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all right guys Australian MRE first time I've ever had one of these we're going to break right into this thing I I've been in it already I set the accessories aside there is a lot of food in this m we got Melix it's a 24-hour M so I'm going to have three meals out of this thing and it's it's way more than that really we got a uh musix we've got golden pumpkin soup mix that I've never even heard of something like that we've got all fruit bars we have biscuits with cream cracker says cream cracker instant mashed potatoes the instant mashed potatoes come in every Australian MRE chocolate ration bar potato and chickpea Curry Citrus cake M&M's a jam sandwich orange drink powder Jack back links steak bar we have two mixed fruit bars coffee flavored sport drink um whole grain cereal or bar with seeds bread condensed milk sweet and condensed milk Werther's original candies and last but not least French lamb stew now those are the mains look look at all that food okay put wait there's more this is yeah let's let's slide now check this we're going to slide this to the side it's a lot of food oh it's a lot of food and one of the interesting things about all this too is everything here is either made Andor packaged in New Zealand or Australia with the exception of Tabasco sauce we got our spoon ketchup keep our Tabasco sauce there two packs of Mentos gum rubber bands I I'm I'm not quite sure there but uh we have matches uh napkins a couple of packs of coffee a couple of packs of tea we have creamer uh this is a scouring pad I'm guessing for when I get ready to clean up I don't know personally or what that's exactly about plum jam check that out black pepper sugar salt processed cheese spread I think cheese whz I'm thinking and check this out it comes with its own little can opener much like the old uh SE rations with a scoop to pull out whatever is in there that's pretty slick but wait for this guys we're going to get to try Vite I never had veite I'm I'm in my middle 60s I've never had this I've heard about it there's a famous song in the 80s talked about veite sandwich um we're going to try some veite another cool thing about this is this is all the nutritional information and it's real interesting but H they want your feedback combas ration Fleet Health System Program office please share if you have a good idea or you can improve what we're putting in the in the MREs or they don't call these MREs um they call them combat ration so but they actually want to hear your feedback in the US the way they the way they get feedback from troops they don't ask them at least that when I was in they never did they'll go to where troops have left from this spot and gone to another and they'll go through their trash and if they see a whole bunch of vegetarian MREs left over just thrown around that nobody took them then they know vegetarian MREs might not be the best idea or whatever I mean it doesn't just vegetarian but whatever people leave behind that's what they'll think about we might want to eliminate that next time but in Australia they ask you what's your opinion so that's kind of crazy don't know if they listen to you but that's kind of interesting so what I've done is I've taken out components that I want for breakfast I'm going to have breakfast first we did not try our matches so let's check this out we've got these like matches that go on for a long time you see the the pink ones there and then the standard matches all of them seem to have like a coating on them probably to help keep them waterproof but this is kind of a cool thing the top is where the match strike pad is so see if I can light a match that's interesting huh now I've always you should try one of those long matches see how long those burn I think those are the rain ones you huh light they're for lighting in the rain or if the stuff is damp it helps get it started better all right well let's give it a try here wow that's like a sparkle without the Sparks and then we can light that one watch out there you go there you go yeah well they work kind of in in reverse order there so there we go we're going to make us some tea and make us some coffee here let's see if this is a bag yeah okay we got a tea bag there we go and then we have instant coffee so it's going to be granulated check that out doesn't have a brand on it just packaged in New Zealand this is a an all fruit bar it's it says mixed fruit on the front but on the back it says raspberry so that's interesting cuz the other one says the same thing it says mixed fruit but it is just mixed fruit what that that's doesn't look appetizing does it I wanted to have some protein because we've got that's for breakfast the muite so I I'm opening the uh steak bar Jack Links packaged in New Zealand and that's a that's actually a Teriyaki style and then let's take a look at our mucate oh yeah oh that's going to be good now this is interesting because this has apples cranberries raisins it has pineapple pumpkin seeds and uh what