Automation Testing Trends for 2022 by Joe Colantonio

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[Music] awesome man thank you for that intro really appreciate it and uh thanks penny howard for asking me to speak i usually don't speak i usually do more hosting so this is going to be different hopefully i don't ramble so just let me know in the chat if you want me to pick up the pace or slow down but yeah this is great great time i've never talked to a meetup before either so this is another first as well so thank you so i'll jump right into it hopefully you can see my screen uh as i mentioned just want to pin it because i'm not actually sharing my screen i'm doing it uh with the virtual camera so right and then so this is automation trends for 2022. i've been doing a blog post on this since 2014 on my podca on my blog uh and so here's mine uh i just started for 2022. i just want to give a shout out to it's really not me it's really i've interviewed over 400 people on my podcast i presented it at some of the um so i'm really getting topics that i'm gleaned from all these interviews i've also hosted a bunch of aptly tools event so all those awesome speakers they've had i've gleaned from them as well i try to give credit whenever i can in these slides to where i got the idea from but it's basically anything i've heard and if i heard a lot of it i just put it together and i treat it as a trend and i do all the research so it's just my opinion but um well let's have some fun let me know whether you agree with me or not and maybe you could tell me things i can modify for when i do it officially for my blog post later this year all right so obviously the biggest trend i think and i think everyone would agree is uh i think covet really has changed software development um i i think that a lot of things that happened i hate the term digital transformation but a lot of people i speak with always say oh my company was forced to go online and accelerate that digital transformation i think actually kovit has accelerated this and because of this i think a lot of the trends that we'll be seeing actually tied back to cloud-based technologies and the challenges that they bring up for testing in general so lava is kind of coveted based but we'll see what you'd think so trent the cloud group through to covet obviously more people are using cloud more people are switching their their technology from in-house to a cloud-based solution a lot of them are consuming it's not like back in the day when i started where everything was in-house and you developed everything from scratch nowadays you take libraries open source libraries and a lot of times now these uh libraries are are built in the cloud so you're actually consuming third-party services in the cloud and so that's a trend and because that's a trend that i'm going to show you some tools and techniques i think i'll become more popular because of that and you may have to change your thinking about certain types of techniques you might use for these type of technologies so the first trend is cloud growth and uh here's actually paris i met a future of testing aptly tools and he brought up a good point that he's actually seen this as well so it's just not me making this up but this is just an example of someone telling me that they've seen the club becoming even more important in their operations that they've worked with and i'm going to share some things he's helped share with me about infrastructure and how to test infrastructure as well uh but this is a quote i get heard a lot of on my podcast interviewing people about how the cloud really has become more and more important to them if you do a little research though it's not only opinions it's also i think i got this from they said uh cloud spending rose from 37 to 29 billion in 2020 and they just see it rising in 2022 i think also somewhere where um another survey where i said c level leaders in the united states actually saw our 51 53 of companies have uh yet really to invest in cloud technology even though it's on their roadmap so if companies haven't moved to the cloud they're going to and and i think it's a big opportunity in the space right now and so what does that mean i think what it means is a lot of people have been talking about api testing the past few years i think it's only going to accelerate uh mp api microservices type testing so if you're not doing api type testing or you're not familiar with the terminology or how to test it i think it's a good time to get more involved in it uh here's another report by market watch they predict uh that in 2020 i think it's going to be 1.5 billion by 2026 right now it's 744 million and uh the way companies are investing in it is only going to increase so anytime i see money so i have this little money thing i don't know if you could see that but anytime i see money or companies investing in things it's like a flag to me hey this is something i probably should pay attention to because normally companies don't invest money right into things that they don't see happening in the field themselves or what their clients are customers so anytime i see this i see this as an opportunity for testers as well and that we should pay attention to so here's a big big one that came out recently and that's with um post postman just got to see around funding and i think they're worth based on that round of funding uh what was the the amount but it was like billions of dollars is what they're worth now right here uh 5.6 billion and so postman has been around for a little bit but uh obviously companies are investing in them and so if they're invested in this company they're probably invested in other companies because they see that based on their research as well that they see api and microservices being a growing trend with developers and testers and postman is one of the most popular tools i've heard on my podcast from testers that have been doing api testing and i i think it's just a clear signal that we are going into an api first type world so obviously ui is still important but i think uh a lot of these technologies especially people i sp speak within my podcast usually