Austin CFC - Zac Poonen 2019 - Session 3: Q&A

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[Music] there are so many questions here it'd be impossible to answer all of them and I have not even had time to sort it out according to what is most important so if there's something beyond this remember the Holy Spirit is there to still answer your questions okay how did Jesus overcome sin was it because he was God very very important question if he overcame as God he can never say to us follow me because I'm not God I'll say to him directly to his face Lord Jesus I cannot follow you that is the honest answer I have to say I cannot follow you you sing-song follow follow I will follow anywhere everywhere I will follow him you cannot slowly nice song to sing and something like this if an angel from heaven wanted to teach me how to swim and swam across flew across a river with his wings and said follow me and say listen I don't know how to swim you get rid up your wings and take a body like mine then you can teach me how to swim and if I if Jesus came here is God it's like an angel with wings trying to teach me how to swim I say Lord you can teach me to follow you that is the clearest proof the very fact that Jesus said follow me that one sentence is enough to convince me he came like me but yet this is the greatest point of dispute among many Christians was Jesus really like us when he was tempted he did not have a sinful flesh like us he did not have a background of years of sin we get when we get converted we have a background and a memory of many years one we're alive many simple things Jesus didn't have that agreed but he was tempted like us because he had a wind like ours which he could say yes or no so that is where we can follow him he was tempted in every point you know when I first understood this truth about 45 years ago it changed my life there was a question you know brother Zack what were you defeated by it in your early days I'll tell you particularly discouragement and anger my wife will tell you that when we were married we were not a perfect couple living perfectly know I was so often I'd get angry frequently discouraged depressed murmuring grumbling those are my primary thing and I said Lord this is not the Christian life you told me rejoice in the Lord always and I cannot do it and I sought God and I sought God and sought God till God brought me to the place and this is my honest testimony where he delivered me from discouragement completely he delivered me from getting angry it's possible I know that it is possible because I experienced it so if Jesus was not like us we cannot follow him but we are he was like us and when I first understood this truth I'd assign two things one then the Jesus like me I understood this truth one I can follow him and secondly I have no more excuse for my defeated life because there was one person with a will like mine who did not sin and I know I cannot become like him overnight because I have got this background of years of sin which affects me but if I seek to follow him little by little by little I can become like him the Bible says he who has this hope that one day I'll be like him purifies himself as he is pure now I'll tell you this I have never met a person who has overcome sin really in his life who did not believe that Jesus was tempted like me it's not possible it's just not possible because the Bible says in 1 Timothy 3:16 very important verse this miss three or the secret of godliness the secret of living a holy life is that Jesus came in the flesh and kept his spirit pure that's the secret of godliness and if you understand it ours and it's called a mystery a mystery means something you cannot understand without divine revelation and God gives his revelation to those who sincerely seek Him I believe that many Christians are not desperate for a life of victory they're quite happy with the substandard completed life they mean a word like rejoice in the Lord always it's a command of God and they don't think they should have waved well I suppose I enjoy most of the time it doesn't matter you have that casual careless attitude towards God's Word which says rejoice always well no wonder God will never lead you to a life of victory he sees you don't take it seriously that's Philippians 4 verse 4 another word says Philippians 4:6 be anxious for nothing and you keep getting anxious and you know you're disobeying that words and you say well it doesn't matter God understands you take this attitude well God understands when I fail I guarantee in your life you'll never get victory or take another verse Philippians 2:14 do all things without murmuring and grumbling and complaining and you say well how can you do that you have to grumble and complaints of that okay you're not serious about obeying my word you will never get victory do you see why you don't get victory I'll give you the answer in plain simple words you do not take God's commands seriously and I was in the military for 11 years if you disobey that when you were on the military parade ground if they said left turn and you tell the lead commander of the parade I'll think about that I will tell you they'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget for the rest of your life that's how the military is not only that if you one minute late they'll teach you a lesson you'll never be late for the rest of your life I have found in the military people obey commands immediately God's people so-called God's people take their Oh cool time to decide shall I oh wait or not it's like the military commander saying about turn sir I'll think about it let you know when I'm gonna do it this is the attitude of God's people my dear brothers and sisters it was my attitude until I got so desperate I said Lord I'm not going to be like the other defeated Christians around me I'm not going to think I'm better than them I want to just obey your word one at a time first of all I want to finish with grumbling and complaining I want to rejoice in the Lord always not rejoice in my circumstances I want to read the word exactly nowhere does it say rejoice in your circumstance rejoice in the Lord I want to do it always am i tempted to get discouraged sure but I resist it Jesus was tempted temptation is different if I resist it and say no I will never get discouraged so don't think you'll be free from temptation as long as you live on this earth however old you may be like someone said temptation is like a fire it can burn you even if you are a hundred years old temptation is like that but in the power of the Holy Spirit it's something like you know when the disciples went to the land of Canaan not disciples the Israelites then spies said we can't conquer them Joshua and Caleb said sure we can conquer them it's exactly like that today can you conquer these giants that rule your land move your life majority say no we can't but there are too few people like Joshua and Caleb who say we can and they are the only ones out of those 600,000 people who enter the land of Canaan so when I read that I realized that out of 600,000 is Christians today who are invited into a life of victory only two may enter in fine I'll join those two I will not join the 600,000 who say no no these sins are too powerful to conquer very important to understand it how do i strengthen my faith the Bible says faith comes by hearing Romans 10:17 and hearing by the word of Christ which is the New Testament so if you don't read and meditate on the New Testament you don't believe it I mean you don't meditate on it you cannot believe it you read meditate and say Lord is that for me and as you meditate faith will come and the other way is that God will allow you to be defeated defeated defeated so many times that you will stop depending on yourself faith is to lean upon God like a branch in a tree that does nothing but opens itself for the SAP to flow into the branch and prettiest fruit this is the way just by the way this is the way I preach now in the early days a lot of my preaching was through a lot of human effort but I say Lord I want to be like the branch in the tree that really recognizes really truly I can do nothing by myself theoretically we all say that practically very few people