apricots and then uh 60 about 2/3 of the rolled oats the rest is 30% dried fruit so that's there's a lot of good stuff in this I've had different mu from Europe and um this seems to have more uh I don't know more heavy duty stuff the fruits and things in it than than anything I had in Europe This is I'm I'm looking forward to this let's get us some hot water so we got our hot water I'm going to get my canteen cup of course this is American it's not Australian uh and put some hot water into the muc there we go this also when I looked at the um at the ingredients this also has some kind of a little bit of milk product in it too dried milk so it's going to be a good uh breakfast actually with the especially with that dried fruit but we want to make sure it has plenty of time to soak up all the water all right now we will pour off into our coffee there we go pour off into our tea bag there we go all right we'll let that tea steep a bit let's get into this let's say a quick prayer Lord God in heaven thank you so much for this food and the way you provide it Faithfully for us I ask you bless it to our bodies now in Christ's name amen amen cup of coffee at the eima cup it's quite bitter for my taste uh yeah let's do this I'm going to put this forward and we are going to take some sweetened condensed milk let's see here this this kind of cool cuz it's got the little poker thing on the top of the cap and you just puncture the condensed milk and then you replace it when you're done but we'll squeeze some of that out oh that's interesting looking I don't cook much so I don't know what that typically looks like I'm thinking milk looks white but that doesn't get our multi-purpose spoon here not bad I think I want a little bit of creamer actually in it too oh that's kind of nice a lot of that in there yeah that took the bitterness away completely it's it's a decent still got a good coffee flavor but there's now there's some sweetener in it we're going to let that steep a little longer let's um let's give our beef jerky now I'm thinking if it's Jack linkx the way they make it in the US it's going to be good that's more of the it's not the jerky type thing it's the like the steak bite thing and this is teriyaki flavor smells like Teriyaki who whoa wow whoa good greef my word you want to try one on sure I mean yeah with my old teeth I got a be careful of that stuff wow I don't remember Jack Links on the US side being that F I've never had I maybe that's I'm not an avid Jack Links eater but of all the jacklinks I've had I've never had something that hard and that's new I mean it's not like it's an old like 5-year-old package or something that's a new well within the range so that's interesting now and I do know that different cultures like you'll have a McDonald's in Japan and they serve something we don't even have here you know that kind of a thing or they make hamburgers a little different so it is like almost black you know mhm it's good the flavor is good but boy lot of pepper in it yeah you better U gge your loins to tear that Rascal apart I think we should cleanse the old pallet with some water and then get after that fruit more yeah I don't know if I really had much beef jerky that was that difficult no the uh jerky is very leathery but it's like thick leather it's like it's too for my my taste that should be cut in half not taste but for my comfort that should be cut in half this way more like jerky and then it would be more it would be easier to eat easier to chew maybe Australians are just used to really hard jerky or something yeah that that may be it it might be a cultural thing well let's give our fruit bar that's definitely raspberry I thought it' be like nuts and different things with some fruit in it this is like like a fruit roll up or like a thick fruit roll up so it's real soft that's welcome from that I was a little concerned wow it looks you want a blaster it doesn't look appetizing to me oh you want a blaster fruit that is good dad G it that is really good wow yeah that's actually good it looks better it tastes better than it looks yeah definitely okay squeezed out my tea here this tea would cut I think be pair real nice with that sweet o that's a good tea that's tasty so we've got fruit we got meat now let's get after our cereal here man you got pumpkin seeds you got everything in it that really looks tasty this is just straight mucy no sugar it's kind of fun because I can taste I can taste everything I can taste the fruits wow they they're they're mealing together a little bit as far as I can't taste raisin compared to apricot compared to pineapple cuz I got a bunch of it in there but I can taste the pumpkin seeds they're they're like a burst of flavor what I want to do I'm going to add just a little more uh creamer and some sugar and let's see what that does here then we'll put some more hot water in there and eat it a little bit warmer had a chance to soak up everything but also to cool down so let's put you what we're going to do we're going to there we [Music] go there