Accessing Your Enterprise Geodatabase using SQL

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so welcome everyone we're going to be talking about accessing your enterprise do database using sequel today my name is Melissa Jarmon I'm going to be presenting with my colleagues Saeed teri rooks and Amit castellani so since this sessions about accessing your enterprise geo database we're going to have a couple of assumptions of prerequisite knowledge that you have assumptions that you have knowledge of relational databases sequel and geo database concepts now we're all going to be available after the session for questions so we're going to try to hold those till the end so going to outline the talk for today we're going to start out with the basics of database and geo database support in our gif take a look at the geo database system tables and go into how we can access these and query information we're going to discuss some of the native spatial types and their advantages ie is going to demo how spatial sequel functions perform to do queries and analytics against the data and then we're also going to talk about the process of editing this data in your geo database via sequel we're going to go into some of the discovery functions that we have and then we're also going to talk about accessing these data through editing if the data is non version also if it's versioned and at the very end we're going to go through some guidelines just to summarize some points so there multiple implementation patterns of the ArcGIS platform so everything from a database centric implementation all the way up to ArcGIS Enterprise using portal and server most configurations are going to use data stored and some type of geo database so that's a common foundation we'll see we're going to talk more about the acceptable methods to access these geo databases using sequel so from our arcgis clients arcmap catalog and pro you can connect directly to a supported database and view data by making a database connection we have two different access paths so we have general geo database support we provide that on five databases currently that's db2 and formics oracle PostgreSQL and sequel server we're going to be adding geo database support for sa P Hana this year as well you can also get direct simple feature access to databases that are considered non geodatabases this just means that they're not enabled with the system's you database tables themselves these are going to be considered read only through your ArcGIS applications through the client and you can publish these to server through our feature service and edit these so a little bit about the geo database so this is build on additional functionality built on the database itself so application logic is separate from the database you're going to enable your database as a geo database when you want to do more with your data so some examples of that would be if you want to go through and control your data integrity for employing subtypes and domains against the feature classes you would go through and you have that functionality with a geo database also advanced modeling data modeling so if you want to do a transportation network or you want to use a utility network that's going to be available in a geo database you can store and work with detailed cartography so you can use geo database representations also you want to use multiple user editing so this will be our version dedicated at a-- in complete isolation from one another so when you enable your data your database added to your database you're going to get two different types of tables there's user-defined tables this could be our tables feature classes in the geo database itself and then we're also going to have the system metadata table and these tables are stored and controlled by ArcGIS so there are four main geo database system tables these are going to store all the geo database behavior so feed your classes that are registered with the geo database relationship classes subtypes domains even down to rules for a topology would be included in here it's going to be essentially tracking all the contents of the geo database objects that are registered the geo database schema is primarily going to be included in within a single XML field we're going to go into this as well and one thing I want to note about the system tables they're okay to query but never attempt to edit the system tables so here are the four main tables we're going to go through we've got gdb items TV item types TV the item relationships and relationship types you can also see the corresponding relationships that exist between these tables so the GDD items table is going to be the main table a record for every item in your geo database is going to be listed here so feature classes domains subtypes even feature data sets are going to be listed here this table has a XML field it's going to contain a significant amount of information about the complete description of that item so for sequel server Postgres in db2 this is going to be a native XML data type and for Oracle and Informix it's going to be an archive de XML that's used for storage so this table is related to the GTV item type table this is a fixed list of all items in the geo database so when your database is enabled it's going to be a fixed populated list of all items that can be represented in a geo database so that same domain feature class everything down to rules in a topology anything you can model is going to be listed in this table so we know that items in our geo database have relationships so the GDB item relationships table is going to be the pieces that participate in relationships so this could be a feature class being contained within a feature data set it could be a domain being assigned to a feature class so these are going to be the origin and destination pairs of these items are going to be listed in the relationships table and then the item relationship type is going to be a fixed list like the item types it's going to contain all the different types of relationships but a geo database can have so what can we do using sequel in our geo database so we can query the system schema and gather properties of existing data sets clearings okay we'll go through this in the first demo we also can do editing so we can edit tables and feature classes through sequel level if it's versioned we're going to be editing against a version view and we're also going to demo that that as well we can create tables through sequel but if you do so these tables are going to have to be registered with the geo database in a separate process we're also going to go through site is going to go through and do some sequel functions and leverage the power of the database to perform analysis on attributes and spatial relationships with our data so just to go over some rules for accessing the geo database at the database level