Awesome Free VPS | 4CPU With 24GB RAM | Complete Setup Guide

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hello guys in this tutorial i will show you how we can create our server in oracle cloud fritter oracle cloud basically uh offer us a free forevers service we we can create four four uh instance for vm instance uh with four cpu and 24 gb ram per instance and total uh they offered 200 gb uh storage so let's see how we can create uh our server so if you don't have any accounts so you can create an account from here it's a straightforward process you just follow the steps and if you're if you have a valid credit card and and your name and your credit card informations is match is everything okay you can create your account very easily so i have already i have already created an account so in this tutorial i will create a server create a server and then we can install a panel which is a panel and then also we can install wordpress in our demo site so this is my dashboard in here so if you want not try to install a vm instance so to do this we need to uh click here create a bm instance which is always free forever service so in here we need to specify a name give a name so we can say this again first instance so then in placement you can availability domain edit two so i keep it default which is always free eligible so and then in image and shape sections is very very crucial so in this section say follow my instructions if you want not get 4 cpu and 24 gb ram free forever so edit and here and we click change image and here we choose uh currently it's oracle linux 7.9 versions so instead we choose uh version 8 and oracle linux version is so then select image and then in shape i choose arm arm base processor so i click here and then select and number of cpu i choose four cpu and our uh ram uh 24 gb rams is auto selected so then click select shape i can see currently our cpu is 4 cpu and 24gb memory and 4 gbps network bandwidth which is always free eligible so in the next sections networking sections you can specify uh you can edit it and then choose uh your create a new virtual uh cloud networks if you want to try or you can your previous ones and then add ssh key sections we use download this private key and public key so i save it and also save the public key so and then uh in the boot volume sections current by default the boolean uh size is a 50 gb i mean it is a 46.6 gb yeah so if you can if you want to try to increase it so we can increase it uh and we can give our uh required uh storage volume but it must be in 200 gb so i keep it uh default for this tutorial so and then i create click create so our server is uh creating so it's provisioning now so we need to keep patience so yes our public ip address is visible which is this this is a public ip and our username is opc so now uh it's uh uh you can i can check it's in download folder you can see here is our uh public key and private key so we need um private key so our our server is running so here is our username and passwords and all of the information is here so um we can uh login our server with terminal so i open the terminal so if you are using windows user you can check our other tutorials to how you can login your server using putty so at first we need to check our download folder so move to so we are in downloads folder and then let's see this is our private here is our private key and public key so i copy the private key because it's uh so and then first we need to uh we need to permissions to is a private key so for this we need to run this command cmod for 100 and then paste the key sorry private key and then hit enter yes everything is right then we can uh try to log in you can log in with ssc ssh dash i and then this is our key and then space give a space and now we need to our username and ip address so i copy the ip address and your username is opc so go back to terminal and then here is opc at the rate or private or ip address so i hope you understand how we can login ssh dash i ssh and this is the private key which is uh i already mentioned so it is in download folder and then our username and our ip address now hit enter so click yes type yes and then yes we are successfully logged in our server because our server name is first instance and our username is opc so we need to login sorry we need to access our super users we can run sudo that's i hit enter okay so this hash sign means we are in super user so now we need to update the um our environment we run m update that's why so uh our update is uh running so it takes little bit time so let's see okay so our em update is completed so now our server is ready to install a panel so we can install a panel with this command so to get all of the command please check the descriptions video descriptions so then hit enter so do you want to install a panel to the www directory yes so typewise and hit enter so it's been installing so it's uh take around 10 to 15 minutes so i'll be back when everything is done well our a panel is installed successfully installed so here is our login informations uh username password and our uh panel internet address which is our ip address and then here is a port double double it and this is a secret uh secret number uh so we just copy all of the informations and save it yes so then i can try to uh log in with this uh ip but i can't because there is a check the warning if you cannot access the panel uh release the following part because we need to uh assign this port for security group so i try to uh paste it and i can access this space because of security reasons so we need to go back to our instance and instance details click here cloud network so and then click subnet and default security list and in this section we need to assign add the add increase rules so we copy them so all of them all of them port what is a double double eight triple eight eight zero and double four three two zero and two one so so we cannot uh add uh put with these uh icon these signs so we you need to change these signs to comma so i change it here so and then i remove it and then convert it to comma okay so now i cut it from here and then go back to this and add increase rules and here we need two examples which is point point four slash zero and then in destination ports we paste the all of the ports and then in descriptions i keep it a panel then you can recognize them and then click add increase rules so all of the uh rules are added security rules are added so now we can try to reload the login page so it seems our we are successfully logged in so now we need to uh username and password to login so here is our username so i copy it then paste it to here and here is our password so we need to first paste the password and then login now it's time to install ln mp so it's recommended with nginx so uh here is a lamp without nginx uh so if you can use a panel dns server to manage your dns you can use this or you can uh also you can use mail server but unfortunately oracle free cloud they don't uh offer any mail service i mean the blog port 25 so it's useless and i don't use dns server for from a panel i am always manage my dns in cloudflare so in this tutorial i will show you how we can manage our domain manager dns in cloudflare so sorry there is a php engineering versions which is 1.19 and there is a psp version 7.4 you can choose various persons also i you can php versions 8 in my test psp 8 also works so i select all of them so if you think that your site's not compatible with php 8 so you can choose php 7.4 so i choose psp 8 and then click one click installs there is a two method which is fast and compliant i choose first method so i click on click install so it's a long process to install all of the software i mean php mysql and nginx and so it takes a time around more than 30 minutes 30 minutes to one hour so i'll back on when all of the task is completed so in the meantime what we can do now we can add our ip address to our cloud for dns so i copy the ip address and then we