AVOID Repeating These Everyday Words – Use THESE Instead

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hey everyone i'm andrea your real life english fluency coach and in today's lesson we are going to take some of the most overused words that we use daily and learn some more interesting alternatives so i highly recommend you grab a notepad and pen so that you can write down all the words during the lesson then you can start learning them and using them by the way in case you're new here we are here to guide you beyond the classroom to live learn and speak english in the real world so be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell down below so that you don't miss any of our new lessons okay so the first word that we use every single day we use it a lot is yes so instead of saying yes there are many ways that you can reply to someone meaning the same thing so one that we tend to say a lot more as natives is yeah and yes kind of seems a little bit more formal and so you might write it more in formal situations maybe for work or university and things like that but if you're just having a conversation with someone or you're texting someone you're probably more likely to just say yeah and another one that you can use is sure so if you want to say yes without saying anything like this word you can just say sure so if someone says to you would you like to meet for a coffee later you can say sure well sure that would be great if you want to add to it and it's a great alternative to just saying yes another alternative which is maybe a little bit more american but is definitely being used more in britain as well now is a shortening of okay so you can say k and this again just means yes it's a way to reply so if someone asks you would you like a piece of cake you might say okay and this is definitely more informal so one that you would use with your family and friends another great one is of course so maybe someone is asking you if you would like to meet up with them or if you would like to have pizza for dinner and you might say of course so there is no doubt in your mind you are affirmatively saying you are being very sure in what you want to say you are definitely saying yes and you can say it this way with of course another great alternative to of course as well is certainly now this one maybe can be used in more formal situations but again if someone asks you a question and you want to say yes but in a very polite and more formal way you can say certainly so when you really want to express that you truly mean yes there are some great alternatives the first one is totally so here i'm pronouncing it with a true t so you can hear that t there totally however in american english they would use the american t which sounds more like a soft d so it would sound more like totally in british english we could also say this word with a glottal t so that's where the flow of air is stopped and then released so there is a sound there but you won't hear the t and this would sound like totally totally so there's three different ways that you can actually hear this word but they are used both in american and british english when you want to respond to someone with an emphatic yes that you totally agree for example some people in britain even shorten this to say totes i don't use this in particular however i have heard it a lot in the uk many people around the uk instead of saying the full word totally they might just say totes and finally you could use absolutely so if for example someone says oh it's a beautiful day today the sun is shining you might say absolutely so again you agree with them without saying yes okay so we did just look at this word okay a little bit when we were talking about yes we said that some people might shorten it to say k so rather than responding to someone with okay you can do it this way it's a very informal way that you could just do it with your friends and you just want to be very quick you'd probably write it in a text message as well just to your friend like if you're agreeing with something okay so it's very quick and easy one to use another alternative to okay is all right so this is a great one as well if you just want to respond with okay but in a different way and you can say it with a true tea at the end there or you can just say all right so you can say all right or all right another alternative here is very well now this one is a little bit more british and it's probably a little bit more formal or ones that you might hear the older generations use so if someone says to you oh do you want to go out for a walk later they might say very well and by that they just mean okay okay so so far we've focused on a lot of the positives however if you want to say no to someone there are alternative ways to say this rather than just saying no now one again that's very informal that you could use with your friends you might just say nah and you can hear this in british and american english it might be elongated slightly so you might hear na or you might hear someone just say nah so it can be shorter or longer depending another one as well that friends tend to use a lot is nope so sometimes no can be quite direct and very strong if you want to soften it a little bit you could just say nope now the english culture tends to be quite an apologetic one meaning that we tend to say sorry a lot even if something is not our fault and so even if someone is saying no to you they might actually apologize whilst doing it as well just because they want to be so polite and maybe they feel bad that they are saying no so you might hear sorry no or um not quite sorry so people will still apologize when saying no as well some other more formal ones that are again a way of saying no but also apologizing a little bit could be unfortunately not so if you feel bad that maybe you can't do something maybe someone says oh you're free to meet for dinner tonight they might say unfortunately not so they feel bad but they're not free so it's a no another way to say this is i'm afraid not so someone again might say are you free to meet me or can i call you later and they might say i'm afraid not it's another way of saying unfortunately not or unfortunately no and then a very strong way to say no could be no way or absolutely not so no way is probably a bit less formal and absolutely not could be more formal but they are very strong ways of emphasizing your no so maybe someone wants to ask you out on