we go let's see here now you can okay so here's the cran here's a cranberry there's a raisin a little darker here's your you see the green pumpkin seeds that's probably a mango or a pineapple right there probably a pineapple and uh yeah you've got everything in there and then there's there are mangoes in there too which are difficult to see and there's there's a very small the packaging said that uh there's supposed to be a little bit of everything in there but because it's done by Machine you might have some with a little more than others as far as ingredients go so and then there are apples in there too all right here we go we've got little bit of everything on this bite I don't usually eat breakfast but if I were out in the field I probably would be eatting breakfast cuz they give you a little bit of time to do that that is really good um that is that that's quite tasty that that is like a a powerful premium um what we would call in the states an oatmeal kind of a thing oh that that's mhm 60% rolled oats uh a little bit more than that plus your your fruits and everything man that that tastes good but I do think the um adding the non-dairy creamer and the sugar to it that that helped I'm going to finish this up I'm going to wait a little bit come back and have some lunch all right guys it's lunch time and I waited a little too long to eat we're going to get our USS El Paso cup out here get some instant coffee going because I'll need hot water which I've got ready to go right here oo that's hot that's hot okay get a little water in there there we go and then we have uh let's see not the Citrus cake where is it here we go potato and Curry and chickpea Curry potato and chickpea Curry going in the hot water to heat up good we'll get our lid back on that and here in about 10 minutes that ought to be ready to go okay so we'll let our coffee go together there let's open everything up here for dessert we will get to have some Citrus cake and remember this is all brand new fresh Australian M so it's going to be fun to try each element so far it's been good oh that looks good looks real good smells wonderful smells like lemon poppy SE it's very fragrant yes indeed all right well we're on the dessert part with a little bread let's do a little actual bread here that will go with the soup it's uh just said it's bread smells like M bread uh let's see here now this is going to be interesting it says cream cracker biscuit I'm guessing it's something sweet like a cookie you'll see that's the fun part about these things oh let's see just regular crackers it looks like let's see it says Huntley and Palmer you got you aies out there probably recognize that huh they embossed their crackers yeah that doesn't smell sweet so cream may may or may not mean anything on this uh what else do we have okay we have a cereal bar I I put a lot of good stuff in here for lunch I think of course supper is going to be even better I think uh get to that later but let's see here this is interesting it's called a whole grain cereal bar with seeds including Chia so whole grain rolled oat sesame seeds oatmeal oat and oat brand and you can see what else is on there that looks that really looks good as well now we have another coffee drink it's a you can drink it cold and that's what we're going to do today I'm going to drink this one cold we'll mix it in our clear glass so you can see how things are looking here H it says mix 200 milliliters which is about a little over 3/4 of a cup of water so that's going to be interesting so I think this probably has some caffeine in because it's supplement it's a supplementary Sports food formulated and there's something in the back called car cartine so I pre-measured the a little over 3/4 of a cup that's going in cold there we go looks like a protein powder drink there you go mix that up all right and then of course we have our worther original those are good I already know what those are like some salt and pepper and and Tabasco sauce to put in our soup if we need it some ketchup not sure what that's going to be for creamer for our coffee if we need it and then of course our sweet and condensed milk left over from breakfast as well let's see I'm going to set this off to the side let's say a quick prayer here Lord God in heaven again thank you so much for the privilege of being able to do these kinds of things thank you for this food I get to eat now I ask you'd bless it to my body in Christ's name amen amen let's start with dessert first as is our want um I'm going to go ahead and get this spoon out of the sports drink put it in the regular coffee try our coffee first and then hit our cake the coffee it's very smooth it is a little different tasting than American coffee I'd say it's like a a darker coffee or yeah dark roast Blend Coffee it's it's good I I like the medium or light blend myself but let's get right after some cake here again it looks delicious Citrus is what it's called well I'll tell you right now it's got Orange Peel in it or something because is that why