Automate Updates to an ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer Using Python

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Oh hopefully you're here to learn how to overrate a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS online using Python and if not so long I bid you farewell let's go ahead and just start with an example let's say you have a data set in this case we're looking at a FTP site here and I want to turn it into a host of feature layer in ArcGIS online so you can do that manually let's say we want to do storage tank locations active this is the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection FTP site I believe really I just typed in Google FTP GIS point layer and this is one of the things that came up on so making lots of assumptions here but let's download this it'll go to your downloads folder if you go to our chess online in your organization on here I'm using a developer account those are free and it basically gives you a mock ArcGIS online organization to use then they give you credits every month and you kind of play around with all the different things and that ArcGIS and - offered it's different from a normal public account and I don't believe a regular public account will let you do hosts the future layers although that might have changed but I don't believe it does the thing with the developer accounts is of course you can't use it for any business related needs or anything that involves making a profit etc it's there but so assuming you have ArcGIS online or portal so it work for that - in go to your content we go to add item from your computer choose file and we'd find that zip we just downloaded in this case I already know this is a shape out there's a shapefile zipped up in here you don't need to unzip it you can leave it zipped you can see here it has shapefile by default this method would work for more than what you just see here I use this workflow for CSVs and Excel files a lot but in this case we're gonna leave it on shape out we're gonna leave this checked let's publish posted feature layer you know we read I would rename it something a little more you know readable legible menu to add a pretty tag and hit add item Oh however I put one in the oven earlier and you would get something like this it's like we said we got all the active storage tank locations in Pennsylvania there's 11 thousand points in there let's let's see make sure they're actually in Pennsylvania all right so there's our data so that's how you would do this manually and I'm sure if you're watching this you're you know how to do that but let's see I know that this data is getting updated on a regular basis and you know I've upped a while I've updated this I wanted to stay current with the you know the latest data available from the Pennsylvania DEP you can do that manually by going to update data clicking overwrite and then choosing the new zip file as long as it has the same name as whatever you upload originally but you know if you have something maybe of something that's changing everyday and you don't want to have to manually come in and do this every time so we're able to do that with by using Python specifically I think they're calling it the ArcGIS API for Python would be the full name all right so let's jump into a Python one new year I'm using Python you don't have to you can use notepad even or and just save it as a dot pi well it doesn't really matter what you're using thank you I guess I just say before we go any further I'm gonna assume in this tutorial that you know a little bit of Python I'm not gonna explain like what a string is and all that however it should be pretty easy to follow even if you're a beginner or if you've never done Python before I'm gonna go line by line through everything in this script so you could probably just copy what I'm doing and be good to go also worth noting before we get started I'm not a Python expert by any means I'm making this video because I noticed there doesn't seem to be anything out there on the internet currently on how to do this other than one or two kind of vague docks so if you are a Python expert and I do something you find horribly offensive please go ahead and leave a comment and let everyone know how I should have done something and I promise no hard feelings okay so other than needing Python specifically you need Python 3 to do this not Python 2 if you have arcmap installed on your computer you have python 2 if you have ArcGIS Pro installed on your computer you have Python 3 we don't need you don't you don't actually need either of those programs to do this we're actually going to use the ArcGIS API for Python that I mentioned earlier and that's a free download so let's actually get started writing this from that we're gonna use we're gonna call ArcGIS stop T is an import of GIS in all caps that's gonna let us login to ArcGIS online later down the road and also I guess I assume if you google Dargis API for Python you'll be able to find how to download it and install it with your with whatever Python software using you can use pip - I know it's in there if you already have a are just Pro installed it actually comes with that so you're good to go you don't need to to do any sort of setup for this um right so we imported GIS to login um we also wanted to do from our GIS that features import feature oops glared collection I'll explain why we need that down the line and actually let's uh let's move on from the modules from right now won't come back and add some more stuff later as we come to it and then maybe it'll be a little easier to follow um to show you what we're doing and why we're importing let's go ahead and write out some variables that we're gonna use the first thing we need the most important thing the process we did here manually uploading this you're gonna have to do this once manually because we need something for the Python script to actually look at an update well you could use Python to upload it the first time I guess but I think it's easier just to do it manually as we did before and once you do that if you come near item detail page and go to your URL up here you see it'll say items HTML question mark ID equals and then you'll see an item ID the I don't know what the consensus is these days the hashtag sign the pound sign the tic-tac-toe signed overview that's because I clicked on this overview tab you