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my name is Ella Bert's and today I'll be going through the cable and harness environment okay as usual we're going to start a new part so I'm topless lock screens we can hit the new button then here we'll create a standard i PT tip the grade button and one rhodesia is will create a 2d sketch so we can hit the start to the sketch button after doing that we're going to select this X Z plane I'm going to rotate my v-cube so my stop is aren't incorrectly and over here I'm gonna start a center point rectangle so a two point Center rectangle I'll choose the center and I'm going to go out 300 millimeters tab 300 millimeters I'll hit enter then I'll hit finish sketch I roll my mouse wheel back then I'm going to run an extrusion on this profile over here so I'll hit a on my keyboard shortcut and then over here the sky I'll make make the guy 200 you're trying to put two how I make this guy let's see 50 okay cookies perfect I'll say okay over here and then I'm going to run the shell command so in the modify panel I'm looking for shell I'll remove this top surface over here of our top base there and then the thickness for this object here I'm gonna place at five millimeters then I'll say okay and I should have the shape of here now the next thing I'll do here is I'm going to create points on my object so I'm going to select this face on the inside here by going start 2d sketch and selecting this face here and then again I can't see what's happening so I'll press f7 on my keyboard to slice graphics and now I'm just going to project the face inside here so I'll click on that face there I'll hit escape this face now is got these projected lines and then what I'll do here is I'm going to create some points so four points on this object while going under the create panel I'm looking for point I'll click on point over there I'm just going to place four points one two three four I'll hit escape to close that command so now I have four points on this object I'll hit f7 again just so you can see those four points Chris f7 again to slice my graphics now what I'll do here is I'm going to run a line command between each one of these points I'm going to click on line and before I do anything to this I'm going to first set this to construction so that the line commode axes and this format tab construction of the year is also active on our place my line between each one of those points there I'll hit escape now I should have one segment two segments three segments the sky this last line over here is saying at an angle so I'm just going to use my horizontal constraint to constrain this line itself to be horizontal with other points then screw press f7 here to slash graphic so you can see this little bit better so I got that line going through 1 Sigma 2 Sigma 3 segment between each one of those points and now I'm going to run it equals constraints to make sure that this line here is equal to that line and that line there is equal to this line over here I'm going to say equals the slide must be equal to this and this line here must be equal to this line here I can then hit escape and on the bottom right here I can see three dimensions or needed so all I need to do here is I'm just going to hit the f7 / graphics click on the front of my vehicle here on the right side of my view cube and I'm just going to add my horizontal constraint to constrain this point here horizontal to this vertical line here and then I'm gonna add a vertical constraint between this horizontal line here and this line here in the middle so I click on my horizontal constraint that point over there and that midpoint of this vertical projected line must be constrained vertically the next constraint over here will be my vertical constraints between this midpoint that second segments that midpoint to the midpoint of my project my projected line that point there now on the bottom right here it says I need one more dimension this dimension here will be the length of these segments here all three of these segments are equal so I can say dimension I can select that segment there and I'm going to make its length 100 enter okay 100 too long let me change something like 50 answer okay fifties perfect now I'm just going to select these lines here on the outside the projected lines now to set those two construction to construction then I'll hit finish sketch now all I should see over here are my four points and those projected lines now what I'll do over here is I'm going to run my whole command so hold and the placement is from sketch automatically it's already picked up all for my senses the size of this hole I'm going to set to something like let's make this got three millimeters three millimeters should be fine actually make that something like ten millimeters okay ten millimeters perfect and then determination here I'll put this s through all that's cutting through my entire objects going out and into the outside I'll say okay over here and then what I'll do here is a once it creates the same holes but on this space over here I'm not going to say start to you sketch and sketch those points out unless I want to be able to be unique I'm just going to run a murica Martin humor these holes here to the right-hand side and how all the death is I need a merge plane between this face here and this face here so I can just click on my plane option I'm not doing into this menu here I'm just clicking on the plane option there and I'm selecting that face there and this face of the year and automatically doesn't in project was automatically integrates a mid plane between two planes and now I can run my mirror command so inside the pattern I have mirror I can select my whole it's automatically picked up all these holes already because all these holes are created at the same time then mirror plane will be this plane over here right in the middle remember you select a plane on its edge and not on its center I can say okay over here and then now that's created these holes on the right hand side now the next I can do here is I can just right click on my work plane in my model browser I'll turn the visibility off now all I can see is my holes on this part now that I've done that what I want to do here is I'm going to say start 2d sketch under the surface over here