it's so fragrant it's a little pungent yeah I mean it's good but you know a little bite sure take off a chunk of that oh look at that you can see orange in there oh yeah orange color anyway mhm I like being it adult so I can start with dessert first um let's see let's put some sweet and condensed milk in that coffee see if we can that's a very orange flavored cake that is isn't it there we go there we go sweeten that coffee up a bit that that actually made that coffee a little better mhm definitely in fact let's have some more cake that cake is very spongy it is it it's very moist let's try our um Chia and oatmeal and everything else bar smells like a granola bar kind of thing I'm sure thank you I like that man again it's not too dry some times you get the granola bars and they kind of flake and crunch and you got to have water cuz you're going to start from the dryness that's got a lot of moisture in it a lot of probably oils from the from the nuts and stuff I like that I would like a few raisins in it myself or some kind of raisins or cranberries but for Just Grains that's a good bar let's see I don't have you know like a ton of variety here so let's go after a cracker just a straight straight up cracker look just like a normal we'll try the Palmer side of the cracker wow that seemed really hard it just broke off our thank Saltine you would would you like one uh you know I'll grab this one okay no it's a Saltine without the salt definitely need some salt mhm wouldn't you say mhm let's do a little salt first you're definitely supposed to eat it with something yeah that's right that's right yeah that's that's the point wow well that's okay but like I say you need salt on them in fact we got our little Tabasco here I don't know that I've ever had Tabasco in a in a paper envelope like this oops Let's uh let's try a little Tabasco on a cracker what do you say wonder if it tastes the same as in Australia or as in the US made in the USA Louisiana oh oh that's good yeah add some flavor to the Cracker which it really needed that excuse me just a minute that's hot you know we're going to have to cleanse the old pallet on that one we already have some Tabasco in our tray for when we have the soup all right let's move on to our bread here again it's just oh that looks really nice doesn't it that's really good looking bread there um H man I wish had some peanut butter or something like that that's a good yeah you got to try some of that son that's a good tase in bread I think I'd be fatter if I lived in Australia I'd be eatting bread a lot lot if that's what bread is in an MRE it's going to go good with our soup that is going to go real nice with soup it's got a flavor T like a cafe cafe bread or something like that yeah yeah some some kind of yeah it's got a flavor to it that's if you go to Panera and uh they have they're just like a certain flavor to their breads that come with a soup yeah that is a good I don't know how they do that but that's good this is basically a protein drink with all the vitamins and everything in it so it's going to be interesting to see I don't normally do these kinds of things and I don't normally have coffee I wouldn't have a coffee drink typically so it' be good to try this expand my horizons a bit you know you know we've tried some of the older MREs and I've tried some of the old chocolate like 40y old plus chocolate that tastes like that chocolate does cuz the the milk and the chocolate's gone bad I shouldn't have taken that bab a sip anyway yeah I and and then it's got the weird coffee taste in it too protein drinks are nasty I can't imagine I've never seen a coffee protein drink actually I'm sure they're out there but that's new to me there's probably a reason why you don't see them all over the place yeah yeah that's um interesting interesting Okay so we've got our potato and chickp Curry going here going to open her up get her on the tray product of New Zealand yes everything is either from New Zealand or Australia and I did wipe the tray out so I wouldn't have that hot sauce in there to start with We'll add that here in a minute let's see oh that is a hot potato oo looks like a lot like a beef stew American style little redder I guess but oh that's hot that gum want to get everything out out for sure there we go I see those old chickpeas in there that's for sure that's cool wow um let's see here yeah we got to get oh there's a yeah I'm not even going to drink that there's a real weird taste I don't care protein drinks are already all of them are not very great we're going to imagine coffee in one just the just licking off the spoon fowled my pet all right so here we go chickpeas Curry it smells really good oh it does it's kind of waft in your way so I didn't get a good smell okay there's potatoes there's chickpea has like a comfort B smell m okay right away because it's new it just tastes good right but each like the the potatoes have a have a um when I'm when I chewing them they have a consistency the chickpeas have a consistency the so it's not all