don't need that and you might not even see it on so take everything after the equal sign and before the the hashtag sign that is your item ID we'll go back here to our script will put item ID equals what we just copied and that's how we're gonna tell our script what we want to update and then we're gonna need some variables for the part of our script that's going to login to the non-degree login to look at the FTP site and download the file what I'm so for that we're gonna need to tell it our FTP host and I like to put our in front of most of these things that have URLs or that have a oh boy is it forward slash back slash I always confuse them those things those one of those gets are as red as an escape character so if you put are in front of it Python will know not to do anything weird within these special characters I'll just take everything as is sorry I guess I should tell you everything at this assuming you're doing this workflow for an FTP site yes you don't have to you know I'll try to remember to tell you what part of the script you can skip to if you're not using an FTP site for example maybe you took your file is just getting generated on your own computer or maybe it's on a network drive at your work office if that's the case you can actually skip all this FTP stuff I'm going through because a lot of times I have to use a FTP site and there's kind of there's a scenario we'll run into in a minute here that I want to cover because I think it would be helpful to other people oops getting distracted here right so on there assuming you're using an FTP site to get your file from to come up to your dress part you this first bit after FTP that forward slash gonna say it's forward slashes um after that part this is your FTP host you don't need to include anything beyond these are the additional forward slashes and we're gonna use that in a sec so we're gonna take just this part FTP dot pas da da that is their host we're gonna need the path which is gonna be the rest of that URL so to go back and crab club / pas da / da and in some cases you might not even have a path depending on how the FTP is set up they could just have it in the root folder I've seen that too and in that case you can just skip this path part and actually I can't remember if you have to do this or not but I'm gonna put a second well I guess not because you have the ark it doesn't matter um I'm just gonna do all right next we need our FTP file and this one is where you might run into trouble so if we go back to the FTP site you might have heard you noticed make this bigger you might have already noticed that this has a date on the end and if we kind of look through their older data or we're gonna stick with storage tank locations active you can see they updated one in April as well it's like they might have deleted March maybe they only leave it up for a month or two but we can assume that when they update this they're gonna next month they're gonna put out 20 2006 so if we hard-coded a file name into here what's gonna happen here is when I run my script it's gonna look for 20 2005 and it'll do one of two things you know the file is not going to be there and it's gonna give you an error or it's gonna grab last month's data you know if we were to be running this in June we can get around that though you by using some of pythons cool built-in time features so if we go back to our modules here we're new from time import I am not sure what this dance floor we're just gonna read it as is and college stuff time can't even I can't even help myself spelling out by saying alright and what that's gonna do is that we'll using a keywords I guess we'll be able to pull the current time and date information and there are multiple ways you can do this but what I like to do it using curly brackets and the dot format method so I'm assuming storage tank locations active is not gonna change we could actually we could do it on 2020 but you know well here we'll let's just replace the the year there this script will be good for 80 years and then we're gonna replace the month with a set of curly brackets and how this works is after the industry outside of your second quotation right there in deep dark format parentheses and what it'll do is that whatever you put in these parentheses broken up by commas it will fill them in to these spaces here and that's handy if your if everything you're working with isn't necessarily a string it'll do that for you and format everything correctly it's also I think is just neat looking or tidy so we could put twenty and then about five and when we run this script it would read this line as active twenty twenty putting that putting twenty in the first spot and then oh five in the second spot here but obviously that will work so instead we're gonna use that STR at the time trick there do another set of parentheses and we can use different keywords to call the the timer date information we want so if you go to google and google strf python or that's what i did and this was the i don't know the second or third thing that came up or you can just go to strf time org o this is a handy reference sheet with all the different time of date formats you can pull using the strf time module um so in our case we want just the year without the the century information and so right here you can see % lowercase Y will give us the year without century as a zero Pet decimal number so if the year was 2013 we'd get 13 it's near it was 2007 it would give us 0 7 let's go back to our script and you want to put this in a string so this would be quote % y closing quote and then we also need the month padded by zero and that's right here we got % lowercase M it was the month as a zero Pettit decimal so even if we're not in November or December it's gonna give us two digits with a padded zero which is what we want based on what it looks like they're doing here on their FTP site so we want to actually put this in here again since we had that comment in there I really can let's check to see if that actually works okay I have to grab this off the other window I can see ran and it printed the other I finally were looking for so if we round this next month this will be a six okay rid of that decide where we're gonna download the FTP file to so by default when we did it earlier manually it went to our downloads folder I put a a folder in my downloads folder that I'm going to use called