believe it Paul said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me not otherwise so if we lean upon the Lord in helpless dependence on him for every need in our life that is living by faith and in a sense that is a much easier thing to do than depending on our own strength and saying I can manage it God doesn't ask us to do something difficult is it just acknowledge that you can do nothing it's the release a lesson that Jesus tried to teach the disciples when they went fishing they fished all night and they caught nothing and the Lord said have you learnt the lesson okay now listen to me and the net was filled with fish that has been my experience and that can be your experience too how do we know that we are really born again and God actually dwells inside it's very difficult to explain this but you know in your sins in inwardly that the law the holy spirit speaks to you and says you're a child of God there's no way I can explain it I don't go to someone and say you're a child of God I never do it because I don't know he may appear genuine to me he may be a fake I leave that to the Holy Spirit I said if you really accepted Christ I can be absolutely sure the Holy Spirit will tell you you're a child of God through the Word of God but through the witness of the Holy Spirit the double confirmation God's Word as many as received him to those he gave the part to be the children of God and the witness of the Holy Spirit it's the same bit with being filled with the Holy Spirit the Word of God plus the witness of the Spirit are things good because God commands them or does God command them because they are good but of course God you don't say something is good because God commands it God will never never tell us to do anything which is not good for us just like a father will not give his children stones and that father will never ask a child to live ten thousand pounds on his head when he cannot do it no father no sensible father loving father will ever ask his child to do more than he knows that child is capable of doing he may challenge him for example a child who's studying in a school and it's just being lazy and doesn't do well in a particular subject but father can challenge and hey you're better than that and sure you can get good marks in that subject challenges and God challenges us but if you are lazy and we don't respond to God's Word then of course we can't experience it what is the difference between normal anger and righteous anger very important question because the Bible says do you know there's a verse in the Bible it says be angry all those who get angry you like to read that verse Ephesians 4:26 but it's not the full verse by the way it's like saying does the verse in the Bible Psalm 14 it says there is no god but that is not the full verse the full verses Fool has said in his heart there is no God so be careful about taking half of us be angry Ephesians 4:26 but don't sin AHA so that means there is an anger which is not sin there is an anger which is sin and whenever I find the verse in the Bible that I cannot understand I follow this principle you know I used to tell my children whenever you read a book and you come across an English word that you don't understand put the book aside take a dictionary and look up the meaning of that word if you do that consistently your English will improve otherwise you just assume I think this mean word means this and you'll be completely wrong there are words like that in your English words which we don't know whenever you come across it take a dictionary and so I did that's how I improved my English oh I've never heard that word before let me look up the dictionary so that's what I do with the Bible now hey what does that mean and the dictionary for me is the word made flesh Jesus Christ the written word is in the Bible but thank God the word was also made flesh that means in Jesus Christ I see what John calls the word became flesh so that means if I see a verse like this be angry but don't say that means there's a righteous anger and an unrighteous anger I look up the dictionary for me it's a living dictionary the life of Jesus Christ when was he righteously angry when he saw people making money in the name of religion he was so angry he made a whip and she started she pin the doves and turned the tables of the moneychangers said get out of here don't make my father's house that was righteous anger because it concerned the glory of God and the purity of his house and another time we read in mark chapter 3 when he wanted to heal somebody and the Pharisees were seized this man going to heal on the Sabbath day he was sitting looked at them with anger when they were more concerned about some stupid tradition of there's more than this poor man who needed to be healed when we don't have compassion towards people there's a righteous anger on people like that okay that's righteous anger where it concerns the glory of God the good of other people and you see somebody being exploited by religious people when I see pastors exploiting poor people and swimming them of their hard-earned money in order to buy expensive cars and planes aeroplanes for themselves I get angry I believe Jesus would also but when was it Jesus was not angry when they spat on him when they called him the devil when they say you got a demon when they hurt him killed him you said Father forgive them he was never angry so what I learned from that is whenever people do anything to mean to hurt me or my reputation or my name or my body or anything if I get anger that is sinful anger but if I'm concerned about the glory of God and the purity of God's house if I'm not angry I'm sinning I must get angry if I can watch a television program of a man trying to get the money of poor people by teaching all types of things and I'm not angry when I see that TV program I'm silly I must get angry when I see that type of crookedness going on in the name of Jesus Christ many of you watch it you're not disturbed you're sinning I want to tell you that today Jesus would be disturbed when he sees people swindling his poor saints of their hard-earned money but if someone hurts you calls you the devil or hurts you in many other ways or your family you should get angry that sin how do you know whether it's the Holy Spirit talking to you or not well if you know the Word of God that gives you a helpful guide line - it's like the rails on which you know that's that's definitely the Holy Spirit and also as you grow and maturity you come to recognize that voice more and more and I often use this example when you get married a sister here's a young girl who gets married she cannot get recognized her husband's voice immediately if they are just you know getting married you know don't know each other very well but after 10-15 years even if her husband is on the other side of the wall in talking with 20 other men she can recognize his voice in the midst of 20 other voices because she's got used to hearing her husband's was our divine husband is Jesus Christ when I first receive him I'm not easily able to recognize his voice just like a newly married wife cannot recognize her husband's voice but over a period of time even in the midst of other voices she can pick out her husband's voice that's how we come to know but if she never listens to her husband she won't be able to recognize it if you're in the habit of listening to the Lord speaking to you every day through his world and obeying what he says over a period of time you'll become more and more sensitive to his voice that in a moment of crisis what you want to know should I take this way or that way you'll hear a voice saying like it says in Isaiah 30 way this is the way walk in it when you turn to the right or to the left that's a verse in Isaiah chapter 30 during the three hours when Jesus was on the cross was he in hell who ever is he before he sent it okay let me say was he in hell the geographical location of hell or heaven is unimportant the important thing is heaven is the place where God is immediately present is the immediate presence of God where he dwells his heaven and hell is the place which is forsaken by God it's an it's a state where you're forsaken by God and Jesus physically he was on the