Award winning Karmann Ghia Highly Modified Street Rod

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i want to thank you for joining us so we're out in the beautiful uh blue ridge mountains in north carolina today we're looking at a 1973 highly modified show car here this is an award-winning uh karman ghia and the owner's uh going to give us uh tell us a little bit about the power in this video so as i walk over here uh i can tell this is something special uh you look in here and of course you got some beautiful work that's been done the actuator here that raises and lowers the uh the deck lid for the back of the car here of course you've got a beautiful cell battery over here and uh and you've got some nice chrome work going on the volkswagen i had uh did not have this on it and uh what is what is that over here okay that that is from vintage air that's their uh their little miniature uh ac okay compressor compressor okay and so uh they don't offer a kit okay so i had to build my own uh mount for it okay this mount right here okay it goes it went where the fuel pump used to be okay so it's electric fuel pumps okay so um built that and mounted it here okay well this this engine looks a lot different from the 69 bug that i had it's got a lot a lot of nice features here uh this is originally a an original volkswagen engine to begin with is that correct in in a roundabout way okay it is a volkswagen ish engine it started out though with a new case okay and built up okay so that's that the aluminum case instead of magnesium okay it's already been um modified for the uh stroker okay so it's 84 stroker 90.5 cylinders okay which uh works out to 2161cc okay now i see you've got uh you've got these stacks on both sides now uh so this is uh electro electric uh ignition but now are they they still use carburetors correct it is those are 48 ida webbers okay modified for the street okay this engine handles them well okay um they're they're very dependable has the velocity stacks oh yeah and little filters okay and uh the fan housing is the early style okay okay as you see with no heater ducts yes and uh so those are gone okay because it now uses 12 volt electric fans okay um and is it what is this over here this gauge is that fuel pressure yes fuel pressure okay three and a half pounds okay okay and this is this is the crankcase ventilation okay one comes off the crankcase here that comes off the valve cover on this uh left side okay um this um um distributor distributor yeah electronic distributor yep uh now i noticed your battery over here you've got a special mount looks like it's custom made just for that battery yeah it is and also uh if you remove the battery there's a little door back here right that's where a remote spin-on oil filter is okay so you so you actually are going through a modern day filter on your oil modern day filter okay it goes uh from the unit right underneath okay it goes over into the wheel well to the filter back out to an oil cooler with a fan yeah which you can control in the dash yeah well that's handy because with an oil cooler that helps preserve the engine oh yeah but also uh you got a fan on it so if you're in the stop and go traffic the fan will keep that air going through there right right and i guess you use pretty good oil in it i do um i used yeah synthetic synthetic oil it it's the um oh oh i'm sorry yeah i can't pull it up right now yeah but it's a is it a synthetic or or is it high okay so it's probably high in zinc yes exactly for the aluminum okay yeah that's what i've heard that you want to use a high zinc type oil for air cooled engines porsches are doing the same thing now too so uh so the engine's got uh those what's called super wedge heads okay and everything's been uh sea seed and um uh flow benched okay and by a flighty washing garden automotive oh catcher okay well that's really that's really neat so this is it's a beautiful car now did they done any uh any dyno work to check this out i have a dyno sheet on it um i had to pull it up to see exact numbers i think it was 157 foot pounds of torque okay 151 point something horsepower okay at 5800 rpm that's great so i tell you my 69 volkswagen had 53 powerful horses with it yeah and this one's got probably almost 100 more than that one so as light as this car is that's got to really make a a good ratio power to weight ratio on this so this should really handle i'm looking up here too i don't remember seeing this on any volkswagens actually that uh i i was into uh suzuki samurais okay that's their little emblem okay five speeds i thought that might be not too tacky yeah to paint it up and yeah stick it on here to to let people know that it has a five-speed transmission and then i noticed over here i love the plate by the way but i noticed this now this is also a third brake line and also a third brake light and then right up there is another one in the back window so that's going to help keep people aware that you're putting your brakes on and speaking of brakes let's look over here uh you got some serious brakes on these front and back right these are a unit front and back uh from a company and they're called the uh bad mad series brakes okay and this rear unit incorporates the the emergency brakes okay front one uh is the uh also except you do use the volkswagen caliper okay that's that now tell me about these wheels these are these are sweet yeah these are from billet specialties you have to order them to for your offset okay so they make these you order them and then they make them for you uh yes and now um when you order this mad series uh brakes units