Albanian Adventure GONE WRONG! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡± (The Albanian Alps)

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see those mountains up there tomorrow my challenge is to somehow hike it up there get up there I've got no idea how high up they go I don't know how I'm gonna get up there how much hiking experience have I got zero I've done nothing before apart from your standard National Park walk but have a look at it good morning it is the day after and as I said we're going to climb that mountain can't believe I'm actually doing it considering I had a terrible sleep last night was that a hostel again you know save a bit of money here and there but the dude under me snored all night it was actually starting to become a thing in my dream like I was talking to people and I just started hearing this massive snore noise and I would wake up but anyway I'm gonna get a coffee into me and then we'll get going can I please get a double espresso yes yes thank you so much this is like the best coffee I've found in the city and it's got the best views as well there you go that's okay you can keep it yeah is that good that's so good have a good day let's go let's go hit this mountain all right I've got to focus on the actual video that we're doing but check out this old building it's like they started to build this this um probably accommodation on the water and they gave up easy to go awesome views but there's just nothing happened here prime location [Music] all right this is going to be a fun one I've got absolutely no idea whether it's going to be like a road or a hiking track or some form of path I've got no idea absolutely no idea I don't even know if it's possible I mean it should be will I end up hitchhiking to the top I don't know is that cheating Maybe all right I've made to the next Beach over but as I'm walking further it's just getting further and further into the distance when I was at the other Beach it looked like it was over there now it's up here I haven't even got to the foot of it yet so I've got a I've got to somehow work out how to actually get there so it appears we're getting closer but I'm double thinking the challenge I've set it's it's massive like it's huge I think what I'll do I'm just going to follow this road just pull it up might take me all day okay my challenge for today is to get to the top of that mountain yeah they're very top it's going to be possible I want to climb it up the top do you think so or no is there like a road or I don't know I don't know if you don't see me in the next uh day call the police okay so I've reached this part in the road so one road heads up I just had a quick look on Google Maps it's not looking promising the actual way it wants me to walk is five hours but I feel like if I just cut through here somehow I can get up there so let's do it and let's not get hit here how do I climb the mountain I can get to it I can do it followed the road thank you so much all right just follow this road oh wow check it out well I am absolutely puffed out but I finally feel like we're getting somewhere take a look at this all right I'm just gonna keep following this road this road just led me to Nowhere except like someone's house so we're literally just gonna cut through cut straight through I don't know about the wildlife here I mean there's random goats and horses and all that kind of stuff do they have snakes I don't know as I said I don't really know much about this place but I'm saying sure we'll soon find out just in cool day I can't give up on this Vlog now I've recorded too much so we're gonna make it happen oh check out the spider's nest I'm gonna get out of this part oh man I've gone so far I feel like I feel like we're not even at the foot yet we're getting closer but it's just so thick here there seems to be some like old kind of Road here but it kind of just goes to nothing so I don't know if I want to follow that I'll just try to cut straight through oh we found a road all right we're gonna stick to the road oh it's one of those windy ones I know what it's going to be like it's going to be like up down then all the way up this is like the biggest hike of my life just putting it out there but I'm gonna do it gonna do it all right gonna be sticking to the road a bit there was far too many of these spider webs for my liking I don't like spiders especially when their webs are like huge and at the base of a tree with a hole you don't know what's going to climb out of there can anyone in the comments tell me what would live in here have a look at this all this little cottage Once Upon a Time this guy or girl would have had the best views in hamare but who knows what happened why did they leave let's go let's go check it out wow so there's nothing left of it no roof does anyone know the history of this little fireplace amazing views right I reckon maybe two more hours we can probably get up there I feel like we're getting closer but it's just it's just so tall like it it's absolutely ridiculous oh no what I'm actually enjoying this I can feel the endorphins even though my entire back is just wet I'm actually feeling really good hey not even feeling exhausted I'm just feeling just feeling good camping bomb blow two kilometers we're gonna go to the camping van blow I have no idea what a camping bomb blow is but we're doing it while we're walking I'll tell you a crazy story from a couple of nights ago so I met up with a couple of mates from school span a few nights together and we heard there was this awesome Festival on a beach but it was like a three-day Festival so we went on the last night we got over there pretty late there's only like 60 people there so we made the most of it but then it got to like 1 30 everything in the town was shot and there's just no taxis and in this country there's no Ubers either so we didn't know what to do so someone was like you can just climb along the coast and down the down the rocks and it's only a couple of kilometers and you'll get there so we start doing it and we've got our like phone lights out and we're about a kilometer in it it was just so sketchy like going down all these rocks there's like this big drop into the water for climbing up things there's trees in the way and we're lighting up we're going back because we're pretty drunk as well so we've turned back and I found like this little place on the beach like a bar it was sharp but we were so thirsty and I've gone up and I'm like hey man we need we need three Waters and he's like sorry till it is shut till it's shut so he wouldn't serve me and I was like man we need them please here and I just gave him 500. so goes out the back comes back with the three Waters and a kitchen knife and I'm like all right what's going on here is he having a steak he wasn't but I guess I just scared him a bit because he's like what's this guy doing he's just rocked up at like 1 30 in the morning so I guess he had his guard up but he was nice so I'll just gave him the rest of the money we took the waters there's no issues we left we're walking the streets we're trying to get back and we met this guy he was too drunk to drop his back but then he found his friend this guy needs to be Albanian of the year if that's an award like that this guy drove us four and a half kilometers back we're all trying to give him money he's like no no no respect respect he would not take our money drive us home safe that's what I'm saying about these people here they are such amazing people then they