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always have to have a martini to start my cooking because there's nothing like a great martini to start cooking let me take a little sip oh dear god it's delicious okay I want to introduce you to my girlfriend Jeannie was I hard how are you thank you I'm so happy you're here good I'm going to teach you today to make a wonderful Greek flam so I'm going get up I put my up you know what I had a beauty March and I put a little black on it and I just gave her a beauty mark truism about anyway so I'm going to teach you how to make the Greek lamb wonder leg oh I am we put a lot of garlic on our lamb boy let me tell you a lamb garlic and a lot of live morning juice lemon juice genie is so much Ishii has such a beautiful garden she's got dill and she has mint and she has Italian parsley green and what I will do is make little slivers in the lamb and we will put this wonderful garlic good now we will start with the lamb we'll start putting everything on and then we're going to marinate it and this can be usually I like to marinate it like cut two days would be great if not a day and if not four hours an hour whatever you want to do but the longer you marinate it the better it's going to be so we'll put everything on now and we'll stick it in the refrigerator now you know all the cooks do this we tell you the truth I don't do it but they take all this stuff off I like everything on you know Gina she just I can when I'm cooking for her she takes everything puts it in this container what do you call that container Jamie what I did it's my compost compost you're leaving the fat yes but this is this stuff I forgot what the cooks is a God fell let me tell you what the Greeks cooked the whole darn thing okay okay now I put slits in let me get the garlic I'll put garlic in here okay saying God everybody likes garlic if you don't like garlic forget this you can put a little garlic powder all over but we Greek cooks love lots of garlic but anyway that little slippery sucker just went right out of here so anyway okay let me turn it a little round look at ah what a beautiful piece of land well I have to have another sip of my little martini cuz that's when I do a better cook you know it's a shame you don't drink martinis ma cherie she does like her wine and her beer I had it last night she had a wonderful boisterous last night we did a bonfire by her River you should show the river but anyway can you see it it's a lake the lake oh the light well River Lake it's all water if you're gonna here with her okay now we won't do this is this wonderful salt kosher salt look come here you little sucker get in here then we have this wonderful oregano all right don't be shy with the spices we love gobs as for how you you think I say I've always noticed how and you're a wonderful season er because I use a lot of spices and you some herbs and you use them well I do I like this June that's so cute the bunny rabbit yeah while I take a little sip of hmm okay let's do that nice outlet for now I know I am is is you know a little fatty trouble but man you gotta put that wonderful olive oil on it okay now I have never used enough olive oil uh-huh and my cooking has never turned out like yours that's why you're here teaching me how to do all right my darlings and you know what I noticed here lately there's so many so many oh wait I'll fake things in these lemons for gosh sakes okay which ah gee bravo Bravo Bravo means what bottom in bins good okay and see I love the pulp on it will eventually take this I will take the seeds off so if any of the pulp is really really important because it gives so much flavor and as you can see I'm doing a lot of lemons but you know we just use a longer woman's on my lamb now I'm going to show you two when we roast this we put the pulp is really important and when I put it in the oven all this juice goes in the pan also and I suggest we're putting it in here now because we're going to marinate it but I suggest that you use a metal pan because I'm going to show you why you use water and not white wine no okay we we drink the wine okay alright we're going to drink the wine I know I love it now see we put a nice saran wrap over it beautifully this genie has the most beautiful dishes I love it it's all secured and it's gonna nice maron a genius put that in the refrigerator okay here we go ah her Oh perfect I never have any room in my refrigerator wonderful ahh it takes so much time to do all things but you know what when you have a little martini in between it's okay hmm so I've taken the lamb out of the refrigerator as you see how beautiful it looks but we've got to let it get room temperature you should never ever cook meat out of the refrigerator should let it give me a you know really room temperature so we're gonna let this out about thirty minutes which it should be and then we'll get our potatoes ready now we put the potato we'll put this in first and the potatoes later of course okay then you'll see how it's done where's my martini so now we've taken this out of the refrigerator it's been out of the refrigerator about an hour so it could get nice and room-temperature and now we really need to put in an aluminum or a metal pan because it will it really will cook better and you'll see why I like to put it in this pan but then we can take every bit of juice and put it all in here boobs let me show you out but you know you need to put every little bit of the lemon and the rind in here because you'll see why we it makes an absolutely wonderful juice a little bit more olive oil because we coat it good I know the lamb has a lot of fat but we need to do this too we're going to put in the other at 450 degrees because for a lout about 15 maybe 20 minutes I'll look in and the bottom will get very dark Verger we'll see which makes the really good juice and we put at 450 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes because then I'll show you why we do this because we I'll show you when it gets to that okay now we're going to do our potatoes just take the now sometimes people do like to leave the skins on them I have washed them already and they're all ready to cut up now I cut them up in wedges all right and then I'll put them in a bowl and I'll put you'll see I'll put olive oil and salt and pepper and garlic and we put the the lamb in first for four well this is six pounds I'm going for medium so it will be like 15 min 12 to 15 minutes a pound and I'll show you what we do with the lamb though be how black it is all right we put some water in here now this is what makes that wonderful juice and you have to play scrape scrape and this makes that wonderful juice because all this is lemon and all the juices from the land but see how it's all how nice and brown it's getting pan and this makes that wonderful juice all right now Ginny you make it 350 okay okay so I took the potatoes out of the water because we had them already and be sure and sort of blob right because you need to blot and dry because we're going to put them in this bowl and we're going to put olive oil and salt and pepper and oregano and garlic and they will be wonderful absolutely put them all in here put olive oil so Helen the basic ingredients for Greek cooking is olive oil yeah tell it garlic and we put salt and we put pepper and we put what is that oregano we already put olive oil of course and we put nice garlic oops not that side this side and nice garlic garlic is good feel of person everything okay we have already put the olive oil and you know Jeanne we had that little bit of butter let's put that in okay bring it on over okay good oops alright and we did all oh these are going to be so delicious we'll put the potatoes around blue I'm as bad as Judah child's with everything falling on the floor I love it put everything in Oh oh man that lamb that lands will be really good should be in an hour and a half and that is it ok here it is and I believe it's done boy here we go ah now these potatoes need to be done a little bit more we're going to put them back this has to rest for about 20 minutes so we'll put this back in the oven but anyway we're going to put these in for another 20 minutes because it's going to take 20 minutes for the lamb to release its wonderful juices now the time this is done in 20 minutes the potatoes would be done okay that's your venture Christmas dinner what the heck am I saying that's your great dinner thank you okay sweetheart thank you wanna thank you now I'm ready for another martini yeah dinner is ready we've got our spillin copy that our lab and our wonderful is my favorite need a lovely nice bottle of red wine I know my darling oh goodness this is so delicious thank you yes thank you for allowing us to come to your home we're also what's a Greek word Oh No can you onyx you you
Views: 76,520
Rating: 4.6539793 out of 5
Keywords: Lamb, Greek lamb, Auntie Helen, baked lamb and potatoes, The Big Fat Greek Cookbook, garlic, Greek
Id: 0tXHwzfnEMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2011
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