uh you can get whatever boat pattern you want these are chevrolet bolt pads okay okay now i noticed in the front that you've got some really cool headlights on here i don't think these are stock the turn signals are are down here in the lower right down here okay okay and uh park lights uh are in the grill parking lights in here yeah okay now also i look up here and you've got these little lights in the back of these uh really cute little mirrors those are those are downsized what did where'd those come from uh those come from the company uh out of canada okay uh they make different sizes and shapes and and it seemed like this was the perfect one for this car yeah you got them on both sides and so you've got that to give you a little extra view what's going on and then also their turn signals and also the turn signal well i tell you what that's that's pretty amazing you look back at the back brakes here and looks like you got some beautiful pilot sports on here from michelin correct so that's uh that's uh can't beat michelin that's terrific tires well i tell you i appreciate you taking the time to show us oh let me ask you about the exhaust on here too because we looked at the motor but we didn't look at the exhaust until i was putting my hand down there okay that's called a1 exhaust okay and actually it comes with uh the pipes turned down right here okay makes it turn down yeah i didn't like that so i built these okay and just modified it and tig welded them on okay and also cut the uh the baloney oh yeah at two different lengths yeah it's kind of to match the curve yep i also hear that by doing that you also help with the sound because sometimes they get a little funny when they're both there like blowing over a coke bottle yeah and it looks like all stainless steel type exhaust on there as well oh yeah here's another thing i spotted what is this okay those are blue dots okay and uh that's just an old school oh yeah hot rod thing yeah and uh when you put with your lights on yeah you get the light right your right lights look like they're perfect it's red and it has a little bit of purple to it well i tell you what this is this is a uh beautiful car i gotta say i bet you spent more than a weekend on this one [Laughter] it took me three years to build a car my engine builder and his spare time built my engine and it came together about the same time as well as the berg 5 speed oh man it all came together just like you needed it well it's a beautiful car and i have to believe this is like won some awards it has it won the uh at knoxville at the street rod nationals okay south right it won out of probably around a thousand cars uh the best uh the favorite design and okay 49 and newer class well that's great and i tell you uh you had showed me earlier this was also a feature was it uh hot vws or hot vw magazines yeah sticker on the window there though okay yeah and this was a feature in their magazine right a two-page spread on front cover or a little picture yeah well i tell you what anybody who's had a volkswagen or loves volkswagens can relate to this and uh and it's just a beautiful car and to be able to see that this car has been uh built to this level and the paint and i also noticed you did take off the door handles oh yes the door handles uh the the door entry um the engine lid and um power windows yeah you had them on it um all works off your buttons that's terrific well it's a beautiful job beautifully done thoughtfully uh engineered and like i said so many of us that grew up in the era of the volkswagen can relate to this car but to see one that's at that level is absolutely just uh brings back a lot of happy memories now in here oh you've got also a plug in there yeah i got two plugs oh it's charging your phone okay you know i didn't have that on my 69 yeah i had no place to charge my phone okay the uh windshield washer now is working off an electric okay instead of off the spare tire okay okay this is beautifully done in here too wow and all the switches and gauges and everything or um or ron francis okay and this switch here mm-hmm oh wow i can hear it yeah for the oil cooler yeah yeah now this steering column does have a uh emergency flasher here okay but because i had an extra hole here yep i decided to put it there and put it there instead okay so that's the emergency plastic and can you you can tilt this steering wheel too right oh yeah look at that up and down that's great well i tell you what there's so much going on here it's hard to even take it all in but i want to thank you again for showing us this beautiful car and uh what was the color by the way um it came out in 93 okay nissan vans okay probably other yeah but um it's called uh wow nissan wild cherry wild cherry yeah color code ak-1 okay well that's that's a beautiful color and i tell you what it really really shows this car off well i want to thank you again and uh thank you for joining us and i tell you what uh this is going to find a new home it's going to be a lucky person out there because i think they can load that puppy up and clear the clear the top of their uh mantle at home because this is this is a winner one thing about it it's bad to the bone it's fast it's fast too yeah yeah it's it's great to be good looking and fast i've never abused it yeah i can understand that only i can understand that so well thank you very much
Channel: Justsellmycar MyPlanbServices
Views: 25,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford Mustang MACH 1
Id: USvXib1mSLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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