so we want to go back and talk about how the geo database is built on top of the database functionality so accessing via sequel is going to bypass all this logic of the geo database that the ArcGIS clients usually enforce so the database is not aware of this so it's going to let you do anything as a user you have permissions to do so it's very important that we're aware of what we can and cannot do against our data so you need to know your data you need to know if it's involved in geo database functionality if it's part of a controller data set like a topology or partial fabrics if it's involved in versioning if it's registered as burdened there's different access paths for this just to back up this you also have discovery functions that you can use if you're unsure and you don't have access to the client I'm it's going to go through some of those and how they could be utilized to query to check if items are simple if they're versioned and others as well so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go through a demo on clearing the geo database schema so we're going to look at the system tables clearing these is completely okay to do so we're going to pull information about our geo database objects out and gather some information about the relationships they have so we're going to look at future classes that are contained within a feature dataset we're going to list the domains and their coded value code and value or description pairs and then we're also going to find the datasets in our geo database that are using a domain so I'm going to switch over this particular geodatabase is stored in a sequel server can everyone see that text okay so the particular database we're going to look at that is a geo database as our la source data so we're going to go in and take a look at the tables so just like we were talking about before geo databases are going to have a mix of user-defined tables and geo database system table so we can see the GIS user owns quite a few tables in this database the main four tables we're going to be taking a look at are the item relationships through the item types tables listed here so let's just take a look at the TVB items table so we can see this is an entire list of this geo database so this isn't a very big database as far as what's contained within it we've got the UUID the type column these are grid data types and then we also have the name of the object itself and if you scroll over we can see the XML definition field that we were talking about which contains a lot of information about each item so I'm going to refine this a bit and just give us a name in the definition field so we can see we have neighborhood's parcels infinite category but what type of item are these named datasets to get that we're going to join with the GDD item types table to get the data set type name so this is going to give us this added type column which I sorted by type so we can see we have some coded value domains in our geo database we also have some feature classes and then we have a feature data set as well so before we go into querying specific items in here I just wanted to open up the incidence definition so we know this is the feature class so within sequel server it's going to give us a nice parse XML view of the data so this is going to contain a lot of information about this item we see the fully qualified name here the incident feature class we can also see if it's versioned items like that we can also see if it has an object ID field and then it's also going to show us all the field information so we can see our object ID field here and then additional fields in this feature class so we see category and then we can see that incident category domain is assigned to the feature class so there's a lot of information you can gather from just opening up the XML and raw form we're going to go through clearing some information specifically targeted at datasets we have so we see we have a lot of items within our geo database but we also have a future dataset and we know the future datasets are considered containers objects are going to be stored within those so if we want to do a query for what future classes are contained within the feature dataset we're actually going to go through for the crime incidents feature dataset and we're going to set the container as that the container type is feature dataset and we're going to join the GDD item types and items table back to the item relationships and this is going to give us an origin and a destination relationship within there so we're going to grant we're going to grab the destination ids of the objects that also have the UUID for that feature dataset and we're going to join that back to the DVD items table to get the name of the feature classes within that feature data set so we can see here we've got the incidence feature class and the burglary GTA incident risk feature class so you could easily go through and list out all the feature data sets in your geo database and then get a report or a list of items that are contained within them so next we're going to go through and we're going to look at these coded value domains so we have to in this geo database and if you're familiar with coded value domains you know that they're going to have a code and a description or value pair so that's typically a numeric or an abbreviated text character for the code and then you're going to have a description that's more meaningful you're typically going to see the the description within your ArcGIS client applications but when you're going through and doing sequel and you're inserting values into a table you're going to be inserting the code so we're going to go through and resolve the coded value domains within this geo database so this is going to give us all of the coded value domains their code and their description pairs this is going to take the GDB items in the item types where the name is coded value domain and you can see our XPath query here it's going to search the items table and the definition field there we go so we can see a list here of the two coded value domains we have so we have gang-related coded value domain there's two codes and description pairs for this coded value domain and then we have about 30 different code and description pairs for the incident category so if you're going through and doing some sequel inserts you could resolve what field a specific coded value domains assigned to and you could use this list to resolve the values that you're going to use for your inserts so lastly what we're going to go through is we're going to take a look at the actual classes or tables that could exist in the geo database that are using a coded value domain this is particularly helpful if you've ever come into a situation where you want to actually go in and delete a domain within the geo database itself and it tells you that it's currently