a geo upload you can put it wherever um it doesn't matter I like to have a folder for each script and put stuff I download in there or have a dedicated folder for my downloads for a script I'm just to make sure that I guess it just reduces the chance of errors for your script and then we are gonna need our username and our password for ArcGIS online and in order to work in order to log in later and overwrite the hosted feature layer so I'm just gonna call user will do my name password one two three obviously well knowing my looks someone out there will actually have this username and that will be their password and I apologize to that person but you know this is where you would put your username and password all right now that we've got some variables set up let's go ahead and start writing the the part that will actually download the data from an FTP site again if you're not using an FTP site you can skip these three parts these three lines I mean you can skip this whole section we're about to do here all right so well actually there is a built-in there's built-in ftp tools in Python I believe there should be I don't remember installing anything so if we go back to our modules up here we are going to grab from FTP live so FTP library we're going to do port FTP in all caps and then going back down here we're gonna set a variable um that's gonna represent our FTP host so we'll just call it a teepee lower case the stuff is case-sensitive in case you're curious always FTP equals we're gonna FTP upper case which means we're calling this thing right here and we're gonna put our FTP host in there which is a variable we created up here our FTP dot PSD a psu edu alright we're gonna have FTP loggin which will tell it to login to the FTP site in this case this is a public-facing FTP site so we don't actually need to know a username and password but in your case it might be something lockdown or something that you had to create an account for and you could just you know put your username and password in here like this oh you know in as a string in quotes but in our case we can just leave it blank and it will work fine then we need to I tell it that path we're using so we're going to use FTP CWD which I'm guessing speeds for change working directory I'm not actually sure and in that one we're gonna give it our FTP path which is a the variable up here we make pub PS k Asda DP all right so we've told our host we've told it to login and we told it the pack we want to look in then we want to we're gonna want to set our working directory within windows so that when we download the file it knows where it to go I'm kind of like when we when we downloaded it manually it went to our downloads folder automatically and we can do that using the OS module so if we come back up here this is another one that's just built in you don't have to install this for anything the the OS module lets you do stuff like rename files and folders and delete files and move stuff and although all the stuff you would do in file explorer alright so import OS come back down here and we're gonna say OS ch dir for change directory I'm assuming maybe hopefully and in this one we're gonna tell it the downloaded folder the variable up here download path sorry wherever you wanted to go in my case I'm putting it in that a Geo upload folder all right so then now that we've got all this set up we can finally tell it to actually download the file so we're going to use FTP lowercase dot is it ret our binary retrieve pioneering and make sure you pay close attention to this or make sure you you get this part right we're gonna do a string with ret are for retrieve with a space and then we're gonna do plus FTP file so we're saying retrieve our file that we want you know you know we've already told it where it is sort of saying retrieve this file comma will say open that file as a work book a little fuzzy on this part to be honest so quotes W be quote to quote and then closing parenthesis and then we're gonna be dot right which is gonna download the file and write it to our download Pat okay now this is another step that depending on where you're getting this from what you're trying to do you may or may not have to do in this case they are changing the file name every time they upload it so next month will be oh six month at 3:07 etc etc and with our chests online when you update a data set you can see that the file name of the data that you upload has to have the same name as the original file so in my case when I uploaded this I renamed it from active 20 2005 to active underscore PA whatever so you don't have to rename it when you originally upload it but if you do you need to remember whatever that is because we're gonna have to rename the file we just downloaded to match that file name so let's let's go back to our variables up here and we'll bring one for our new file name there's a couple ways you could do this you could just write out the whole thing you can copy this we could say I wanted to be called my case it was I renamed it to storage tank with patient's underscore active underscore pa dot zip you could do that you could mmm here really that you could do we could use Lois path chain and we could say take my download path and we become as my download path take my new file name and what this does is it'll take down my path here it'll automatically add your who got backward slash forward slash one of those things that will add that and then I'll add your file name well so we'll leave it like that but either way it will work all right let's go back down you will say renamed zip file and we also need to tell it where that file is we just download it since we don't explicitly have a variable for that so you could do this multiple ways you could actually you can train it you could I guess include this but the best way to do this would be let's let's say it's the new data the new data we downloaded and we'll use the oh is that path not joining in and we're gonna say we downloaded it to download path so it's gonna be that and then it's going to be FTP file so if we do it this way we know our filename telling telling it where our new data is is always gonna match whatever this dot format thing did to get the correct year and month if we just wrote it out verbatim like we did up here it's not gonna work but I mean you could do this and then you could do the dot format again I guess