AViPAS Camera and Controller setup

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[Music] hey what's going on everybody it's your boy tree i like to call myself a v tree and listen this is my my new reformatted channel i don't have this channel for years and i've posted a bunch of stuff over the years but this is going to start concentrating on my av production business i'm the ceo of outreach productions or av company right here in washington dc and uh and so i'm gonna accumulate a little bit of knowledge over the years and i think that it would be uh awesome to share with the community so this is what i want you to do want you to subscribe to this channel i believe that that we can learn together i love to hear your input on some things that i'm going to be talking about uh over the next few months and and hopefully years all right but anyway i'm going to do this i'm going to get into this this product that um that i've been working with for a couple of months now um let me switch on over to to their site this is a avi pass and and up and i have a few of their items i have three of their cameras and i have a uh their controller as well too and um as i switch over to their controller that's the controller that i have from them i actually was using a different controller with their cameras and i just had one slight issue with that with the uh other controller which was a very very good controller but um it wouldn't allow me to get into the menu so i will always have to use the the remote control for the for the cameras and that became an issue a little bit later on the reason why i became an issue because the way that i was setting up cameras if i was doing a multi-camera shoot and the camera was pointing at a certain direction the remotes are a line of sight and you have to kind of hit this sensor in the front of it and so a lot of times i'm in the back of it and i got the remote and i can't you know go to that and so that really became a headache so i switched over to uh the switcher that they make with it so it can go with their cameras and so um and i've seen some some very very very very very good results um my first controller that i did get from them had an issue i don't know what the issue was though but i reached out to the company i told them i said hey listen i got a problem with the with the controller and uh the the service was great i sent them an email they sent me an email back the next day and i explained to them what happened i even gave them a sample on video they looked at the video they said no problems and matter of fact they didn't even say send it back to me and you'll get one they sent me a new controller and uh um and then they also sent the the fedex information so i can ship the old one back and then i was like man i love it so their customer service was the bomb and so therefore since they had some good customer service i said i was going to go ahead and put a video together and i'm kind of like highlight their their products so i really want to get straight into their products this is what i want to do i'm going to explain to to you guys uh what i have here now i do want you to be careful about which uh camera you order i'm gonna go uh back to my my screen here um they have two well they have many cameras if i go back to here and i go to their store and then you can go to that p c z you'll see all the different cameras that they have you'll see all the different cameras that they have um but the two that i have i have the av the av uh 1080 uh which is the sdi output on it and then i also have the um the av 1280 now the difference between the two of course not just a price point because one of them is 100 bucks more but it's the poe and that poe is power over ethernet which is very very important so the the 1080 does not support power over ethernet meaning if i go to this picture right here let me see if i can pull this picture real quick um meaning this it takes an ethernet input right but this ethernet input does not accept power to turn the camera on therefore you will have to plug in your power um so that's very important um just so you will know that uh this the other camera here now this one takes the power over ethernet and so you don't necessarily have to plug your power into it which is great for me that is very very great for me because the thing that i love to do i'm either doing two things i'm either bringing the video in sdi on bringing a video in ethernet and so i'm gonna explain both of those uh uh those methods because you know it's different scenarios for whatever you shoot you know sometimes i can shoot and i'll i'll take the video straight from this and i might go in straight into to obs or vmix you know or there might be times where i want to go into a hard switcher just like i have the um the black magic uh uh um mini right here and so if i come into here that means that i have to go into there through the sdi and so i you know i got that scenario set up so we want to do something um so i'm going to show you how how easy it is to hook up some things i purposely did not hook up my ethernet stuff because i want you to see how easy it was um i do have an ethernet hub right here this ethernet hub um is a hub that's sending out power so this is power over ethernet um this has a five outputs on it and so i am going to plug in my first camera all right so i'm going here and then i will go into this camera right here [Music] we're going to go into this camera right there all right so as soon as i plug it in as you can see it's beginning to power up so it does its own little uh calibration and then once this finishes calibration it goes into its 12 o'clock position and that puppy is ready to rock and roll so what i did with this one now this is the 10 this is the what the 1080 so as you can see right here i already have the power in this one i already had the power on this one so i am going