other mug actually I'll just leave it oh no yeah all right thank you [Laughter] I don't care what you do [Laughter] yes there we go high and bye if she didn't feel like being on camera today oh that's pretty full okay you can guess on what kind of milk I use oh yeah [Laughter] goat come on I'm not some kind of weirdo and it seemed like an almond person hey well you'd be wrong doubt some people are probably like of course it is uh milk no not enough vitamin K where the vitamin r vitamin r [Laughter] where's that ah yes um this is looking pretty good it's got that sort of fit and finish that you'd expect from a nice big company like I've built some flat rails in the past uh and with no disrespect intended you can just tell that there was some time spent making sure all these things kind of went together well like look at the transition between the skid and the the rails like it's it's got some curve in it it's nice it's good where's my panhard now I don't remember which one is the panhard shoot they're different they're different lengths they're all different I'm gonna go back and look and hard this one uppers that one okay okay five one oh 16 mil sorry I'm putting the pan card bar in and uh probably thread lock this build's going great late fangs thanks for checking in what exactly is an stx10 Pro it's a comp style chassis uh designed to work in class 2 or class 3. angled skid custom with axles flat rail chassis Woodland RC yes um the driver for the ski ride comes from warbird islets on eBay I think that's a Warburg Pilots okay the AMS and then back to CMS we're going to throw the other rail on now two minutes left I don't think we're gonna get there I I over estimated my ability to get this done in a timely fashion that's okay we're going to be done with it soon it does look very good I'm pretty pretty chuffed so far okay okay how many Heats in a day of comp usually Joe you've been the thing you came to thing with us you should uh there's not Heats is there yeah it does not like those 16 mils and we'll tell you that right now unless I used an 18 mil by mistake are those axles narrower no they're not narrower at all they're wider than an scx-10 AR 44 or 45. leave that not all the way for right now then best part of the kit are them axles well I think that there's a lot to like here as a package for somebody who just wants to get into this portion of the hobby which is lighter rock hit or this one uh I honestly don't remember how much the raw weighs but don't compare these two in any way because they are not the same they are not meant to be the same not meant to function in any of the same way they are completely different purposes this is a comp truck foreign foreign Heats at scale Nets is that I don't understand maybe I misunderstand what you mean by Hoots do you mean courses because they did they they do four courses and on day one it's class one and then I think the next day is class two and the next day is class three isn't it oh lower link what does RC stand for yeah what does that mean front upper link needs to go in here release candidate they don't think that's right don't answer him he's trolling you laughs he got you though [Laughter] how many links it's hanging out here you're top link it's to go in the middle hole laughs oh Richard retrying the challenge yeah I know I almost got there 205 man my day is shot didn't even do anything fun [Laughter] I have not taken it off any jumps yet but you know they're not making anything new it's got links and a motor it's like every other RC out there oh Richard now you've hurt my feelings foreign no that's not true I'm from Finland welcome thanks for watching now if I recall this gets 10 mil back here these are 10 mils but you guys ran more than just one time each day and all the courses yeah I ran let's see so like yeah for class one day I ran all four courses so I charge battery in between each course they had four courses for all of class one and I ran all four of them think and uh yeah just charging between each one it's not it's not that complicated these sliders are cool I like how they go together they still count scale points for class three absolutely they do it might not be as many scale points as the other two classes I think it's 60 in both class 1 and class two and then I think it might just be 50. in class three okay have I forgotten any screws anywhere skipping the body mounts body post mounts I think we've got all of the rest of them though all right okay now what drag links we need to do those succeeded in not making my drive shafts come apart though I probably wasted too much time fiddling with that batteries do you generally use uh I use uh whatever fits I've been using Helios for the most part uh because they're nice and small and they have good good discharge and such any problems with them I did run into a problem with one of their 4S batteries on monthly Mayhem um but that was uh I found out that it wasn't discharging quite the right way whatever they kind they pay me to you oh wow [Laughter] you sir I've had enough [Laughter] it's okay Richard gets a pass at 15 amps foreign do not do that do not charge at 15 amps enjoy your time at the hamburger store Richard I miss you already foreign [Laughter] all right let's put this axle on this chassis okay how do they want me to do this I like doing it upside down first of all always helpful um no 16. that's 18. that's 16. there that's better so bring two batteries and call it good I mean sure I would probably bring more though when you're charging at 15 amps it goes pretty quick that charging time and hard how do they want panhard attached with a 12 mil not used at 12 mil yet get in that get that in frame okay good good now some lowers what are we attaching the lowers with appears to be 16s are we attaching the lower good yes sixteens uh Thanks James for watching uh Ryan yes I do use an ammo box uh or while I use a lipo bag while I'm charging and I use an ammo box thank you there I'm back that was bound to happen it was just a matter of time it wouldn't charge in an ammo box unless you have it vented some way yeah um don't also like I have an ammo box like it's a big ammo box for all my battery storage um but it's worth mentioning not