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hey guys biggie here and welcome to my novice installation guide where I'll be talking about what the auto installer for Novus features as well as how to install it and going over some of the customization options once you are ready to play Novus so if you want to know more about what null this is I will link my quick look video down below so you can check out some gameplay and some features that this modulus provides now it is recommended that you do have a Nexus premium account it will make the auto installing feature that much Auto installery if you only have the regular version of Nexus which is still compatible with this you will just have to click a download button for each individual mod although it is still pretty much automated for you so be warned when it comes to that now once you get into the page here you'll look at the top and you do have some options here so there is a mods tab for the manual installation because Novus did start off as a manual install guide so if you are a masochist and want to do everything completely manually or maybe just challenge yourself you can go ahead and look at the guide but I'm not about that on this channel you can download the novice reshade here take a look at some media and there's an appendix here you will want to make an account and log in but really we're worried about this Auto installer tab so let's click on the various links here starting with the introduction it does tell you that it uses mod organizer 2. it handles the any files and everything it essentially won't touch your Skyrim base folder it'll do everything in its own separate folder without interfering with your Skyrim files however looking at the setup you will need Skyrim anniversary edition so you do need the 20 upgrade and this just goes into installing it once you launch up Skyrim make sure to hit this download button now if this download button doesn't pop up for whatever reason when you launch up Skyrim it can actually click the creation club button here and there is a download all button now if you do also have an Nvidia graphics card this modulus does recommend some Nvidia 3D settings for the Nvidia power settings essentially you'll want to open up your Nvidia control panel here go to program settings select Skyrim special edition and you go down to power management mode and click prefer maximum performance and then you hit apply once you get into the requirements it'll go on to talk about that you do need a Nexus accounts and once again I recommend a premium account and it also goes into generating an API key which you will need to enter in through the novits installer and once you enter that in it'll essentially link your accounts so I'm not going to show you my API key but if essentially if you go to the Nexus mods page and you go to site preferences you do see this API button at the very right side you click that scroll all the way to the bottom and there is a little refresh icon that generates the key you can go ahead and copy that and never share it to anyone else now once you get into the actual installation you do have the hyperlink here too click when you click the hyperlink you can download the novice installer so I've already downloaded the Novus updater what I'm going to do is cut this I do recommend you make a install folder in the root of a solid state drive if possible you definitely want it in a root of your drive so C drive slash novice D drive Novus e Drive Novus whatever but you want it in the root if possible put this on a solid state drive I do not recommend this on a hard disk drive however you can potentially play it on a hard disk drive but due to the size of the modulus you will have very long loading times now once you double click this the Novus dashboard will be installed and it will automatically launch up for you you can click the auto detect which will usually find your Skyrim special edition install click next and this is where you enter your API key so I've gone ahead and entered my API key now it will ask for your novice credentials once you enter the credentials in it will give you an instance installer so here there will be a version to install currently it's just Novus Ascension which is the version 5 in the future there might be different Novus versions you can also change your resolution here I'm going to keep mine at my native 1440p you can select whether or not you want a widescreen 21 by 9 ratio and the languages here you do have some different options and also it does give you a recommendation for the hardware but it won't give you the full recommendation until we continue and we can choose where we want our instance or our archives so the instance is essentially where your mod organizer 2 and the novice itself will install where you will run the game from until you make a shortcut the archive directory is essentially where your downloads are now you can choose a different location for this so here's a little tip although this might be a little bit slower you can actually put it on a different drive so in my case I will put this on my hard drive for the downloads now I've had questions about whether or not Waba Jack downloads are compatible the answer is no because Nova's downloads are formatted differently so it puts them in separate folders unlike wabajack where everything is kind of just in one folder so let's click Novus downloads on my D drive here you can also change this to something else if you want like you can change it to you know the root of your drive I'm just going to leave it as is I've never had any issues leaving it this way now let's continue on here we see our actual Hardware requirements so if you're playing on a the ultra variant it does recommend a 3080 TI which is what I have so I'll stick with that recommends 12 gigabytes of vram and you do need 277 gigabytes of storage with a 115 for the downloads so total of 392 gigabytes if you do it all on one drive like I said if you do it the way that I just showed then you only need the roughly 300 gigabytes instead of the roughly 400. now if you do choose the Redux option you need a minimum of a 