Automate Your Workflow With Jotform PDF Editor

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hi guys an apply here from Jacques farm and today I'm gonna be presenting to you automate your workflow with chat format PDF Editor so in today's webinar we're gonna be talking about a brand new product out for a PDF editor and going over some main benefits key features use cases a demo Q&A and more behind the scenes we have David from our support team who will be answering any of your questions via chat and at the end of the webinar he'll also be joining me for the Q&A session we hope you enjoy thank you okay great so let's get started with the presentation so I want to give a brief background about the company jock farm is the easiest online forum builder and our company was founded in 2006 by Deacon tank we have over 4 million registered users worldwide and we're available in 18 different languages our product offering is a lot different than our competitors because we offer to form formats the first is classic and that's that resembles a traditional form which shows all questions together on one page where as cards as a format that we launched back in February and that just shows one question per screen so that respondents can really focus on what's being asked drop form also offers a variety of different integrations like Google Drive box Trello asana you name it because we know how important it is to be able to connect to your favorite apps we also have nearly 30 payment processors such as square PayPal and stripe drop form is also HIPAA and GDP are compliant so that checks the boxes of safety and government regulations we also have 24-hour support so we're available to answer questions at any time you need help so job from PDF Editor is a brand new product in our suite of job form products we the backstory behind this was we noticed that a lot of our users were collecting information from their forms and wanting to easily and automatically convert them into PDF documents so essentially drop from PDF editor does that it automatically turns collected for response data into professional polished looking design documents that are super easy to share with your colleagues customers and partners so some of the key features that drop from PDF Editor offers are listed on this slide but I'm just going to talk about a couple of the main ones so the first is automation automation is huge with drop form PDF editor once a PDF document design has been created the form submission data will automatically use the same design every time which really streamlines workflow for teams we also offer a drag-and-drop interface so this essentially means that working with their PDF Editor requires zero technical skill elements can be added and moved a lot moved around using job forms drag-and-drop and in phase to create a professional-looking design this editor also offers over a hundred different templates to choose from and a lot of these templates were actually created by our design team and so they are really nice put together designs so if you're in a pinch and you just want something that looks good and can be modified quickly you can use one of those templates and be off to the races with your PDF documents next we're gonna go into popular use cases so our PDF Editor is really versatile and it's used by a lot of different industries and organizations so here we have contracts and agreements we have invoices event registrations job applications inspection reports work order and maintenance requests and recruitment requests and sales proposals these are just to name a few but really the editor is so versatile you can use it for any type of PDF that you need to create so the corruptive drop form PDF Editor really boils down to four key benefits and that's automation design communication and durability we actually wanted to go through these four key benefits and highlight a couple of customers that have really benefited from job form PDF Editor so the first example for automation is rebel paint and supply Inc so this company makes paints for industrial equipment and automobiles and having quality control data is particularly important when issues arise or information shared with corporate customers who own the paint equipment so they use drop form PDF Editor to automate form responses into PDFs and create a design professional-looking document so this really makes it easy to read and the data is always in the same location in a plus is that it's always done automatically the next key benefit is design and rebel paint uses the drop form PDF editor to really customize their PDFs with their logo and with their contact information as you can see in the top header there they've done that one of the many benefits of drop form PDF Editor is the ability to customize your layout and have those various elements match your corporate fonts colors and font sizes if you want to learn more about rebel paint and supply please visit our blog and you'll be able to read their full case study there the third key benefit is communication and here we wanted to highlight another user called Wharton event management inc so Wharton event management is a company that organizes memorable dance events and they use drop form PDF Editor to share and communicate waiver forms with dance participants and collect a signatures from them they really love the flexibility and durability because they can collect their signatures and they can share their waiver forms with dance participants lastly we have durability which is the fourth key benefit and Wharton event management uses their ability to archive their information and to have a record of it so they can see who's filled out their waivers and who hasn't so the standard PDF file the company can easily store it in the cloud on a hard drive or on a thumbnail drive - and this is especially important for a dance company because there's all kinds of liability with the dancers and for a marketing standpoint - if they want to get any pictures or videos to post online it's vital that they have consent from all of the dancers and individuals involved and so being able to access waivers and see who send the documents and who hasn't is really important just to cover all of their bases so here's just a gif I wanted to show before we jump into the demo and this just gives an overview of how easy it is to build a PDF form so this is showing off the dragging and dropping of different elements unto the document and as you can see like you don't need to have any sort of coding knowledge or any technical experience you just need to have a device that allows you to drag and drop so it's just it's extremely easy for anyone to use next we have the style elements and here this is on the right hand side of the interface you can change the font size you can bold italicize underline you can change the font color you can change the text alignment you can change the font