cross but inwardly what he experienced in three hours was being forsaken by the Father which is what everybody who goes to hell experiences Jesus pictured it like worms biting them and fire burning them physical worms and fire is nothing compared to being forsaken by God that was what that was the best way Jesus could describe it so what Jesus experienced on the cross was three hours of hell reason physical death is not the punishment for sin I hope you recognize that he just think of it logically if physical death is the punishment for sin then when a man dies he has pay person physical death everybody who dies has to go to heaven because he'll say Lord I pay for my sin I died physically so if you believe that Jesus physical death he paid the price for my sin that cannot be true because physical death is not a punishment for sin what is the punishment for a man living in sin eternal hell and if Jesus did not experience eternal hell on the cross the punishment for my sin has not been paid many people haven't thought about this it's alright for little children to think that he died on the cross and you even think overall he suffered but the reality is the punishment for my sin was taken during those last three hours and he faced eternal hell hell being per second by God eternal because he was an infinite being if he was an angel or a human being he would have to spend eternity to take the punishment and even then he could take it only for one person but because he was the infinite god he could experience even in one second eternity for all of humanity this is a simple mathematical thing infinity into one second is equal to eternity into all human beings that's what he experienced on the cross and that's what makes us grateful to him to ye but the moment the punishment 3oz was over he came back into the father's presence because during those 3 hours he said my God my God why have you forsaken me the only time he called him God there's an entire earthly life was when he was facing the punishment for my sin your sin cuz then he was not looking at his father he was looking at the judge of the universe punishing him for sin mine and yours but once that punishment was taken it was over then he could say father called him father again the end of those three hours into your hands I commit my spirit it's very wonderful when you read scripture carefully you see what great truth is in all these things it's when I realized this for the first time in my life that it changed completely changed my attitude to Christ and to live for him I said Lord now I know a little bit of what you went through for my sin and I'm gonna hate my sin it made me hate sin with great seriousness after that when I realized what my Savior went through to save me from it the devil doesn't want us to see it because he wants us to take sin lightly should we try to witness to every believer we no non-believer we know how do we know well I don't think we should we can do it because we can make a nuisance of ourselves I often thought of that when I'm sitting in a plane this guy next to me if I try to witnesses there yeah I know you're religious folk always trying to I don't want to turn him away so what I do normally is whenever I am anywhere I see Lord will you give me an opening if you give me an opening I'm ready to witness any time I'm always ready but I wait for an opening in sometimes an opening comes then I can share my testimony or I do that often in India and the traveling trains of different places I look for an opportunity somewhere person opens up an opportunity I remember when I was in the Navy once that eagerly wanted to witness to the commanding officer how to witness to a senior commanding officer who's got three post right on his shoulder and I've got two stripes on mine and one day they the second-in-command asked me to do something which was against my conscience I said sir I'm a Christian I can't do it so he got very angry and he marched me and before the money option and he said liftin and Putin why can't you do this I said sir I'm a Christian so he was he was a Roman Catholic the commanding officer he said I'm also a Christian ah here's my opportunity I gave him the gospel yes sir I also thought I was a Christian till I knew I had to receive Christ as my savior you know if you have a longing you'll never know God give you opportunities but I wait for an opening how do you find out what your spiritual gifts are in my case by trial and error I first wanted to be an evangelist and that's all I knew I didn't know much of the Bible so I give them share the gospel the simple gospel to people and I found hardly anybody got converted I discovered pretty soon that's not my gift but then I started teaching God's Word everybody heard I I knew that was my gift you know like if you think you've got the gift of healing just pray for ten people who are sick you'll discover very quickly whether you got the gift I mean don't go by well I prayed that for that guy who had a coffin a coal and he got healed up for a week I hear I got healed here got heal even if you didn't pray for him that's so you don't fool yourself like that but pray for ten really sick people and you'll know pretty soon whether you've got a gift of healing or not and if you recognize you don't have it just be honest and say I don't have it I just technology nobody's getting converted Lord soon even I'm not an evangelist but I found people who gripped when I started teaching God's Word again not my gift for God's and I realized now after 50 years of serving the Lord that that is what God wanted in his body he probably has many evangelists and he probably needed more teachers that's why he made me that so exercise whatever gift you have it says in Ecclesiastes do whatever good you can your revenue get opportunity so your seat wherever you can and over a period of time you'll know whether it's you that's the Lord or not can the devil read my mind no because it says in 1 Corinthians 2 what man knows what person knows the thoughts of a man except the man himself so that's what I believe you read that in 1 Corinthians to the devil can hear what I speak you can see what I do but he cannot know my thoughts only God and I know what's in my cause when you pray in your mind God then the devil cannot hear if you pray aloud yeah not that it makes a difference I'm not afraid of the devil here is my prayer but he doesn't know your thoughts God gives all of us gifts okay I think it's already answered when you say sin is going against your conscience isn't there a catch and man can grow up without morals and have his heart hardened yeah see everybody's conscience when they are little children as he grow up depends on the morals of their parents I mean there were people who grew up in headhunting communities the children grew up and say well to cut off somebody's head is perfectly okay I mean the guy was mine I mean cut off his head he has a clear conscience about it but I agree but when a person gets converted something happens and then that's the time when his conscience becomes more sensitive and I'm talking about born-again people that from that time to me it's like a weighing machine use an example of a weighing machine which is out of order and spoiled and you put 1,000 pounds on it and the needle doesn't even move there's no record of anything it still shows zero and then you get converted and then you put this 1,000 pound weight on it and hey the needles moving a little bit it's not recording 1,000 pounds of it is showing about 10 pounds oh so it's a little better than it was before and then as you become more and more sensitive that needle becomes more and more sensitive to in one day 1,000 pounds is records it's 1,000 pounds so it's like that our conscience as we work with the Lord and as you listen to the Word of God and you obey it more and more your conscience becomes more more sensitive to sin that's how we find in our own life but in the beginning is pretty dead what is the meaning of this word John 14:12 jesus said the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do okay two things the works that I do shall he do also what are those immediately people say he raised the dead hang on hang on give me a general