Australia Vs. New Zealand | The Biggest Differences Between Aussies & Kiwis

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what's the biggest difference between Australians and Kiwis how long you got can we be honest yeah 100 the accent I don't know it's a contentious one I don't want to get lynched for that g'day mates and welcome to this comparison video of Australia and New Zealand now I know you're probably wondering what's the biggest difference between these two countries it's hard to sum up in a YouTube video but I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna hit the streets of both New Zealand and Australia asking kiwis and uh what they believe the biggest differences between these two countries are also going to drop some facts we're gonna dive into a little bit of History the culture and really try to get a grasp of the biggest differences between Australia and New Zealand so stay tuned my name is Alexander ayling I'm a travel filmmaker YouTuber and television host and I also just so happen to be a citizen of New Zealand wait he doesn't have a kiwi accent yeah that's because I was born and raised in California but I've been living in New Zealand for the last two years with my wife additionally I have family over in Australia and I visited Australia four times and I'm actually going there in a few days find out more about that later in this video so stay tuned so if you're new here click that subscribe button turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any upcoming content and if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up as well as drop your comments down in the comment section what do you feel the biggest differences are between Australia and New Zealand if you want even more content from this Channel please consider joining and becoming a member alright so before we hit the streets and we talk to Australians and new zealanders what we want to do first is get a lay of the land these two countries located in the southern hemisphere at the bottom of the world often get confused conflated or in the case of New Zealand all together forgotten and not even put on a map yes that has happened it happens actually quite often but it does exist obviously there's a lot of friend friendly rivalry going on between Australia and New Zealand but at the end of the day these two neighbors get along really well and they have each other's backs we need to clarify that these two countries are not the same place in fact they're very different lots of people who don't live in New Zealand or Australia tend to confuse these two places and get them mixed up case in point my dad who's lived in America for the last like 30 or 40 years constantly people think he's from Australia even when he tells them he's from New Zealand from New Zealand they think that New Zealand is a state of Australia Zealand part of Australia New Zealand is New Zealand it's not these are two totally separate countries while these countries are neighbors they're not roommates they aren't even sharing an apartment they're separated by over a thousand kilometers of ocean Australia is the world's smallest continent and at the same time the world's largest island New Zealand on the other hand is a chain of islands three major ones located to the southeast of Australia a thousand kilometer difference in location has a big effect on the climate Australia is a huge country it's a continent with many different climactic zones it has colder climates like the island of Tasmania which shares a similar climate to the islands of New Zealand it even has mountainous areas where they get snow and skiing is available but to generalize Australia is primarily a desert that desert encompasses most of the interior of the continent and it's known in Australia as the Outback think Crocodile Dundee Michael J Crocodile Dundee two countries have totally different histories as well both Australia and New Zealand were colonized by the British but the British were not the first people there the Australian aboriginals had been in Australia for over 60 000 years while in New Zealand Pacific Islanders known as the Maori arrived around the year 1250 A.D this actually makes New Zealand The Last Place on Earth to be inhabited by human beings which is why it still feels so fresh and wild in just a moment I'm gonna hit the streets of Wellington New Zealand and Sydney Australia and ask their unfiltered responses on what the biggest differences are but before we do that let's take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video better help now for the last two years I have been on a wellness Journey both physical and mental health and The crucial aspect in that Journey has been my weekly therapy calls with Better Health what I love about it is I can take a better help call anywhere in the world whether I I'm back visiting friends and family in the United States here in New Zealand on the homestead or traveling around the world wherever I am I can take my therapy call and maintain excellent mental health With Better Health better help is the world's largest therapy service and it's 100 online with better help you can tap into a network of over 30 000 licensed and experienced therapists who can help you with a wide range of issues to get started you just answer a few questions about your needs and preferences in therapy that way better help can match you with the right therapist from their Network then you can talk to your therapist however you feel comfortable whether it's chat text phone or video call you can message your therapist at any time and schedule live sessions whenever it's convenient for you if your therapist isn't the right fit for any reason you can switch to a new therapist at no additional charge my first therapist wasn't really the right fit so I switched and I've been with the same therapist for the last year and a half and it's been great with better help you get the same professionalism and quality you expect from in office therapy but with a therapist who's custom picked for you more scheduling flexibility and at a more affordable price get 10 off your first month at Vagabond I've also linked them Below in the description but enough with all these facts let's just hit the streets and ask kiwis and Aussies what they really think about each other foreign I think kiwis are more friendlier I think Australians are not as friendly um I think kiwis are friendlier yeah Tokyo is a differently friendlier I feel like we're even more chilled out like they're we're both quite chilled out countries but I feel like we're even more chilled up yeah but I think Huey's a nicer sure yeah I think friendly sometimes are a bit harder to understand and they drink way too much beer we've got way bit of Pies yeah we invented the Pavlova they can keep Russell Crowe yeah you keep Russell Crowe they just keep stealing all our stuff um so we support two teams we're all blacks and anyone else who's facing Australia oh New Zealand's way more conservative yeah what would you did the clock or these are the wee bit more out there he needs a bit more reserved that's small rainbow yeah a bit more loud but jacket really do get a little