so right on the top there on the starry 2d sketch I'm going to rotate this object so my tops align correctly and just so you guys can see I'm going to create this line between that edge there and this edge over here so I'm going to click on top of the year I'm going to say reject geometry and then I'm gonna set this projected geometry here to construction so I'll select construction then I'm going to project this line this line and this line here at the bottom so I should have three lines that are being projected and already set to construction then I can just deselect this construction and I can click online I can go from this line here at the top all the way down to the bottom here I can select that I can hit escape it says here one dimension needed I can run my dimension command from this line over here on the left hand side to the line I just created with a mask up I'll change this direction here all this distance there to 100 enter I can say finish sketch now I have the sketch sitting on top of this object like that what I'll do here is I'm just going to run a rope command so room and then inside here it's using the first mode so normal to sketch plane and the thickness here I'll set to something like five millimeters and that's in both directions left and right so symmetrically I'll say okay over here again I have something like this now the next thing I'll do here is I'm going to say start 2d sketch and I'll select this face here on the inside of select a space there on that rope we just created I'll press f7 to slice graphics and then I'll run my project geometry command again so project geometry then I'll set this to construction now what I'll do here is I'm going to project this face over here so that does face project then I'll hit escape now I'm just going to create a point over here so create a point anywhere inside here I hit escape after Craig this point here I want to constrain this point here horizontally to the midpoint of the circle line and vertically to the midpoint of this horizontal line over here so I can start off my I can start up my horizontal constraints from that point there to the midpoint of this line over here and I can add my vertical constraints from that point there to the midpoint of my horizontal line it says there on the bottom right fully constrain how can he escape then I'm going to hit finish sketch and I should have this just that one point inside there now I'm going to run the whole command to cut a hole on that point there and the size of this hole here I'll leave a ten millimeters as well the termination here I'll change that to to the termination - where is the terminating - I want the terminating on this back face over here I'm happy with that guy there I'll hit okay then the next one is DS here is I want to create so this will be my base component to my base part so what I'll do here is input my model browser it's got the name here so it's part 27 I haven't saved this yet and then below that because of solid bodies holder I'm going to expand the solid bodies folder I'll change this solid here this object here I'll change its name there with one single click on the name then another single click on the name I'll change the name here to base I'll click away now I'm going to say start 2d sketch I'll select this face here on the inside the one with the four four holes on it I'll select that face there I'll press f7 to slice graphics I am then going to project geometry the geometry of this hole over here and then I'm going to say circle I'll choose the center point of that circle I'll go out and this distance here this radius here I'm going to set something like ten millimeters enter then I can say finished sketch and then after doing that after saying that to ten millimeters I'm going to create myself a extrusion four hits extrusion extrude I want to extrude this profile here on the outside and the center profile there so get one set of the being extruded off of that and the distance for this are set to something like let's see let's make the sky five millimeters so extend I'll set that to five and before I hit okay over here I'm just going to make sure that this mode here is not sitting on join but it's sitting on this new solid I'll hit okay and by changing that to new solid the name over here in my solid bodies folder as I change to two with two different solids inside there so the base is one solid and then extrusion that's also one solid then the next thing I'll do here is I'm going to say start 2d sketch again but this time round I want to select the surface inside there that back face of this cylinder I can select it like that or if you having difficulty selecting that you can right click on your base and you can turn the visibility boss and all you'll see is this object here but just make sure you are selecting the back of that object also in the visibility of the solid back on I'll just say start 2d sketch and then I'll select that surface there and in this case I'm just going to say project geometry and I'll project this existing circle over there I'll hit escape send a sketch and then I should see that yellow projected line on the back of the surface here I can run my extrusion again so extrude is only one profile available this distance here I can fix you something like ten millimeters and I'll also make this a new solid with that option there I'll hit OK now that I've done that what I'll see you here is I'm just going to quickly use this combined feature over here so combined and the base components will be the front of that circle there and I'm combining this two so my tool body will be that object there at the back for us to select those two solids off inside my model browser I can leave that option adds join I can say okay now all that's left is just this one single solid body and this one single solid body there so my base and the followed two I'm going to rename the second solid here to connector enter so I'm just renaming that's the connector and then one of you here is I'm just going to say start 2d sketch again and I'll select the front face of that connector I'll press f7 to slice graphics going to rotate my V Cube here so it's orientated correctly and then I'm just going to set this guy here so inside the format tab I'll set that the construction then I'm going to