statement for all the work Jesus did for example you're talking about the last three and a half years the last three and a half years he did a few things walked on the water and all that what about the first 30 years and he never cast out a demon never he listened give me one word for all the words Jesus did in thirty three and a half years I'll give you he did his father's will that's what we can do also Jesus entire life was he did not do his own will but he did his father's will which included submitting to his earthly parents which included walking on the water which included raising the dead whatever were his father's will what is not in his father's will he did not do for example he hardly ever went outside Israel most of 99% of the time used in Israel because that is his father's will in the country where he was born many of us are not in the country where we were born so the Father's will is the important thing and those are the words that he did what about greater works than Jesus did what are the greater works the Apostles did with Jesus could not do I'll tell you at the end of Jesus life even his 12 disciples could not be one with each other they were not one they were each competing who is the leader they were competing who's the greatest among us but once the Holy Spirit came and baptized them power they got rid of that competition and they became one body like you know in the body the left hand is not competing in the right hand that's the type of church but there was a puzzle spilled that is the greater work that we can do that Jesus could never do in his lifetime make two people one he couldn't make twelve people into one body I have seen more than 12 people becoming one body without any jealousy or competition among them I think there are many people sitting here in this church like that but no competition or jealousy of each other that's a greater work than Jesus did that's not because we are greater than Jesus isn't because we have the Holy Spirit everybody had the Holy Spirit now those twelve disciples did not have the Holy Spirit that's why they could not become one I mean it's like saying I can make a calculation today faster than Albert Einstein the great scientist does it mean I'm cleverer than him know this because I got a calculator which he didn't have I've got a computer which he didn't have I can do a mathematical calculation faster than Albert Einstein so today we can do something because we have the holy spirit where Jesus could not do because those twelve disciples did not have the Holy Spirit that's the the greatest work that we can do today is to build the Church of Jesus Christ as a body not just a gathering of people like many churches are but a functioning body where we're not jealous of one another what you're functioning together working together as a body that's the work I want to spend all my life doing the greater work that Jesus said there are people who say that a Christian can have a demon in their soul impossible I have cast out many demons in the power of the Holy Spirit in my life many of the villages in India even in here in America but I have never seen a Christian who had a demon that is impossible because Christ and a demon can never dwell in the same heart 2nd Corinthians 6 what Fellowship has Christ with a demon this is worse like that with Belial which is a demon how can unrighteousness righteousness dwell together then people can say what about these people like even Derek Prince and others who say that they cast out demons are the Christians I'll tell you I have met many people who call themselves Christians who are not born again oh how many so here's a person who calls himself a Christian was not even born again have you met people like that I met hundreds of people like that can such a person have a deal sure his label doesn't matter if he's not born again even if he calls himself a Christian he can have a demon so a person can come to a Christian meeting he calls himself a Christian he's not born again he's not a demon and the demon needs to be cast out but a genuine believer impossible for him to have a demon I have backslidden and struggle for many years and I prayed for a spiritual father what can I endure but I don't have one what godly wisdom can we give for such people in the waiting period I think God is the one who Germans I believe where you have places where there are godly people whom you really respect and two marks of them a truly godly person will not want your money number one number two he will not want to control your life two primary marks of a really godly father spiritual father he will not want your money or any benefit from you for himself and he will not want to control your life he'll want to connect you to Christ ahead and if you find a person like that in your locality I would say suddenly to that person if you can respect his life because you read tremendously benefited but watch it all the time because some people who start like that after some time they want something from you and they no longer want to connect you to Christ they want you to connect you to themselves but they're not many people like that in the world but if you don't find someone like that then say Lord I didn't find and I say Lord I got to seek you myself and God determines then of course nowadays we have a tremendous privilege of having the internet for example if you go to the YouTube if you find that my messages help you or anybody's message whoever helps you I see if you put my name on YouTube you'll get at least 1000 messages of mine and more than that if you put my name plus the subject after that like grace or faith or sex or love or marriage or difficult parents or typical husband or wife you'll get a whole lot of messages on that subject whatever subject you put that's a big advantage of the Internet today and therefore even if you don't have the spiritual father locally if you have tremendous advantages today through the internet to be able to or you go to our church web page which is CFC India com many books there articles everything is free we don't take any royalties for our books no royalties for our messages everything is free if we charge a price for these books it's only for the printing cost anything that goes in there goes back for printing another edition I don't get one cent from any my books how does one heal a relationship with someone it's once being broken well I think you got to be patient and what does he do when the other person doesn't accept your apology there's nothing you can do about it you can just be patient once you have asked a person's forgiveness and he says I won't forgive you you just gotta leave it and if you feel it's a relationship that needs to be restored keep praying if you had poor relationship with parents in the past how to rectify it now I think many children have a regret that in the days when they were at home they had a bad relationship with their parents but they can restore it by praying for opportunities say Lord I'm very grateful for my parents but I never behaved properly with them when I was at home will you please create some situation now where I can serve them and really show them my gratitude for all that they did for me when I was a helpless baby I want to show them that gratitude pray that prayer and you'll be amazed to see what God will do for you what is the sin unto death that 1 John 5:16 speaks about I don't know exactly what it means but I think God gives that discernment to leaders that some sins you pray for for example when Ananias and Sapphira it was the early days of the church and it was particularly serious for them and the early days of the church for them to bring an infection into the church it's like bringing an infection into a surgically healthy hygienic ly clean surgical operating theatre you bring some German to that is very dangerous but I mean if there are germs in here like there are it's not so serious so in an early church is just starting in such purity there's a very serious thing for somebody to bring some sin into it like Ananias and Sapphira saying that they sold a house for a certain value when it was not true and Peter led by the Lord allowed them to die just for telling a lie to serious but if