one melded blend as an MRE gets older especially the main dishes seem to take on the same every component takes on the same consistency and they go to Mush pretty quickly this is not ni to have I mean even I can even feel it when I'm tapping on stuff everything is still good and firm the tomatoes base oh that that is good I'm telling you with this bread this is going to be amazing oh yeah oh yeah want bite sure there you go than M that that's good now you could have a little more meat for me mhm um I think Tabasco would be really amazing on that I mean it tastes good but you know it it actually doesn't have any meat I just looked at the ingredients oh so I mean it's a good vegetable soup okay but yeah and I think your the Tabasco idea is a great idea let's do that here there's something about the flavor that just makes me think Tabasco is going to be good there we go woo I'm going to keep that over to one side I think just in case it's a little too much for me that's interesting I wonder how long that'll stick with me without any meat in it of course I'm always wanting meat with everything I do like it with the Tabasco um this has onions in it too uh the spice of it without even without the Tabasco here is really good it it's seasoned perfectly I mean it it really and that Tobasco does add some good to it do if they compliment each other both like tomato based they're both peppery onion you very vegetable strong vegetable yes I saw a video on how Tabasco sauce is made I didn't know it's just to it's just uh Tabasco juice there's no tomato in it oh yeah yeah it's just like pepper juice mhm and with salt I think in vinegar they just distill it it's crazy but that is really good especially with that bread I did imagine those crackers go well with it too o yes mhm you want to bite I'll bet um I'm good I'll bet that's even better than the bread though the crackers cuz the crackers are so Bland oh yeah they take on and add some crunch to the sauce add some crunch yeah mhm and really highlight the Tomato uh kind of gives it a a contrast M yeah it's kind of a light lunch it is it is and you know I'm not going to do the ketchup yet I think I'm going to save that in case we need it for supper I don't feel like I need any pepper I'll save it for supper as well wow this is really except for the protein drink this has been a fun meal I'm going to finish this thing up get good and hungry and um I think we'll go after some supper here next supper time guys I am hungry too so this is going to be very cool because we have lamb stew French lamb stew from Australia 50% lamb the rest are vegetables like per potatoes carrots tomatoes onions and then the rest is herbs and stuff like that so I'm really stoked about this but before we get started with that let's get a uh drink going here I've got a clear glass we've got an orange isotonic drink powder uh this is going to be interesting because the the uh chocolate one we had at lunch wasn't such a good one for me uh let's see what this orange one tastes like though I've got higher hopes for it for sure oh it smells like be Aspen for CH I never did like that taste there we go let's see here about two cups I think I know about two cups there's about one that's going to take all of that glass capacity for sure I'll go a little light just in case we need the we need to add more I'd rather have to add more than wish I hadn't added too much so well we're going to get our hot things going first off let's get our golden pumpkin soup mix out and stirred up this I'm really uh I love pumpkin soup I love squash soup so this I have high hopes for this one right here supposed to add a cup of hot water to it so we'll get that out real quick again we got this water that's been boiling nice and hot ouch I'm just going to dip this in there okay there's about a cup here we go and again I'm going to hold just a little bit back just in case get that stirred in good p let it soak in and and uh dilute good okay next we have instant mashed potatoes there a guy in Idaho he passed away his name was J.R Simplot he became wildly wealthy I think he was Idaho's first billionaire uh because he figured out how to take Idaho potatoes and dry them and reconstitute them and uh supplied the military with uh potatoes for many many years anyway this we will put in our canteen cup canteen cups were always a a an interesting um uh tool because it you would you would shave out of them in the morning put your put your uh yeah you'd put your hot water and shave in the morning rinse them out pretty good and then put your uh coffee in them from your uh and then uh yeah then you'd eat your soup or whatever you had later on so they were really a multi-purpose kind of wow that's really soaking it up fast I better add a little more to that this said a cup which I put about a cup in but think we need to eyeball just a little more into there and I like my potatoes just a little bit creamier so but they've got look at that there's there are herbs in there too I see green probably some kind of onion