in use so we're going to query what datasets are using this domain so initially we're going to use the gang-related domain and we're going to find the domain and data set relationships by clearing the item relationships and the item relationship types tables so we can see the gang-related coded value domain is assigned to the police report feature class so if we needed to go in and remove that from the Association from being used in that class we'd be able to use this report to help us do that we're going to go look at our other domain so the incident category domain and we can see it's actually being utilized by two different feature classes that's being used by the incidents feature class and also the police report so the police report feature class is going to have both of these domains assigned to some of the fields you can also extend this to actually give you the exact field that the coded value domain is assigned to on this particular feature class as well so this is just three examples of how you can take sequel queries and XPath queries and grab information from the geo database system table I'm going to pass it over to Syed and he's going to go through some analytics querying the data through sequel hey folks you hear me in the back there ok great thank you and am i upon the screen all right so just a show of hands how many of you are actually accessing your geo database using sequel select star queries just select star grades out there okay what about spatial functions like esti functions and how many of you are actually doing a DML and editing your data ok good pretty in touch crowd out there one more question how many are you building third-party applications on top of the geo database ok good quite a few so why should you actually use sequel on your geo database when you have a client application like ArcGIS and the question really comes down to a couple of answers here one is you can use the power of your database we often have these host machines which have lots of resources on them and we can leverage the power of those resources by pushing down geo processes to our database using sequel we can use the native spatial types inside of our database every DBMS flavor has their own native spatial types and we can use the power of those spatial types to access our spatial data and and do many things with them we can bridge the gap between GIS users and non GIS users often the folks who are making decisions don't have client applications like ArcGIS desktop and pro instead they have something like a web browser so we can publish our spatial data using services and allow these decision-makers to access spatial data in that manner and sometimes you don't really want a full map to make a decision you just need a single result you know how many customers are within some range of a store questions like these so what is the spatial type the textbook definition is it's an object which stores the location shape and properties of spatial data with the spatial type you get things that come along with it like a spatial index which allows you to search it in a fast efficient manner and you have a number of properties which you can access through your spatial type things like properties which return information about the spatial type what's the spatial reference of your feature we have other properties that are the functions that return relationships amongst your features perhaps you want to know if your feature intersects another feature you have spatial operations you can perform create new geometries a buffer around the point for example and you can also transform one geometry into another geometry to change the spatial reference of it so what are the benefits of a spatial type how many of you have used s de binary before and so that's the binary was a type that was stored as a blob and you didn't have access to it in sequel meaning you couldn't see anything about it can crack it open and see the well-known text representation instead you could only interact with it through the ArcGIS client application so now with these native spatial types and our ST geometry type you can actually use sequel to interact with it at the database level you can create tables with the spatial attribute that are outside of the geo database you can instantiate new geometries using Siebel you can read and analyze spatial data everything exists at the database and there are no outside dependencies there that's what's beautiful about spatial types and you can also write applications to use those native spatial types the good thing is is amongst all the database platforms spatial types are OGC compliant so they have similar api S&C quality can use to access these there are different flavors for example you know with sequel server the syntax might be a little bit different than post grants or Oracle but they are all basically the same and you can expect that those functions perform the same exact operations at the database so how do you use it in our client using sequel well we have two ways that expose sequel one is query layers where you can write a query and use query layers to access whatever that query is inside of the client there are some caveats there you have to define exactly one spatial attribute you have to have an object ID field these sorts of restrictions exist the other way which was exposed in 10-5 is you can now register a view with the geo database so you can create a view in your management studio and then register that with the geo database that we store metadata about that view and what's great is when you do something like this is you can create complex sequel that answers certain business questions and models geo processes and push them down into the database so for example in my demo I'll be showing you this we have some big ugly complex query and it models a geo processing model but it all exists at sequel none of this is client-side all right so let's go into that so let me introduce you to the data first this all makes sense we have two feature classes which we really care about one is this neighborhoods feature class of the LA County neighborhoods and the other one that's populating now is incidents so this is actual data from LA County and these are crime incidents from 2013 through 2016 it's about a 500k feature feature class and the reason we chose this type of data is because it's something which is constantly changing as reported incidents come in the underlying data changes so that's where something like query layers or a view is important because it changes your answer in real-time as the data changes so what we've done is we wanted to answer a question of how can we expose patterns of crimes like crimes in the same area over time and I was able to do that by pushing a geo processing model down into the database to answer this question and we'll come back to this but this is the end result so now