click on this project geometry I'll select this edge over here just to project that edge I'll hit escape now I have a center point on this object I'm happy with that I'm just going to create a point over here so in the create panel click on point then I'll place those points anywhere over here just not on top of that circle there in the background then after doing that I'm just going to add a horizontal constraint between this point here and that center point over there I'll hit escape now I require one more dimension I'm just going to say dimension this point over here to the center point there then that spacing there I'll set something like let's make this five millimeters okay then we can hit finish sketch let me just click on the corner of my view cube over here rotate the front there we go now that I have that guy there I'm going to run another whole command so hold and now the size of this hole here I'm going to sit - let's make the sky three millimeters so three millimeters and then right now it's looking for determination I could say through all this will go through my entire party are ignoring the solid that space of the answers only going through this component and then determination here I'll say to distance and this distance here I'm going to say to 2.5 millimeters that's going to go in 2.5 millimeters and the drill point over here I'll set that C flat I'll hit OK and then after doing that I only have one hole here I want to have two holes another one on the side here so I'm just going to use this circular pattern so I can click on circular I can choose this hole here and then I'll select this option here to choose my rotation axis and the rotation axis will be that outside surface there I'm going to create six of those holes along here I just wanted to again along 360 degrees so I get that then I'll say okay now what I'll do over here is something really how to space over here I've created and the connector over here as well as this hole I'm just going to control s on my keyboard to save this pot and the sky I'll just call my base and connector the base and connector I can hit save over there and now the last thing I want to do here is I'm just going to go into my manage tab in the manage tab over here I'm going to hit this make components it's under the layout panel so make components I'll select this component here and that component there or I could just select them from my model browser so the base and the connector then over here is the off see what's my target assembly name I'll say base and connect to the other fine templates here remember you can click on the sheet over here to choose your templates button leave us as default target for the assembly I'm happy with the idea in structure I'm happy with that next then over here again I can choose the BRM structure for individual elements inside here how leave those as is of hits okay now this will send me into my assembly environment I can click on the corner of my video cube here I can see here is my base components and then here is my connector components I only have one of these guys here so what I'll do here is I'm just going to select those components this guy here is grounded it cannot move so I'm going to right click on that and I'm going to look through this menu here and I'm looking for this grounded option I'll deselect that this now allows me to move this components out and place it at a different location so now that I've taken that component after that hole there I'm going to double click on this component this is going to send me back into the parks environment or my ICT environment and what I'll do here is I want to create two points on this object so I'm going to go into this point option here in the drop down for that arrow pointing down then I'm looking for center point of the loop of edges I'll select that and it's going to look for this loop of edges here I'll click it creates that point there I hit spacebar on my keyboard I click on that loop of edges there again and that generates my two points then the next thing I want to do here is I also want to create some points sitting offset from the surface ten millimeters so in order for me to create a point ten millimeters away from the surface here I'm going to have to run this axis over here under my word features panel I'll select axis the axis I'm looking for is the center of this face over here or I'm going to drop down here and I can look through the different options here so through Revolt face or feature would be that option there I'll select that surface there now get this axis running through this object now the next analogy here is I'm going to create a plane and this plane here will be on the space here I'm going to left-click and drag to create an offset plane and that distance there will be ten millimeters enter that offset playing the same as clicking on the drop down here and looking for offset plane which would be the first option there now that I have these this axis here and that plane there I'm going to use my points again and I'll select where I want to create a point where this plane intersects this axis over here then you'll see inside here generate three point four I'm just need undo here just so you can see I could also click on the drop down and I could say intersection of plane / surface and line the same option there looking for a line and a plane now that I have that I'm just going to hide this plane and this axis here those are my third work points I got my first work point my second one and my third one the third work point here has consumed that axis and this plane so hold ctrl to select both of those I'll right-click and I'll turn off the visibility now I just have a point setting 10 millimeters away from the face over there now what I want to be here is I want to create a pen over here under this harness tab if you don't see that harness tab over there you can right click on your ribbon and then inside here you can say show panels and then inside there they should be this harness option you can turn that on see right click show panels you look for harness you can turn an option on now you'll see over here it's got pen and group and properties I'm just looking for this pulling over here I'll select pen I'll choose this point here that we must pin one I can say okay