Former Secret Service officer calls Clinton a 'dictator'

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welcome to Hannity and tonight his highly anticipated tell-all should be making the Clinton campaign very nervous tonight in his brand-new book crisis of character a White House Secret Service Officer discloses his first-hand experience with Hillary bill and how they operate Gary Byrne details what the Clintons are like far away from the public eye now is a lot to share so let's get things started joining us now in an exclusive is former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne how are you good to see you sir thank you so you wanted to be a Secret Service Officer your whole life I did everything and you got that idea but a job right in front of the Oval all I did it came true yeah it was great pretty amazing I know that the left is going to smear slander besmirch are you ready for that right sure I am and it's already started it's already started before the book comes out I love how they smear you before they even know what you wrote um you I'm going to start at the end of the book could you talk about why you wrote this book you said what I learned from the Clintons firsthand the hard way is important in 2016 she's running again and you felt compelled to tell the story because you because why let me ask that because I want the people I want the Americans to know what the real Clinton administration is like mrs. Clinton is not a leader she's a very very angry person all the time she's I've seen many instances that I talk about in my book questions a character where she displays this holier-than-thou attitude do as I say not as I do she's a dictator she comes across as a dictator I've seen a great many people and myself included and I've never seen any example that would lead me to believe that she could leave this country you know you described a woman that is very phony in other words you talk about how she tell you to go to hell or tell another agent to go plank himself and how she threw a Bible at it at a Secret Service officer or agent a jester okay and the vase story which we'll get to in a minute right but if the cameras were on she was close to bill but it was manufactured it was not real absolutely camera goes off different person yeah and if she had guessed she'd say oh he's my favorite Secret Service guy sure sure did that to me one time when she berated me about an hour before over something and then entered extry to this tour from Arkansas a group of people that were getting a special tour and told them what a wonderful I was her favorite officer and patted me on the back and almost to the point where like I almost believed her but I knew what the truth was yeah I'd seen this behavior before you said and with Hillary Clinton's latest rise I realized her own leadership style volcanic impulsive enabled by sycophants disdainful of the rules set for everyone else has not changed a bit a lot has been made about temperament and the temperament of a president yes you're describing someone by far that does not have control of her emotions or temperament yeah she has she exhibits some very dangerous behavior as I would describe it she gets angry at things that that that her policy issues that you know take time to fix and she she's got this attitude where she wants things fixed right now immediately she screams and yells at people and there's procedures you know government is government is very bogged down with rules and regulations and and so yeah there's many examples that I cite in my book where she blows up to people like I said she's blown up on me before and agents and her staff at one time I saw her staff so afraid to tell her about a mistake that was made they weren't upset about the waste of the mistake ordered in the wrong invitations they were terrified that someone who's gonna have to tell Hillary Clinton that there was a mistake made oh by the way you're not the only one to say this George Stephanopoulos he was scribed her as had horrible temper Dede there's is another person and you even quoted George I know in the book yes and then you write though portrayed as a long-suffering spouse of an unfaithful husbands whose infidelities I personally observed and we'll get to that in a minute or and no to be true she was anything but a sympathetic victim correct she their relationship was so seem so strange and volatile at times and she she would continuously berate people as I mentioned before but she was like two different people again she would be polite and nice to everybody when the cameras were on then when they were off she was just cold distant seconds later just almost instantly I mean that's what I've experienced quite a few times yeah right you tell a couple of stories and I think their audience would want to hear them one story is the vase story sure the other story is the blue glove story right I think they give some insight into what you saw on a regular basis sure so the the vase story is I came in one morning to go to work early came and work out and then as I headed over the post I ran into house residents workers that were going home and they said oh you better go over and see your buddy we had a problem last night so I went over to the mansion post on the ground floor and I said what's going on and heard something happened they said them mister mrs. Clinton had had this horrendous fight it was so loud that the staff people on the ground had walked away you know from the elevator shaft the sound was coming down and then they heard a crash and then when it was investigated they saw a broken base on the floor now this has been reported to be not true and they reported it that a lamp was thrown a lamp wasn't thrown a vase was now the the base grows on one side of the room right and broken on the other side of the room