a date and you say no way and you really don't want to date that person and then maybe in a work situation you've asked for something in particular and your boss might say absolutely not or if they're being polite they might say i'm afraid not okay now moving on to what so the question there what there are better ways to say this you might say pardon and if you're being really formal and very british you might say i beg your pardon and that's definitely in a more formal situation maybe when you've offended someone you've probably heard this in some older tv series from the uk as well but definitely if for example you're having a conversation with someone it could be quite rude to say what and screw up your face in this way a little bit so it's nicer to say excuse me so if you didn't hear what someone says you're having a conversation with them and you want them to repeat what they said but without being rude without just saying what sometimes that can come across rude so it's better to say excuse me or sorry and moving on some alternatives to sorry could be i didn't mean to so maybe you've hurt someone's feelings maybe you accidentally tripped someone up or bumped into them and they might give you a look and you say i didn't mean to so you could say i'm sorry i didn't mean to or you could just say i didn't mean to and then apologize however you want to apologize you could also start off your sentence with i regret so you could say i regret what i did and i'm ever so sorry or you could say i regret what happened and i wish i could change it so these are some alternatives and also maybe a more american one that is starting to be used more in britain as well is my bad so this is definitely a more informal one when you're with your friends maybe you make a joke or a mistake and you say my bad or even for example maybe you were supposed to meet a friend and you stood them up so that means that you didn't show up to the meeting because maybe you forgot and you would say my bad it's like saying i made a mistake so there are many times in the day where we want to say thank you especially in the english culture because we are quite polite we really think that manners are very important and so we will say thank you a lot just like we say sorry but there are some great alternatives to saying this one being you're a star so if someone has done something very kind or has been very helpful to you you could say you're a star another one you could say is i owe you one so it's like you want to return the favor so maybe they've helped you out with something maybe your babysitter cancelled on you and your friend has said oh i'll do that for you and then by saying thank you you can say oh i owe you one so one day you could return the favor maybe you could babysit for them so there are some great alternatives to this word to show your appreciation as well you could say i really appreciate it or i appreciate that to show your thanks to show your gratitude you could even say you shouldn't have so maybe if someone gives you a gift this is a good one to use if someone is giving you a gift maybe for your birthday but you weren't expecting it you could say oh thank you so much you shouldn't have and meaning that they really didn't have to but it's very thoughtful and you're very thankful for the fact that they thought of you and quite a british one here is cheers so you might think of people actually with a glass of wine or champagne actually doing a cheers with someone however we do use this as well to say thank you it's just a nice quick informal way of saying thank you so you just like cheers or if you want to be very british you might even say cheers mate if you'd like to learn more ways to say thank you how to respond to it and many more phrases that you can use in daily conversation then i highly recommend you check out this lesson that we made with more than 55 phrases to use in daily conversation you can click up here or down in the description box below to watch that lesson next now some alternatives to goodbye so again goodbye can be quite formal and we tend to shorten it to say bye so rather than using the full form you just shorten it you could also say see you later so you might say the full sentence here you might say the full phrase see you later or see you later with a glottal t and in american english they might say see you later so again with an american t there however this phrase is shortened very much so some people might shorten it to say see ya and that's quite an american english one some people might shorten it even more just to say later so rather than see you later you can just say later in american english or in british english you could say later or later so that's with a glottal t there and finally it's not an english word it is italian however i hear this word used so much to say goodbye and it is chao so chao is very popular here in spain and also is becoming more popular in the uk and maybe in many other countries too do you use ciao where you are in the world let me know in the comments okay lots of people also tend to use the word like a lot and sometimes it's necessary however there are some great alternatives that you could use for example enjoy you could say rather than saying i like to have a glass of wine with my dinner you could say i enjoy a glass of wine with my dinner you could also use appreciate so i appreciate the fact that you came to speak to me first you might say to someone rather than i like the fact that you came to speak to me first another one that's maybe quite british is fancy so instead of saying we like someone we might say that we fancy someone so if we think that someone is cute or there's someone that you want to date you might say i fancy that person and that's quite a british one there you could also use admire so maybe there's a person in particular that you really admire rather than saying i like this author or i like this actor or i like this celebrity you could say that you admire them meaning that you appreciate what they are doing you look up to them in a certain way so it's much better and more interesting word to use here and then if you really like someone you could say that you adore them so you might use this for example for some family members you could say oh i adore my nephew he is the sweetest little boy for example or if you really love someone then you can use that instead of like as well so adore means that you really like them and then of