Avril Lavigne - Let Me Go ft. Chad Kroeger (Official Music Video)
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Channel: AvrilLavigneVEVO
Views: 183,609,771
Rating: 4.9099507 out of 5
Keywords: Avril Lavigne, Avril, AvrilLavignevevo, vevo, official, music video, video, hq, single, album, featuring Chad Kroeger, Chad Kroeger, Avril Lavigne feat. Chad Kroeger, Epic, Let Me Go, Pop
Id: AqajUg85Ax4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2013
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I dunno, OP. Seems like a pretty cool tablet. Just look at the high definition and smooth design. She also has no issues holding it with even 1 hand though you can tell it is made of durable materials.
Hardly. Product placement is always lame, could be worse, could be texting on your Nokia Communicator in a spreadsheet https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8WYHDfJDPDc#t=196 (3:14)
Is that the guy from Nickleback?
"Hey honey, remember that romantic night we used that Sony tablet?"
Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger? What is this, 2003?
Probably the only reason that clip got funding was through that product placement.
I have to give her props for not taking herself too seriously though. She makes fun of her own product placement tactics.
Chad Kroeger's face looks like it was superimposed over someone else' head in post production.