alternatively I mean you could do a new data equals download path plus in this case you'd want to slashes because one of them is an escape character or you could do the R and then the plus FTP file this is doing the same exact thing that always thought path dot joint is doing but this is honestly a little bit more reliable you know you don't have a chance for messing this up so we'll stick with this and then we're gonna use we're gonna use the OS module again to rename the file so we'll call OS rename parentheses and for this you want to put it in your input name including the directory and then your output to him including the directory or the file path so this will be new data a comma a new name so it's taking the file we downloaded as new data and we're renaming it to a new name which will give it its name without the date which matches what I originally uploaded it has if whatever file you're using maybe they're just overwriting it like if this was just storage tank locations underscore active and there's no date and they just overrate the same file every time you can skip this whole step right here alright so after that next we're gonna want to login to ArcGIS online or portal and your kids maybe whatever you're doing alright to do that we're all the way back up here see these are pycharm graze them out because I haven't used him yet so the very first thing we brought in was RT s dot g is import G is now that is very confusing but that's just that that's how it's set up you know it's making you work appeasing create a variable called G is actually you know what let's not that's confusing let's call it a puppy no that's even more confusing I know I'm actually gonna stick with G is because it's say you know we're using this variable represents using this module you know as a variable so with the GIS module we're gonna log into ArcGIS online and the first thing we want to tell it is the the organization URL so in my case for my dev account its Aaron Kotler you could put your portal URL here but it should look something like that , and then the next employee you can see if you go through the pain of setting up PyCharm it's actually pretty handy it'll tell you all the parameters as you're typing so we have user name next we're gonna use the variable we set up up here user my jeez I mean you don't have to you could just you know put you could write it out in here if you want doesn't matter there's also ways where if you wanted this to be more secure you could have it set up where you have to type this in although the point of this tutorial is to to set up something that'll run automatically and we're actually what we're gonna get to after this script is we're gonna use the windows task scheduler to to set a schedule for this script to run in that case I just want this in the script and assuming you're running it from a semis secure location it should be okay but your your situation might vary I guess but for me username password calling these two variables again and then now I haven't really been using any print statements I usually like to put those in my script um so you can kind of watch it what it's doing as it runs or to get a to help troubleshooting so in this case just for funsies let's do un for username equals and now we're logged in we can call this lowercase G is variable we just created so you can see G is property's user got username so what this is gonna do is gonna say if I'm in the username of the user that is currently logged in and you know save it as this variable so then I could say print logged in as and we'll use that that curly braket dot format check again just in case the username is in a string for whatever reason of them I'm sure it is but I will deform it and then just put that UN variable in there right well I guess I can't run this now because this is a fake password unless it's not a fake password um I guess we can find that no well I will uh cut my age you usually have some slack I'll just show you the thing at the end um all right so what we've done we've logged in next I guess we're gonna we need to find the idea of an Ag oh that we want to overwrite Paulo's overrate posted feature layer will do this all in one section for this part we're gonna create oh we're gonna we're gonna grab our our item based on the item ID so we're gonna do a variable and I'll call it data item equals GIS so we're taking my login information look at my content using dot content and then get and then the parentheses for here or for forget here we're gonna use item ID and if you remember going back that's a very that's the very first variable we set up um so you don't actually need that again you could just take this and drop it in here instead of the variable but we'll only use the variables in case you ever want to reuse this script if you have all your variables up here you just know okay I got change these four things and then the rest of the scripts will be fine you won't have to comb through it um all right so we've got the item this next step I'm probably the most fuzzy on I don't quite understand what it's doing but it's it's just how it works so the item we're grabbing is a hosted feature there we need to tell Python that we want to set it as a feature layer collection for what I can tell the the feature layer stuff and this API doesn't have the overwrite capability or you know maybe if some from ESRI ever watches this and you can clarify what this step is doing I would love if you could leave a comment on that but we're gonna we're gonna create a feature layer collection so you know let's we'll call it feature layer cold equals feature layer collection and we're gonna this thing right here we're calling all the way back from our modules the second line here the Fermi features we imported feature layer collection so we're calling that and we're going to say we're gonna create the fearly future layer collection from an item so dot from item and the input parameter on that is gonna be the variable we just made on the line above so we said using this ID find this item in my content and then now that you have the item turn it into a feature layer collection or establish it as a feature layer collection it's important to note it's not actually doing anything to your item it's just in the context of this script we're telling it what it is so we so that we can overwrite it but don't worry it's not going to change