utilize microservices now and so the uis are usually just calling business functions that live in the apis and the microservices so there's a lot of coverage that needs to be taken place at the epi level beyond the ui i think a lot of people are missing opportunities on and i think it's a good time to get involved in it like i said because it's obviously companies are investing money and it's a growing trend so with more companies investing in cloud services cloud becoming more and more uh critical obviously i think uh how do you test in a distributed uh cloud system and i think this is going to bring up certain tools and techniques that i'd be i think more popular in 2022 so the first one is uh i interviewed sergey a few months ago and he told me about test container i actually didn't know about test container before it's a library that basically uses docker containers uh within your test and you're able to provide extra external dependencies in a distributed cloud architecture like databases streams you could throw up selenium instances aws mocks anything you can dockerize you can you can you can contain it now within your test and so what's cool about this is a lot of times when using cloud services you have dependencies right and you really can't test those external dependencies without mocking them or um you know really playing around with the system but technologies like this test container can allow you now to really team create a self-contained test environment that really mimics real-world conditions rather than wait to get to production so a lot of times we don't find these issues until we go into production but using technologies now that they can become more and more popular in 2022 you can stop mimicking things like uh this also will tie into another trend i see later on with chaos engineering like what happens when uh a service provider you you rely on an external dependency goes down is your system able to handle uh going over to another system well using something like tusk tis you could test that out you could test out redundancies and things like that so i think it's a really cool solution uh they have uh libraries involved java python go i think scala so i think it's a really cool library i'm gonna stop playing around with it and uh i've started to hear a few people actually uh referencing it as well so i think if you don't know about it i think it's a good good library to get involved in another one i just found out about is local stack and um as i mentioned because people now rely on services in the cloud this allows you to spin up a test environment on your local machine and provides the same exact functionality uh in apis that you would in a real-world aws cloud environment so you can run all your lambda functions you can store data in your uh in different tables you can do feed events uh you can put the application behind an api gateway you can do a bunch of different things with this so all this happens locally on your machine so you don't have to rely on an actual cloud instance to do the testing you could test it locally so the reason why i just bring up these tools i think like i said i'm a big believer in tooling and technique and i think uh these type of toolings i think we're gonna see more and more of in 2022 and here's some that i think you should maybe get your head around because i think you may be using them in the future going forward i could be wrong but that's just my thought there so far so another big thing i was kind of surprised about as i mentioned i've been hosting a lot of events for uh aptly tools future testing and i'm just shocked by the amount of people that bring up i know people hate this this term non-functional testing but i'm not going to get into philosophy but i think a lot of people know what it means at least whether or not they agree with the term and so it's usually not functional automation so i i've heard a lot of sessions on accessibility testing at a future of testing a lot of companies actually have on their definition of done security testing performance testing and these from random people that have been talking on on on these events by aptly tools and they all say the same thing so accessibility testing has been huge and i think the reason why is because as we go cloud native and we get on mobile devices i'll talk about later ui experiences is really critical and that people are focusing more on the user experience as well and use positive user experience as accessibility testing but a lot of these things we used to push off at the end was performance testing and security testing so i think it's going to be a growing trend with non-functional testing once again someone i spoke to at future of testing i didn't know angie was going to be here so uh it's not a plug for aptly tools but it just happens to be that i've heard a lot of people talking about it so um gamma actually had a kind of a controversial session where he said traditional testing jobs he says in his organization going away and what his executives talk about is how we can get more more people involved in testing that necessarily testers and would have tests do so uh they say anything you can add value as a tester to show that you can add value and i think testers bring a lot of value the problem is i don't think a lot of times they promote themselves or say hey i know this is not functional testing but i'm a tester i know the skills needed to to really drive this initiative even though i may not be a performance tester or a security tester i know how to get the team involved in testing scenarios and quality initiatives and that we become more and more leaders that can help drive this and i think the more you get hands a little dirty with security performance testing accessibility testing you can help tell the teams hey i may not be an expert here but hey you developer here's some tools you can use as you're developing to help you with performance testing and uh as part of our definition of done i'll be looking over this and helping uh drive you know this all the way through the pipeline not just you functional automation but quality all the way throughout any type of testing