let's jump over into sequel server management studio and let's begin building this query so that we can understand how to answer that question so the first thing I did was I said which incidents are within the LA County neighborhood boundary so this is where I used a spatial function st intersect and this is on the on Clause of a join with the neighborhood's I did some further filtering on category I was only interested in burglaries and grand theft auto's so we come back with 1134 rows so from there and I'm and I put this all inside of a common table expression a wit clause which will then be wrapped inside of a view that I end up registering with the geo database so the next question to answer is this bit here this is the same CTE that we had earlier from the previous query and so now we'll get into the distant so what I did here is I was able to change spatial functions together in order to one create a new geometry a buffer around my incident and then intersect it with all other incidents in the same class so this way I can see ok where my buffer are there other incidents of the same category burglaries and Grand Theft Auto this way I can come up with some sort of predictive analysis of zones which are at higher risk and so the point here is is you can change spatial functions right and I was also able to aggregate on object ID on every feature and get information that I care about right I got the account of incidents which are in that buffer and I also got the average date difference between incidents within that buffer so this takes a couple seconds but spatial functions can be expensive so this point to bring home right here is EULA queries your query layers and your views will only be as fast as the query that you write yourself so you have to be very cognizant of the execution plan and the spatial index which is used there's often a lot of tuning that goes on behind the scenes here that you'll have to do if you're using sequel yourself so this is a non spatial result we have the object ID which is unique neighbor count and average date difference for each feature and then putting it all together we have our view here and then this is the entire common table expression and what I've done finally at the end is I've just joined back on to the instance class itself so I can pull out the actual shape and this is the final result so coming back to pro we can see this is my view which is now registered with the geo database I've added a symbology to is based on the neighbor count to normalize with the average state difference and we can see here that now we can help managers make decisions to say hey this is a predictive analysis of where incidents are more likely to happen than that happened before and coming back to the slide here you can see that this is the geoprocessing model and it is pushed down in sequel via view which it can be shared out in services or to managers and any other way to the client or a map so that's about it I'll hand it off to Amit now who will do some editing via sequel for you can you guys hear me fine okay so that was a neat demo hole model in a sequel that's pretty slick and see so how many of you have tried to edit some data in sequel and then later on faced problems when you're trying to edit that again in our KS client all right so we have quite a few people here awesome you came to the right place so querying a spine in the analysis is fine but editing you're in the fast lane so if you're falling if you just wake up right now this is your moment and we have this presentation on is the presentation up so we we have these presentations on video des right calm don't try to take pictures you can you can just go to that side and you can watch the whole presentation again and and so it's it's time to kind of focus here on what I'm trying to tell you so you can create tables in sequel and table with a shape column is a feature class now if you want to use this feature class with a geodatabase or you want to use it as a geodatabase feature class as Melissa mentioned before you have to register it with the derivatives then you can even version that feature class or you can have it participate in some kind of zero debase functionality but without registering you cannot do that when you register the feature class yeah so when you oh are we not in the slide show we already yeah okay so when you register the feature class with the Geo database if there is no object ID column or if there is no column that has a not null integer column type then the register process will add that column for you if there already is a column then it will just use that column and created as the object ID column for you now when you are editing this these feature classes with the sequel what all can you edit you can edit feature classes that are simple feature classes and features that are simple so point lines and polygons teacher classes and any feature class that is not participating in advance your database behavior so it's not part of a topology or network data sets or relationship types or sorry relationships and how you can determine this this information at sequel level we provide a lot of discovery functions so one of those discovery function is is simple if if simple R is returned true then you can go ahead and rate that teacher class if it returns false please don't edit that feature class at sequel level you can do all your edits a dot using an RGS client but don't edit that edit that feature class X equal level so if your feature class is a non version feature class or if your table is a non version table you can edit that table directly but if you have that teacher class are yesterday's version so you can edit a version feature class at sequel level it is a simple feature class as long as it's not participating in a advanced theory based functionality like topology or network data sets you edit those version tables or version feature class using a version view now we'll talk a little bit more about these version views but let's look at the object ID field first so object I details as I mentioned when you register a feature class with zero debase every feature class will have an object ID B the value for this object ID field is maintained and generated and maintained by the arc but the ArcGIS client itself and when you are doing non version inserts at the sequel level we provide you with some database functions that can be used to generate these object IDs the way it happens in our geo strength so you can use these functions to determine what is the name of that object ID field so if it does not have a default name like the object ID then you can use this function to to determine what the name of the object ID field is and then you can use the next row ID function to get the next row ID that you can use for inserts when you are doing insert in a version feature class since you're doing it using the