any settings or or do anything to this in terms of future layered collection we I mean we are gonna upload the data or overwrite the data that's the whole point of this but okay so we've established it as a feature layer collection then we're gonna say take that feature layer collection so the variable we just mean we're gonna use the manager dot manager and we're gonna tell it to overwrite and we're gonna tell it to overrate using it sorry forgot the CL here and we're gonna tell it to do the ovary using our file we downloaded and that's going to be in my case we renamed it to we renamed it to new name so in my case name is where the file is that I want to upload the zipped file I guess we should have mentioned that earlier if you're using a shapefile or hosted feature collection it needs to be zipped up if you're using a CSV file or an Excel table it doesn't need to be zipped and if you were to do any sort of analysis on your data before you upload it like maybe you want to do an intersect and add some extra like County information or population information you would want to do that somewhere in here and you would need to write in some code to unzip it in our case then use our PI to do whatever you're doing and then zip it back up and then move on to this step that's a little more involved in there's so many different cases or rabbit holes we could go down I'm gonna unfortunately have to skip on that for this video but you could use something like SH util that's built into Python that's that 2d or unzipping and zipping or there's I think there's stuff already built in there will be your friend in that case um but otherwise right so this is doing the this is doing the thing the thing we spent all this time grading this is actually overriding and that would be the last step however in my case this always thought reading line right here if I have a file in there already a new name file this will throw an error it won't it won't be able to overrate an existing file so what we could do is call OS and just do OS not remove and then put a new name and so after the zip file is uploaded the zip file gets deleted and then when the script runs next month and it renames that zip file it won't run into there um there's also I mean we can really kind of flesh this out in terms of error handling you know there is a situation we might run into where what happens if I try to run this script on June first but they haven't uploaded the June data yet as he's here they didn't upload this one till May 7 I mean it might grab an older file that's probably what it'll do actually but maybe if your case if the file is not there they deleted it you would want some sort of error handling well very good I mean you don't even really have to it'll just fail we'll get we'll get to that in a minute but if you didn't want some sort of error handling we could do in here we could just do a basic like try invent all this indent on this so the description will basically try to run this if it runs it to some sort of error then we can do except you know exception has error and then print the error there's probably Python people shaking their head at me I think this is very broad and probably frowned upon but it'll you know that the script will complete and then at the end here again I guess should try not to get tied down and all this we're gonna keep this as simple as possible we'll just put a print statement at the end here that's a script complete so that we know it's done um okay hold on we can actually make this better so if our script was to fail up here for some reason after downloading or after renaming the data maybe your login doesn't work like ArcGIS and line is down or something we won't get to this remove part and then the next time you're on it you're gonna get an error when it tries to rename the file so let's actually move this outside of our air or our try statement and I can't remember if my move will work like if removal giving air if this already doesn't exist so what we can do is say if the bonus path dye exists parentheses and then we'll say a new name with a semicolon there and then tab this next line in the the tab as a reminder just means that it's part of this if statement and so what this will do is it'll it'll check and say all right if this file that we've called new name if it exists if it's even there then go ahead and delete it if it's not it just skips it will avoid some errors okay so let's check to see if this actually works I'm gonna put in my credentials up in this script so that we can run it but let's let's come to our item here in our just a line and I'm going to enable editing and deletes on these points just so we can see if it's actually updating the data or not it's okay they're gonna go to edit I'm gonna click delete and delete um okay this should be saving as we go so I can go back being good at data and we've got eleven thousand six hundred and twenty eight all right so I'm just gonna put a note here in a comment so that it doesn't actually run but just so you can remember okay and then we'll go ahead and give this a run and actually what happened here the job failed and I think what that is is I have this enabled for editing oh we don't have time to go and do it on this script but there there are things you can add to account for that in your script if editing is enabled let's go ahead and see if that's what what the issue was okay so that's not work you see it says logged in as my username which we did up here on script complaint it's at the end here I don't know if you can hear that when my dog is eating food sorry about them he's a big world 85 pound lab alright let's go check our data and see if it worked we've got eleven thousand six hundred and thirty-two and in our script we had 28 so it looks like it worked which is good news okay um so now that we've got a working script you could manually run the script but that kind of defeats the purpose of writing this out and you know honestly it's not that hard to come here and use the the manual buttons so we want to put it on a schedule and have it run automatically and then we'd never have to look at it in this case you know it's being uploaded once a month so it's not really a big deal if we needed to do it manually but maybe in your case it's something that's changing daily or hourly even and you definitely don't want to have to mess with that so to do that we're