August 26 2020 Seminar Module #2 Energy Monitoring Overview

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my name is thurman bridgers i'm from journalist technologies i'm joined by my colleague ken demario and somewhere out there listening is another colleague of ours raw signal workaholic like we all are again welcome to uh module two of our power monitoring seminar uh in this module we're going to talk about energy monitoring overview we'll talk about some of the aspects there go to our slide here just bear with me here computers acting up but we're on track now so this is our agenda this is what we're going to talk about today uh again i'm thurman richards of duranus technologies i'm joined by ken demario also uh monitoring remotely as raw signal so we'll be presenting this module we found it best in doing this to hold our q and a session at the end we'll be monitoring the chats doing the presentation and at the end we will answer all your questions the next module is september 9th when we get into power quality monitoring we talk a little bit about overview standards and terms rules of thumbs etc so hope you can join us for that module as well uh in this particular module here we're going to talk about you know we're going to get down to some of the basics ac versus dc the relationship between you know watts va vars and power factor we'll talk about that uh energy and demand overview we'll talk a little bit about the aspects what goes on there utility billing we'll talk a little bit about standards billing factors and we also have a case study that we've nestled in here and then of course your questions and please check your questions and again at the end of our session we will answer those questions and again as a reminder we will also be recording this presentation which will be available on our website after a short time so about dryness technologies those of you that are new to granites we've been around since the early 1960s you can think of granites as really the pioneers as far as power monitoring we kind of started it all where we're located if you draw a diagonal line between new york city and philadelphia pennsylvania we're probably somewhere in the middle so that's where we're located geographically our current service and product portfolio of course we were we're known for our three-phase power quality meters and demand instruments uh also permanently installed demand power quality demand and energy systems or analysis software produced by our sister company electrotech concepts they're known for peaky view which is used by a lot of the utility customers we're also a master distributor for gossip metrobot products and they range from anything from precision multimeters and testers to electrical safety installation and other types of testers light meters as well our tech support is still free we're we're known for our tech support we're known because we have free tech support we also perform services for remote and commissioning training and then of course there's which is our website you can go there there's a host of educational information case studies tech tips product information and here's a visual of uh of some of our products here this is uh again it ranges anywhere from currently installed if you attended our last uh segment we talked a little bit about some of the permanently installed uh products that we have and we're known globally for our portable instrumentation and then of course our pc software both for portables and system software and i want to pause for a moment here and introduce we made an announcement yesterday of let's go ahead and pull up this page here just bear with me and we'll go back okay hopefully everyone can see that we uh we announced yesterday a new product uh to the drainage line it's uh drain expert again another product from the legendary uh duranus technologies it's known as drain expert it's basically a portable power logger and pq detector and here some of the specifications and again this information is available on our website you can just simply log on to get more detailed information if you have questions specific questions you can always come to us and we'll provide those answers for you but just you know going through it briefly you have sampling rates the measurement inputs uh current inputs frequencies accuracies as far as energy parameters are concerned and power parameters um looking at some of the other things here these are the various types of connections that are supported by this instrument the way you take away from this is that duran's has now introduced a low-cost uh power monitor pq detector uh that we feel will uh will appeal to a lot of users uh that are looking for something less sophisticated uh but with the legendary drainage name behind it so these are some of the some of the specifications here communication interfaces we can support ethernet usb we support pro protocols such as modbus and those that are back neck applications here's some of the information as far as mechanical environmental and safety and again this information is on our website just simply go to uh the products and again you'll come to this page there's specifications there's features and their descriptions and please don't be hesitant as far as uh asking any questions that you might have from pricing to any technical information all right so we're going to go back to our module here just bear with me and where is it we'll go here all right [Applause] which is we'll just step through here okay so now let's talk about uh building blocks ac power i know for many of you this this will come across as redundant but every once in a while is always a good idea to make sure you have your foundation strong as when you approach more advanced problems and so what we'll talk about is total power and total power is basically determined via these two methods you know the first which is uh the square root of three multiplied by the current by the voltage times the current times the power factor you generally find this formula in any of the textbooks uh today as far as determining uh total power the one thing to keep in mind and what you see here that is uh highlighted here that this will hold true for a balanced circuit so if a balanced circuit this formula is valid most systems that we see is not 100 balance so you have to be aware of that sometimes we see scenarios where someone has a power monitoring it can be granites it can be