they had been in the carnal church in Corinth where they were much bigger since then telling lies they may have even been elders in the church in Corinth imagine Ananias and Sapphira so it depends where you are I mean if you're if you're living a simple life don't join a fiery wholehearted Church is dangerous join some worldly Church where everybody else is worse than you if you live longer I'm not saying you'll be spiritual but you'll at least live a longer on the earth there is a sin unto death do you have any advice on de cycling others I believe you must be first of all it desire yourself you can't disciple others Emmet's first of all you fulfill the three conditions of discipleship in Luke 14 I don't have time to go to that verse myself number one love Jesus more than every earthly relative of yours including brothers sisters friends everybody Luke 2014 26 27 die to yourself every day take up the cross and third be detached from earthly possessions you can have possessions but you must not possess them you must can have things but don't possess them those are three conditions of discipleship and lead others into that life because the true church can only be built with disciples okay how important is intercessory prayer personally and in a church I believe prayer is very important Jesus told Peter I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail after you have denied me three times he did not pray that he won't deny him because Peter needed to be broken by he was such a proud person that the only thing that would break him is failure when he said he did not know the Lord but Jesus prayed that Peter would not get so discouraged that he give up his faith completely so what he said basically was Peter when you hit rock bottom remember your father still loves you pray to him and that's how he came back he wept bitterly and came back so there is a power in intercessory prayer I believe a tremendous power in praying for children who have gone astray few got children who gone away from the Lord I told people this as father and mother get on your knees every day and pray five minutes that's all kneel down together make sure that both of you your hearts are clear towards each other sometimes father and mother have tensions with each other then it's no use praying then you pray alone but otherwise you pray together and lean down and pray for those wayward children and Lord bring them back to you whatever it costs bring them to a place of need I used to tell my children if you if I ever hear that you're disobedient to the Lord I will pray that you'll have a car accident break your legs and that you'll be in hospital with broken legs I would rather see you with broken legs and go to hell that's how serious I was and I meant it unfortunately it didn't have to happen but I mean if you're really serious about your children coming to the Lord are you willing to pray a prayer like that then let them go to hell you're not serious about conversion you think physical sickness is more physical birth is more serious than eternal hell I don't believe that to be saved from eternal hell is a wonderful thing so pray for them pray that they'll come to a place of need in their life and it's like you know prayer is like throwing a rope around your children and like a lasso and the tied round and there's a lot of slack in that rope so they'll they'll go away they'll go away they won't listen to you they won't listen to the Lord it'll go on for long to have one day the Rope will become talked and then you just pull them in and they'll come to the Lord you gotta pray regularly every day for them there's nothing impossible with God okay what is your view on the timing of the rapture what will happen to children of raptured parents if they are born again they'll go up with the parents they're not born again jesus said one will be here the other will be go up for the rapture is immediately after the Great Tribulation is very clear you read that in Matthew 24 Jesus knows about the rapture better than anybody else he says after the tribulation words couldn't be clearer than that after the tribulation in Matthew 24 if somebody says to you he's here he's there he's come he's come don't believe it Matthew 24 23 onwards but after the tribulation verse 29 the Son of Man will come in the appear in the sky verse 30 you couldn't have clearer words than that and then he he will gather his elect from the four ends of the earth so that's what I believe in the rapture exactly what Jesus said in Matthew 24 verse 23 to 31 so at that moment those who are converted will be taken up and some personal question about saying can a row in relationship be healed with parents yes again how do we know that our trials come from God or the devil he doesn't matter where they come from absolutely not God permits everything where did Joseph's Trials come from was it from his brothers who threw him in the pit or sold into the slaves was it from Potiphar his wife who put him in jail it doesn't matter God permitted him from the age of 17 to the age of 30 13 years of suffering to train him to become the second ruler in Egypt and much more in the New Testament God will not allow us to be tested beyond our ability the source of it is unimportant God controls it all but he will sanctify us through those trials and make us better men and women how can we identify spiritual pride in ourselves well I'll tell you how I've identified it through the years the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:5 God gives grace to the humble the opposite of humble is pride so I learned from that that if I am proud I will not get grace very clear it's as clear as what is zero and what is one why don't get Gray's zero means I'm proud if I get grace means I'm humble okay next question is how do I know I get grace Romans 6:14 sin will not be able to rule over you when you're under grace simple so here's the situation where some sin I get defeated by I know according to Romans 6:14 I did not get grace otherwise I would rule over the sin but sin is rolling over me if I had grace I would rule over the sin when I don't get rest in his ruling over me the next question is why didn't I get grace 1 Peter 5:5 I was proud the easiest way to identify pride in you is you fall into sin now it may be a bit humbling to acknowledge maybe you've got grace to get forgiveness of sins but not grace to overcome there's a there's an extent of God's grace is much more than just the initial act of forgiving your sin if you're satisfied with that that's all you get it's like you join the kindergarten in school and you learn to read and write you learn the alphabet you could read a book and you see that's all I want on my education fine you don't want to read it you don't want to learn arithmetic the 2+2 is 4 no fine ok the Lord says ok that's all you want forgive us your sins live there that's not God's will God wants you to progress in your education to follow Jesus being born again a dancer once saved always saved is that what the Bible says well we can ask ourselves what the Bible itself says I'll just read you from Hebrews in chapter 3 and verse 14 we have become partakers of christ if and wherever you read were if we carefully we have become partakers of christ if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm until the end if you don't hold fast till the ends in our departing of Christ he has in other words where Jesus himself says in Revelation and chapter revelation chapter 2 sorry chapter 3 he who overcomes revelation 3 verse 5 I will not erase his name from the book of life this is Jesus speaking so there is a possibility of the name being erased from the book of life I believe Jesus so that answers that question for me but so you ask me brother Zack do you think you'll ever be lost let me use an analogy do you think I'll ever divorce my wife my lovely beautiful wife sitting here you think I'll ever divorce her never how are you so sure and absolutely sure you think your wife will divorce you never if I can be so sure of earthly relationship and many of you married Peter can say the same thing I can be more sure of my relationship with Jesus Christ I will never divorce him and he will never divorce me but you see this