to right now plug this one up all right so i am going to plug this one up in here boom like so boom so that one is already plugged in and then i i'm not going to plug this one i don't need to really plug in all them in i was just trying to show you what i have but i do have the uh the what is this this is the 1280 and this is the 1080 so we do have the both cameras i don't really need to plug in the other uh 1280. all right so we're gonna do this we're gonna plug into the switcher now i'm gonna tell you i am only dealing with the controlling the cameras over the ethernet today i am not dealing with uh controlling the cameras over the rs uh 232 connections i'll probably save that for another video i'll definitely probably save that for another video now i'm going to tell you what i really really love i really really love the setup but i don't really too much like the setup through the traditional way of setting it up through the menu so if i if i come to let me see let me come to the switcher real quick now i can set it up like this too and i can go into the setup and i can change the things in the setup and we can go through it it has pages on there let me go to page one and it tells you the page one is to delete a device um the page two is your static ip uh if you want to change your static ip um you got your key on meaning that noise i'm gonna turn that up off right now because i don't like to really hit a noise of course you got your english uh you got your your different modes for setting up and we won't even go to changing those modes because i'm only dealing with the ethernet today right here at page six is showing me what my ip address is that is the default ip address which is one two nine one six eight five and then uh 101. i it's important for you to know what that ip address is and i'll show you why in a second all right and then you have the different versions now i did upgrade the firm the firmware they actually sent me um a link to the firmware um and and i updated it so everything's been rock solid and then you got the factory reset now i could do that right i could do that if i really wanted to let me go ahead and escape out of all that crap all right all right let's come let's come to uh let's go to the computer real quick all right so we're gonna come back to the computer now listen before we we really get started i have to show you something you have to set up your ethernet to where it's on on a static system it is very simple now normally you will have this uh icon down here which is for your wireless uh internet but you could also right click on that if you right click on that and you choose uh open network right i want you to go here see right here where it says ethernet once you click on that ethernet when you get into the ethernet go over here where it says uh change adapter options click on that right this is your ethernet right here this is your wireless this is your ethernet now you can run both of them at the same time as you can see my wireless is currently connected to my files here in my house but i want you to click on right click on that and hit properties all right when you go to properties then i want you to go to internet protocol version four double click on that all right so this comes up this is what is normally set up to receive a uh um automatic ip address so anytime you hook your ethernet up to say your router your router or you go somewhere else and you plug it up to another router this will automatically obtain a ip address for you right and normally those ip address is going to be random they fluctuate you don't want that when you're working with this system which you want to do you want to put this system on the same system as your controller so if i go back to the controller look at what the number is right see the first uh three numbers you need the first three numbers uh to be the same so you want the one the 192.168.5 right and then whatever you want to choose for your last three digits for your computer as long as as long as it's not uh interrupting any other number on your on your router or on your hub then you're fine so let's go back here let's put this number in here is one nine two all right one six eight five i'ma give this the number 110 because i know i have nothing i'm sorry i gotta skip over here i'm giving it 110. cool and then i am going to go right here it's automatically gonna put the subnet in there if it doesn't your subnet is normally two five five two five five two five five zero all right and then the gateway is one nine two one six eight five and then it's one that's the gateway all right and then you hit okay boom okay everything is fine now since i've done that now i can come back to my internet explorer and i want to put the number of the controller again once again i'm going to show you that number 1192 168501 so let me go back here and type that in one nine two actually well that's one of my camera numbers all right so 192 point one six eight point then i hit enter all right you see that now it's already looking at the uh at the controller so the controller now it's defaulting i want to tell you what the default password is is the default user is admin the default pad where it says default is empty i put me i put my own password in there i'm not gonna tell y'all what my password is but i did put my i put a pin so i put a four uh uh digit pin in there as my password then you log in boom beautiful y'all see how quick that was now i want you to see something right here because i'm i'm actually delete all of this these were the three cameras that i have and so i can automatically tell it you know which cameras i wanted to see over here is telling you that it sees this particular ip address uh this is the port number the default port number is 2000 for all the cameras and then i'm telling telling the controller i want a certain camera to be camera three and then the