or something and uh that's going to be really nice I'm going to leave it just a little bit where I need a little more water because when we're ready to eat it I'll add the hot water to it then we'll take let's see I want I want to make my tea first and I want the tea hot so we'll get our black tea bag out here there we go and you know what we'll just dip in some water in our el el actually in our eima cup drop the tea bag in and let that steep for a while gave you a lot of good stuff in oh man and then the French lamb stew I I I have never had lamb stew so I'm really excited about that we'll get that cover it up that's going to simmer well all right well let's get going here uh first of all let's open up our cheese spread this is going to be just like our John Wayne's or P whatever the guys call them in the Army um p38s p38s there we go I always think of that guy that exercises when I hear P so uh it sells the exercise PX px90 yeah whatever yeah that's all I can think of anymore when I think of that so anyway we'll get into this processed cheddar cheese spread here oh man I can't smell anything yet it looks right oh yeah that smells like good cheddar cheese oh yeah got our M&M's now this is interesting too cuz these M&M's were actually packaged in Australia so uh that'll be interesting to see if they're different not yet not yet um and then here is a it's called a uh bar what kind of bar was this a mixed fruit bar so this is going to be like um like a real thick fruit rollup smells really oh man that smells good smells like raspberry that really smells good got a chocolate ration bar oh it looks like it might be milk chocolate it doesn't look real dark that's kind of nice that'll be good now veite I've heard vomite is the Australians form of pickle kind of or or it's a how do they say it Australians will come here and they don't like our pickles and we go there and we don't like their vemite but I think they're supposed to be similar let's just see what veite looks like oh wow that looks like drawout Salve draw out s wow I I've never seen vomite so there we go I've never seen it in a tube like that it was always like a paste in a bowl is that right yeah I don't think I've ever seen that honestly like really really dark brown that's weird I should smell that doesn't smell like particularly strong like anything but it does look like drops s for sure um let's see here we got our Mentos gum I don't want to forget our gum so I'm going to go a and get it on the tray at least get a oh man we got they gave a lot of little like luxuries sure did get our worther candies out oh wow there are a lot of worther candy I'll get one for each of us out there we've got our condiments here Jam sandwich now this is interesting because the the cream biscuits I opened up they were just regular crackers let's see what these oh no these have oh check that out that's fancy wow and a side view there you can see some of the the jelly on the side that is nice yeah for military rations that's really right up town boys okay let's see here now the only thing is I don't have crackers to go with I hear you're supposed to have veide on crackers or bread and the cheese bread of course so I think what we might do is I just happen to have some saltine crackers here these are American so we will mix some but we'll give that a try here well let's start here let's say a quick prayer Lord God in heaven again thank you so much for this uh time to eat some unusual food for the time to share this with other folks I just ask that it would be a blessing to them and you bless this food to my body in Christ's name amen amen well we got to start with dessert first so here we go we got to you want to try a few of these with me a so I'm going to try these colors here I say they're just regular M&M's mhm the recipe must be the same now I have to say though it seems like there's more candy on those I don't taste the chocolate near as much as is what do you think maybe it's cuz are cooler yeah you know I don't taste a lot of fact look a piece just chipped off it does seem like the candy Parts a little thicker and and personally I like that a little better we'll have to when we're done let your mom try them she'll she knows M&M's pretty good yep well that was good maybe have a little cup of tea to cleanse the pallet little drink off the side here oh that's good smooth tea okay next will be our our cookies I don't know if I want to share this with you anyway oh that's kind of soft that's cool it's like a shortbread with Jam in it thank you yes sir smells good that's interesting the jam holds the cookie together mhm and I've had that you know what it is I just thought of it it's very pop tarsh that's it but but it's a sweet it's it's the sweet part of the Pop-Tart not like the bread you know how you get on the edge of a Pop-Tart and it's kind of just bready this is like where the coating is and the the frosting on the top but that I was like I've had that flavor before it's basically eating a poptart like a little fancier poptart