then I can select that point over there this will become my pin - I'll say ok then I'll hit escape I only want to have two pins the first pin and the second thing the third point over here that's floating out there I'll leave that as is and I'm just going to delete my work point one and my work point - hitting delete on my keyboard just to get rid of those now I should have work point three pen one and come - I can hit ctrl s to save this part I'll say okay then I can hit return now this sends me back into my assembly now what I want to do here is I'm going to drag in only up one of these connectors I want to drag in eight of the connectors to go into one two three four one two three four so these four holes over here so I'm going to click and drag on this connector bring that into my V ports let's go left-click on the connector drag that into my viewports let go I want to create eight of those five six seven and eight now that I've created all eight of those guys there these were claims here are getting in my way I don't want to see these word features here anymore so what I'll do is I'm going to go into my View tab so the View tab will be here I'm going to go to this object visibility on the left hand side of my screen and I'm just going to turn off my user work axes and my user work planes now all I can see are just my work points that I've created on these parts here I'm happy with that all I need to do now is I need to constrain or each of these objects here to these holes we're going to go back to my assemble tab I can click on constrain shortcut C on your keyboard and here I've got my different constraint types I'm looking for this insert constraint and with that insert constraint active I'm going to select this back edge of the circle so we're that cylinder meet the cylinder and I'll place it on that edge over there I can hit apply then I'll select that edge and this edge over here and that's going to continue doing that for all these odds apply that edge and this edge apply that edge and this edge here apply that it there and this edge over here apply that edge and this edge apply that edge and then it's there apply this edge and this edge here then I can say okay now that I've done that I can see I have those points there and in these points on the side here I'll hit ctrl s to save my assembly I'll hit OK over here and what I can do here just to make my life a little bit easier is that it selects that first object there then holding ctrl I'll select this object here I could change the appearance here on the top left to something like Mitsy smooth red and I could select this components hold ctrl select that guy there change that to something like smooth I guess yellow in that component there this component here I changed its appearance or something like smooth purple in that component there and this component here I'll change that to something like I don't know pink now they're all for those connectors I can control F to save this again and now what I'm going to do here is I want to move over to this environment tab over here to the environments tab and then again if you guys have to convince professional you will see in this cable the hardest environment if you not you'll need to upgrade to professional ok but here we're looking for this cable and harness I'll select that and then over here is going to ask me ok create cable and harness and then the harness name for this guy so here is going to be base connector dot hardness one I could change a name there if I wanted to and the location for this but I'm leaving that as default I'll just hit OK now this will send me into my cable and harness environment so I can see this tab over here is my cable and harness now what I could do here as before I start creating my wires in my segment is I'm going to look at this library option over here under this manage so library at inside library I can see over here it's using wires looking for wires I can go to cable I could go to label loom miscellaneous plugs all of these guys here ribbon so on and so on it's still a whole bunch of different types of year I'll go back to the wire and inside the wire I got alpha I got Belden I got gxl of a generic I got stripped and of a default library wire if I want to create my own standards or new wires I can click on this button over here that's a new button after hitting new I could give this a name so I don't know maybe I want to create a red wire so Rd and make that guy there Rd and in the category here way to want to save this into do want to save this into alpha Belden or generic I don't know select generic over here then the part number I have to change this to something like I don't know mmm there are 1 Rd little going appearance over here I have to change it as well I can click on this drop down and maybe some stuff of that name there as read a mother will make the sky here parade as well talking it's our my keyboard in that drop-down since we'd read the colored pins there then under the physical tab over here I can change the outer diameter of my wire I can change the course size inside UFO wants to knuckle also change the gauge of the Sawada here if I wanted to and almost have a bed radius here so what is the minimum Bend radius this wire can go through and I could save that save and that's going to put that under my generic folder there and it's going to be called already for it okay that's how basically you create your own wires but there are still wires inside here select sighs it also I can expand that alpha I can see this black this three zero four seven black got the name there the part number the category the Piron sia glossy black the gauge and the outer diameter with a whole bunch of different options inside here but you guys can look through and if you do want to edit an existing standard you can click on this button here this edit button now this will allow you to change the standards of these but I'm going to need them as default and I'm just going to close this guy here I'll close that window there now what I can do here is I actually want to add wires to each one of these components here so red - red yellow - yellow purple the purple and pink - pink so how I can do that is I can go over to the left hand side here but this creates panel today we will only be creating wires