families and a logo at images you name it it's really up to you to get as fancy or keep it as simple as you want and lastly we have the ability to share your PDFs with no hassle so if you see in the upper right hand corner there are buttons for printing for sharing in for downloading so as the gift shows you can share these PDFs via email to your colleagues to your clients or to your partners you can download them for your desktop or for maybe if you have a you want to upload documents onto an internal server or you can print them if you'd like to go that route lastly we have a slide that shows how the PDFs can look so as you can see here there are three totally different use cases for these PDFs we have achievement behavior care we have a musical ticket and we have patient medical history form so all of these use cases are completely different they all look completely different but the commonality is that they were all created in drop form PDF editors you can see that these look like they were designed in a Photoshop but they weren't they were designed in a PDF editor that was easy for anyone to use okay guys so now I'm going to jump into a quick demo and we're gonna use a real estate agency as the example they're gonna be called happy homes and in this demo we're gonna go through two of our most popular use cases which is how to create a contract and an invoice with drop form PDF Editor so firstly let's go into the contract so I'm gonna start over in the drop form dashboard and I've already just briefly put these forms together so that'd be easier to show you them so here I'm just gonna click on my form I'm going to come over to the Edit form here on the side I'm going to click the arrow edit as PDF form and then it will take me to the PDF Editor so here I have a contract in place so I already have a header I have my name I have a signature I have another name fields here a signature date and then an area for questions and terms and conditions so I'm just gonna edit this form a little bit so that it looks more like a contract so we have the real estate agent name and then we'll just specify the signature so that people know it's for the real estate agent as well and then this will be for the client name client name oops client signature okay perfect and then let's see what else what might we need for this I think we could just probably jump over into the customization section so I think that the header could use some help so here I'm going to click on the header and then the gear icon perfect so then as you can see we have happy homes as a heading text and the subheading text is going to be purchase contract perfect and then I think I want yep that to be in the middle and then a heading image I want to include my real estate agencies logo so I'm going to upload the file which is our logo of a house and then from here I can I might actually want to move this back all over this way we'll move this back to the left and then I can make this all um much smaller there we go so as you can see there we go and then actually I'm gonna move this over a little bit to the middle so as you can see like I just easily uploaded an image and then moved my text around so that it all fit nicely and looked nicely for my contract also I want to change the background color I'm not a huge fan of this green so I'm gonna come down to background color and then I would like green but maybe just not that great so we'll just make this a little bit yeah more like a green gray perfect that's that's more resemblance of a contract and then let's see here so I have my margins around the outside so I know how it will look when it prints but in case I wanted to take those off I could just uncheck the box and I can see how it looks without the margins I also have a couple pages here so I have the page number on the lower right hand corner I can also uncheck that box and those will go away so as you can see there's a lot of different sort of hidden feature in the layout settings bar which is really helpful for you know making that document really personalized so I think now I'm pretty happy with this I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna publish it so now as you can see you have options here you have to download options you also can do a quick share which where you can copy this link and send it through an email or you can open a new tab you also have other share options that you can click on with this purple button and then we also have platforms here which are other third-party publish options that you can go through and choose from so there's Facebook there's different other sites on here so it makes it really easy to share your PDFs ok guys if we're in voice I'm just gonna come back into the job form dashboard and again I'm just gonna click on my form I'm gonna again click the the drop down arrow edit as PDF form and then boom we have an invoice so this invoice is pretty much all put together we'll just need to make a couple of small updates but again okay so we will change this to invoice number prefix we have a name we have email we have due date signature we have submit and then I'm also going to add in a small section at the bottom which will be for any notes or comments actually perfect excellent so then we'll come up here to the top I want to just change this header around a little bit so I'm gonna click on the gear icon and then I like it to say happy homes as the heading text and then for the subheading text I'd like it to say professional employees again I want to add in my home icon so I'm gonna upload that to the doc open and then again I can just easily come through and resize this down to my liking so I liked it kind of smaller like that and then I'll come back here we will Center everything and then move this to the middle perfect as you can see my invoice is looking good so again I want to change the let's see here I would like to change the background color I want it to match the green that I did in the previous example so we'll come back and there we go perfect so now both my invoice and my a contract are branded with the colors and with the logo I'm gonna change the text color now it's black so that looks more professional okay perfect so I'm going to publish this and then I'm going to download and then here we go open that up and then there we have it so again creating a PDF out of your forms is super easy and it's extremely customizable so no matter what industry you're in or what type of organization you work at you can easily create and edit PDFs with drop form PDF Editor okay thanks for watching the demo and we hope you found it very useful we're now gonna open the floor to questions thanks
Channel: Jotform
Views: 13,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Webinar, JotForm, PDF, PDF Editor, Automation, Design
Id: GrD3REa306w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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