1080 but it recommends an RTX 2070 at least eight gigabytes of vram and then 240 gigabytes of storage for the install 105 for the archives total of 345. I'll stick with the ultra now you do have anti-aliasing options as well you can only choose dlaa if you have an Nvidia RTX card I do recommend dlaa if you do have an RTX otherwise just switch to TAA with TAA you can also down scale your resolution so if you want to get a few more frames out of it you can go ahead and do that but like I said I'm going to stick with dlaa so the any profile you can change at any time so don't be afraid to leave this on high if you are playing on Ultra if you find the later that you're not quite getting the frames that you want you might want to lower this which I will show you how to do later on now the lads you cannot change after the install and this is one reason why if you are kind of on the edge of these Hardware requirements I do recommend that you stick with the archiving if you disable archiving to save space you it'll take longer to reinstall re-download everything if you enable archiving it'll be a lot quicker of an install process for you if you decide you need to change some settings again Advanced physics that's going to be your physics on hair and armor as it says here and it says it can be taxing on cities we will just leave it as is fake Ray tracing it'll just have the global illumination I will keep that on for now FPS stabilizer will reduce draw distance on the fly to keep most FPS as possible at the cost of some objects I'm going to keep that off if you enable it you might notice some additional pop-ins for things so let's go ahead and continue on now here you can enable or disable nudity I'm going to keep nudity off and you can choose the female skin type we will go with muscular for the hardcore mode essentially some dungeons will be unleveled enemies will be more aggressive and use Poise sneaking will be more difficult I'm going to turn that on because we know that I do like dying for alternate leveling this will essentially enable static steel leveling plus experience as opposed to the vanilla leveling system I'm actually going to enable that because the vanilla leveling system is pretty rough and grindy so let's continue on once you are here you can choose an EMB preset currently for this version there's only one A and B preset but pycho is solid let's continue on you can choose a download location that is closest to you continue again now it'll confirm your settings here and you are ready to start the auto installer and Novus does now come with parallel downloads and installs so it downloads and installs much quicker than it used to so if any of you are familiar with older versions of novus and didn't like how long it took to install well this version is much much quicker so we'll just give it a moment here and let it do its thing all right guys so once the installation is complete which actually only took me about an hour or so although I did have the files already downloaded you get to this page you can donate to um Vector here through the Donate button or patreon if you want to support the mod list author otherwise we're going to go to manage instances down below here where I will show you guys some of the other features that Novus has so if you go here you can run either Novus from your dashboard itself or you can go into that folder that I was talking about so if you go into the novice folder and you go look for your instance you go to Novus Ascension mo2 and here you have your mod organizer you can actually just send this to your desktop or wherever you want it as a shortcut and you can run Novus through here instead otherwise you can click play to open it up but you can also go to manage and you can manage your instance which is a very handy tool so what this lets you do is change some settings as we'll see here as I mentioned you can change your any settings so over on the right hand side we have the any profile so if you are not getting quite the frames you want you might want to lower this a little bit and you can also change the screen ratio as well as the resolution here now another cool feature is if some for some reason you mess up on your load order you can click apply it load order and it will reapply your load order for the instance so if for some reason you uh added your own mods and you remove them or something happened and you mess it up you can do that also at the bottom here is a Discord link two novices Discord also you have game keybinds which will show you a visual guide for the keys now I'm going to show you also in mod organizer which keys that you can change namely the power attack key here or the Dodge key so we can change both of those in mo2 if we could click play and launch up Novus Ascension you will see the mod organizer and it normally you would run it just by clicking run here but say you want to change your Dodge key search Dodge find TK Dodge re right click it open in Explorer then you want to hit SK go to plugins EK Dodge re and this will open up the ini file so you can go to this website here where it has the all this stuff it'll give you the input script to change this key the Dodge hotkey is what you want to change your Dodge key to I will do 56 which is left alt that is my go to and just save that now you can also if you search Power you see one click Power Attack we will do the same thing open that up go to skse plugins one click Power Attack ini and here it will say Force right key this is going to be your power attack key so go to that same website find the key that you want and you can change it right here anyway guys all the other settings you'll be able to change in the MCM menu in game which is pretty pretty self-explanatory I did a lot of that in my quick look video so make sure to check that out if you want to see more of that otherwise let me know if you have any other questions about novice and I will catch you guys next time
Channel: biggie_boss
Views: 222,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1aRJ6SLwuBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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