Avoid Chatter on Your Mill - Haas Automation Tip of the Day

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- Hello and welcome to another Haas Tip of the Day. Right now we're gonna cover mill chatter and we're gonna give you some general tips on how to avoid it. I promise, if you stick around to the end of the video, we're gonna show you what these tuning forks are for. (melodic hum) (upbeat music) Okay welcome to the chatter zone. While this is running, you can make your best guess as to the cause of this chatter. Okay do you wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? (humming) (buzzing) Okay so we know what chatter sounds like, let's see what it looks like. Oh, oh, nice. The turn chatter is almost always a misnomer, it means something different to lots of different people. For our purposes, chatter is simply when a tool or a workpiece vibrates enough to give us surface problems, and we definitely see that now. The solution to our chatter problem always comes down to these three aspects of our setup. I'm talking about our workholding, our tooling, and our part program. Think about these aspects as interconnected, right? If one of these aspects of our setup is compromised, the other two need to step up and pick up the slack. As an example, if we're forced to use a tool that is crazy long, then our workholding better be really strong to compensate. Along those same lines, our program is gonna have to be perfect. We're gonna have to use modern toolpaths and really ideal feeds and speeds to compensate for using that odd tool. Now let's take a look at our workholding here. Clearly, our part is not being supported well. With this part hanging out so far, when the tool is in the cut, it's really gonna be bouncing around, giving us a lot of chatter. (buzzing) So we have to dampen this. We could go with a larger vice like an eight inch curved vice. Right off the bat, we're gonna wanna center up this material but even when I've done that, I still get some chatter on both ends. What I'm gonna do in this situation is just go ahead and make some wider jaws. I'm gonna change out these jaws right now and we'll go from there. (ding) This workholding setup is a problem we can fix. In fact, we did fix it, right? We centered up our material and we went with wider jaws that get a better hold on our part along its entire length. If we couldn't touch our setup for some reason, then we would have to look at strengthening our program and our tooling. Now let's take a look at our tooling. Typically if we wanna dampen vibration when it comes to our tooling, we wanna shorten up those tools, but what part of it? Well, all of it. We wanna shorten up our holders, our flute length even, shorten up everything you can. Now sometimes you have no choice, you've got a deep pocket you have to go into to make some type of feature. In that case, go with the shortest flute length possible. You've got a solid carbide tool here that only has the flutes necessary for the pocket that you have to create. Now these are some unique tools, right? If you look at the end of this guy, it actually has variable flute spacing. This interrupts our cut and cuts down on chatter. Along these same lines, the Widia that I'm using or will use along the outside of our part has a variable helix. It's not a constant helix and it has variable pitch teeth on the end, variable flute. These interruptions in the cut keep us from finding a sweet spot where things tend to chatter. Going with some special tools can also get you out of trouble faster. By going with ideal tools for our job, we were able to get rid of chatter. But what if we couldn't change our tools? What if we had to use a long holder or if we had to use a long end mill? Again, in that case, we would have to strengthen our workholding or strengthen our program. Now we're gonna go back to the tuning forks now, as promised and give you a little physics experiment that'll help illustrate how small changes to our program can help erase chatter. With these two tuning forks, we're gonna demonstrate resonance. Resonance is when the natural frequencies of two objects combine and they amplify each other. Sometimes you'll hear that on a CNC machine, when you hear that little twinge, that little high pitched squeal and it builds and builds until it gets away from itself. I'm gonna set this tuning fork up against our ping pong ball and give the second tuning fork a whack. (melodic hum) (dinging) Pretty amazing, right? It's like remote control. Okay now watch this. If I adjust this tuning fork so it no longer creates the same C note as this tuning fork, and I tap it, (melodic hum) it now creates a slightly different sound and it's no longer exciting the second tuning fork. In this same way, sometimes the natural frequencies of our tooling vibrated just the right frequency to excite our workholding or our part that might be hanging out a little bit. If we can just change our tooling in some way, adjust that tool up or down like we adjusted our tuning fork we can change the natural frequency of our tooling and stop our chatter. A CNC machine is not a tuning fork, though. We've got a whole lot of things we can play with from within our program. Our feeds and our speeds, our depth of cuts, both axial and radial, and also just our toolpaths in general. We've got these modern toolpaths that can give us a constant tool engagement. Now the closest thing to a magic button on our machine is this spindle override button. We've all walked up to the machine when we hear that chatter start to build, start to resonate, we've pressed the minus 10% spindle button twice and seen that chatter disappear. But sometimes that's not good enough. Now remember, looking at our tuning fork, when we adjusted this down, (melodic hum) we got out of the resonance zone. In the same way, I can adjust this tuning fork up. (melodic hum) No resonance. Again, moving it back down to the middle, we can end up in the sweet spot (melodic hum) where we create that resonance. In the same way, on a CNC machine, moving the RPM down will often fix our problem, but sometimes, especially with the longer tools, moving our RPM up can get us out of that area of resonance and stop the chatter. So I've lowered my RPM and my chatter goes away for about three seconds, right? And then we hear it, we hear the chatter come right back as that tool runs into the inside corner. Let me grab my part here and show you what's going on. What happened here is that our tool engagement, the percent of the tool that's engaged in the material at any one time is constantly changing. At one point in the pocket, we might have a 15% tool engagement, and the tool is happy running at 3,000 RPMs. At another spot on the pocket, we might have a 40% tool engagement, and at that point, we would need to lower our RPM to 2,000 RPM to get rid of the chatter. Here in this slot or this channel here, with a very long tool, we might have to lower the RPM to 1,000 RPMs because we've got 50% of the tool engaged in that cut. It's impossible to find a perfect feed and speed that's gonna work in every single corner of this old style pocket. You have to slow down your entire program to avoid chatter in just a few of those odd spots. This is a beauty of the newer toolpaths. We're using adaptive toolpaths, dynamic toolpaths. There's toolpaths like a volume mill that actually base a toolpath based on the size of the chips, but what we're doing here is giving ourselves a constant tool engagement. This is a game changer, this has changed the world of machining. This is using an adaptive or dynamic toolpath. Our tool engagement is constant throughout the entire pocketing machine. I don't even care what that engagement is, 10%, 30%. What I care about is that that tool load, the engagement, isn't changing. Once I find the perfect RPM or the perfect feed rate, I can stick with it through the entire pocket. If I only had one bit of information to give you today, it would be this, find yourself a canned system that has a modern high speed machining toolpath that has constant engagement. Well this has been a 10,000 foot overview of a giant topic. Remember, your workholding, your tooling, and your program are linked. If you're weak in one area, the other two are gonna have to step up and pick up the slack. Now if you've learned something in today's video, be sure to subscribe to this channel. You don't wanna miss what we've got coming up next. If you're watching on Facebook or Instagram, be sure to share these videos with your friends, like and comment, we wanna hear what you have to say. Thanks for letting Haas be a part of your success and for watching this, Haas Tip of the Day. (upbeat music)
Channel: Haas Automation, Inc.
Views: 388,171
Rating: 4.9514575 out of 5
Keywords: CNC machine tools, CNC machining, Gene Haas, Haas Automation, Haas CNC, CNC, Haas, haascnc, machining, manufacturing, cnc machines, cnc mill, milling machine, cnc machine, cnc milling machine, machine tools, lathes, cnc machining, rotary table, cnc machinery, cnc machine tool, boring bar, cnc machining center, cnc cutting machine, chatter, tool, tool length, workholding, programming, dynamic toolpath, adaptive toolpath, resonance
Id: rKPxfzx3sxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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