just not to charge in there of course and also don't clamp the lid down leave the lid free to expand should there be some sort of wackiness because you don't want you don't want to make a uh you know a device that would add pressure to the situation a front axle installed now they want you to put Servo in so we're going to do that because I have a servo standing by we're going to be using a reefs 1100 which is a good amount of torque I believe this is direct you do not require a BC but you can use one and depending on your ESC you probably should use one so um we'll uh not install a BEC today because honestly I don't know what Source I'm going to be going with yet uh they give you a 25 and a 23 tooth I can't remember what reefs is 25. and some digital Servo so um we'll be able to set those end points later but that should drop right into place there let's get this American angle there we go all right foreign yeah do not clamp the lid no big bada boom oh good reference there to one of my favorite movies it'll walk like a mud skipper with that Servo yeah this is a good Servo I've had great success with REITs fits perfectly unlike it didn't in the scx103 that was a bit of a thing uh 116. 12 mil again 12 mil 55 tooth yes they want you to put that Servo horn in first before you put your drag link on or pardon me panhard which 10 3 did it not fit in uh the 10-3 kit probably enough to steer the truck instead of the wheels well yeah but in cops you never want to have not enough gotta have more than enough direct power reefs also great servos it all just kind of depends on like this is what I have I may end up going direct power to pending um it won't be loctating this in right now oh that's not for that that's for the link uh box proper length what shift Servo do you have not using one but if I were I'd be using the 179 smart micro I'm locking it out because in competition you cannot have a lockable unlockable or shiftable overdrive underdrive has to remain fixed in competition in class 2 anyway I think in class three maybe you can do it I don't I don't really remember I haven't gone through all the rules tight all right with that link back on I mean the brand shift Servo I'm sorry I'm not I don't follow foreign Fusion Pro 2300 KV can we splice in or add a b c uh uh no I don't think you can uh um I'm trying to think this through there's battery leads so yeah you can I don't I don't know how that would function unfortunately for you I'm not entirely sure maybe somebody else can answer that question for you foreign so yeah I guess where do I compete well this this year I'm competing at the Regionals the Rocky Mountain regionals in Colorado um aside from that uh I'm not sure that there's much locally uh for in way of comps we've had a few like uh scale Nationals and such but we haven't had anything uh full on in some time that I'm aware of maybe I'm maybe I'm missing something that looks like a 20 mil and they say to put it in the third spot so we'll do that why not at a b c with a bypass adapter there you go I like that answer as well uh Brian I haven't chosen or I have not made a decision yet on bodies I've got the proline Power Wagon body I've got the Cliffhanger I know that that's not it's I think it's I think it's still legal I just don't know that you'd get many points for it um but in like I I ordered the axial body that this uh has as well that one is totally not sork illegal um oh I know why they didn't want you to put on the the links yet because you got to put these on makes sense now fetal body that'd be cool no what do they want 22 millimeter long ass screws the wall yeah everything low on 22 millimeter screws it's too long that won't be long enough hmm little DD horse body for class one Beetle body for class two and Volkswagen bus for class three well then we're covering our bases there aren't we you do a power wagon go with the 22 2022 5th gen uh no I've got a I've got an idea for a uh a comp body that I'll be kind of taking an existing styrene body and modifying it uh because I want I want hard body points I can't not do a truck foreign body on it for competition driver's side uses 25 mil oh okay cool so it does thank you very much for pointing that out much appreciated you've saved my life a Manx dune buggy I know that uh Knight Customs has something very similar to that available for like a holiday buggy conversion cool front suspension all done oh that looks nice feels good it's really like it's pretty copy this truck pretty copy all right skip the AMS do the rear axle now awesome five mil we'll need three of those okay we've taken my snow no snowmobile goes out I was thinking this afternoon but I don't know if that's gonna happen now they kind of got away from me a little bit well with all this building and whatnot nothing wrong with hanging out and having a good day are you going to be shorting the motor wire leads when you wire it up to the ESC not my plan why did somebody we know do that is that is that a thing that's been done lately what's wrong with me or do you mean shortening oh they just looked oh shortening yeah yeah yeah yeah of course but this I don't even know if I'm gonna be going with this I'm not even sure I'm gonna be going with this motor in ESC yet so until I've given it some time to test I won't be making any of those decisions but yeah that now it makes sense Josh you're very late would you just get up almost done a little disappointed to be honest all my other friends have been here why isn't Josh Ahmad uh great question probably because I don't want him to be no I don't know it's probably just never come up would you trust Josh absolutely not that's why I'm a mod on his channel because he trusts me oh foreign is just an unpaid job exactly he's never here that's another good one yeah exactly oh am I late her just thought I'd check in okay rather be here than it worked [Laughter] oh these are too short what happened all my other longer screws probably use them elsewhere that's okay I'm sure I've got a few spares you need two here we go always have everything at the ready neat wait it is Sunday today right I like building trucks this is fun what a great way to spend a day we've all enjoyed this as much as I have I can't