version view version view we'll take care of generating those object IDs and you don't need to insert any object ID in the object ID P now you never want to update these object ID fields once it's generated and inserted then that's it when you do any deletes or any edits you can do it on the attribute but don't edit the object ID field so when it comes to editing the version tables or feature classes as I mentioned earlier we we are going to talk about version views so when you are register a feature class or or a table with with the with geodatabases version a version view gets generated a version view gets automatically generated and you cannot see it from our catalog because we want to hide it it's not useful from our catalog itself it's exclusively generated for you or for you to do edits at sequel level so at sequel level also you get the same versioning experience if you have multiple editors you can use all these generate versions and assign these versions to specific editors and they can all edit the data at the same time as long as they're editing in their own version and they won't lock the table or for for other users to use it so when you register these feature classes there are some ancillary tables that get that are made in the in the database adds and deletes table and when you do any edits or ads or insert in these feature classes these edits go in this adds and deletes table not in the base table that's why we ask you that you do your edits using this version views so all these edits they they get assigned a state ID and these state IDs they correspond to each version that you're trying to edit at that time and and the lineage of these state IDs is how we track all these versions so I mentioned about the version views so basically these version users are not just simple views they are a collection of like views that are using stroke procedures and triggers as you edit or insert in these views they do edit in some other ancillary tables now you can do all the edits at sequel level but when you do the reconcile and post you have to do that using not J's client now here is a list of discovery functions we won't go over each and every one of them but this is just a sample list that's available that you can use for finding the information about the table that you are trying to edit at simple level now let's see a demo how we can do these non version and versions view edit okay so here let's look at the map first I've got two feature classes reported incidents and police stations so reported incidents is a non version feature class police station is a version feature class let's try to edit the reported incidents feature class first so currently let's see we don't have any incidents reported the crime free community we live in a great community right now and let's check if it's a simple it is a simple feature class let's find out what the row ID name is that way we can use that information to generate the object ID and insert that so in in sequel server you cannot use inline functions so we declared a variable and we will put that value in that variable and use that variable for inserts so here we do this you can see as many times as I run it's going to generate a new value for you so we'll use some information that Melissa generated for us by inserting a coded value in one of the cutting of the columns so category column is using a coded value domain so in category column we are actually inserting a number okay so let's do these inserts I've got this one record and a couple of more incidents so we've done the inserts here now if you go you can see these inserts are visible and as I mentioned we inserted a coded value but you can see in Category there is no number it's actually the value that corresponds to that code okay so we can check the inserts at sequel level also now you can truncate this table at sequel level make the community grade again but when you do the strong case at sequel level the sequence does not get researched so if I do these inserts again now these are gone and then we do these inserts again what will happen is it's going to get next values so now you see the object ID starts at nine now if you want to truncate this or reset the sequence there is a geoprocessing tool called truncate table you can use that tool and the sequence will get reset to zero or the start of the each class so now we saw how we use the values that Melissa had found using Hercules say did an analysis using the crime incident reports that were there we got the report from the LA County based on that report LA County thought that okay we'll make some more police stations so they they generated one more version of it or they generated one version called future future or plant stations now we want to edit that version of data for police stations now let's just do our checks that we usually do Oh for some reason it's telling me false what went wrong here but I know it's it's a it's a simple feature class and we'll try to go and get the version be mean here so now we know this is the version view we'll see how many records are there in the default version we've got 106 police stations now we'll change our version and see how many records are there in the plant version so it's still 106 now we want to edit this version so there is a function called edit version and we supply a parameter called one to start the Edit session so we'll start that it session here I will begin the transaction and here we are doing an insert and one update so one of the police stations is going to be changed into a sheriff station we do the execute now here you can see that it was just one insert and one update but there are many other transactions that have happened because the version view is using these triggers and stored procedures to do the edits into the adds and bleed table once you are done with your edit you can stop editing and let's check the count now in the version now we have one record added here now if we go back to the default version you can see that if that one still has 106 records let's check the same results in the RGS client here we're looking at the default version right now and the Torrance station is still a police station but in future it will turn into a sheriff station and here is a new police station that is planned for the future so we saw how we can pretty and and analyze the data using sequel and how we can edit some of the data let's summarize all these things that we learned so far when it comes to editing or querying the database you're going directly into the database you know that it's a database it's geo database but at the database level or at sequel prompt there is no way for the demands to know that you are dealing with a geode base you need to remember that you are querying or updating or editing a database you need to remember the behaviors that you need to enforce or the rules that you need to