AutoDesk Inventor 2021 Creating a String Pulley Assembly Tutorial

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well hello and welcome to another cad tutorial video today we're going to focus in on inventor and we're going to be creating a string that functions on a pulley now i've gone ahead and taken the liberty i've made a few of these parts ahead of time i've made the weight this little tiny hook up here in this pulley our main job today is keep this video relatively short and focus on the main functionality of the string or the rope that's going to move and function in here which is really the challenge of this this exercise here all right so i'm going to go ahead and start up a new assembly file and i'm going to go ahead and place those three parts that i've already made in there okay so here's the weight our pulley and our little hook okay so it all comes down to how we constrain this it kind of always comes down to that while i'm getting myself situated here let me remind you to subscribe to the channel for more exciting videos like this and a variety of cad software and if you have an idea for our next video please leave it in the comments okay so let's get back to this and we're going to begin by constraining our pulley so the first thing i'm going to do with that is we'll do a central axis to the origin okay and then i'm going to do i did this through extrusion mid plane so i'm just going to use that plane to one of the assembly planes i must need to flip it there we go okay so at this time our pulley is fully constrained with one degree of freedom in rotation so it'll spin freely up here and that's what we're looking for okay i'll move the hook off and now we'll work on our weight over here now the weight what i'm going to have to do is take a assembly plane like this one and i'm going to offset it one inch one inch is the groove let me make sure of that nope it's half an inch so let's edit that uh my pulling diameter is one where the rope will be inserted in all right so with that we are going to focus in on the weight and the hook okay so let's go grab the hook i got a little flat spot on my weight and my hook so i'm going to take the flat spot and constrain it to the flat spot on my weight okay and then i'm going to get these things lined up so my hook is sliding and i want that to not have any degrees of freedom i want these two pieces to be welded when it's all said and done so let's find our hook and find the planes so we'll take that plane which runs through the center of the hook and we'll run it through the center of the weight hmm let's make sure it's not an optical illusion okay there we go okay and then one more the opposite direction all right so these two pieces should move together as one unit so that's perfect okay the next thing i want to do is get this in line with this plane that we offset this work plane in the assembly so let's go ahead and constrain on our hook that one there to this plane okay and then let's take our hook the plane that runs through the middle of it and constrain that with our assembly plane that runs through the pulley there we go so now our weight and our hook should translate up and down it's just how we want it all right this work plan i can go ahead and turn the visibility of that off and then i'm going to come back to my assembly since we constrained the pulley to the assembly i'm going to take that and make that visible and then i'm going to add a constraint between that piece right there top of the hook to this and i'm gonna set it to a distance of five okay so right now we're five inches or five units from this little point here to this plane all right that's what we want so our constraining is done now it's time to make our string or rope all right so to do that we're going to go ahead and create a new part and we'll call it string make sure it's in the right folder and i'm going to go ahead and use this assembly plane to create the part on okay in here now i want to make this an adaptive part so i need to go ahead and make some features so i'm going to make a work access in the part at the center here so you can see how we've changed to an adaptive part and then i want to make a offset plane right on the tip of here and i'll set that to zero perfect then i'm going to create a sketch and that sketch is going to be on the side plane here and then i'm going to project the geometry of my two work features so the axis and the plane okay i'm going to throw a dimension across that it's going to give me a message and it says it's a driven dimension that's what i want all right perfect we'll finish that sketchup i'm going to come up into my parameters i'm going to find that it is d0 for this measurement i'm going to need to remember that okay from here we'll go ahead and create another sketch on this here and we're going to project the geometry of this whoops let's finish that and delete it let me do that one more time create sketch there we go projected geometry of the plane again actually i could do this circle we'll just do both it's fine and there we go okay i'm going to draw a line up off of here to here i'm just going to create a small construction line off of our center out and just make sure that that's perpendicular okay i'm going to create an arc okay it's a little off so let's get it centered okay and a dimension on here 2.5 okay from there i'll take a line like so okay i've got a little problem right here uh let's just throw a dimension from here to here there we go hmm something's a little off what's the problem the groove must be 0.49 so oh i see what the problem is it's over here okay there we go all fixed up okay so i just had some constraint issues up there all right so now here's where it really gets good i'm going to place a dimension on this short line segment and i have five units over on the other side i'm going to say eight minus e zero okay so that means if this number changes this number is going to have to change to correlate with that number i'll finish up my sketch i'm going to start another sketch and we'll put it down here and draw a little circle put dimension on a point zero two finish that and then we're going to sweep that along the sketch okay let's change the material so that it stands out and we can now take the visibility of all of this oh i don't want to take this one just these three turn it off that worked plain [Music] oh it's this one here okay there we go all right we should save it and return back to our assembly and there's our model all right so now it's time to make this work if you remember we set a mate constraint between that plane and this plane with an offset distance of five so we're going to find that and we're going to drive that constraint and we're at five i'm gonna bring it down to three and put the two arrows and put drive adaptability on total number of steps and we're gonna get about a hundred start and start we'll do this three times [Music] and we'll give it a try and there it is our string is moving based on where the weight and the hook are at so that's perfect that's exactly what we were looking for we are going to add one more thing onto this to make it a little better and that's one more constraint and this is going to be a motion constraint so let's switch to motion and rather than rotation rotation we're going to do rotation translation i'm going to pick the center axis of our pulley and the top face of our weight i'm going to set this to 2 and now we'll go ahead and drive it and now we have movement in our model it appears that the string is affecting the weight but really all we're doing is changing the dimensions on these linear lines here i hope you enjoyed this video and you give it a try again please subscribe to the channel and if you have some ideas for our next video please feel free free to share those in our comment section below have a great day and good luck
Channel: Morrison Institute of Technology
Views: 7,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zi3Ifl54qjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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