and will only be creating segments and will also be going through this route option here as well so I'll click on this create wire and then over here I can give them a wire and name so the wire ID I could call this wire ID here if I guess I pull this guy here red connector or red connecting wire then inside here it's looking for where what's added am I using I can use I guess all users bolded I'll go into the drop down here and I'll create a red wire this nine nine one six red I'll select that I can see the properties here if I wanted to I could see there the name the category the appearance the gauge and so on and so on I can it's okay and now what it's looking for is the first pin and the second pin we created these pins here on these parts earlier so I can select that pin over there and I can go to this pin here but if I hover over this point here I cannot click on that point it will not let me have to go to a pin that's why first enabled that harness after connecting that point there and this point here I can hit apply then I'll select my yellow connector the first hold there apply purple connector apply the pink connector apply now I'm going to change this this name over here I'll change that guide to something like let's say blue so the scrolled up of it and then blue over here to nine nine one six blue I'll select that I'll go from that point there to that point there applying that points and this point here apply that point there that point there apply and then finally pink the pink right click apply now that I have all of those I'm just going to close this create wire window now all these wires here they are all just previewed so just a straight line going across I could select all of them using ctrl to select all my wires I could then right click and then off the right clicking I can say display as rendered if I turn on this display as rendered it's going to actually generate some physical geometry between those wires there well between those points of the den or I could just select those guys again and I could right-click turn off this display as rendered and what I'm seeing here is a preview now the next I can do here is I want to create segments because all these y is here just going straight to those connectors so I'm going to create a segment to house my wires so the left-hand side here I have this create segment option I'll select that then what I'll do here is I'm going to be selecting that point over here in front of my red connector so that point over there in front of my other red connector that's going to create one segment going across there I can then right-click I can say continue for my next segment I can choose that point over there in front of my yellow connector I'm not going to go straight across to this part here but what I will be doing is I'm going to hover over this hole I've created so on that rib there I'll hover over that edge I'll see a green point I can select that edge that's in the creative segment going straight to the center of that circle circular edge there I can right-click I can say continue I can then select just yellow point there to that point there I can right click continue that yellow point there to that edge over there I can right click continue now that I'm all of these segments here going toward this hole here I could choose that point there where they all ending on I could go over to this edge over here select that then I can right click continue now it's going to create that smallest inside there then my next segment will be from that point there again anywhere on the surface so I consider the small offset coming off that surface they're just like our tube and pipe environment I can still right-click and I can say it is opposite and this will fit you I could take something like 20 millimeters okay now when I hover over the surface here it's create an offset of 20 millimeters then maybe it has some objects you had like I would have liked to avoid that just hover over the surface here I could click on this point here macro straight across or I could place this here somewhere else and then over here it's just abiding by that band radius I'm just going to press undo here undo undo I'm going to create my signature again from that point there I can right-click I can play edit offset offset that offset distance to 20 I can say okay now for the signature I'm just going to place this anywhere over here on that surface now that I have that there let's say my first segment I want to go to that point there and I can right click continue from this point here to that point there right click continue that point there to this point over here right click continue and that creates those segments there I could then right-click again and I could say finish so now I have one segment there three slick segments on the inside then another segment on the ends of this hole then one on the outside one there one there and one there so what I can do here is I want to have my wires running through these segments so I can use this route option so I can select this route button there I can select my wires for the red wire and the blue wire where is it going to I do another starting segment and I don't have an ending segment I only have one single segment so I'll turn on that option there and I enter then I can just click on this first segment to observe make sure that's active and I can select my segment here then I can hit OK now these wires here run into those segments and then again I'll do the same thing to these objects here so I can say routes I can select my wires this Y over here then I can say the first segment this wires going into so these two wires here for the yellow connectors is going to be the segment down and the last segment segment they're going into is the segment over here apply this Y then runs through there goes into the corresponding segments and then comes out that side there then again I can select my wires to the purple wires this time here I can say first segment this segment here last segments will be this segment over there apply again it's automatically running through all the segments the last guy here for the pink object doesn't see my first segment segment is this guy here and my last segment is the sky over here then I can hit OK now what you'll notice is these wires here