activity and i think non-functional testing is a big big win uh for testers in general if you're not doing any type of other testing other than uh ui or automation and so another thing that you know when i bring up non-functional testing is uh i know this is cheesy but i kind of like cheesy things so i do my money graphic here and that is uh follow the money so yeah grab it um i don't know if you've been watching but it's been crazy i i don't know why i watch acquisitions i get i get kind of excited about companies acquiring other companies and the reason why is they're spending money and usually they don't spend money on things that they don't see something with value or something they're hearing their customers talk about so uh when i talk about non-functional testing kids try centis they keep acquiring companies but they're mostly been known as a i would think a ui based functional type of uh company uh but they acquired new i never get this name right niotis which is a performance uh solution and so uh that's one one red flag that happened a few months ago another one is i thought was weird is grafana which is an observability platform acquired t6 which is a performance testing solution which i thought was kind of odd and then another one was uh sauce labs i went to sauce labs at one of my sponsors and at their home page they have like seven different verticals now that they test in so it's full pipeline and it's a lot of it's non-functional and one of them is um backtrace which is i thought it was mostly unity game monitoring that does all types of monitoring so uh a lot of these like i said a non-functional testing so what are these traditionally i think testing focus uh companies doing now with uh these other types of testing to me it's just just it's just a like a beacon saying hey something's going on here i better pay attention to what are they hearing or what what are their customers telling them um because i think anytime kind of being uh selfish shares you want to help your current company be current but also you want to be current because if your company ever lays you off um or you want to switch gigs you always have the latest skills that can help you transfer it to another another position not that um so you're helping your company working and now but also helping your future employment and just looking at these trends getting more familiar with non-functional testing i think is going to help so another kind of trend that was kind of interesting is uh the death of the test pyramid uh a lot of people once again test pyramid is kind of overblown even the creator of the testing pyramid said is just a rule of thumb people have been going overboard with it but anyway uh i had a really kind of odd conversation with geico on my podcast and uh he's seen that the cloud it's a it's very very rare to see an application that's built in isolation right everything like i said is now utilizes services all over the internet so you start depending on a lot of changes that other companies might do that you're not even involved in and he gave an example of one of this application used a third-party service that went down and he didn't even know because the code doesn't even really touch it often but went down they had big issues because even if they had all tests at the unit level integration test level they would never have caught this issue because it actually relied on a third-party service that kind of influenced their application in a way that they weren't aware of so this is one reason why kiosk engineering is becoming more important but he said the testing pyramid was great when you knew how everything was when it was under your control but now because cloud we're going cloud native an api first type world major components of risk happen after deployment not before a deployment so influences that are outside your control from people working on a specific piece of software now so uh in order to de-risk things become more effective he thinks that uh testing in small isolated uses of code and focusing on the speed of isolating testing doesn't really help bring as many benefits as it used to as the test pyramid kind of tries to highlight and so he says we need a kind of a that the this type of testing that i think has been around since 2015. once again i didn't know angie was going to be on this call and that's a visual testing i think it kind of replaces a lot of these activities in the test pyramid he calls it uh approval testing visual approval testing and so uh he actually created this uh open source tool called appraise which is a visual approval tool um to me it's visual validation testing and uh which which i think originated from my opinion in 2015 my aptly tools and he says this tool really helps you to be able to check web pages visual layouts browsing components do all types of different testing that you wouldn't catch at the unit level or integration testing level and that using a visual type of approach really can catch issues uh that you wouldn't be able to catch in any other way and it he says it's going to help also aws lambda functions in the future as well and this is a model i really looked forward to or i think done really well with aptly tools it's both uh man or it's not man it's so it's uh people people and uh machines doing working together to to to do testing where it's not just the machine telling you something or um it's it's actually highlighting things from the machine perspective and having a human go in and say hey is this really a bug is it not a bug uh do i see the difference yes this was right yes this was wrong but using the leveraging the tool to do all the kind of uh the grunt work to to bubble up type of insights that it can give you and i think types of these types of tools are really key for 2020 and beyond uh to find issues that you wouldn't be able to find probably using a traditional approach like like we mentioned with um with the uh test pyramid type of approach here's another thing i thought was interesting uh just a different point of view anytime you change a point of view it kind of changes your perspective on looking at things that you may have done