newly married couple here they're getting married today and you asked me brother Zack will they divorce each other I said I don't know I can speak for myself it's exactly like that in the Christian life this person who says he's born again will he be lost no I can speak for myself that's the reason what about the difference between receiving the spirit and being filled with the spirit as I told you in that morning the moment you're born again you receive spirit when you ask Jesus to come into your heart you know actually comes in Jesus is in heaven he hasn't come to earth here the third person of the Trinity is one on earth he's the one who comes in whether he knew it or not it was he who came in when he was Jesus to come into your heart you received the spirit Romans 8 verse 9 if you don't didn't receive the spirit you're not even born again but he doesn't mean you're filled with the Holy Spirit if your heart is like a house with ten rooms there's one room called the guilt room we all want Jesus to come there and clean up our guilt okay light has come into one room there are other rooms where you may not have allowed the holy spirit to enter holding you see a hill on a house with ten rooms and one room is lit up and you ask is there light in that house yes is it filled with light--not nine rooms are empty dark it can be like that you asked Jesus coming the guilt is gone one room is lit up as the Holy Spirit come in yes is it filled with the Holy Spirit no why because the Holy Spirit knocked that one door saying can I come into your television room and determine what programs you watch and what programs you don't watch you say no don't come there because you may not like some of the programs i watch okay he's a gentleman he does not walk into any room which you don't enter allow them to enter can I come into your library and read what see what all magazines you read what all books you read no Lord don't come there because it's a little inconvenient to have you messing up there okay he won't come can I come into your finances room to check up whether you're earning your money righteously and you're paying on your taxes no Lord you know in this world is difficult to be so righteous and everything okay I won't come there and then you see oh lord please fill me with the Holy Spirit you won't be in a hundred years you will not be filled with Aurra spirit because you're locked every door I am speaking the absolute truth it's a person himself who prevents being filled with the spirit the Holy Spirit is sunlight like sunlight if you open a slight opening in the in the wall immediately the sunlight comes in is you don't have to invited just make a little crack in the wall that's a lie to come in make a little window here you do not have to I invite the sunlight it'll come straight in the Holy Spirit is more eager to fill you then you are to be filled remember this is you who have shut him out from different areas of your life your praying and praying and praying shutting everything and saying Lord come and fill me with sunlight come open every area of your life to Christ what should I do if I notice sin in a brother that he's not aware of should I tell him or not well that depends on your relationship with him if you don't have a good relationship with him best is to keep quiet see I can point out a sin in a brother if I have a relationship and if he knows that I love him and if you have encouraged I always say even to an elder brother I said don't point out sin in somebody in your church unless you're first encouraged in when you encourage a person you've made a blackboard on which you can take a chalk and write what you want to correct him in but if you have never encouraged him and you take a chalk and write in thin air don't blame him if he can't read it there's no board on which you can write the board is you've encouraged him so whenever I somebody wants to go and correct somebody I asked him have you encouraged that person you've never seen anything good in them till today then keep quiet but if you encourage them you have formed a blackboard even with your children I ask you parents you want to correct your children good have you ever encouraged them when they've done something good you've never encouraged them don't try to correct it as a quiet person do you ever feel the need to speak up so others don't think you're rude or standoffish well see we all have a temperance and Christianity is not making the introvert into an extrovert or the extrovert and introvert know our temperaments are different and God doesn't change us for example you see Paul and Barnabas Barnabas was new you know by the way Barnabas his name was never Barnabas I don't know how many of you know that you read in Acts chapter 4 his name was actually Joseph most people don't know that you know why the Apostles named him Barnabas because he was going or encouraging everybody and saying hey we got to change this guy's name and they changed it to bar which means son of labas which means encouragement son of encouragement it was not his name he was given that name Paul wasn't quite a different person he was a he would never have got that name but his gift so needed one day when Paul and Barnabas went preaching in one place it says here in Acts of the Apostles chapter 13 that they went to a place called Papas and there was a magician was trying to hinder the governor from hearing the truth and Paul turned round filled with the Holy Spirit and looked at that person acts 13 verse 10 he said you full of all deceit and fraud you enemy of all righteousness won't you stop being so crooked trying to crumb a crook at the strait was the lure the hand of the Lord is upon you you'll be blind for a time Barnabas would never speak like that Barnabas would say hang on let's see now can we talk to this man and try to convince him that's why but at the same time if Paul is like that all the time everybody would run away from his church there'd be nobody left miss George so that's why you need Barnabas's and Saul's in every church the glory of God is seen full of grace and truth not only true not only grace so people are different and God uses both of them according to their personality personality sanctified by the Holy Spirit if you're so shy God has to make you get out of your shell a little bit through the fullness of the Holy Spirit would you advise against praying for God's will with the preference for example in the choice of where to reside where the job see basically God isn't doesn't tell us from heaven go and live here take this job very often it is by closed door open doors that God shows us is will we pray about something if you have a very clear leading you think you should go there not just to make money but say I feel I think I can glorify God more there go ahead but we spray this also Lord if this is not your will please stop me from going there and definitely don't do anything unrighteous for example to get a visa if you make a give a false certificate or tell a lie in order to get a visa then you don't know whether you got it through God's will or through your own deception a lot of things people get through deception but if you get something through deception that may not be God's will at all I used to tell my children that when they applied to apply applied for colleges here from India there were a lot of students in India who were getting false certificates and writing false marks and there's card and I said I've never allowed you to do that because I see supposing you do get admission with all these false certificates you go there and you get a car accident and you die you would be outside the will of God I don't want that to happen to you I'd better you don't go to these fancy colleges and be satisfied with where you are the important thing is not a great education the important thing is to be in the will of God the important thing is not to get a visa but the important is to do the will of God so once you recognize your priorities and you see then you pray Lord open the doors that are meant for me close the doors that are not meant for me you can be sure Gardo guy what about rewards in heaven isn't the presence of the Lord the greatest reward what are the best rewards I have