Authentik - WebAuthn Setup (yet another MFA method)

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foreign here and welcome back to my channel you can consider this as bonus or part two to my original two Factor slash multi-factor authentication video because in this video I'll demonstrate how to set up web authen which is yet another way to multi-factor authenticate so you can use something like your phone's Biometrics to authenticate and log in first as always log into your authentic dashboard as an admin user click on admin interface expand Flows In stages and click on stages find your multi-factor authentication stage and click the edit icon in device classes select web often authenticators while keeping anything else you have selected as well be sure Force the user to configure an authenticator is still set under not configured action select default authenticator web authen under configuration stage as well again maintaining what you already have and click update all set now we can log out now you would have the user login to authentic from the device they want to use for biometrics they'll be prompted to set up an authentication method have them choose web authen and get started the user will be given multiple options at least on Android but probably similar on iOS choose a device with screen lock option then engage your method of biometric unlock whether that's fingerprint or face unlock and it logs the user right in let's go ahead and log out and see what happens when you try to log into authentic or an application that's protected behind it from another device like your computer I'll log in as the newly registered Diana Prince notice I am prompted to verify my identity so I'll choose my pixel 6 Pro that I use to enroll the Biometrics and as soon as I do I receive a verification notification on my phone I tap it to scan my fingerprint and I or rather the user is now authenticated and logged in I hope this video may be of use to anyone trying to set this up don't forget to like And subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Cooptonian
Views: 2,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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