over and over again and that is uh i was talking to uh consultant at accenture and once again i don't mean to keep bringing them up but it's probably at a napoli tools event i actually know what it is uh from an applications event and i don't wanna give them the name of the person because i didn't get his permission to say it but he said that the their company they don't even use the term uh software uh development life cycle anymore they just call it a funnel or a pipeline and i think the reason for that is as we go cloud native and we're trying to accelerate the the speed in which we we deliver software so uh two-week sprints are normal for continuous integration continuous delivery and he said even a lot of his clients did two hours of sprint so they're constantly getting new requirements and then they have to filter out defects so at the end the bottom of the funnel is higher quality systems that goes into production on a continual basis so every two hours or every day or whenever the sprint cycle is you know they're doing automated testing massive amounts of automated testing of the new code because everything's constantly changing and because everything's constantly changing it's no longer really a traditional life cycle i know a lot of people you know just have test plans and that's cool a lot of people should still have test plans or at least think about it but you know we went from this waterfall from when i started to you know uh two two hour delivery is insane and so rather than a software development life cycle all the way through uh it's more like a pipeline of funnel testing i just think that's kind of um kind of interesting now here's something i think a lot of people are going to roll their eyes at or say that's that's that's not true but um i really i've been hit up by so many companies since i've gone solo by hey check out our check out our our tool check out our tool and nine out of ten times every time i check out their tool it is a codeless type of ai based uh low code solution and uh you know i'll give a credit i think a lot of them have gone a lot better you know when i started we had wind runner and record and playback and that was a nightmare a lot of these do actually use uh legitimate machine learning algorithms that can kind of help make these solutions better but i think a lot of reasons why this is becoming more popular and become more of a trend is as we try to ship software quicker and faster into the field into the hands of our customer we need to do more kinds of testing and obviously you need to do exploratory testing and these other things that you can't get from automated tools but you want to get more people involved and the best way to get more people involved is use a solution that's easier to use that doesn't necessarily require a full-blown developer to help with obviously you can have that level of coverage from a developer but you could also have other people contribute with these other low code type of solutions so low code is something i've definitely been seeing more of uh just something as a big trend definitely that i see happening for sure okay i think carlos is going to like this i don't know about angie i think angie's already been ribbed about this but so what skills and programming languages so you use in 2022 and drum roll so uh this is just one of the the sites i always look at for popular languages and python on a few of them has been number one and then number two has been java so you can't go wrong learning either one of them obviously if you learn one syntax as i get older it's uh you learn that one syntax is basically the same compared language to language just slightly different so if you understand the concepts uh going from language language isn't as hot as you would think so if someone's struggling with oh what language should i use i would just say pick anything and then go with it but i find python to be uh especially relevant because a lot of companies i speak with a lot of testers they use um python because python has a lot of libraries for ai machine learning all the types of things that are really in fashion right now to help you do software development can also help you do testing and i think python is fabulous for just i use it for duct tape um but i i just think it's a fabulous language so this is something i would take a look at so a lot of you are saying well big deal also i i would think you could take a tremendous view of this and say well if everyone's using python if i want to be employable i might i might be an expert in cobol or go because i'll be only one of the few people to do that so i i would definitely have a niche so it depends on the way you go but i would say if you want to stay up to date you probably want to know java and python i don't think you can go wrong and so what i did i said okay how does this relate to automation testing or writing testing code so i went to the top uh 20 companies in silicon valley and i just went to their their their we call it job requirements and skills and i copy and pasted them into a huge word cloud and i just did generate as you can see the what pops out is java and python which is rightly exactly in line what i've been seeing with uh these other polls from developers what the most popular languages are so i think there is some correlation but i mean it could just be that you know if you heard that thing when you have a red car everywhere you see is a red car but uh this could be the same thing yeah javascript pops up here too you can see javascript right next to java kind of and then highlight it so definitely python java javascript can't go wrong but i think there's also other things in here that kind of pop up that i thought was interesting so get [Music] web services apis so if you're looking for skills to focus in on one hack i always do is i always go because i used to be paranoid as i was working because i always thought i was getting laid off especially i did get laid off but rather than finding a new job i just went working for myself but i always wanted to know what skills should i've been working on just in case and this is just one way to make sure that hey am i