Average Japanese House Tour - Our Tokyo Home!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we wanted to give you a tour of our home we think this will give you a really nice idea of what a typical home in Japan is like and what it's like to live here in your average neighborhood welcome to my home in Japan it's pretty typical to have one parking space in front of your house cars are pretty small here compared to the u.s. because most people aren't using them for anything more than say going to the grocery store or going to the train station and of course everyone uses the trains here very uncommon to commute via car parking is expensive roads are tight a lot of the times when you're driving in Japan you'll be on a two-way road but that road will only have enough space for one car to be in at a time so people have to stop and pull to the side and let someone go through next up we want to show you a unique setup that Japanese houses have you can see here there's kind of a metal box on the side of the windows and inside of the metal box we have sliding doors these sliding doors are on every house I've seen in Japan they used to be traditionally made of wood and the purpose of them was to kind of alert you if thieves were trying to come to the house with a window somebody might be able to slide it open very quietly these make a lot of noise when you open them another big advantage with these is weather protection snow wind rain whatever kind of keeps all of that out of the house and it also traps heat into the house a little bit better in driven it's uncommon for people have a yard at the home so as you can see my house has a distressed face only this much then my neighbor has a big garden I call big garden so because three years ago they bought in sick in the house then they broken down the house then they decided to make her garden so that's why now our house and their house had the space but only three years ago that house was there the exact tree behind the wall so between these house has the only much space no privacy at the front of every Japanese house when you enter you will find one of these this is called the gang Kahn you might know it as an entrance area but it is tradition in Japan to take your shoes off before entering the house for obvious reasons that way [Music] this is our kitchen this is pretty standard as far as Japanese kitchens go and probably standard as far as kitchens go anywhere one thing that's a little unique for us is we have an oven which most Japanese kitchens do not have we don't actually use the oven for multiple reasons there's also a small fish grill that's typically below your cooking burners we also don't use that because we tend not to cook fish we just eat raw fish here one big difference for me coming from the US is not that many people in the US have rice cookers and having a rice cooker has been a absolute game changer for my diet and for the way that I eat it's a really easy way to prep a lot of food for a few days of eating and have pretty much all of the carbohydrates in your diet just sitting and ready to go and you heat them up in the microwave and then you can cook your meat or whatever it saves a ton of time and it also keeps you a lot healthier which is awesome the tatami room is one of the most interesting rooms in the house and it is also the most traditionally Japanese room tatami is a straw flooring and originally in Japan back in the olden days it was something that only really existed in the house for nobility and as time went on it became the common flooring that you would find in a Japanese home but over time because of how hard to Tommy is to maintain it has gotten to a point where it's common for people to only have one tatami room or possibly even none now one thing you will notice is that Namie is not standing on something that looks like a tatami mat and that is because we keep a seafoam green carpet cover on top of the tatami we do this to protect the tatami mat that ensures that we don't have to spend time working on maintaining that tatami mats in order to maintain these things you have to like wash them regularly vacuums don't work well on them and they'll Bend if you put furniture on top of them but if we have this carpet layer you can prevent that from happening [Music] actually now we are making a YouTube studio so we change the cotton drawer we get our quite old down time never driven me the type of paper cotton ball and you can see so beautiful so at the door it's already kind of stopping like peeling so we want to change these itself we already own a new paper so we need to just put then we can make a new studio this is Andrews are the independents really come after wash your clothes we gonna hang up like [Applause] this you know also that's our laundry chair shout-out to Bernie Sanders real recognize real [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's a third round bottom at home in German in the family use the same bathwater before you get in the bathtub you have to clean by yourself boss so sit down here in the shower clean there you take a hot tub then relax one unique thing about Japanese people is that they actually poop traditionally people would sleep on the tatami mat floors now for the same reasons that I mentioned before that's not as common so we sleep here upstairs on these comfy futons on the floor one thing I want to point out is this toilet paper over here we had that before coronavirus and we are trendsetters thanks for joining us on our house tour subscribe for more japan catch you next time you know what is good mtj cribs it's your boy little half stash today I wanted to show you all a traditional Japanese house come on inside [Music]
Channel: Sean and Nami
Views: 68,697
Rating: 4.8475337 out of 5
Keywords: average japanese home, average japanese house, average tokyo house, average tokyo home, house in japan, japan house, tokyo house, tokyo house tour, japanese house tour, japan house tour, 日本の家, 家, ツアー, 部屋, ツアー, 畳の部屋, 一軒家, お風呂, 海外との違い, sean and nami
Id: J4bOOe5FRtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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