Automated Self-Sizing Title Boxes | After Effects Motion Graphics Tutorial

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hey what's going on Internet in this video we're going to create automated animated boxes for your titles like this hope everyone's having a great day today my name's Josh Noel and I'm from Sun duck film in this video we're specifically going to work on creating expressions that allow us to create boxes to the size of our titles if you're not following me on Instagram be sure to check that out links in description and you can also chat with me and many other creators out there on our very own at discord that links in the description as well so it's going to open the video and start creating some really cool stuff so here we are in a tutorial composition and all I have in here is a title and our background so the first we want to do is create the box so we'll come here to top and grab the rectangle tool and we'll just want to draw out a box like this and then we'll go to the line tab and we'll want to Center this up so if you don't see the line tab go to window align and then click the vertical and center horizontal alignments and this will be centering it for our composition so from here we'll bring this layer underneath our title and I'll just change the color of our title real quick so we come here and say animate our title you can see that the box doesn't move because we don't have any you know linking between the title and our background so what we'll do here is go into our shape layer 1 and we'll come here to the rectangle one we'll come here to rectangle path 1 and we have size and position and these are two things that we're going to want to create expressions for so first thing we're going to want to do is create an expression for size so we can alt click the stopwatch for size and from here what we want to do is type in s equals and then there's a little pick whip right here and we're gonna pick what this to our title so right there to the top and I'll say this comp dot layer and it'll say the name of the text layer so this name should be exactly the same name as the text layer with you know caps sensitive as well so next up we'll do is hit enter and then we're coming into this notepad that I have here and I'll drop these expressions in the video description so you just copy them what we'll do is we'll copy the bottom portion of this excised expression so you can see we already have the top portion here you can copy that but just make sure that this name is the same name as your title layer and we'll come into here and we'll just paste that bottom portion of that expression in there let's also all click the watch for position and we're gonna copy the second expression right here and we'll copy that and we'll paste that in there just make sure the first line also is set to the title layer as well just like that so so it says sell for sizing if this says if this text layer said hello this needs to be set to hello so just keep that in mind and click off of this and now that we have our expressions in here now what we'll do is come to our shape layer and we'll want to make sure this is centered aligned in the composition again and here it is so so now what we'll do is we'll parent the shape layer to our title now we come here we can scale up our title and boom there's our box animating with it we can also change the size over here we can come to the textile tool and we can type in more words boom it updates automatically right so obviously this isn't appealing in any way because you know it's cutting right on the edge there so there's a couple ways there's a couple things we can do first things first you can come to our shape layer here go to add and we can add a offset paths open up offset paths and you can you know change the amount also what you could do is click on the word stroke here at the top set it to solid color and click OK and then you know if you want you could change the color a little bit and then increase the stroke and then continue increase the offset paths you know just something to think about you can create a little bit of a nice border there so it's really up to you how you want to you know design that's socially cool so let's go ahead and talk about some animation here the reason why we would want to do this so we're coming here to our say our title layer here go to animate and it will add say like a scale and will come here so the scale down to 0% and nothing's going on there and then let's come here to range selector 1 add keyframe for start move forward in time maybe like a second 1/2 set it up to 100% so now boom so boom that's what we have and then of course make these easy east keyframes and then obviously it makes a little bit more interesting let's come here to add and let's add another property and let's add tracking and from here what we can do is move the tracking over to the negative value and until we kind of get this you know lined up in the center of you know our composition so now look like it's coming in from the middle just like that and that's pretty cool and then I maybe just hit s from a keyboard for scale at a keyframe for this and moving forward in time and could scale this down by so you know obviously it doesn't matter what animation that we applied to this it will the box in title will always react together and that's really cool how this works so that's essentially I can create self reciting you know titles with shaped layers inside of After Effects it's very easy to do obviously just with the right expression boom it's easy to go so one thing I want to take a look at here to make this a little bit more interesting is adding accent motion graphics to this because obviously if you're working with titles you know you know sometimes this can just be plain and boring so instead of having a title animation by itself we were able to add these accent motion graphics to make this composition more appealing within a matter of seconds so we have our very own motion graphic accent pack that we can add into this I'll drop a link in the video description if you want to check this out but let me show you how this works so and we can come here to one of my folders called lines and I can bring this into here and as you can see now we have an animation that does that and I'm course coming here scale this down move this into a cool position duplicate this move it around duplicate it duplicate it you know and kind of just create some variations and offset these in time so don't come all in at the same time then I could double click on these go to our control layer and I can change the colors and will quickly add to some accent motion graphics to make this a little bit more detailed and then you can extend your accent motion graphics for however length of your project is and the nice thing about this pack there's 150 accent motion graphics inside this pack so if you want to quickly enhance your compositions you can check our links in the video description and you check out our 150 accent motion graphic starter pack if you all learn more about our 150 accent motion graphic pack you can check our likes of a description we created a demo video showing you step-by-step how to work with a pack and is full use of using 150 acts in motion graphics and if you want to learn more about creating accent motion graphics we've created a handful of tutorials for the sort of thing that you go ahead and check those links in the video description if you want to learn how to create these so hope you guys enjoyed our automated self resizing box tutorial for our titles if you did enjoy this video be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel Sun duck film we post to post-production tutorials like this every single week right here on the channel you can also hit me up on my social media networks those links are in the video description in oils [Music]
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 80,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial Titles, After Effects Motion Graphics Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial Motion Graphics, After Effects Automation, After Effects Automated Titles, After Effects Tutorial Self-Resizing, After Effects Titles, After Effects Motion Graphics, Motion Graphic Titles, Motion Graphics Boxes, After Effects Title Boxes, SonduckFilm Tutorial, Motion Graphics
Id: vRKJ2HcFmmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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