thought about much about this Jesus spoke about crowns and mansions and I don't believe there are these are all pictures no I haven't is not going to be a place where you have if you are faithful you get a 14 bedroom house what am i what will I do with a 14 bedroom house in heaven I can't imagine what I'll do with it these are picture languages God is using of crowns I can't imagine going around with 10 crowns on my head would you do that this is ridiculous what'll I do with all of them I mean just cast all our crowns on the feet of the Lord I think these are three pictures the Lord uses because crowns and mansions are what people value on the earth gold value so I ask myself it must be a picture of something as valuable and heaven so I try to find out what is the thing that I will value most when I get to heaven what I were value and I thought about that and I said can't be houses are not interested in man growing on him not interested in that goal it has no value in heaven what is it that our value most it is to be close to Jesus I can't think of anything for me more valuable than that it's to me the most valuable thing on earth right now so I understood that define faithful now there's going to be a closeness to Jesus Christ in heaven that I will experience which I will not experience to that degree even though I'm in heaven if I'm unfaithful now so I say Lord I want to be faithful not because I want a mansion or a crown but I want to be close to you for all eternity it's the greatest reward I can ever I think those can predestination be changed anytime no because predestination you know there's a verse in 1 Peter 1 which says God predestined according to his foreknowledge 1 Peter 1 verse 1 into all the Calvinist 7 part of this verse or they don't never interpret it because it destroys their entire Calvinistic teaching according to his foreknowledge means God looked from eternity and looked into the future when nothing had been even created and he saw who all would accept him and who all would endure till the end and he chose them that's how he's chosen me so it's not that God chose me just took out some names out of a hat he said ok these are going to be saved all the others are going to be lost because if that's the case everybody would go to hell we'd say Lord don't blame how did you send me to hell you didn't choose me what to do that's totally unfair even an earthly father would not be so evil you know pick out names from a hat I've got 4 children okay two of them are gonna get ice cream which ones here two ice creams and the other two sorry your names didn't come out of a hat even an earthly father wouldn't be like that can you imagine God just picking out names at random and then sending all the others to hell I don't believe that I believe God is a loving father and Duke Wins goes against all the principles of justice God is a just God to think that he just randomly picks up names but in foreknowledge means he knows beforehand what's going to happen something like the best illustration I could use it that is here somebody has made a home video of some people doing certain things somebody hitting someone someone's serving someone I am only watching it I don't influence anything happening on that home video that somebody is produced God can see a video of the future everything he's not influencing it just like I'm not influencing this video and he sees oh this person is going to accept Christ and endure to the end chosen somebody else heard the gospel rejected it not chosen as the basis this is already answered yeah some of these are already answered another question is about what is Romans 6 verse 6 mean Romans 6:6 says our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with so that we should no longer slaves in I just want to explain to you what there are two words which most Christians even Bible school professors and students all get confused I don't know whether all of you know the difference Old Man and flesh many times it comes in Scripture old man and flesh the old man is crucified dead buried with Christ in Baptism we testify to the flesh is something we have to crucify everyday but our attitude towards it is I'm gonna crucify it all the time that's why it says in Galatians 5:24 those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts that means that permanent attitude to the flesh is crucified but the difference is God crucified the old man romans exist he crucified me with christ on the cross the flesh Galatians 5:24 I have to crucify that's like saying God buried the Egyptian army under the Red Sea but the Israelites had to overcome the Canaanite Giants they were both enemies Egyptian soldiers Canaanite soldiers both are enemies of Israel God killed Egyptian soldiers but Israel had to kill the Canaanite ones God put the old man to death we have to put the lusts of the flesh to death so if you understand this there is a difference so and the old man was entire Egyptian army was better than the Red Sea in a moment the old man was crucified in a moment on the cross the flesh how long did it take to kill the Giants of inner many many years and he could do that only one by one the Egyptian army was not killed one by one in a moment the old man was gone the last in the flesh are killed one by one and the wonderful thing is when you kill a kin and a giant you got his territory you killed another giant you got his territory you overcome a lust in the pledge you know an area of your life is conquered for Christ another another another like this is growth into Christlikeness or to use another illustration your heart is like a home which has got many valuable fridges for God before you were converted you had a servant guarding the home an old watch man very unfaithful the lusts in the flesh are like a gang of robbers who come knocking at the heart and saying let me come in and the old man says what do you want I want to steal your joy I want to steal your peace I want to steal your purity I want to steal not interested in stealing all your valueless things like money and house and all that I want to steal the really valuable things in your life like joy and peace and victory and all that and the old man says all come right in up ready and take whatever you like and the Rob's unconverted days they robbed of the security and everything is robbed then one day God kills the old man you're born again and he puts a new man inside and the robbers are still alive the robbers are not killed they are hale and hearty they'll be healing and hearty till the end of your life they come knocking again but the new man says sorry we're not gonna let you in the old sermon is gone and you found after you're born again you have a hatred for the temptation you want to resist it that's a new man then you say how does the believer sin I'll tell you if the new man has been too lazy to eat and do exercise its weak and he tries to keep the door shut the robbers push their way and get in and that's what happens the believer really hates sin he doesn't want to sin he doesn't want these lusts to come in his heart but he doesn't read the Word of God he's too lazy to pray he doesn't see God's power doesn't seek to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit he's too weak he wants to give up sin he's a new man is not the old man but he doesn't have the ability that's why a believer sins so that's the difference between the old man and the new man in the flesh Jesus offered a prayers with loves application and here's can you show how to pray like Jesus pray well it says he prayed with loud crying in tears I used to think about that Lord it was easy it says he went off to the wilderness and prayed with loud crying in tears in Bangor a city like this I don't find a wilderness nearby anywhere it's it's a city follow everywhere I go it's cities and buildings and and the Lord showed me you don't have to go to the wilderness you don't have to shout and pray physically you can have it in your heart even while you're lying in the bed with your wife next to you and she doesn't have to hear it it's a cry in your heart in the middle of the night o God deliver me from sin deliver me completely from sin in my speech in my thoughts in my attitudes to people in