up to date am i staying up to date am i helping my company stay up to date so it's not being selfish just thinking oh i'm going to get my next gig with these new skills and i'll say hey can i help my current job with with the newest skills and the newest techniques so this is something i do every year or every six months is just look at random job postings and just see what they're looking for once again uh sauce labs i think they've acquired four different companies this year um they did one api fortress in december of 2020 as well but this one's a i can't say atomic iq it's a codeless technology so why is sauce labs contributing to it well i just think once again they probably talk to a lot of customers and because they do basically pipeline automation they want to have a solution that they can have their customers use to do quicker automation like i said i don't think it's going to replace everything i think it's a place for everything and you may have some people in your organization that may really derive the codeless you have may have others that thrive with non-codelisted i would always do a proof of concept or just see whatever works for your company to give it a try for sure all right so you've been here about mobile testing forever for for forever probably no doubt i think uh definitely because of covid everything has been going online and what do you see when things go online a lot of restaurants around me i'm in the middle of nowhere a town of 200. and even around my surrounding town there's companies online that like hole in the walls and they're like what and i think it has to do a covet because they couldn't have people in house and how are people ordering food and things like that they're using their cell phones so obviously i think this is going to be a trend that's not going away even if people go back on on site the margins of being online are way better anyway so i think a lot of companies are going to keep both models a hybrid model and you keep hearing a 5g i think 5g when it comes it's definitely going to accelerate this even more so you know dudakova many companies have pivoted to digital and so really mobile apps are not just increasing the numbers but also in terms of influence uh in people's day-to-day lives and just a cool graphic of how this applies in all the different industries and where people are using uh mobile devices for sure so again source labs acquired a company called uh test fury this year and this is in the mobile space um i don't i think they got a round of funding but regardless of why they're doing it i think once again companies investing money i keep i sound like a broken record but to me it's just a flag of what you should be probably spending time on as well being aware of i don't know how time is i keep rambling but let me know if i need to speed this up i have a bunch of other slides but i'll go as fast as possible uh so another trend into mobile is i think user experience and that's why i think i've been seeing more about accessibility testing on a lot of these i'll be tools events so user experience is big i don't know if you know google actually rolled out a new solution for not a solution it's how they rate websites so because everyone's mobile first and everyone is has a website where they do business that is critical because uh if you're not familiar with google and how they measure the sites if your company does a lot of e-commerce and they're being bumped down on the rankings of search engines because you don't have your car vitals in place well you as a tester need to be aware of that and i think that now this car vital is it even affects my blog and affects everyone so you need to be aware of um context loading speed um interactivity visual stability they look actually at overlaps so things like visual validation can help you with they will they will really throw a flag and derank your site in in the search rankings if it doesn't meet a lot of the core vitals so what does this mean i think you as a tester whereas testers in general can help let your developers know hey look there's tools here built into your workflow that can help you really help think about um the user experience as you're developing code and two free ones out of the box that everyone knows about if you don't know about it's something your developers definitely should know about that's google's lighthouse and it's a built-in chrome dev tools it's used to emulate mobile devices that have smaller screens you can actually slow down the cpu tested with a slower network all free within the browser and also a web ph test it's all often called i heard it called as a swiss knife of performance testing so uses real browsers not just chrome as lighthouse does and you can test on real mobile devices as well so all front and developers should be using at a minimum and a minimum google lighthouse metrics that are available on the google chrome tools so just something that i think you should know about now as i mentioned about non-functional testing i think performance testing is a this critical piece as well because a lot of these modern ui tests modern ui applications are really built on really rich javascript type of technologies like react and angular and so it makes it really critical now from performance from a user client's perspective back in my day it was just like put load on the server i'm just throwing up an html page and if the server can handle a load then i know the page is going to render correctly but you can't do that nowadays nowadays is that that user experience on that that one client is a big deal so what i used to do is i used to run a wind runner script and have load runner put a load and just try to do really janky kind of timings in windrunner but now there's a lot of solutions out there that you can use to help you do performance testing without knowing the really intricate details of the protocol level and so i see it as a growing trend and a lot of testers are probably getting more involved in so leveraging either your selenium test i know jmeter has some plug-ins you can use to leverage this selenium test there's open source solutions as well for some reason