any other instrument and it's actually measuring power it's connected to a circuit with some imbalance and they're taking the power numbers the total power numbers and they're using this formula here just kind of validate it and then they see the differences and and they're wondering why we have those differences and we get those calls all the time where we say well the first thing you want to review are what are your currents are they balanced and if not then really then this formula here is not very useful for determining uh power in an unbalanced circuit so the second formula that you have here is basically the sum of the individual phases is it's fairly straightforward so this would account for any imbalance that you might have in the circuit incidentally most meters are using this type of uh using this formula here to determine total power and then of course you have alternate and current alternating current or ac to be short and these are the factors that are involved it's the power factor uh meaning you have resistive and inductive and capacitive loads the one thing that they keep in mind regarding power factors is basically two different types of power factor if you think of the old traditional method which was simply the angle between voltage and current and then you take the cosine of that which is known as displacement power factor dpf and then of course you have what is true power factor true power factor is just simply the ratio of the watts the va the reason that is important today is displacement power factor can be easily influenced by harmonics you have distorted waveforms that can change the phase angle between voltage and current therefore it can affect the uh the power factor distillation power factor true power factor is simply to watch the va so it's not affected by any harmonics so that's something to keep in mind the other little tip as well is if you can determine to determine if you have harmonics on your system is if you have an instrument instrumentation that is capable of providing displacement power factor and true power factor uh note the two values if they're the same then there's a very good chance that you have very low harmonics on your system if there is a discrepancy between the two then that would indicate that you have harmonics as well so that's a little tip to keep in mind uh regarding power factor and of course if we're viewing it graphically as far as what does a resistive load looks like versus an inductive load versus a capacitive load you know obviously with with the resistive load you your voltage and current are in phase so to speak you can view it graphically by viewing waveform data or typically what you would use is a phaser display or phasor chart but here we see resistive where they're in phase here we see inductive where the the current actually lags the voltage and then the capacitive load where it's just the opposite it's leading the voltage so you'll hear the term lead lag you'll hear the term inductive capacitive so forth and then of course you have the power triangle which is which has been around way before i was born uh and the power power triangle basically shows the relationship between va uh watts and vars uh now there's a couple different ways of looking at the power triangle depending on what your perspective is you know from the utility you might view it one way the end user is another way um but these a lot of the formulas that you see for example power factor cosine of the angle a lot of these formulas are derived from the power triangle okay we're going to i think i have a pole here that i want to okay why isn't my all right so here we're going to launch a poll here and what does power factor correction do so you guys can go ahead and chime in on this and we'll we'll give it a we'll give it a few seconds to allow everyone to uh put the polls here give it a few more seconds we're about halfway through so we'll give it another 30 seconds okay and we'll give it another second or two and we're just about there okay 79 percent i guess we can end it now and give it another second all right we'll stop it all right so as as we can see here that uh 85 close to 85 increases power factor towards unity to improve efficiency and save money uh and of course we reduce its power factor towards oil to improve efficiency and save money so essentially you can basically say almost 90 percent uh increases the power factor to improve efficiency and save money at the end of the day is basically saving money uh let's go on to our next screen here and yeah i would say that is correct but it depends on how you're viewing power factor correction there's basically two different ways of viewing it from the you end user perspective and you have to remember that you know power factor what what capacitors do right they add vars to the system so you you always have to keep in mind that you have to have a certain amount of vars in the system in order for things like motors and transformers to operate so you always have to keep that in mind from the end user perspective to improve power factor correction if you're in a scenario where maybe utility is penalizing you for poor power factor and and generally these days any power factor that's less than 92 percent or 0.92 is considered poor i can remember back in a day where power factors is you know 85 percent 82 80 percent was once considered good that is uh no longer the case today so uh so if you're the end user and you're being penalized for poor power factors and what do you do well you have to correct it and so one way that you correct it is with power factor correction now if you're the utility then power factor correction is used differently power factor correction is used as far as adding var support to the system and that's very important as far as voltage support so it depends on from which perspective uh you view power factor correction you know you have the end user and then of course you have the utility here's our second poll here which caused this power quality event and i'm going to go ahead and launch the uh the pole here let's bear with me here we'll launch it and so we'll wait uh i think the poll is in uh process here and we'll give it a few seconds to allow the information to come in we're about half so we'll uh we'll give it another couple seconds about two thirds there all right i think we've waited long enough so let's see the results so here's our results uh hopefully