follow so database you're going right at the core of of the application here there is no filter of argyus clang that can enforce the behaviors that are required to maintain the integrity of the geo duties now I summarized these things that are allowed and that are not well I won't say they are not allowed but you should not do it that's why I use those signs you can query all the system tables but never edit or insert in the system tables simple feature classes you can query edit update or insert into in the complex feature classes no editing or inserts should be done you can query it but you need to really know the schema of of the complex features feature classes so if you are editing any attributes from network data sets or you know the topology you you really need to know how the schema is for that particular geo database functionality and what ancillary tables to join when you're doing those queries so you you can get the answers but if you don't know what you're doing you're not the queries are not as simple as queer or non version feature class or a version view that you are trying to get the information from so you can perform all the spatial operations you can do insert update and delete on the geometries as long as you are doing it on the simple feature classes you can insert update and delete the attribute data for the simple feature classes and make sure you write efficient sequels because we are not going to parse or not parts but we want like rewrite the sequel for you add from the RGS client to improve it in in any way whatever you put in in the the RGS client for analytics if those queries are not efficient then it will slow down your system again do not update the object ID field ever don't modify the geometries where the feature classes are participating in complex or advanced database functions do not update or edit the attributes of any of these feature classes that are not simple and they are participating in advanced year to this behavior you can use all these discovery functions to find out what is the state of the table that you're trying to edit all the scripts that we showed you here are also available in the help document so this link right here if you are using sequel to access your geo database is your Bible go through it and make sure that you are following all the rules and please fill out the surveys we do get good feedbacks and we try to incorporate those things in our presentations so so now we'll open the floor for questions [Applause] other types of wires so how do you reckon look okay the question is how do you use entity relationship diagrams with the geo database and what are the best practices there and we had a one time we supported a tool called case tools which is now essentially deprecated with ArcGIS and it's been replaced by a third-party vendor called Sparks so if you come up later I can point you in the right direction but you're right in the fact that we don't support foreign keys and primary keys at the database level instead that should be used with our relationship classes that relationship between future classes should be used with the ArcGIS concept of relationship process so the question is can you use the spatial query to use spatial functions of at the database level to query to separate spatial tables with different spatial references and I believe the sequel server spatial functions don't allow you to do those type of relationship tests if they are different spatial references [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you have a to concept so the question is first are the old fde commands like layer still supported or replaced with ArcGIS and sure yeah so you're talking about the query layers and you want to use that with the SD API the correct [Music] okay so you are actually talking about the views you it's not an in-memory thing it's just you're talking about the views you can what say it mentioned was that we allow the views to be registered with the geo database now and yes you can publish that data that is based on the view of on the on to RGS server yeah the only difference is that it's going to be on a query only feature service it won't be a at it editable feature service okay I I could not hear the second question properly let me answer the first question first the question is is it is it the same procedure to edit the archive use right correct okay so the the discovery functions can be used for identifying what is the view name of the archive views so once you have the archive view name you will follow the same kind of workflow using for using our type II we can talk about your second question afterwards any other questions right over again go ahead correct so the question is how do you set up a postcard sequel database in order to use the sequel in the database access behind our client I believe you have to install the spatial type DST geometry spatial type in order to do that so for Postgres i think we we do provide a ESRI spatial type for post class and the post gif is the native spatial type that is that can be installed also as into your Postgres database yes you can you can you can use either or boots yes so the question is is there documentation about it yes there is a documentation or studying up the ESRI spatial type so the question is when you set the current version is that a global setting or is that for that session it is for that particular session it is not a global settings so the default version is always create by by default and you can do the edits in the default version also but if you want to edit a particular version that you have created then you need to execute set current version for it yeah you can you can take our cars and we can email you the PDF and as I mentioned the videos are going to be available online so the slides are included in the video [Music] an older person [Music] for me after I wear a suit is there anything that [Music] on the other end so the question is when you migrate the shape type or the geometry type to the end users feel any difference so from application point of view there won't be or the from the end users perspective they won't notice any difference because the geometries have gone from blob or binary to us to a spatial type of genre [Music] [Music] no those fields that they don't get changed the name of the shape engine yeah but not the shape right area equals server it would be a fenced area for being actually so we'll go ahead and close the session for now but we'll keep on taking the questions right after we get off the stage so you can come and talk to us either of the stage or in the island thank you
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 9,502
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, enterprise geodatabase, SQL, geodatabase
Id: WM_PN7v_HIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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