course love means that you love someone but it's an alternative to like if you if you really strongly like them that you love them you could use this as an alternative now good is another word that we use a lot every single day but there are so many more interesting words that we can use here to describe various things so good doesn't really tell us much about something you might say oh i watched a good film the other day and kind of makes you think it was okay but nothing special so if something was okay you might say that it's satisfactory so rather than it being very good it was satisfactory so it was just okay so maybe good is here and something satisfactory is just below it however if it was good and it's better then you might say it was wonderful so you might say you had a wonderful day rather than saying you had a good day and if it was even better than wonderful you might say that it was excellent or exceptional so these words really mean better than good so you might even say you had a fantastic day or an amazing day or even a superb day so all of these words are alternatives to good and there's kind of a scale here going from satisfactory all the way up to amazing and superb so if you want to take your english from good to superb then i highly recommend our real life native immersion course in this 41 week course we'll take you on a real-life adventure of the english language in a way that is fun natural and convenient each week exploring a different topic connected to our goal to help you understand and use real native english and make it a permanent part of your life the best part is you can try it right now for free with our three-part power learning series all you have to do is click up here or down in the description box below to learn more and sign up now we look forward to seeing you there okay so we've looked at alternatives to good now let's look at alternatives to bad so rather than saying this word that is a standard word that people use a lot you could say unacceptable so if something wasn't very good it was bad but not really bad we could say that it was unacceptable this might happen at work maybe someone's behavior was unacceptable and it couldn't happen again maybe at school a child in particular their behavior was unacceptable and their parents have to be told about this so that's a good alternative when it's not as serious now going up the scale a little bit to things that are quite bad you might say that something is nasty so maybe someone said some bad words or some rude words to you you could describe them as nasty they describe something in a nasty way or they used some nasty words to speak to me and i wasn't happy with it then going up the scale you could use terrible or even awful so you might say oh i tried a new restaurant last week it was terrible or the food was awful and that means that it was really bad and really at the top of the scale you could say that something is dreadful so if it's really awful rather than saying really awful you could say it was dreadful so another one is said and this word is used a lot and it doesn't really tell us much about the way someone said something so this is a great one to teach because you can use it in your writing especially if you're into creative writing or you like writing stories there are so many great alternatives to said one could be suggested so you could say oh my friends suggested that we go out to eat tomorrow what do you think rather than saying said you could say explained as well so you could say for example if you're having a meeting at work you could say oh my colleague explained that you're having a problem and you would like us to help so again a great alternative is giving us more information about what was said or how it was said it was explained probably a more formal one definitely takes me back to my legal days is stated so this again is a great alternative for said it's saying that someone said something but in a more formal way so you might use it in a document you might write it in a formal email or letter that this person stated that this happened if someone is very excited about something maybe they exclaimed some information to you because they were so excited so for example you could exclaim that you got 10 out of 10 on a test because you're so excited and happy about it however on the other side maybe you argued with someone so you could say that someone argued with you or they argued their point rather than they said their point so you had a disagreement in that moment and another one that's great is expressed so we could say that someone expressed their feelings or that someone expressed how they felt about a situation or they expressed that they agreed with something or disagreed again it's just another great alternative to said now looking at alternatives to angry so again we're going to go on a scale here from a little bit angry to very angry so to begin with you might be irritated by something so sometimes if there's a fly buzzing around and you're trying to eat it might irritate you so it's annoying so these are some good alternatives here when something is not so serious sometimes people get angry when they are offended by something so maybe someone has said something that you don't quite agree with or maybe they are judging you in a way or they just have a different view to you and you could feel offended by it so this is a good one when you are quite angry but it's more that you've taken offense to what they are saying and then moving on from this one one where you are really angry could be furious so this is when you are so angry there's not a higher level of anger you could have and you could imagine someone just screaming i'm furious because they are so angry so i wonder what situations you might think you could use this one in have a little think hopefully you haven't been this angry or hopefully it doesn't happen to you very often so moving on to a more positive word happy so happy is a word that we do again often use quite a lot but there are some great alternatives one could be pleased so you could say i'm very pleased with the presentation instead of happy you could even say i'm overjoyed so if you are feeling joyful or there's a joyous occasion and you really want to emphasize that you could say overjoyed another great one is delighted so maybe you're having a party and you're inviting some friends and you call them up to say are you free to come and they say yes you