can set up our dns which is uh in cloudflare selected domain and then in this tutorial i'll manage dns for goal of mind and then click dns tab and then in here add record first our first record is a record and then in name we use at the rate at the rate means goal of which is our root domain domain root and our ip address copy the address and then we don't use a proxy so we only use dns so i turned off the proxy and save a record is added our another record is a cname record so this is we need to www and then our target ip in this time at the rate at the rate means golovkman.coms and turned off the proxy status and save so that's it for now so and and we can add currently we are logging our panel using ip address and then the port but if you want if you want we can also use a domain or sub domain as a port so i recommend a subdomain create a subdomain for this so if you can try to add a record for sub domain so for these panel so we can add a sign so which is i can call it panel record type a and then here is ip address which is this one and then dns only dns only and then save so all of the records are added so now wait for the completed all of the tasks okay so finally it's completed all of the test task is a listed task is completed so in message list we can see the finished task so now uh we can check our domain in to check if our ip address is fully propagate our ip address is one five two point seven oh point seven uh two zero three point nine seven so let's check click search it seems uh our ip address is fully propagate so now we can install our website so to add our websites to click websites and in here click add site and we need to add our site here which is uh we needed at our site here goal of mind dot com and as well as www version this is a non www versions and we can also add www versions okay so then uh create a database so you can uh change the database name from here something you can change any things so and this is here is a password so can keep it and this is the php versions and side category default in ssl uh ssl i apply ssl and then https redirect because our dns is fully propagate so that's why we can apply for ssl and http redirects so okay so i click submit so it's processing okay so here is a information for database name user and password so we can copy them and then paste it in there so here is the informations for database information database user name and password okay so now our site is added but here is a problem i'll show you uh what is the problem because uh currently our set is two versions one is uh if you can run goal of mind dot com it's non www versions so we can see our ssl works fine so it's uh basically https and we in new tab we can run another so this also works with valid ssl but problem is it seems to url one is www and this one is non-www so it can canonical issues it can create any canonical issues for our sites so because there are google treat them as uh two urls i mean non ww and www so how we can fix this to fix this problem so we go back to websites and click our websites and um from redirect you can add any directions and then select domain reload the base and sometimes okay so now we can uh try to redirect these wwe version to uh non-www versions so and here we can call it uh https and then go so it's 310 redirect and keep uri parameter on because uh something like our contact piece or our about piece so someone type contact so if should be redirect to https versions uh non ww uh versions i mean these versions so and we can submit okay so now if we try to uh this is our double versions now i re reload the page and we can check uh our w version is uh redirect to https i mean non-developed versions so our technical issue is fixed so now uh we installed wordpress so how we can install wordpress so to install wordpress uh we need to go to download and we right click and then copy link address and then panel and then files in here uh here is we are in www root directory and has this is our domain so i click here and now we are inside our domain directory so we install basically wordpress in here so go to remote downloads and here we paste the url so and then confirm so this is the latest chip so i will unzip in [Music] this directory so okay so this is the file wordpress so we click double click here and then select all of the files and cut now we are in our domain and then wordpress directory so we move to our direct domain directory and then paste it okay so we can delete wordpress and latest chip from both of the files and delete from here okay so here is the all of the wordpress file since here so now we can reload the page okay so we can install wordpress here so click continue and then let's go in here in database name we need to uh copy you can see user database both are same so we can paste it here and then paste it here and this is the password for password uh we need to uh here is our password so we select this password copy and then this is the password and then we can also change the table prefix if you want and then submit so run the install inside title you can it will give a name we can name it goal of mind and username i can keep it goal of mind and password i copy this password so keep it here so then there's a valid email which is here at the rate goal of mind dot com and install wordpress so our wordpress is installed so login so our username is goal of mind and password is already login so we are successfully logged in our wordpress sites so now click hello world so it's everything is fine when our url is like this but if we you can face any issue i like when you change the permalink from settings currently it's plain and i change it to post name then save change now i go back to the front page and then now i click to hello world now we can get this error so how we can fix this error to fix this error go back to the panel and then website and click goal of mind and then url rewrite and in here you can choose wordpress and save and it's get rid of these errors so now everything is fine so uh we have successfully installed our wordpress so now uh right now um we are uh using our uh using our panel uh with ip address but if you if you can if you want you can uh log in your panel with your domains that's the reasons uh we add a subdomain which is panel dot so we can uh use these uh subdomains so to how we can change these go to settings to do this in in domain so you can change a it is a panel dot goal of mind dot com so now uh or we can get an error so i save okay so get an error because uh we need to fix it to how we can fix it so this is the panel and i we need to replace the ip address i mean this is the ip address with this so now we can try with login with this url so okay so now we can logged in okay so what we can same credential i mean username and password which is here so logged in okay so now we can see we are successfully logged in with our uh uh subdomain so another thing so still now we are in not secured so how we can secrete our panel so settings so to secure uh i mean install ssl for your panel so you can just enable this panel ssls so so let's encrypt give a valid email name here i mean admin at the rate goal of and then i get the notifications check back this box and then click submit okay so it's processing a piece is reloaded and you can see we are now uh secured with ssl so you can also change the port port means uh in this port doubly double it so you can put assign the number and there is a timeout and security entrance which is uh this secret number if you cannot change change you can also change this so that's it uh for the tutorial i hope you enjoyed it thank you for everyone
Channel: Especial Press
Views: 1,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free vps, free hosting, free vps hosting, free cloud hosting, AAPanel Setup Guide, Install Wordpress in aapanel, Free 4CPU 24GB 200GB Storage VPS
Id: aERV12gmC4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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