gonna use windows task scheduler before we get in there we need to create a batch file so to do that it's probably easiest to just use notepad let's open that up we can you searched it in the search bar there and the way this works is in the task scheduler we can tell it we want to run a batch file and in the batch file we include the program we wanted to open or the program we wanted to run and then the file we want to run with that program so in our case we're going to want to tell it to use Python 3 to run our script and it's pretty easy to setup first you're gonna put the path to your python exe so in my case I'm using the Python installation that came with ArcGIS pro so if that's what you're doing it's gonna be this or something like this depending on where arch is pros installed for you the Program Files ArcGIS pro in Python be envious are just broke I 3 and then the Python exe and of course if you're if you don't have Pro installed you'll need to find wherever your your Python 3 exe is located then we're going to put a space and then we're just gonna put the the location of our file name of our Python file so for example mine is here but it's in this weird roaming folder because I have pi Tron works for how I have it set up whoops sorry all right so my case this is where my python file is located the the one we just wrote if you have multiple files to run you can actually I found out the way the task scheduler works you can just it reads the lines in your batch file sequentially so you could say all right open Python again and then do a different file you know changes to you know whatever your other file is and so on and so on and that might be helpful to some people I've had to use that before but anyways once you have this it's just these two things you go to saying that I'll just stick it on my desktop just to be simple but I will call this my agoo data upload and then you want to do a dot dat to it that it's a batch file all right I'm gonna save that and if we come to my desktop here you see here in the batch file and so next we want to go to the task scheduler just type tasks in your search bar here should see the test schedule app should look something like this if we can click on the task scheduler library here in the the Left pane and you can see all the the tasks your computer's already running this will be different depending on what's installed on your computer hopefully I don't have anything weird in here and so you can see you know here's the task name you can see when it's running when the next run data is that kind of stuff so to create our own task you can either right-click on the library and go create task waiting go to action trade task need to give it a name let's do start a Geo data upload or something doesn't matter and a lot of these settings are gonna just kind of depend on your situation what you're trying to do um so for example if you're running this from some sort of server machine that's always on you could say you know run ohi's weather logged on and then you can put credentials in there that might be helpful if you're running at like 3:00 in the morning and your personal computer is on I usually run the price privileges go to the next tab up here triggers and this is where we're going to tell it when and how often we want our script run so in my case let's say I want it to run monthly and let's say I wanted to run all months and I wanted to run on maybe the maybe the last day of the month or I could do the middle of the month or when we could actually we could do weekly maybe I want to run once a week in that way since I don't know specifically when they're uploading this data it'll just catch it whenever it's there where'd we go all right all right let's just say I wanted to run monthly on the 30th or whatever um you can change these settings they're pretty self-explanatory I'm just gonna need all this default all right we told it when we wanted to do something then we want to tell it what to do under the actions tab so we're gonna go to new action we're gonna leave it on Start program and we're gonna browse and in my case that was on my desktop already but you're gonna go to wherever you saved your batch file I'm just gonna click on that um so it's gonna go to start a program it's gonna look in the batch file it's gonna see all right it wants me to start Python and it wants me to run this file click OK conditions I'm just going in the Solow default settings mean Connery through in I'll see if there's anything you want to change but it'll depend let me click okay and you can see it put it down here I'm gonna and a sort by next runtime so you can see May 30th this is gonna run and that's really it um trying to think if there's anything I missed um this videos already much longer than I was anticipating so I guess we'll just cut it off here I hope that was useful again I'm making this video because when I had to figure this out I couldn't really find a lot of information on how to do it well and there definitely wasn't a video about it so trying to rectify that and hopefully this is helpful to someone I got actually before we go I think just going back here if you weren't using an FTP site you could get rid of this entire section and your FTP file up here um let's say it's some on your network you know you would just uh and instead of doing FTP path and host your FTP file you would just add the full thing so you know maybe it's on your C Drive on your documents etc etc wherever that file is gonna be and then this FTP file will be used in the rename in our case but maybe you don't even need to rename so you could actually use maybe use FTP file all the way down here when you're saying what file do I want to overwrite with well that might be the case if you're just using a CSV or something all right I think that's it so thanks for watching I hope you learn something and if there's something you have questions about or maybe something else you'd like to see and I know how to do it I could do it in a different video if you leave a comment yeah that's it have a great day
Channel: Aaron Koelker
Views: 2,922
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: arcgis online, python, api, update, esri, hosted, feature layer, arcgis pro, ftp, automate, task, scheduler, arcgis api for python
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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