say oh that's great i'm delighted so again you're showing that you're really happy so moving on to even more happy you might say that you are ecstatic so if you are so happy with something you would say that you are ecstatic so for example maybe you want a competition or maybe some plans that you were making have turned out really well and you've achieved lots of success and you would say i am ecstatic and a similar one to this would be thrilled so i'm absolutely thrilled by this result it's fantastic now nice is a word that we try not to use too much it's difficult because it allows for easy conversation and it's a word that you can use a lot however again it doesn't really tell us much about what you want to say so there are some great alternatives if for example you want to say that someone was being nice or you met a nice man for example you could describe him as charming so rather than saying oh i met this really nice man you say oh i met this man he was very charming that's a much better descriptive word you could use kind if someone has been kind to you another one you could use is delightful so you could say what a delightful day we had rather than what a nice day we had you could even use lovely which is better as well and finally you could say that something was pleasant so again you could describe your day as pleasant your experience is pleasant your dinner as pleasant there are many more great ways to describe something instead of using nice can you think of more alternatives to nice let me know down in the comments below so instead of saying you had a hard day at work you could say you had a tough day a challenging day a difficult day or you could even say that you had a demanding day so those are four much more interesting words that you can use instead of hard now instead of saying best you could say that something was the greatest because the best means there's no better so an equivalent to this would be the greatest you could even say it was elite so it was that good it was so fantastic it was so great that it was elite and you could even describe something as the finest so for example if you are buying a nice scarf or a pashmina you could say that it is made with the finest silk now we often describe ideas or people as smart and in britain if you describe someone as smart as well it doesn't only mean their intellect you might describe the way that they look and the way that they dress as smart however here we're thinking more about intellect so you might say that someone is clever as an alternative to smart you could say that they are intelligent if they're really intelligent you could even use genius you could say that was a genius idea or this person is a genius if they have a lot of knowledge about a particular subject you could say that they are wise you could even describe them as witty so witty is used a lot as well when we describe sense of humor so the british sense of humor is often called witty meaning that it is clever so it's another way to say smart or clever here and finally you could also describe someone as bright so you might say that someone is very bright and the opposite of this would be dim so if you're thinking about lights bright lights as well that means that someone is smart now instead of saying also you could use some more formal and interesting ones you could say furthermore so if you're talking about a particular point and you want to add some information to that you could say furthermore and then continue your sentence an alternative to this would be in addition to so again these are more formal ones so you could probably use them in the workplace maybe in legal documents in emails in letters things that you are writing if you're writing a paper for school or for university or college then these are great alternatives to also you could even use moreover and you could also use so so so is a more simple one you can also see that we use that a lot to connect ideas when speaking so it's a great alternative now today i'm teaching you more interesting words to the words that we tend to overuse daily however there are more interesting ways to say interesting an informal way to describe something as interesting is cool so you might say that you went to a concert and it was really cool you might say that you had a really cool day out with your friends however if something was really interesting you could say that it was fascinating or you could say that it was mesmerizing you could even say that it was riveting so these are some great words that you can use as alternatives for example you could say that you went to a museum and the exhibition was mesmerizing meaning that it was so interesting that you just wanted to learn more and you couldn't take your eyes off it and it was fascinating even and finally another word that we tend to overuse is many so instead you could say tons for example we have tons of great lessons for you on our channel here and you can check them all out straight after this lesson you could even say heaps so again we have heaps of lessons here to help you learn english we could say plenty of countless and numerous as well so these are all alternatives to saying many so there you have it there's tons of vocabulary for you in today's lesson so that you can enrich your english and start using these more when speaking or writing or whatever it is that you want to do please give me a thumbs up down below if you want more lessons like this we can definitely have some more vocabulary lessons for you to help you reach your goals but now it's time to go beyond the classroom and live your english ah yeah okay so we're starting off with an interesting fact which most of you probably know but in the uk we love tea it is a huge part of our culture and people drink multiple cups of tea a day rather than coffee in fact so it's usually the drink of choice of many people
Channel: RealLife English
Views: 33,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avoid repeating these words in daily english conversation, avoid repeating, everyday words, avoid repeating words, everyday words in english, everyday words to improve your vocabulary, english vocabulary in use, english vocabulary words with meaning, english conversation, english pronunciation, english vocabulary, improve your vocabulary in english, learn english, speak english
Id: qfHFPuhg_dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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