don't want anything like they're happy to help you I haven't had any problems here with any of the people it's actually such a great country people are lovely if worse comes to worse I'm going to be hanging off the back of the garbage truck on the way back if there's any more I don't know anything about this I'm from Australia this is like really far from me but do you know how to get to the top of that mountain you do just keep walking yeah okay okay I'll I'll do it thank you hope you find your Beach another bunker and then one there as well can anyone tell me why like half the water brands you know Albania have babies on them like all of them it's weird thanks for the lift mate Jesus okay not far now but when we get to the top I'm gonna set up the Drone the DJI Mini 2. and we're gonna fly it and have a look but I just took it out yesterday it's playing up hey the gimbal is just like really wobbly so if the footage is average I'm sorry there's not much I can do I did pull it apart this morning and try to fix it but I've got to get it up there for a shot anyway oh man we're so close look it's just there [Music] it's about 200 meters as the crow flies but today look at this wasp whoa can you see that that's huge I might have to try to freeze frame that but as I was saying it's not as far as the crow flies or the WASP flies it's how far I walk and it is a windy road but we're nearly there oh man oh I'm actually so proud of myself hey I just set the challenge when I was just down in the beach yesterday I looked at it didn't even know if I was gonna be able to do it but I said I would anyway I was so close oh it's a good feeling welcome to pilor so we're at the top of this road but it seems to be winding down oh well I didn't come all this way to not get to the very Peak so I've got to cut through this land here I'm proper probably feeling exhausted hey I really don't want to slip here because it's just all this lag really sharp slate style Rock I'll just feel my body just giving out but as soon as I get to the top boil the water drone and I can be proud that I've ticked that off the list it's oh I've had to take a rest up here I'm right near the top but my heart is going crazy I've only got a half liter of water left I don't know what I was thinking and it's nearly 30 degrees oh I'm here I've made it the absolute peak of the mountain not that one this one oh take a look at it thank you oh I feel so proud hey that's a massive achievement let's see if we can get the Drone up [Music] yeah I'm actually really not happy with this drone hay like as I was saying before look what it's just done to me I could not land it I was trying to land it back on that that rock and obviously it's all Rocky here try to grab it in the air and it just kept trying to take off um finally got it tried to turn it off and it cut me um better than a helicopter cutting me so I'm sure I'm gonna be okay but yeah the footage is crap I bring this all the way from Australia to get some amazing footage and yesterday it was wobbly try to fix it this morning and now it's just all it's just all turned um blurry okay I'm a very silly boy oh this is not the way I came down I came down through someone's like property there and now I've got to come down through here somehow through this um this uh what sand and soil and whatever business they're gonna gonna pay luck who the is this guy just walking through our yard obviously not in the Aussie accident but you know what I mean in Albanian they could be good they could offer me some water some food some rocky or they could bury me alive with all their plant equipment and no one will ever see this that's um that's what makes it fun but oh look at this I've just got to work my way through there Rubble and just like come out through there and yeah business God how am I meant to get down there so here I am walking through someone's Quarry some random Australian guy in Albania just rocking up out of the Rocky Mountains into a quarry do people have guns here and if they did is it like America where they just like shoot yellow get off my property kind of thing no I think they're nice they're pretty nice here aren't they tradition datia hello uh me hey I was in the mountains do you have any water I can buy do you have any water bottles of water that's all I got I was in the in the mountains Peter yeah just like water water yeah yeah water water yes yeah I'll give you some money no money I'll give you money I ran out of water God here we go yeah hello hello sorry English only oh thank you [Music] foreign did you want some money yeah no no money no money okay thank you so much thank you thank you hey oh there we go people here are great I really needed this because I'm not going to make it back without it hey oh she's smart at me but yeah back there must have been so Random for them I know you guys probably think I look so awkward sometimes and it kind of is because I know I know one word in Albanian they probably know a few in English um and they're like what's he doing on my property anyway but um as you can see lovely people they've helped me get all the way down otherwise yeah I'm not gonna make it I love my water especially when it's like 30 degrees and you're hiking whew that's where I'm staying sort of the coastline down there if you can see I don't know how good this looks but yeah down right on the beach and I definitely need to go for a swim wash up this helicopter accident injury oh it'd be beautiful I'm actually feeling pretty good again now I was actually so exhausted up there but um yeah I've got a second wind now what's going on here hey mate you going to the bottom can I jump in yeah what's that yeah yeah sweet man thanks oh here we go thanks man I've been walking for way too long that's a massive walk a little sticks oh sorry follow me Derek thanks buddy bye oh there we go I don't know how I thought about doing that I'm sure it was okay with it but the massive language barrier there you didn't understand anything I was saying but yeah it's only like a little walk now here there look at this I met this guy how many hours away like four and a half hours away yes at the first hostel yes and here he is hello hello all the way from Spain yes from Spain from about that is crazy so what are you climbing the mountains or yeah I'm going somewhere else I mean finding a beach or I think that it's a nice beach after this mountain yeah you guys going with no plans oh so just like that we're pretty much back where we started it's one beach over from where I was yesterday but um oh it's just too nice not to jump in have a look at this there she is oh this is actually so well deserved I don't have the um waterproof stick today so we won't be going underwater but oh my God that was a bit of a challenge and I'm really proud so I think I'll leave the video there see in the next one
Channel: Marco Roams
Views: 4,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: albania, albania travel, visit albania, albania vlog, albania travel vlog, travel albania, himare pilur albania mountain trek, himare, pilur, mountain climb albania, albanian alps, hiking, hiking albania, hiking albanian alps, albania hiking, albania hike, trouble albania, Pilur Mountain, backpacking the balkans, backpacking albania hike solo travel, hiking vlog, how to film a hiking video, content creator, backpacker ben, vlore albania vlog, travel vlog, the albanian alps
Id: 6QbUyz9BfPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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