Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Is Brilliant On Consoles Too

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so it's been a bit of a challenging week for us lots going on and um we've got to say though Avatar frontiers of Pandora absolutely amazing game Alex your PC sort of uh technology Showcase Video is already out now and I think we wanted to get some information out there about the console versions um Tom is going to be handling that he's already taking a look at that right now um but I think you and I have played the console versions right Oliver you you've had a go on there mhm and um I think this is really really good because I was looking at Alex's video which was like 4090 footage what we thought was Max settings until until they actually came out with black settings which takes it still further um but what we're seeing here is really impressive scalability of the engine down to much more modest levels of GPU and CPU horsepower uh so what what system did you play on PS5 I played on series X okay have a full spectrum of units MH and uh thoughts it's beautiful it's really stunning it's really stunning it feels like such a good match for those movies I mean the exteriors look incredible the Interiors look really really good it's very crisis like Alex said that in this review I completely concur I actually beat Crisis 3 recently again I played it on my Nintendo switch which is actually a pretty decent Port has it the port is exceptional that's a good Port yeah it's quite good and um yeah I mean it reminds me a lot of that especially like the uh section in Crisis 3 where you're going over the dam like you see a lot of that kind of um areas in in the game I don't think I've ever seen a game with half as much foliage before like it's ridiculous how yeah how much they're pushing on screen and um I think the other thing that I'm really impressed about is the commitment to Rach racing you have two R Trace effects in this title rtgi and RT Reflections and that's true in the 30 FPS quality mode and the 60fps performance mode which the 60f performance mode to my eyes it was dropping some frames but it's come a lot closer to uh 60 FPS than you might think for a title that's pushing that much Advanced rendering technology with this much R Racing yeah absolutely yeah um I played on PlayStation 5 and uh Series S and uh PlayStation 5 seems to be very very similar to what you're talking about with um uh the the series X as as you might imagine and um I'm just really surprised at how well it holds up overall um actually thinking about it let me just bring up my slack here because Tom is looking at the game as we speak right and um he did Supply the pixel counts for the um for the series uh X and the PlayStation 5 they appear to be the same so um the quality mode which is targeting 30 frames per second uh it's a dynamic resolution range between 1296p and 1800p and the performance mode which is um yeah targeting 60 um it can be a little bit variable but I don't know if you would concur on this Oliver but it seems to sit well within the vrr window so if You' got a vrr display it should be H happy days but even without it's you know it's creditable um the resolution range there seems to be 864 P 40% of 4K up to 1260p uh 58% of 4K so yeah you you you do get a great deal more clarity on the 30fps mode but the the 60fps performance mode um this is another thing which I I I think is a pretty decent takeaway is that the FSR 2 implementation uh in the console versions at least and I think it's been loed on PC it's it's actually pretty good I think in terms of detail of retention mhm um yeah so any thoughts on that Oliver did you concur with that one yeah I I mostly concur I mean uh on Series S I played it bit on Series S oh great it does have more visible breakup like I was seeing a little bit that fizzle a little bit more whereas on the other consoles I had to like get up close to the screen to see it on Series S I could see it from normal viewing distance um but that console has the full feature set at 30 FPS lbit but still very impressive um yeah one thing I'm really impressed by too is that like the PC code from what I can see it is um more advanced obviously it's more advanced they're piling on some additional features there they're piling on additional settings but it feels like mostly iterative advancements over the console code I don't know if you you'd agree there Alex but like the conso I haven't even loaded up the consoles yet yeah I suppose so but the cons we do have the console equivalence sets it's not like for instance alen Wick 2 where I felt like man console owners are kind of missing out a little bit here I mean it's a greatl looking game but it's missing a little bit it it kind of feels like hey console owners you're getting a great version of this game and piecing owners get to take it iteratively to like the next level but not revolutionarily to the next level you know what I mean yeah I mean yeah I I mean I I haven't seen it up close but I that's based upon what the screenshots I've seen it didn't look like a different game or something like that it looked good and uh everything you're saying about the foliage if that is panning out on consoles then yeah that's like one of the uh other than the detail up close but the fact that you get like this super dense foliage like far far into the distance away from the camera um that and if that holds up just as well like subjectively on the consoles then you're getting like the same game I I think it's all going to be down to you know like the Precision of effects like the r race Reflections the r race GI yeah presumably the cloud rendering I don't imagine it's using like the Mac settings like all these things that you imagine to get the performance up and as far as I know on the quality mode I did talk with them this should also be coming out at some point I'm going to be editing it today after I finish this video I'm going to be editing the transcription uh to an interview I did with um two people uh who worked heavily in the tech development for the game and they described there that the quality mode uh in the games along with pushing up resolution should be pushing up some quality Sears as well too so it should look better in other aspects I'd imagine some of those are like related to like things like Shadow quality that's usually a thing people turn down when they try and get 60 FPS so yeah I don't know off the top of my head at the moment but yeah awesome looking game I am very proud of everything they've created and it makes me really happy because I see occasionally comments like how can anyone compete with Unreal Engine 5 and like to me this is like at least since we haven't seen any of the super big expensive Unreal Engine 5 Games come out necessarily this is like this is like that level and it's also doing it on a way where I feel like it's offering a way better PC version that you'd see than you'd see most onreal Engine 5 games so I'm like really happy with the tech as a result like it's really rare that you get to see such a good looking game Run as well as this one does without issue uh and and if that's translating over to the consoles that is sick that's great yeah absolutely I mean um yeah I mean I played it for a couple of hours on PlayStation 5 and Series S and I think I don't think you''ll be disappointed with it it just looks so packed full of detail and it looks it looks Cutting Edge I mean um you know kind of you know personally I don't know how to to say this but you know looking at some of the Unreal Engine 5 Games some of the the cutbacks required to use these Cutting Edge features arguably have been a bit too a bit too harsh you know I guess the the classic example is Immortals of avium um it's typically when the ue5 games are targeting 60 frames per second you know something's kind of got to give when you're using that level of um that level of technology and you know by extension there's the sense that well can the consoles handle it you know are they powerful enough but then you go to look at Avatar and the 30fps mode looks fantastic really does look phenomenally good um the caveat I think to that is that the motion blur isn't great so 30 FPS looks very very jarring compared to 60 but the point is the 60 FPS mode is is very very viable and looks great as well and um it's kind of given me a lot more faith in terms of the consoles and more generally I've been thinking about um going back to like the Xbox 360 era 2007 you know a couple of years after uh the launch where the developers really started to get to grips with the with the new hardware I kind of had shades of that feeling here as well where you know if we' go back to 2020 and we'd seen this this running on a you know series X or PlayStation 5 would have been completely blown away and possibly not believing that it was actually running on a series X or PlayStation 5 but here we are a few years later and they're finally getting to grips with the hardware the game looks phenomenal and uh yeah I'd urge you to check it out because it just looks and plays great yeah in fact if you haven't looked at Alex's technology video um please do because yes that is high-end PC but the core of the experience and density it is there on the consoles and it looks terrific
Channel: DF Clips
Views: 32,839
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Id: 9wytWG0LR88
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Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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