i'd put them in here but i could send them to anyone if they like but um to help you with the browser beast functional testing this is uh james pulley of the great perflights i don't know if you follow perflights if it's awesome awesome podcast performance testing related and he just mentioned on my podcast uh because of the client frameworks it's really difficult to reproduce performance script transactions at a protocol level like we did back in the day and so using a browser really does make sense in certain situations to help you get that coverage uh this is from another interview i did on protocol level based scripting can be really time consuming if you've ever done it i actually started my career doing mostly performance testing it's really really hard to do wind socket type scripting and doing a browser is much better not that browsers are going to replace everything but it's just another thing to have a new toolkit to be aware of so definitely check out browser beast performance testing if you haven't already i definitely see as a trend in 2022 and beyond and one of the biggest trends i keep hearing about is site reliability engineering over and over again i don't know pretty much every other person i speak to on a podcast is talking about site reliability engineering i used to call it performance testing back in the day but i think it's actually uh uh it does a lot of other things but it's just uh i think it's a fancier cooler term says sre and if you look this up obviously google invented sre so obviously you would see a trend going up so i don't know how helpful this graph is but it just shows you uh search volume in google for sre has increased so that's that's a that's a good sign uh this is from i don't know if anyone knows uh stephen but he's a really been a performance engineer for years he's moved over to reliability engineering just the reason why i bring up this tweet is a lot of people i spoke speak with uh on my podcast actually i moved from a performance testing role or a tester role and they moved over to say reliability engineering so if it's something you want to get into as a tester you have these awesome skills that are transferable and all these other domains so if this is something you have interest in i just recommend that if it's a hot topic and there's a job opportunity and you're a tester i would go for it because you definitely have the skills to fill up a lot of job opportunities that are out there now for this space so along with site reliability engineering observability is the the probably the the term biggest term of 2021 2022 um which i just said as another metric that separates um people that they're in the site reliability engineering so definitely something to be aware of uh i i searched uh i have it in here it was another survey where they they surveyed the companies and they rated companies on elite performers and elite performers are the ones that had observability a really good observability uh play observability in place to help them with uh monitor their overall health so observability i think is a trend you need to be aware of abby is awesome um she is my go-to resource for anything sre observability related once again i think i uh actually she had a great session at aptly tools i don't work for apple tools because she had a great session out to this future of testing so if energy's here i know ask her for the link but they probably have something there for that but she had a really great session on on observability and really explains it from a tester's perspective so really a lot of insight that she dropped and i think it's like i said as a tester uh it's really critical to know about actually i'm in a mastermind with other business owners that they're not they don't do testing and this guy's like oh i i put in telemetry the other day and i got an alert when my application did something wrong automatically i was able to fix it in real time so telemetry is going to be huge uh it's telemetry is the data in your system that generates that tells you your system's health and so telemetry gets generated based on instrumentation which is code or tooling that gathers data in the system at real time and this is if you don't have this in place for your company you need to get telemetry and observability in place like i said this guy nothing to do with testing just was talking about some other thing he was working on said by the way and i said okay i use the slide now this is crazy how you actually use this for your normal day-to-day development and actually help you resolve an issue so just something i thought i think it's kind of interesting so uh telemetry observability uh this is rebecca she's been in the performance testing space for a while i think she currently works for splunk uh she just talked about open telemetry and open telemetry is a standard that goes with uh i think you need to be aware of it unifies the standards of how to instrument and collect and export telemetry data and a lot of companies are embracing over telemetry so uh i just think it's critical critical critical to know in 2022 and beyond is sre tech topics like observability inflammatory uh my friend uh leandro melendez just released an awesome new book should definitely check out the hitchhiker's guide to loot testing but anyway he had a great quote on my podcast that every organization should be implementing observability and telemetry it's become the cornerstone of a good continuous performance not to mention everything else performance gets a benefit and just the reason why i'm sharing this i think it's a you should know even though a lot of people may not see themselves as reliability engineers performance engineer testers i see testers as leaders like one is step a notch above everything and you should lead your organizations down anything tests are related so i mean maybe because um what you are is what you see as the most important because i'm a tester ics testers is the most important in an organization so i just think it's uh cool that uh you can bring this back to your companies and help lead the charge uh making better quality software for the world and so this brings