can anybody see that let's share the results all right so uh you know by far absolutely uh power factor correction uh capacitor switching um is uh what caused this event now just to from a power quality perspective and this is something that we're going to cover in subsequent modules this is probably one of the most common type of events that can cause things such as nuisance tripping on vfd loads ups probably ups's things of that nature we'll talk a little bit about those things in the uh later modules but yes power factor correction is by far the cause of this event and this is a classic your classic power factor correction switch and transient so those of you that are into waveform analysis and you have the instrumentation capable of recording the waveform data there it is that's uh you can't get any more classic than that as far as capacitor switching all right all right let's talk a little bit about demand and energy because the the two are different there's demand and then of course there's energy demand let's see if we can stop this poll here all right thank you ken i got a little bit ahead of myself apologize for that so let's talk about uh demand and energy these are the two major factors on the utility bill demand it's usually measured in kw it's the amount of power that's averaged over a certain interval the interval can be 10 minutes 15 minutes or 30 minutes here in the u.s a typical demand interval is 15 minutes energy is pretty straightforward it's basically watt hours or you'll hear kilowatt hours or you may hear megawatt hours and it's just simply accumulation of power over time and for example one kilowatt for one hour equals one kilowatt hour uh so it's pretty straightforward and it's basically the bulk of our if you're a residential customer that is the bulk of your bill is kwh kilowatt hours well conversely for an industrial or commercial customer or let's say a non-residential customer demand makes up a big part of your utility bill so to view both graphically what you see in this slide here the top graph is pretty much a plot for energy usage kilowatt hours megawatt hours and you can because it's cumulative it's going to start at a certain value and it's going to be accumulative until when you go read the meter for example a per an example is your meter kwh meter on your home you know whether it be one of the new static meters or whether it's the old electric mechanical meter if you were to go out now well i don't want you to go out now because you're in this webinar but if you were to if you were to go uh out of something let's say noon for example and then read what the value is uh for kwh and then you go back out let's say at 5 8 uh 5 p.m and you read it you're going to have a new value so basically it's an accumulation and simply if you want to determine the usage for that period you just simply take the delta of the two readings and that's basically uh how kwh's kilowatt hours is recorded now demand is a little bit different because demand uh what we do is we take active power some people refer to it as instantaneous power but it's the active power that is average over a specified interval so whether that interval is 15 minutes 30 minutes or 10 minutes you will have what is called your demand for example these curves here this is typical of a facility where you can easily determine the work day the daily work day the weekend and then of course the subsequent week obviously we see where the weekend is uh each of these data plots here that makes up this curve is that 15 minute interval in this case uh which is the demand and then just going back here for example these slopes that you see here that's what's known as the energy rate so the parallel that i can draw that at those that you are familiar with the old electromechanical energy meters kwh meters that have the spinning dial that spinning dowel represents the energy rate so if it's spinning very slowly you're accumulating energy but you're accumulating at a slower rate if you happen to have everything on in the house like in my household people can't turn things off and then that dial is spinning uh very fast so that's what these curves here kind of represent these slopes it's still a cumulative but depending on how steep or how shallow that indicates the energy rate so let's talk about utility buildings they are metering standards you basically have two you have the ansi standard here in the u.s you have the iec uh which is europe and other parts of the world the two kind of sort of parallel each other they kind of want to keep up to date with each other for example the ansi standard is widely accepted by uh by the industry as far as for revenue metering and of course there's the iac standard that is the same as well so you have the different requirements for electrical and for example the iec standard you have the general requirement you have a category for electro electromechanical meters and of course the static meters and then of course the ansi the code is for electric metering and then you have the ansi c12-20 which basically defines the accuracies and performance requirements calibrations etc and like i said earlier these standards are widely used for revenue metering so in the industry you you always hear revenue certified versus revenue accurate and you know simply the difference between the two as far as the standards uh that they comply to they both comply to the ansi and iec standards so if you have metering that is compliant with those standards then technically the meter is suited for revenue metering the difference between revenue certification and revenue accurate is with revenue certification you have a third party you have a third party that certifies that meter for revenue metering there are certain applications and which is a requirement there are certain laws which says that you have to be revenue certified but if you're comparing apples to apples accuracies to accuracies because they both are compliant with the with ansi and iec just because i have a meter that may not be revenue certified if the application on where i'm going to use it does not require revenue certification i can certainly use that device for revenue metering so that's the behind that let's talk about utility billing because there's many factors that go into the utility bill of course you have the two main contributors which is demand charges and energy charges but you also have power factor penalties