username and the password each camera has its own username and password now the default for these cameras are admin so what i want to do is i want to go ahead i want to delete all of these all right so it's deleted it's deleted it doesn't see any cameras or anything right let me go over here right here is your settings if you go into your settings there's other information that you could do you'll land so your lan is is important why you're not going to really do anything if you don't want to you want to keep the default you can but for those who are advanced users say for instance you are on a system and you also want the internet to come through your uh your hub system if you want the internet to come through your hub system then you have to change your ip address to the hub i mean through the internet's router system remember i was telling you about the first three numbers well if you go into a place and say for instance you want this laptop to be on a uh internet system along with your controller and your cameras then you're gonna have to find out what is the ip address of the internet system that you're on you're going to have to get the first three numbers and then you can keep this as 101 as long as there's not another 101 device on that system so i just wanted to point that out and as you can see the sub um uh the subnet mask is a two five five two five five two five five zero then you got the gateway which i told you and then this is the dn uh dns server and it's basically asking me what is the primary server that i really want to look at and it's the same as that gateway all right so i just wanted to go down through that you have the users you can set up different users to do different things and you can set them up as an administrator operator or a visitor i don't know why you wouldn't want a visitor to actually come in here so i don't i don't get that one and then you have the upgrade and i told you the upgrade is very very simple once your system is hooked up to your uh a laptop you can uh just go to whatever file that they have and then hit the start and it'll do its own random thing then you have the factory reset and then you also have the reboot so that's what you see in the controller uh also why did all this come back because i didn't hit save so i'm gonna delete these cameras real quick and then i'm gonna hit save all right now i hit save and if i refresh it it won't see any uh of those cameras anymore boom cool all right so i want to show you how easy it is to set up a camera the first thing you could do now let me see if i can get rid of this real quick so you can see everything that needs to be seen let me uh do the automatic high yeah all right so automatic height now you still can't see it but anyway right down here this is a search internet search internet i'm trying to see i wonder if i can let me see if i can do the yep i did i just hit uh control and minus and it'll shrink the screen for you for those of you that need to know that information but right here this is a search your ethernet it a search for anything on the ethernet and if it recognizes it as one of his devices then it will tell you that it sees it so i'm gonna go ahead and hit the search all right so it's searching it's trying to see if it sees any device on there what it sees is the two different cameras the two different cameras now um this is what i do man there's so much to explain to you guys but i do want to explain this i do want to explain this one thing this number right here the 192 168 516 three now the 2000 is just the port number um but the first four numbers the 192 168 5 163 this 163 is the default number for every camera that you purchase from there or at least for these cameras let me put it like this let me to retract that for the diversion cameras that i have the default number all of them will come in as the 163 they will all have the same ip address the 192 168 5 and the 163 it is up to you once you get the cameras to go and change um the static ip address to something else so i left one of them as the default but my other two cameras i changed i changed one of my cameras to one uh 80 and i changed the number of the other camera to 170. so i want to explain that and we're going to do that too so if i take this number right here let me see if i can copy it if i can copy it every great well i can't copy but anyway i'm gonna go and i already know it anyway but i'm gonna go ahead and type that camera one nine two all right point one six eight now i'm gonna hit enter now you're seeing the camera um the default i told you is admin admin so it's admin admin for the cameras for the controller it's admin blank so let's go into the camera now i'm inside the camera wow and as you can see it's already on and it has his own controller in there look at that boom handsome young man you are so handsome so right now you're seeing uh that camera just that that easy and that quick is already in the system it's ready to rock and it's ready to roll and so and the thing i love about this is that the camera uses a remote as well too right so now i can look at this camera talk the camera can uses a remote as well but when you when you do your system like this i guarantee you you'll never ever want to use your remote for nothing you won't use the remote for the controller you won't use a remote for the camera because you get to see everything that you want to do um give you some examples of what you can do with the camera remote i love this right here um the video uh parameters right here like you could do your colors you could do your your color balance watch i can change the color balance just that quick i could do a 2400 kelvin or i could come up here and turn me really red um i know the calvin in here is around about 3500 so i can go and just you know look for 3500 boom and then my calvin is looking great um you can come to your exposure right now