my motives and actions and everything it's a crime which is as loud a cry as if you I were yelling and screaming for help and you can do that without opening your mouth without a single soul carrying a sound from you that's what God hears and we can pray like Jesus pray Lord I want to be free there can be a morning for sin in the middle of the night I know I used to wet my pillow with tears sometimes because I'd slipped up somewhere during the day nobody knew about it to some in the thoughts or attitudes to someone some hard attitude towards someone and I knew that is on Christ like I see Lord I'm really sorry that's that's not a price like nobody knew about it but God knew and I knew I was sorry about it and I would pray like that I would pray if I got angry with my wife and everything and I prayed and prayed prayed I can say god help me I did not come straightaway into a defeat little into a victorious life it took me years but I was determined to get there over a period of time now praise God God is true to his promise and it can be true for you too should one desire to speak in tongues no because it's one of the gifts the only gift the Bible tells you to seek for 1 Corinthians 14:1 is a gift prophecy prophecy means to share God's Word says there in 1 Prince 14 to encourage comfort and build up people that you can seek for now to be a preacher but just to maybe one sentence you can share a person with when you're speaking to him on a smartphone or writing an email just two sentences can be a prophecy prophecy means 1 Corinthians 14:3 to encourage the person to challenge the person to something better to build up the person's faith or something you can do that but tongues it says it's one of the gifts God gives it to some if he wants to give it to you he'll give it to you if he doesn't want to give it to you don't ask him for a gift which 1 Corinthians 12 says he sovereignly chooses to give a lot of people seek for it because it's spectacular I never sought for it in my life but I did in the early days I saw it and I never got it finally I gave up seeking her and I said Lord what I want is power in my life to overcome and when I sought for that he also gave me the gift of tongues which I didn't seek for but I didn't earnestly seek her at all but I would say this let me read you a list of gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:26 I'm reading it tell me which gift listen to all of them carefully which gift do you want God is appointed in the church first apostles there are fossils today who plant churches second prophets third teachers 1 Corinthians 12 36 then miracles that is miracle workers then those who have the gift of healing then helps administration that means open administering churches and various kinds of unknown tongues to speak in which is the one that attracts you I can almost certainly guarantee that none of you wanted the gift of helps one on the list there is in the midst of apostles prophets miracle workers and healers helps who wants that looking for something spectacular you see and that that proves that we are self-centered they're looking for that which will exalt us and that's the reason we don't get gifts and remember this gifts are given sovereignly by God according to the need in the church he's the head Christ he decides what if he should have you say Lord whatever gift you want me to have I'll accept it what should you do about pastors and teachers who are presenting the gospel in a wrong way well if you can speak to them speak to them if they won't listen to you you should find another church [Music] prayer warfare see basically warfare and prayers resisting the devil and making sure he agrees from you it's not physically fighting of the devil I don't fight of the devil you don't fight with an enemy that's already defeated if you don't believe that Satan was defeated on the cross then go right ahead and fight with him you'll be wasting your time I believe he was thoroughly defeated on the cross absolutely every last demon was defeated on the cross but the Bible says now resistant it doesn't say fight with him no resistant we don't run away from the devil do you know what you should run away from the Bible says in James 4:7 resist the devil and he will flee from you but what should you flee from the Bible says in 1 Corinthians in chapter 6 and verse 18 flee from immorality when Goliath comes that's the devil resist him in the name of the Lord you can bring him down when Bathsheba comes run flee the other way because Bathsheba is stronger than Goliath believe it or not plea from immorality but resist the devil and he will flee from you if you take God's who are seriously you can live a protected life from sin already [Music] when you were raising little children and the announcer is the last one that too many years to have a peaceful home did you overcome anger I find it very difficult to be patient with other children I'll tell you two things quite honestly I get angry with my children I would sometimes punish them in anger but you know what I do as soon as I did that I would go and lock myself up at the rest room and cry out to God Lord I'm sorry the discipline was right the anger was wrong every single time Lord bring me to the place where one day I can discipline them without Hank and it happened many times and finally God answered my prayer but I could where I could overcome the anger and discipline my children and you know God uses these things to help us to overcome I remember once when I had a severe headache and I said Lord what is this for and the Lord said well you know these little children irritating you you overcome getting upset with them when you did not have a headache this is a higher class now a promotion when you have a headache you still overcome getting irritated when praise the Lord thank you lord for the headache I can learn a higher lesson here and move on in everything there is a purpose if you look for it God speaks to you because this ultimate purpose is that you overcome complete and if you are serious about it I'm not joking your life will change radically when you say Lord I don't believe Jesus was ever scarabs so I don't want to be discouraged because he tempted yes every day more times that I have been so I will be tempted I know till my dying day I'll be tempted with different degrees of temptation but I believe that you'll give me grace to overcome sin will not rule over me except when I am proud I don't want to be proud if you give me grace I can overcome all the time I want to be in the place where I get grace all the time dear brothers I want to tell you in Jesus name believe it or not you can live a life where you never snap at your wife even once in a whole year or you never snap at your husband even once in a whole year even under the greatest provocation won't happen overnight but if you discover that's dishonouring to God as a Christian that Jesus would never snap at anybody in anger lord I want that life did he come to you but if you're not serious it'll never come you're serious that he takes on yours but it will come you are determined to get there you know the people who got into the land of Canaan but Joshua and Caleb was said we're going to get there these giants will come under our feet they are not going to frighten us and say we will never be able to convert don't let any sin say to you oh you can't conquer me I've ruled you for so long that's a lie Jesus conquered every sin and he conquered the devil and we can follow in his footsteps so brothers and sisters there are other questions here too many of them the Holy Spirit is there to answer all your questions and I believe he can lead you into all truth that's great heavenly father and pray that you will help us each one and those other questions which are still in the minds of people please help them to find an answer from you pray in Jesus name
Channel: Austin Christian Fellowship Church
Views: 2,953
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ACFC, Austin Christian Fellowship Church, Austin CFC, Zac Poonen
Id: gQt9fxhefv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 56sec (4616 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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