me to resilience testing you probably hear it as chaos engineering and so chaos engineering is really cool because once again as we move to cloud native type applications when you're consuming all these other services um if service goes down how does your application perform um how do you handle um calls that come in based on issues that people are finding on production a big trend i've been hearing is when they get a something that happens in production like a service goes down and then they fix it they make it part of a testing regression test so if you don't have kiosk engineering or um you know resilience testing as part of your test plan i definitely think you should have it uh embedded because i think it's going to help you with a lot of things especially with these unknown things a lot of times you can deal with no knowns like how many people are going to hit your system in general how your system handles uh multiple people logging at the same time but how do you know how to handle something that you don't know how it's going to react well one way to do is awesome with chaos engineering how does it how does my application react to my database goes down well you can use a tool like test containers to help you with that and you can use chaos engineering to do these they call it experiments to see how does my application perform is it performing is it resilient to changes in the wild because as we go consuming all these other services you don't have control anymore so you need to be more resilient you need to be able to be comfortable with these unknowns and the way to do that is to become more familiar i think we're resilience testing kiosk engineering so i'm saying 2022 is my trend is going to be the year of resilience engineering or resilience testing that's a great quote from michael michael's been in every company you could probably name he's been at blaze meter he's been at sauce he's been at um i know he's been a ton of him he's at gremlin now gremlin's a cast engineer and he says that is tester i think it's you know rather than think of chaos engineering that you probably will be more familiar with resilience testing and that he sees as a growing trend so question they ask oh would you see as a trend and usually jot it down this is one of the trends he actually said he saw happening in 2022 and beyond all right we're winding down so ai assistant automation so you've probably heard of uh github co-pilot so if you haven't it converts comments to code and so you create a comment describing the logic you want and let github codepilot assemble the code for you so if you're using a new language or a framework or just learning um get help co-pilot can help find your way so if you want to learn how to code better you can use this if you're a seasoned developer you can use this to help save time it actually can help you with bugs or actually unit testing as well so another use of it is it's a feature you can import a unit testing package and it automatically suggests tests you can use to match your implement implementation code so i mean this is gold um if you're developers say we don't do testing or they have a hard time doing testing maybe you're not a unit testing expert but yeah just don't steal my heat here my my thunder um that's my next slide but anyway unit testing the w unit testing that's why i bring it up so it's definitely something you should look at i think this is only going to get better and better over time so uh i think it's the right use of machine learning in ai like i said you have someone actually looking at it so it's just not the machine just mindlessly doing it it's giving you suggestions and you as the user use the developer use the test say yes or no so it's a great fit between people humans and machine it's another tool i've been here so once i heard about one tool i started hearing more and more of them another one is diff blue it does the same thing it automatically can ai drive unit tests for you just pretty cool tech i think uh 2020 want to see more of this something to be aware of and so uh aptly tools i actually i saw this i said oh i'm gonna beat everyone to the punch and do a post on this and bam appley tools comes out with the post and not only do they have a post they have kobe um we actually tried it out with the aptly tool's eyes and i don't know this isn't a good recording i i i the recording of a recording and there you go it can uh automatically write the code for you so i think that's pretty wild and i think uh a lot of times when i start with automation people like i don't do automation i do testing real testing and then a lot of them didn't have jobs and now everyone's into automation and a lot of people look down now i know on ai and machine learning and all these things but i think really you need to watch a lot of things i thought ai couldn't help with what people didn't think ai could help with it's helped with so oh it can never play chess oh it could play chess dang it could ever drive a car oh it could drive a car dang so there's nothing really inherently special about testing or development as well but i just think that used correctly it can assist so see it more as a as an assist rather than a replacement i think that's the kind of uh mindset and goal you should have in 2022 and beyond and shameless plug a lot of these things i try to go over in my annual automation guild and have the sixth annual animation guild february 7th to the uh it was at the 15th night 10th 11th to the 12th 7th to the 12th check out this link um because a lot of these things i'm going to try to have covered at the event as well so you can actually see it in real time and get to ask experts so that's my trends for 2022 uh any questions or let me know [Music] you
Channel: QA at the Point | Carlos Kidman
Views: 197
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: qa, quality assurance, software testing, automation, qa automation, selenium, testing, testing framework, carlos kidman, qa on point, api testing, katalon studio, robot framework, devops
Id: 36DcCCzAJB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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