Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library - Workflow Tutorial

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hello my name is jordis and I'm the creator of the auto Rick Pro rig Library I'm a game animator from Amsterdam the Netherlands and today I'd like to show you the workflow for creating your own rigs using the auto rate Pro rake Library uh first things first it's important to note that the other rig Pro rig library is built exclusively for the auto Rick Pro add-on so you need to have bought this first for the rick library to work it won't work on any other rigging systems for blender cool um so today we'll be creating a rig for this T-Rex model and the first thing we need to do is select one of the 24 pre-made rigs the best matches your model in this case for our T-Rex model it would be the LSR rig there you have it okay so let's rename the rig right now it's called lsor but uh just for cleanliness let's just rename it to T-Rex there you have it uh it's also good to note that the auto Rick Pro rig Library comes in two versions there's a version uh with just the 24 pre-made rakes but there's also a version with also the 24 uh rigs but each of those rigs also comes with uh with at least one Locomotion animation for example for this LSR rig when we go to the action editor you see this default action which basically just depots but you also see this walk cycle which is pretty nice uh cool uh I always like to check the fake user icon I like to do this for all the animations also for the default one just to make sure that when a close-off blender and start back up again I I wouldn't have lost my animations it's just a safety measure I'd like to do cool The Next Step will be to scale the rig to the size of our model so let's go to object mode and here you already see the reason why I've included a black mesh with every rig it's it's a reference for the size of the rig which makes it easier to scale your rig to the size of your model um but it all but it's also helpful to get an idea of the placement of the bones uh could help you place the bones within your own model looking at how the ball is replaced within a black mesh cool let's just go back to object mode and let's scale it roughly roughly to the size of the T-Rex cool uh okay so the next thing we need to do is press match to break in the Arabic Pro add-on so let's do that and we get this message if you're scaling a rig that doesn't contain any animation you won't be getting this message but in our case we're scaling a rig that contains two animation animations it has this default animation and also a walk cycle so in that situation we're getting this question from Auto Rick Pro whether we want to compensate the scale and the current actions to preserve the animation which basically means that it it's making sure that the animations are still work working correctly in the new scale from from the rig so of course we select yes and we select for which actions we want the scale to be compensated and we want it for both press ok let's just make sure it's working so turn on the walk cycle let's have a look and the walk cycle is still playing correctly in the new scale of the rig so that's nice cool let's go back to the default animation and into object mode okay The Next Step would be to place or to adjust the bone setup of the rig uh you can just delete the the block mesh it was just there for reference but it's it's there's no harm in just deleting it so uh let's just select the rig and have a look at the bone setup there's two things when I look at this bone setup that need to be adjusted in order to fit the T-Rex mesh and that is the amount of bones in the tail we can do with a lot less and it's also uh the fingers there's three fingers but this T-Rex only only got two so we can adjust that as well cool so let me just select one of the tail bones go to limp options in the other Pro add-on you can see the deal has nine bones I think five would be enough for the T-Rex okay let's now select that Palm bone go to limb hop limp options and you can see that the hand has got a thumb a middle bone and a pinky bone we don't need the thumb same for the other hand we don't need the top cool so that's the bone setup The Next Step would be to place the bones within our model um I'd like to I like to have the X mirror setting on so if I adjust one of the bones it also gets adjusted on the other side just uh to speed up the placement of the box I'm also going to speed up this part of the video because I can imagine it's quite boring when just watching me place all the balls within this mess so uh let's go [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign okay so I've roughly placed the bones within the model it's not perfect but uh just for the sake of of quickness for this video I've I've placed them in good enough I would say so the next step would be to bind the rig to the model so let's first go back into the rig mode clicking match to rake any auto Rick Pro add-on I'll make sure I can select the mesh T-Rex I shift select the rig I go in to the skin tab of the Arabic Pro add-on and I click bind that takes some time but not yeah so now it should be skinned let's just have a look let's go into pose mode Let's see if it reacts cool so yeah it's it's skin let's have a look at the walk cycle animation we'll probably need to do some adjustments to make it look alright but at least we have a starting point so as you can see yeah what's the starting point well we'll need to adjust the the steps and the position of the arms I would say but overall it's a good point to to have at least it's faster than creating a walk cycle from sketch I would say and it's close enough already cool so let's do that let's just adjust the animation let's go into the graph editor uh a bit more room ah and here we can see that we get a bunch of errors and that's nothing to worry about these are from the channels of the bones that we've deleted so if you can still remember we've adjusted the amount of bones in the tail for example and we've removed the thumb bones right so those bones no longer exist but they had some animation on them before so that's why we're getting this error um so a simple thing to do is just as you can see it's all the tailbone and thumb bones just select all these channels that give an error uh just press a so you have them all selected right so press it press a and just hit delete no worries uh it were channels that are no longer there because the bones are no longer there yeah sorry I was just looking why I couldn't see my channels again I just switched back out in and out again straight to the action editor there and back to the graph editor and now I see my channels again on the left side I just like to work with those so cool sorry um so uh first off let's adjust this step size because he's taking two big steps for yeah so let's just adjust that so T-Rex yeah and this should be a linear line here when when uh the foot is on the ground it should be linear as you probably know let me also just adjust the location so it's a bit more closer to the ground okay let's do let's also adjust the other foot so it doesn't go to bed back too far go could probably use a bit more tweaking but at least the steps are looking a bit better okay now let's also adjust the arms because he's uh looking like a fancy T-Rex I would say with his arms up like this but let's just uh adjust the position of those arms I think that's in the rotate X okay cool so let's just just that I think we can also do so a bit in the Z rotation and in the Y as well just to make it look a bit more natural right is better suit also for the other arm up um okay set rotation I would say oh don't have to Twin the arms exactly which is nice makes it look a bit more natural cool of course there's a lot more stuff we can tweak still don't like the legs let me let me just do a little bit more to the legs I don't like how that's going the ankle is collapsing in way too much yeah over there so let's just not do that I was the same for the other foot yeah better cool okay uh yeah there's still a lot more I could tweak about this uh walk cycle but to be honest in just a few minutes we have a pretty decent looking walk cycle for a T-Rex so we've rigged it and we'll and well we sort of already animated it so um yeah I hope this was helpful um this is the way how I use the Rick Library um and if you've got any questions you can always contact me uh to have a look at the blender Market page for the auto rickbro Rick Library uh but thank you so much for uh for taking the time to have a look at this demonstration cheers
Channel: Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library
Views: 2,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto rig pro, auto-rig pro, autorig pro, rig library, auto-rig pro rig library, auto rig pro rig library, autorig pro rig library
Id: UyEkn62t5ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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