that yeah that's good that a good it pairs very well with tea all right move on to our chocolate again I think that's going to be milk milk chocolate would you like sure smells chocolatey that's a little different it's way it's almost like Dusty or like mhm but it crumbles into dust in your mouth but then it melts down really well almost like a milk kind of a like when you bite into it it like bursts into a bunch of little tiny fragments yeah fragments like wow but that's that's good chocolate I like I don't care for dark chocolate like they have in Europe a lot I really like that that's some good mil chocolate milky very light very milky yes wow this is it's been good so far all right now we have our fruit bar it's um you can see it's like a fruit rollup kind of as far as or Gumby and Pokey um for those of you who are old enough uh let's I'll share this with you if you'd like Ace oh it smells good smell that it smells like raspberry cheers to you it smells a very strong fruity smell oh man wow it doesn't look like anything but no but it's like a a really tasty good fruit leather mhm when we lived in Idaho there were folks that would make they would take their own uh their fruit from their garden and then they they grind it all put it in the blender and then lay it out on a pan and then cut it in strips put it actually a lot of them they'd roll up all the windows in the car in the summertime put it in the back windows to let it dry out of a car and then they would they would take it and roll it up or put it in packaging that's how they did their dried fruit that is a really tasty dried fruit highly recommended that is good stuff yes indeed wow this this has been fun so far definitely let's try our orange drink here a minute yeah it smells like Bears children aspirin yeah I'm just not a big fan of course I've got all that Berry in my mouth right now but not a big fan of the orange usually I am in fact when we do Gatorades and stuff orange is my last if that's the only thing left I'll drink it but yeah I just I'm not a fan of orange anyway so that's not a great thing for me but i' I'd eat it or drink it if I needed to okay now let's get our cheese out we got this spoon of course it it's the M or the John Wayne or or P38 but it doubles as a little spoon there get out some cheese spread Ace would you like to embe with me I'm sure I'll give you one thank you yes sir my first uh my first is it's hard it on top interesting it is yep very thick smells really good okay when I compare that Che cheese bread to what you get what we used to get in the SE rations in the in the tins and then the Mr The Squeeze kind that is really good that is super smooth um I really like that wow that has a uh just a real mellow mellow flavor to it that is a smooth cheddar I don't know what you think about it but I I really like it I don't care for it like it's so mild I don't like it like I like sharp cheddar and that's like really really mild I do like sharp cheddar too but there's something sweet about that it's almost like a Creamery cream cheese or something it's I I do like that I uh it's different for sure MH well now we got to Brave the vomite I think I say that because I've heard so many people say oh you know it's so gross so we just have to try a little bit of it right oops it's thick make a make it like a cookie you want a little um sure I guess both go I'll let you I'll let you load it how much you want I get a little bit on the tip here a come on man Cheers Cheers I still can't smell anything wow H that's um that's bitter salty salty what the heck what is thato I need to my oh wow that is something that's that's somebody said it's like pickles it ain't nothing like pickles oh man that's gnarly it's like total salt and um that's me that's almost like a joke like somebody's like let me make this paste and then people are like oh I actually like it and somebody's like really actually a prank like yeah I don't I don't you know I can see putting it on bread with a maybe with soup you know something that make something a little uh have a little more body or something I guess I don't know let's see here speaking of soup yeah I think the Vite here's the thing with the veite it is super it's like you're you've got a cube of salt instead of sugar thinks salt but it's in the paste form and there's a bitterness to the paste it's I can't I'm trying to think it'd be like a Chun on tea leaves that are very salty it's just like woo it's hard to have something to compare it to it's like it's own flavor um yeah very unique you're very kind yeah not not I I guess if you grew up eating it then yeah but uh I didn't so pretty gnarly I've been there done that I'm I'm good now so see about this pumpkin soup oh man oh my goodness I'm sorry you you won't care for this m oh oh my word ACA you you have got to this is one of those things you it's like you got to share this with somebody I mean your mom makes a butternut squash soup and this is the closest thing I've ever tasted to it and I can't believe this is dry this