wait to pick out wheels and tires and Mount electronics and make a body and truly ruin this for competition now that that's done you can add some bumpers which ultimately probably won't get used by me where are those bumpers in the H bag oh I forgot to shim something that's right don't forget about that me if you're truly going to ruin it are you going to add leaf springs no I wouldn't do don't think I'll do that it's an option definitely they do include uh Velcro for your battery uh for uh freak Elite it's a good good name uh SCX10 Pro next month pre-ordering nice looks like an amazing vehicle to start a cop law yep all right so um velcro uh some 3M tape for putting your ESC in a place they suggested they suggested on battery on this side ESC on this side tape that down there velcro strap right there and let's take a look at these bumpers real quick little stinger with a plastic fairlead which honestly that's not going to fare well you just melt the Melt the uh winch line straight through it do give you all the wheel hexes and everything you'll need get a lot of extra screws extra screws for the AMS I'm sure body pins Galore for all intents and purposes this build is done we did pretty well I think 235 so what is that three and a half hours start to finish pretty good fair lead upper goes on a few little rear bumper that's it well done pretty easy peasy no real complaints on the build quality is fantastic all the points went together really well success yeah that was uh that was pretty easy I'm pretty uh I'm pretty excited to see um how this performs in its stock form very very excited about that um clearing junk out of the way so we can get a better look at this thing yes get this get this crap out of the way there that's better um so um as you can see lots of lots of space it's not very heavy the weight is all very down low like it it's it's done they've done a nice job of of building a very compy chassis and you can see that let's see it's sort of align that you can see that angled skid uh nice smooth shocks boy oh boy those feel really really good I'm pretty pleased with those um lots of options for shock angle I'd probably go probably lay the rear ones down a little bit more and uh yeah I don't know what else to say that lockable uh under Drive in the rear is a pretty trick little feature I like that um pretty smart way to do that sort of hard to see there now but go back to the video axles look fantastic they definitely look like they're going to be a nice copy choice and uh yeah good balance like it's sort of it the transmission is very reminiscent in terms of the layout and shape of pretty much every comp truck I've seen um with a you know spur gear up front motor up front motor still sits maybe a touch higher um then I've seen in other in other situations um but uh I you know what it could sit lower I bet I think they probably left it open though like if you had a longer can you can actually see the amount of space you've got there to put a logger can in there you could do a 550 can without much trouble I'm sure um but that's probably why it sits higher so they could leave it there um so you'd have a longer can motor in there if you wanted uh but yeah it looks really good pretty uh pretty impressive stuff [Music] um be curious to see how the servo winch is going to work out we'll definitely look at that sooner rather than later um I can't do the scale thing yet because I don't have wheels and tires on there and it won't sit flat oh actually it probably would let's see if we can get that happening first I have to find it three four whoa I hit my head on the light again could have rolled the front pumpkin a bit more um I don't know it looks like it's on a pretty good angle to me left on the right these scales are quite handy I do highly recommend for setup purposes non-first makes sure it's zeroed yes wow okay you can see the numbers there for yourself 50 50 left to right and about 59.41 impressive it's pretty good overall weight 15 40. which I have to imagine is incorrect no no that's right 15 40. yeah so just over 1.5 kilograms which can we change the units yes 54.4 ounces what is that is that right cool is there a carbon chassis for this yes Shane uh it is uh available uh for pre-order what scales are these this is the g-force uh scale I think I got it on Amazon or amain probably a main oh yeah I forgot about the rear cage that Josh made I think this has to go in oh it becomes it you take out this back support and then this becomes the back cage that's kind of cute so yeah there you go side to side and cross weight is sketchy side to side is 50 50. it what do you mean front to rear is 59.41 so that's it guys and gals thank you very much for hanging out with me today see if I've got my activity monitor so I can thank people uh I can thank you to Thomas bialzic skinny Rich blind guy RC RC Underdog Chuck's RC habit shrink RC Henry's RC garage and grimjer thank you everyone much appreciated um if you've got uh any questions or comments leave them afterwards and uh thank you for uh hanging out with me and watching me put this together I'm pretty chuffed I gotta say it's a nice looking chassis well thought out Buck Dandy is so much cooler than Josh much much appreciated and agreed thank you very much congratulations on the failure Turk okay all right well thanks everybody I appreciate you hanging out with me have a great rest of your weekend and we will see you on the next one um watch for what's on what's on the bench uh coming up on Thursday and live stream takeover every Wednesday thanks everyone have a great afternoon love you bye
Channel: Scale Builder's Guild
Views: 148,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scale builders guild trx4, scale builders guild brazing, scale builders guild trx4 sport, harley designs, harley designs bomber, harley designs trx 4, live rc talking, rc talk show, team associated, axial scx10iii rtr, axial scx10iii review, axial racing, vaterra, rc4wd, rc live builds, kits, scx10 pro, scx10 pro kit build, scx10 pro review
Id: -jaaJeJC6Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 42sec (13422 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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