Author says Hillary Clinton is 'two different people'

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welcome back to Hannity as we continue now with former Secret Service Officer Gary Byrne is an explosive new book crisis of character you didn't finish the story about the vase because that morning he came down after that vase was broken and he had a black eye that like a big black eye sure sure so after the the incident when he came the next time I saw him in the Oval Office he had a mark under his eye he could see they were trying to hide it with makeup and when I won't work obviously not ya know I'll know had I walked into the secretary's office and I I said the what happened to the president has got a mark under his eye and his assistant Nancy Ehrenreich said oh that's uh he's allergic to coffee and I said under one eye I don't understand that yeah that doesn't make sense right but there was really a crisis the Secret Service had to decide whether or not his own wife was a physical threat to the president right I think the issue was that it was a concern we I meant I've discussed it with other officers at the time and agents what do you do about a domestic dispute what if what if the parent what was the answer each situation is different you know you have to protect the president to protect a and you have to protect the the first lady but you know if he gets caught with some woman and she goes ballistic then what happens to you would the door you're like the doorkeeper pretty much you were the guy in front of oval office door if somebody got in to see the president they had to go through you pretty much okay me or the other there were six officers how often would you know that that person was there for another reason to be with the president in a romantic way so the way it worked would be like if I came up and relieved somebody on post the officer that I'm relieving is gonna say hey you know he's in there with Lewinsky or whoever and you know they haven't been in there a while just a heads-up so it wasn't like we were cops it's gossip and you have to pass this stuff on I don't want to blindside your coworker so you always pass this information on and and we were concerned I mean what if she did catch the president in a compromising situation but you had a plan for that you if wherever Hillary was you guys were communicating if she was headed down and then you'd have to go warn him well I never actually warned them but yes that was the plan like yeah that was a plan you have a plan in place basically yes I mean that's all right let me play I pointed out on this program and on my radio program that she's often angry yeah somebody you're describing with a volcanic temper yes let's play some Hillary and I also think we'd be a lot better off if we actually talked to each other instead of yelling at each other I think it's time we treated everybody in this country with respect with kindness with love I know we can create more good-paying jobs and raise incomes for hardworking Americans again I know that we can finish the job of universal health care coverage I know we can combat climate change and be the clean energy superpower of the 21st century I know we can make college affordable and get student debt off the backs of young people she does seem angry a lot right and you're saying behind closed doors when nobody's looking she's that angry person always portal mostly or distant cold what I've been looking at there Sean doesn't concern me too much that's her being a politician the kind of anger I'm talking about is where she just almost can't even complete a sentence she starts yelling and screaming and cussing you know I talked in the book house by the way this treating people in their tradition sure all the time you yes the uniformed Division Officers agents so this is like a describing of you're describing a phony fake fraudulent human being absolutely all right let me give you an example this is Hillary you know saying she remembers landing under sniper fire when she went to Bosnia this is what she said I remember landing under sniper fire there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base great image-making but here's the problem we I have the real video and this is it this is Hillary arriving not under sniper fire but she walks up to a group of young girls who give her flowers and give her gifts that's not exactly sniper fire so is that the person you're trying to warn America about yes explain she in other words she's she sits with an interview with Bill you think they're the happiest couple together light goes off she hates him right I don't know if she hates him or not but but I will tell you that the example you just showed there is the perfect example of anybody that worked around them in the Secret Service when they saw that they knew fled they start laughing their faces off because they knew that was a flat-out lie now I wasn't on that mission but I talked to the guys at work and the only thing that the military had them do is sit on their flak Vestas they were getting close to the ground which is standard procedure and those but when when she made the claim that they were under sniper fire I knew it was a lie I want to go back to where we started you feel compelled to do this I do you never signed a non-disclosure you have the right to some people wish he didn't do it because the position you're in now guys do have to sign non-disclosure hey Janine I believe 2004 okay what is it the final question what do you want people to know what you saw in their years as president well first thing I'd like to know is I'm not comfortable about talking about this but I've I feel so strongly that people need to know the real Hillary Clinton and and how dangerous she is in her behavior she is not a leader she is not a least it doesn't have the temperament I have the temperament she didn't have the temperament to to handle the social office in when she was first lady she does not have the temperature he's dishonest she's dishonest she bitch'll eli's anybody that you know can separate themselves from their politics and and and review her behavior over the last you're gonna be to you this being political absolutely I'm sure I will be I have been already and it was no answer it's not it's got nothing to do with politics it's a real country it is love of country and I hope some day that it does make a difference I mean if mrs. Clinton ends up being the president United States then then she's our president and she's the commander in chief and it is what it is but if she did become the president without me speaking the truth I'm not sure I could I could deal with that people need to know this is serious and and her behavior is appalling is she's two different people all right Gary Bern thank you for being with us appreciate you talk you so much thanks for telling your story
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,659,093
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Keywords: Sean Hannity, Hannity, Elections, Democrats, Presidential, Scandals, On Air, Personality, Politics, Primary Politics, Fox News, News
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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