Avatar Frontiers of Pandora RTX 2080 + i7 8700k
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Channel: firefox98
Views: 1,884
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Keywords: 1440p, 4k, QHD, intel, i7, Nvidia, 4090, performance, performence, full hd, 1080p, day one, bench, benchmark, rtx 2080, intel i7, 1080, hd, dayone, rtx4090, starfield4090, rtx, ultra, DLSS, graphics, DLSS quality, DLSS BALANCED, rtx2080, starfieldrtx2080, i7-8700k, FSR, avatar, avatar game, avatar pandora, avatar frontier, avatar frontiers, avatar rtx2080, avatar game rtx 2080, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, avatar video game
Id: AOyRqfTH954
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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