and it's on automatic or i can put it on manual and then i can change the game you know i can go high and go low it allows me to change the iris you know i can iris always open i almost close it i mean this thing is amazing what you can really kind of get in here and mess around and do or i can just put it back on automatic uh of course you know my focus i can do autofocus or i can do manual focus and you know and do a bunch of things anyway and then if i did manual focus i would come here and then you'll see right here it's on manual focus and then i can you know where a minute yep see how it's getting all blurry oh i come here um it has presets right here the presets are pretty cool but you probably won't be using this for the presets because the presets you can definitely set that on the controller so there's so much that i'm i'm trying to tell you that you can do with this with the system and you can do with the camera but i can show you a preset real quick that's one i can put this as preset one and then i can hit save right set it now i can raise this up go over something like that right here and then i could do this as a preset two two save it now when i go back to one automatically it's going to uh oh i gotta hit play boom it goes back to one if i go to two hit two and then hit play it goes back to two all right so that means it's really really simple to go here and set up some stuff and it's amazing because like i said when i when i first got these cameras i came on youtube to see was anybody giving any instructions of how to you know put all this stuff together nobody really did any instructions and when i started messing around with it and um and start hooking it up with my system i do so many stuff i get so many clients because uh when the word get out that you know hey this is his brother he got all uh a robotic system you know i get so many clients because in dc they got these regulations because of the covet and you can't bring a production team in no more right not right now and so they looking for a one-man band you know and so when they find out that i got you know these robotics and i can set it up and do this shot in this shot and this shot and this shot oh man they love it all right so let's go back to the controller [Music] all right so we have this controller what i want to do is i want to add all boom i'm adding all cool all right i was looking at something so what i'm going to do right here i'm going to start with this one this is the 163 right when you click on it as you can see it changes over here so i want to start the 163 it has the ip address it already has the default um it has the default uh uh port now i don't want to tell it which camera number i want it to be i want that to be camera number one it has the username but it's asking for the password the password to that camera is admin then i hit save boom all right that's it let's go to camera number two this is gonna be two for me uh my 100 my 180 camera it has the ip address the port already set up i'm going to just be my camera too it has the username and put the password which is admin [Music] all right and then we hit save okay so this is what i want to do now i want to come here to my let me go here now when i go here you can see it already sees it camera one it sees the ip address of the camera it's telling me that that ip address to that camera is 192 1685 uh 163 that's what we set up in the controller if i go to here camera 2 as you can see it's telling me what that ip address is the 192 1685 80. notice this if i go to three it's not doing anything because i don't have anything on three and four i just have it on on one and camera two so let's go to camera one um and let's bring this camera up right and now i'm on camera one and as you can see this camera one and it's doing this thing ain't that a beautiful thing man isn't that beautiful all right uh and then let me go to here to camera two and that beautiful now i have my camera too actually coming through the black magic right now so let me bring my camera to uh on the black magic so you're seeing me just put in some stuff right here with the remote this camera too up and down whole nine yards back it up let me go this way zoom in we can zoom out oh they're zooming in all right so i can come here real quick and just do my little quick little focus on me see how quick it is to do my focus then i can back it out and then i also have a a quick you know you can actually hit the the auto focus real quick so boom that's how quick it is to set up this system and so you guys were seeing how what's the camera i don't even know what camera i'm on where am i go ahead there we go um but that's how quick it is that's how quick it is to set up this system you know as as quick as hooking up your your laptop making sure that your laptop you have set your static ip information i don't want to get to get that because i know a lot of people that's what they gonna do they're gonna get this system they get this laptop they're gonna connect us up to this to the ethernet and they're gonna connect your uh your controller up to the ethernet and then they're gonna say uh tree why is it that i don't see it and so i want to give y'all that at least that one process one more time i want to get y'all that process it's very very simple go here go to your open network your settings go to your ethernet go to change adapter go to ethernet you can hit your properties go to your uh internet protocol version four you can double click it and then you use use the following ip you put your ip in there um and this is going to give it a static ip address meaning it won't change why why you hook it up to certain ethernets right to certain uh systems all right then you're going to put the 192 1685 then you can name it you know whatever your last three digits you feel like you want to name it loans is not on the same number as something