Authors I Want to Prioritize

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[Music] hey guys it's sarah and today i wanted to talk about some authors that i really want to start making a priority in my reading life so i do this thing where i like to find an author that i enjoy and then uh you know i'll read one book by them that i like and then i'm like i need to read all the books that they ever wrote ever and i start collecting them and then i don't read them all so i have some authors on this list that i think most of these i have read from there's one that i haven't yet but i want to read from that author so i put her on their list because i i own multiple books by this author so i just i need to make her a priority as well but everyone else i have read at least one book from and i want to read more definitely so i do have a stack of books here that i'm going to show you one book from each author and this is kind of the next book that i would like to pick up by them if you will um so we're gonna go that way okay so the first one is nicolas sparks and this is an author that i read him a very long time ago um like way before like before caleb was born she's 13. so there we go um but i read the notebook i read the wedding i read nights and row dance and i really really enjoyed them but then i just kind of didn't pick anything else up by him at all until i picked up safe haven a couple of years ago and i loved it and that was the one where i was like i just need to give him another shot i think and that ended up being a five-star read and my thing with nicholas sparks is that i i think i kind of shied away from him for a while because i felt like are all these gonna start feeling the same um you know it seems like he pumps up books so quickly and i'm like do they even have any thought to them it was just kind of one of those things and but when i read safe haven i was like oh no he goes different places like you know that's nothing like the notebook and that's nothing like nights and row dance so to me i think he does give a different feeling for each one of his books so that caused me to really go okay no i need to give him another shot i need to actually get into some more of his books and um so i i would pick up lucky one the lucky one next i think because i believe this has a military theme to it so um this would probably be the next one and any excuse to have zac efron in my head because he plays in the movie any excuse for that okay my next one is diane chamberlain and she wrote the dream daughter which was my favorite book of 2020 that was my favorite book of the year and i have quite a few of her books now because i've collected some i have read two of them so far um including my favorite of last year and i just want to read more from her i definitely do um i would pick up this one next the stolen marriage because i did a try a chapter tag for this book a couple of months ago and i really enjoyed the first chapter so this would probably be the one that i pick up next of all the ones that i own but i definitely want to read more from her i like the way that she writes i like the way that she tells stories and um i just want to get into more for them okay so this is the author that i haven't read anything from yet but i have i think four of her books that's megan miranda if i picked one up right now it would be all the missing girls this seems to be her most popular uh this one is i believe told backwards as well which i think is very very interesting um and that's something that's very unique about this but it does follow um girls that go missing all from the same area but yeah i just i want to read megan miranda i've heard good things about her writing and i just want to give her a try and see if she's an author that i could really get lost in with some of her work and again i have like four of her books so i need to give her a try and we need to talk about brandon sanderson i really really want to get just completely lost in his books now i'm holding up mistborn or this is actually the final empire which is the first book in the mistborn series i have read this book this one i've read book one um but i want to reread this and then binge the trilogy of mistborn um i loved this book when i read it i mean and it's been a couple of years since i read it so i really feel like every read would do me some good if i wanted to continue with the series which i definitely do um but i know that if i reread this it would be very very enjoyable for me but he writes just such epic fantasy that is so easy to follow it's not over your head it's not complicated well it's complicated but the way that he writes it you understand it so it is complicated like this magic system you know there's different elements and different aspects to it and different ways that it can come about but the way he writes it i got it so if i can get it a lot of other people can and i just love his writing and then i just keep hearing the best things about all of this series and i want to read all of his stuff um so he's definitely one that i want to read more from because i just want to start really getting lost in his series and lost in the world of him and this would definitely be the one that i would pick up because i want to reread this and then keep going so yeah okay so more fantasy but a little a little different is jennifer l armentrout i want to read more from her i only read one book of hers and that was the first book in the lux series which is more sci-fi than fantasy that's like an alien type thing but i really enjoyed it it was definitely kind of a guilty pleasure type thing it wasn't like amazing it was very teen angsty but i really had a great time reading it uh this one is definitely i believe more adult um and i want to i want to read this one from blood and ash big time this has been all over booktube i mean all over booktube in the past year and i believe book three is coming out soon so this is book one book two is out book three is coming soon i believe she's writing book for it so she's turning these out like and these are not small books you guys i don't know how i don't know how she does it it's insane and apparently it's really good so um yeah but i definitely want to read more from her i think she's just fun her stuff is fun to read it's not going to be anything super complicated or you know deep it's just going to be a fun time and sometimes that's really just what you need and my last author i definitely want to start making more of a priority is stephen king i really really want to read more stephen king i have read let's see which stephen king books have i read because i get asked that a lot i have read it what i read misery loved i have read pet cemetery loved like all three of those were five star reads um i read 11 22 63 which i gave four stars when i read it but that's when i want to reread because i feel like if i reread it now i would give it a higher rating um and then i read gerald's game which i didn't like at all i gave that two stars but i want to read more from him so badly and you know if i picked one up right now i'd probably pick up the green mile because i have seen this movie which was so good um and this was like a serialized um like series when it came out but this is this is all of it together um so i would probably pick up the green mile if i picked anything up right this second but yeah i just i really really want to read more from him because i really like the way that he writes it gets weird sometimes and i'm totally okay with that his endings are fantastic though he can write a great ending to a book let me tell you okay guys those are just some of the authors that i want to start making more of a priority in my reading life those are authors i want more from i have more from and i just need to start picking them up off my shelf and there's definitely more authors on this list for sure those are just kind of when i was sitting down to focus those were the ones that kind of popped into my mind immediately so i went ahead and went with those but i could definitely you know there's more on my shelves obviously that i want to read more from and yeah so let me know who are some of the authors that you want to read more from so who have you read that you know you get along with their writing and you want more stories from them let me know if there's authors that you have collected some of their books but you haven't tried any of them out yet let me know that too because that's the case with me and megan miranda let me know who your authors are that you would like to prioritize i want to know and yeah okay i will see you guys again soon hope you have a great day bye
Channel: Sarah's Nightstand
Views: 1,418
Rating: 4.9793816 out of 5
Keywords: BookTube, Books
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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