Avril Lavigne - I'm With You (Video)
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Channel: AvrilLavigneVEVO
Views: 183,452,958
Rating: 4.9282851 out of 5
Keywords: Avril, AvrilLavignevevo, official, music video, single, Im With You, Let Go, Girlfriend, When Youre Gone, Complicated, Wish You Were Here, What the Hell, My Happy Ending, Sk8r Boi, Skater Boy, avril lavigne Iām with you, avril lavigne billie eilish, avril lavigne vs billie eilish, Iām with you avril lavigne lyrics, Arista, Avril Lavigne, I'm With You, Rock
Id: dGR65RWwzg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2010
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Who killed Avril and why? Will we ever know?
Had such a crush on her back in those days
Oh old Avril... How I miss you.
I remember reading that they recorded the video with her lip syncing to the song played at double speed, then slowed it down so it's in slow motion but her singing still matches up. Pretty cool effect.
Ah, the good old Avril :)
Needed this song tonight, thank you
What happened with Avril? She dead?
this is only Avril Levigne song I like, i have no idea what the hell she did right.
Oh man. First break up song. Still feel the feels when hearing this.
I hate pop music but there's a few of Avril's songs that I really love. This one, Complicated and Happy Ending. She also manages to be more attractive and more endearing in a music video like Complicated than girls who are almost totally naked in their videos.