else like a camera or your controller you're gonna have your subnet uh five two five five two five five two five five zero and you're gonna have your gateway which is uh one nine two one six eight five and one then you're gonna hit okay and then you will be on the same system and then your next step after that is you want to go to your internet explorer or whatever you use you want to come into your router your router is default number is it's going to bring you into here let me refresh it so you can see what it looks like so it's going to bring you to this page you're going to log in it's your login is going to be admin and blank until you change the password i changed my password and i'm not going to tell y'all what it did it's going to bring you right here um you want to make sure that your cameras are connected you're going to hit search it's gonna search for it you want cds you're gonna add these to your column right here then you're gonna go hit save and then you wanna make sure you go to each one of them make sure you put whether this one this is already going to be there you want to tell it whatever camera you want to be the username is going to be there and put the admin as your password and then you are literally connected if you want to change your password you will come here to user and then right here you will put a new password in please do not forget your password because i don't know what to tell you if you forget it and you put a new password in there i don't know if there's a way to get around there to to get it set back to its default i do not know that so whatever password you're going to put make sure you remember all right or at least make another one at least make uh uh you could do another uh administrator and put like whatever you want to put maybe your name and don't put a password on that or somehow something something that you won't remember because some tell me that some people gonna forget and you won't be out of luck and then also you can come i'm gonna refresh this this is the um the page for your camera you want to come and put your ip address of your camera the 192 1685 uh 163 oh yeah i'm glad i came back here i have to show you this because like i say if you're gonna be working with multiple cameras those cameras gonna be on the same ip address and you're gonna have to change it you're gonna have to change that so you're gonna come here and um oh before i do that too also just you can do this as your favorites meaning this if you hit this that's your favorite csa login but you can say this is my camera one this is camera one and then you hit save that way that way when you come here you don't have to type in those numbers all the time you can go to your i got a folder and it's called cam ip and then right here it shows me the different cameras so i got the the controller here's the 163 here's the 170 the 170 camera i did not hook up and then the 180 camera so if i click on this this will take me to the 180 camera as you can see that's the 180 camera so let's actually go into the 180 camera going to the 180 camera and as you can see i'm already in it um i control it with the controller or i can control it right here and then you want to go to configure and then come down to your ethernet and then this is where you change to another ip address you only need to change the last three numbers and please whatever you do do not forget what you put this number as because if you don't remember what the number is you don't have a a a little little time trying to locate it but um unless you come into the controller and ask to do a search but you got to make sure that it's on the same routing system with the first three numbers because if it's not if this is a different number that five be a one or two your controller will not be on the same system your first three numbers have to be the same in order for them to talk to each other it's only the last three number that gives it is um um separate identity basically all right um what i do is i tape the number the ip numbers to each camera as you can see right now in this photo i tape the ip number to each camera so i will always know what that ip number is um the zero that you're seeing on that number is sometimes i switch over to my home network which is my home network is a a zero not a five and so i'm either using the zero i'm either using the five so that's why you see the zero all right and then that's going to get you pretty much set up so basically that's all i want to talk about i really didn't want to get into um i didn't want to really get into the other functionalities as far as setting up your your presets and your how to do your recalls and how you do your you know your speed and your zooms and all that i think that would just be another uh video within itself i just wanted to do how do you set up these cameras and the controller and your in your laptop to all kind of talk to each other so you can begin doing some productions i hope that this was helpful because i was looking for this information myself when i got these cameras and i did not see it on youtube so i'm hoping that somebody has gotten some type of information got blessed by this and you ready to rock and roll and fly and do your thing alright until next time i'm a.d tree and by the way once again make sure that you subscribe to this channel i'm gonna have a whole bunch of other av tips for you uh that's gonna help you out in your production and go to the next level so subscribe and also hit the notification bell so you will get all the latest information when i post it all right till next time i'm av tree and peace [Music]
Channel: Trenillo Walters
Views: 15,105
Rating: 4.9288259 out of 5
Keywords: AV-1080 Camera, AV-1280 Camera, AV-3104IP controller, AViPAS, Robotic Cameras
Id: U3DWhbKnn7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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