while this segment here is relatively small so are these segments here but where these three segments run into another segment there it's going to increase in radius because of the size of my wires we're going to my library I'm going to Bolden and I look at this blue wire here I can see that outer diameter is two point three three seven millimeters to that size they will increase from those wires and then if I wanted to over here I wanted to see my rendered wires another way I could do that is just instead of me having to select every single wire and manually I could then go under this display here I can say render display and then over here I can see my wires these wires running into that guy there those wires running into this guy earthwise into there and so on and so on going into those different segments now the next thing you can look at over here is hard to unroot wires so the unrep them is as simple as clicking numbers under each button here I can either choose individual wires so this wire here and this wire here and I could hit all segments as well so wherever these wires go just under it them across all my segments apply that Texas wine out or I can just say all wires and all segments and after hits okay over here that removes all my wires from all the segments and then another nice option is I could also run this automatic routes over here I can instead of me choosing my individual wires I can just say all unrooted wires I can hit okay an automat and then inventor's going to start thinking and then it's automatically routing all my wires so these wires here will go to the closest segment those wise their go to their closest segments and so on and so on and that runs that automatic routes and now the next thing up in - here is I can click on nail board over here this will show me my nail board will generate a nail board view for this object so I can select that nail board I can select standard IDW I can hit okay then let's all pull in my nail board for these wires I'm not too happy with the size here so I'm just gonna get to finish sketch here because it always sends into the sketch environment if you want to do edit such as maybe you want to change the angle for these lives here or you want them somewhere select that's wire or that point there I can right click or I can just move these points around to wherever are once and maybe I'm unhappy with the angle of now created just going to select this here and I'm going to say fan in or fan out so all I did here was just select that point there right click I can choose whether it's signing in or I can select that point there fan out so I can choose an angle that they finding out by so 90 degrees or 20 degrees and so on and so on I can it's okay the now these objects here a fan out by 90 degrees I can verify this by using something like dimension that point there to this point here to that point over there I can see that's 90 degrees and any otherwise here it's about 4 wires can be distributed along that 90 degrees then I'm just going to say finished sketch over here and I'm not too happy with the scale of this nail board view here Arkansas after saying for the sketch I can sort of hover over the edge of this click and drag to move this around or I can then now double click on the edge of this nail board and I can change the scale down to something like maybe I want this point 6 60% of with current size enter now that fits into my sheets a lot better now that I have that what I could then do is maybe I actually want to add some dimensions I want to see how long is the segment here how long is that segment there what is this line or what is this wire here made out of what is its gauge what is its name and so on and so on so they get that kind of information I don't have to hit this edit button over here go send you into an L board tab cause right here love baseball place views now setup is now board tab there inside that nail board I could select edit and then I can just move myself from sketch instead of saying finish sketchy I'm just gonna go straight into this nail board tab here and then over here I'll have my harness dimension and then over here I can say from that point there to this point here what does that dimension I can click the place down from that point there to this point here what is that dimension and then another thing I could do inside here is maybe I want to see the properties of specific wires segments cables and so on but notice the property display the objects what's doing to display maybe I want to see this wire here with that wire bear and this wire here I want to see maybe their class or maybe I want to see their color core size gauge links so on and so on yr ID but in this case yeah I'm just going to say maybe I just want to see my color and for me that would be it for now I just want to see the color and then the value here I can either see just the color value or I can see the name and the than you for color and you can still go in and select multiple categories by holding ctrl but in this case yeah I just want the color for now I'll say okay then this wire here that's where it begins and this is where it ends so I can place that down over here then I can see here the color is dark blue for that guy there and the color for this segment here is red I'm happy with that I can source a property display I want I want to display the properties of those segments here and I can see maybe I want to see the diameter for that segments and I want to see the length for that segment then I can say okay and I can place that there it's not to see here's my gonna Berta and then here is my length and so on and so on once I'm happy with that I can say finish sketch and that gives me my object over here and that is basically it's for the cable and harness environment
Views: 32,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inventor Cable and harness, inventor, autodesk inventor, autodesk invetor training, training, cad wiring, autocad, autodesk, inventor ELECTRICAL, cable and harness, HOW TO USE INVENTOR CABLE AND HARNESS, HOW TO USE INVENTOR, basic introduction to inventor, basic introduction to cable and harness, professional inventor tutorial
Id: -wawp4Zq8bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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