right the vase was sat on a long long table rhizoma and so it didn't leave off I doubt it yeah so it looked like it had been launched and it was shattered and the way and then the reason I know this is true is because when I heard the story after I heard it having worked at the White House and now know how the White House works I knew if something like that happened where the where the debris would be so I walked down to the curators office and looked inside the curators office and there was a cardboard box with the blue and blue mostly blue and some white on behalf so I knew it was true yeah tell a story about the blue glove so the blue gov incident is talking about like medical gloves right right the uniformed Division Officers were required to wear these gloves and everybody yeah when you're searching people and congressman Barney Frank came in with some representatives and as they were putting the gloves on and Congressman Frank asked why they were wearing the gloves and he said the officer said you know why do you think and and so they felt like the the for division was single you know being rude to them so when they got into the mansion they they started complaining about it and when it got to mrs. Clinton she pretty much came unglued I actually got phone calls from my co-workers over there told me the story and said she was on her way over in the Oval Office that she was furious you you told that it ended up that she literally went down to the Oval Office to see Bill Clinton yes wanting all the agents fired all those uniformed division off all the uniformed envision officers fired yes they were always against us from the beginning they had worked for former President George HW Bush she was paranoid about us and and for no reason we I know it sounds silly for me to say this now because I'm talking about it but we are we're incredibly loyal to them and many times as I detailed in my book crisis of character I I tried to help them I tried to do the right thing for him and hide some of this stuff but it just you couldn't help them it's this perpetual scandal one after the other it's like you can't help them help themselves yeah and this temper issue of hers was not uncommon this was a regular you describe somebody that has almost on a daily basis sure I may be a daily basis not so much but certainly a lot I saw it so much I became numb delayed almost and I always go back to what I was told by a sheriff from Arkansas one time and we were debating whether they would get elected this is before they started running I was down there on a protection detail for former President George Herbert Walker Bush and the guy said let me tell you something about these people Gary I've known him for years everything you hear about him is true and if they run for office they'll get elected and they'll be there for eight years yeah and and he and he wasn't just I mean he was serious as a heart attack he almost looked right through me he knew these people you know well yeah so it's just they're the same thing that we heard about in Arkansas all these rumors it became true at the White House and would these fights be something common knowledge everybody knew there was a lot of fighting cuz look I know you're pretty good job of hiding it we helped them hide that you know that's our job and say you'll help them also hide his infidelity well yeah I did I mean I did I at one time when the Navy Stewart came and was complaining to me nearly all office that he had found these towels that were staying with lipstick and other in some fluid fluids that he was concerned and that he was tired of cleaning up after the president's affair and in two particular cases I actually her one particular case actually took the towels from Shaunie and put him in a plastic bag and I just want to get back to that in a second you describe her as dangerous abusive and paranoid yes yes one of the first things when they first came to the White House about two years before they got there the Bush administration put in this brand-new state-of-the-art telephone system when they came in they wanted to change because they thought the Bush of militias had them right yeah which I got a paranoid we had able and it sounds so crazy when you think about it and so they went had the phone system changed and never they didn't know what cost money they actually didn't have the money to pay for it at the time before I get into all the issues involving Bill and Bill and her and what she knew or didn't know and covering up and lying and you being put in the middle of all this people use drugs at the White House yeah there were some issues the one that I'm one of the ones that comment in my book and I'm very careful not to tell too much about it because I don't want you know hopefully this person got on with their lives and live a healthy life but there was this one particular staff member that she'd come in in the morning and they'd be so beat up and exhausted looking worn-out exhausted and to the point where they couldn't even say good morning and they'd go in their office and then they'd go into the bathroom they come out of the bathroom completely elevated and happy and smiling and and it was obvious you thought koklich mean yes I I did and and and then later on I was told that this particular person actually they did it like a something similar to an intervention and got her help and got her to a clinic and and I never did see her again but I understand she did all right okay
Channel: Fox News
Views: 840,155
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Keywords: Sean Hannity, Hannity, Elections, Democrats, Presidential, Apple News, Scandals, On Air, Personality, Politics, Primary Politics, Special, Fox News, News
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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