bit crazy my lips mullets there is a lot of mullets here too though [Laughter] jandals are jandals they are not thongs just quietly they're really bugs me excellent yeah lingo yeah I'm saying all kinds of crazy things over there like what the big one uh Sports we're incredibly competitive computers Australia it's like a love ly siblings absolutely absolutely like we'd have their back and they'd have ours but when it comes to sports each each to their own thank you quick question over Australians who are new zealanders oh it's a lifelong place you know um I don't know I'm actually Australian myself so like I moved over to Luzon I actually don't even know the question all right what's the biggest difference between kiwis and Aussies I couldn't tell you oh that's uh the biggest difference yeah this is obviously a generalization but I'd say that kiwis are generally a bit more friendly then Aussie Aussies can be a bit more aggressive Australians are just more aggressive in general yeah that's big difference a lot yeah because it does get quite annoying when people say they sound the same because we're like it sounds so different to us maybe the banter as well you think the bant is kind of different we like so too but it's uh oh yeah the Sea World big c yeah yeah yeah that one's I love it they love it they love it yeah I feel like Australians are a bit more straightforward they're more harsh I feel like kiwis might feed around the bush a little more yeah um yeah I don't know new zealanders are a lot more chill I I guess that's because everything in Australia is trying to kill you arrogant um Aussie's arrogant ass and yeah work mindset work mindset also they're so much lazier we have Richie McCaw yeah that's a good one definitely how much we get paid how much our cost of living in they're richer over there too though yeah they got more money yeah I guess we got greener grass I feel like just like being a bigger country Australia kind of gets a bit like it's a bit more hustle muscle yeah there's a lot more stuff going on we're quite you guys win on the chill factor I think so who came up with the flat white oh don't even get us started on there like Pavlov uh oh it was all the way absolute joke nah who invented the flat white probably kiwis maybe I actually have no clue about that one what about the flat white oh there's definitely us uh bit of History it was created in a barges up the street which one uh it's gone now I think it was uh Bodega okay yeah historical evidence for that one okay it's googleable yeah Google it Bodega Stay With Me Now entered the flat white kiwis or Aussies and Pavlova [Music] have to translate that don't really understand what that means I spoke to a lot of people but instead of answers I was left with questions who invented the Pavlova who invented the flat white what does sinking a cone mean I needed answers and in order to get them I had to go to Australia why all right so we need to find out what do Australians think about kiwis to do so I've come to Sydney Australia I'm gonna hit the streets and we're gonna ask the Aussies what they think about the kiwis let's go foreign probably kiwis are a lot nicer like people in Australia they're not rude they're a bit like one oh the accent they don't pronounce Charlie you've been and they think they invented the Pavlova okay see that's a real source of contention you feel that that's an Aussie thing yeah uh actually they're probably right to be honest but we'll still claim it yeah what about a bit of perhaps you reckon yeah well they claim it they claim that oh yeah they claim Pavlova amazing yeah what about Pavlova oh yeah I think it's an Aussie thing it was probably New Zealand but I'd like to claim it they're bigger than us how so the footy teams if you see them the island of boys are huge you're talking rugby yeah yeah ah that'll always be better than us in Rugby Union that's about it but rugby league there are no chance here is maybe more Progressive yeah I think also the way that they they kind of treat their their indigenous people like indigenous marriage rather the indigenous Australians um the accent as well you know it's the accent's a big difference the conversation is kind of like high up yeah yeah also I feel like they're very laid back I think they're nicer in general yeah not that Aussies aren't nice yeah if you're from Australia or Sydney mainly you're always in a rush to go somewhere there like relax friendlier definitely more friendlier they're more easy going they're better Surfers really better circus yeah that is like a I don't know I mean I think that the WSL would probably think twice there's a lot of Aussies on there yeah and I think there's there was only one kiwi Ricardo Christian I don't think he's on there anymore maybe longboarders then yeah now so but all their valves are moved round one in the mouth really yeah guys study Linguistics so a little bit goes to air F goes to air it goes to Earth okay what about Pavlova who invented it I don't know it's a contentious one I don't want to get lynched for that one I saw this on YouTube just the other day you think it's New Zealand New Zealand thank you okay what about Russell Crowe well see that's a more interesting one because well they need one fish like he's born in New Zealand but he made his success in Australia you know why he lived here I mean he's Australia yeah the house here yeah maybe you have to ask him but we used to like claim him when he did things well and whenever he didn't he went back to being a kiwi perhaps the whole situation is a bit like Russell Crowe a little bit of both kiwi a bit Ozzy and comfortable being something in the middle the world will never know who really invented the Pavlova or the flat white for that matter perhaps kiwis and Aussies can just agree to disagree regardless they're both wonderful countries filled with amazing people and so much to see explore and experience so if you're planning a trip to either of the countries check out all of my travel guides and Vlogs Linked In the description of this video plus tell me what you think in the comment section share your thoughts on the biggest differences between Aussies and Kiwis in the comments I hope you liked this video if you did give it a thumbs up I know we can get it over 5000 likes and if you're not already subscribed hit the Subscribe button now if you're already a subscriber join this channel for even more content and more perks thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Alexander Ayling
Views: 35,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Tips, Travel Tips, Travel Vlog, Travel Videos, Alexander Ayling, Australia and New Zealand Compared, New Zealand geography, which is better australia or new zealand, where should i move australia or new zealand, better place australia or new zealand, which is safer australia or new zealand, why new zealand is better than australia, why australia is better than new zealand, differences between australia and new zealand, australia vs new zealand rivalry, Australia, New Zealand
Id: JEvE6gnboIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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