is powdered that is delicious like I got to eat a big old bowl of that oh my word and there's you can see there's little chunks of I guess pumpkin in there it just tastees so good that amazing M yeah they're like I'm tasting not croutons I think potatoes man that's good yeah the the ingredients say croutons Rosemary there's potatoes uh but oh man that is so good it's so creamy and if you felt like you were enjoying that too much you can always take a do of veite and and you know eat that and then go back to this it'll taste that much better anyway all right oh man I I'm I'm I'm looking forward to finishing that up now let's get a little more water into our spuds here let's see I got to be careful how I do this potatoes need a little bit more water there we go oh man that'll warm them up a bit and finish mixing all the powder in let's just see here they smell like good potatoes okay they remind me let me put a little bit on the and I'll put some right here by the Vite they remind me of chow hall potatoes that are a little better because they have the green the chives in them there that makes them more palatable but they need salt so we will add a little salt left over from lunch and then I think they need a little Pepper too I like pepper on my potatoes there we go all right now that looks like a good dollop right there to try oh yeah you want to BU the tatoes they there you go load you up there those are good good instant mashed potatoes mhm those are yeah as good as the soup but they're good no but they yeah nothing wrong with those for instant mhm mhm all right wow this is going too fast let's see here now we've got our Lambs too I like lamb I like lamb ribs I like lamb shank um I've never had lamb stew so this is going to be an adventure right here guys oh wow I didn't know what to expect yeah it's got tomato base in it it did say there there's uh L it's 50% lamb now I think that is so creamy the idea I believe is probably to add the potatoes to it yeah but let's try it on its own first oh man it looks good oh my wow that is um m i taste the lamb there that that is really spiced up there is a lot of spice in that oh man you got to try this before we add the potatoes but those potatoes are going to just bring it to the moon th this meal this is amazing guys this is this is in the top five mhm uh uh man oh man I'm telling you let's get some potatoes this is like a super fancy like luxury it is it it is it it's it is in a top five for me and when you look at all the desserts and stuff around it too and the cookies chocolates like wow check that out living high on the hog mhm forget the crackers wow this this is really really good okay other than the vomite that I don't care for even that again if if I was hungry and I was hurting I'd probably trade for it first um but if if I couldn't I'd probably hang on to it just in case I needed Salt for anything did I give you some much potatoes already uh oh you got to have this yeah definitely what do you think yeah the the lamb is just you know falls apart super tender yes yes yeah the lamb is super tender the the vegetables are because it's new they're separate components as well the um the potatoes just kind of uh they kind of neutralize the spice a little bit at the same time they bring they're brought up because of the spice and and the the the it's it's liquidy enough where it is just fantastic all right we're not done yet we're going to share a worther caramel There You Go sir oh yeah I love those that that's such a good candy it it's hard at first but as you War it up in your mouth it starts to melt a little bit this would be good this is a really good uh even the gum is like a luxury thing it could be just a little stick instead it's like Mentos pure gum like that is very cool so here we go let's each have a piece now this is uh actually sugar-free too so that's kind of crazy yeah see if that's any big difference oh very soft a little bit of a hard surface but real soft m man all right so let me let let me just bring you guys back in the breakfast the muc that had was packed with the nuts and the fruits that was fantastic lunch not not a home run I would say lunch because it didn't have the meat in the uh uh the chickpea soup but this more than makes up for it there are so many calories and there's so much food here that you I mean if you're busy and you're out in the field and you're working hard you need all this but I'll tell you this is it's a gour it's a delight it really is this is one of the this has got to be a top five for me in the in the M world so guys I've got some more of these things let's find out maybe we next time we can compare say a British and a and an Australian M and see what we come up with so we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Me Ancient
Views: 108,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: spQZjBEoDqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 49sec (3109 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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