if you're if you're being penalized for poor power factor that will uh you will incur uh power factor penalty charges there's such thing as ratcheting uh there's few surcharges uh and then you have other costs delivery costs and things of that nature just look at your residential utility bill you would think that kwh you just be billed for that but if you look at all the other factors that are on the bill that contributes to the total so the same here as far as utility billing demand charges and this is typically how a demand charge is uh calculated and again demand is basically active power some people call it instantaneous power the technical term is used as active power so the active power is averaged over a specified interval and again here in the u.s 15 minutes is is the uh typical demand interval but it the interval might be different in other places of the world but essentially how it works here is here if we look at this chart we see for the first five minutes our active power is 100 kw then for the next five minutes the active power is at 400 kw then it goes to a thousand kw well if you take the average over if you take the average over a 15-minute period it comes out to be 500 kw and if that is the highest demand interval a lot of the instrumentation meters demand meters or instrumentation that is capable of providing demand data what they do is they keep track of the highest demand interval of the billing period and that becomes your demand charge there's even instrumentation that will simply maybe keep track of the four highest demand intervals but from the utility standpoint it's the highest demand interval of the billing cycle the building cycle might be 30 days typically it's 31 days so that value is is is put on a tier so for example let's say if your demand charge was uh your highest demand uh interval for the month might have been 100 kw well then your pricing might be somewhere in all the lines of seven dollars per day i'm just throwing numbers out there my might be seven dollars per kw but let's say from from 100 to 500 and your demand falls within that window then the price per kw will go up and so the higher your demand charge is the higher your price per kw would be so that's basically how the utilities derive your demand charge you bill energy consumption again is pretty straightforward it's consumed in watt hours yes it's typically smaller than demand charges unless you happen to be a residential residential customer where you don't have a demand charge per say you basically are charged on uh usage kilowatt hours um you also have what is called time of use and this is this is important because the cost per kilowatt hour is different depending on when you use it for example your cost is going to be at its maximum for on peak and on peak might be you know from 8 30 to 5 8 30 a.m to 5 30 p.m or to 5 p.m monday through friday where you actually pay more per kilowatt hour uh uh you would obviously pay less off-peak you would pay less even still so if part of any energy management program if you're monitoring the energy then you want to get an idea of how much you're using doing on-peak versus mid-peak versus off-peak and it might be a matter of if i'm doing a lot of the processes doing on peak in which the price per kilowatt hour is at its premium are there options for me to shift those operations to mid-peak and off-peak times in order to save money so you know any part of any energy management program would usually have time of use so you can keep track of when you're where you're using the kilowatt hours so in this case study here we're going to inject this case study and we're comparing a compact fluorescent and led bulbs and the old incandescent bulbs we're comparing them side by side uh do they provide the energy savings as advertised and we can identify with this at a residential level because we have these devices in our homes either we have leds or we have incandescent or we might have a mixture of all three me personally i went in and ripped out everything and i have led bulbs now but um so here we did a side by side comparison and viewing the active tower here we have our our trends here this is the incandescent bulb this is the complex fluorescent bulb or the cfl and this is the led bulb bulb so we can see from a um from an active power trend that you know this is 60 watts this is uh about 10 watts 12 watts this is probably around 10. so we can see from a uh from a an active power standpoint that they're pretty much match the nameplate information on the bulb itself and then of course now we're viewing it from a different perspective here we're viewing the energy consumption and remember your typical energy plot is one of uh especially if it's a accumulated plot is one that you basically have this diagonal trend and remember it's a cumulative so we're going to start at a certain time we're going to accumulate until we stop and then basically the difference between when we start and when we stop is the amount of kilowatt hours that was used for that period of time so in looking at the the three we can obviously see that the incandescent bulb uses more energy we see that the the led bulb is of of the three uses less energy you can see that the energy rate is fairly constant there's no dips there's no i would say peaks of valleys so it's fairly constant i should say the energy rate is fairly constant between the two so obviously in viewing this particular graph here if one was uh managing energy cost savings things of that nature then the choice would be our led bulb because it clearly shows here the reduction the energy reduction here so if we did a summary of this our incandescent bulb 60 watt incandescent bulb you can see that the bulb cost is about 55 cents uh the cost to operate it okay and then we compare that to our cf bulb and again the cost to operate it and then of course the winner of this particular case study is the led bulb as far as its cost above cost the annual cost to operate and so forth and we can see from this slide here that the math works and again you know the obvious choice here would be the the led bulb is from an energy statement standpoint now uh poll number three i think this is more like a tease here does the energy efficient lighting cause pq concerns and the answer to that is that is i guess we can call this a tease right so attend our next virtual seminar on september 9th and of course we will uh dive into this a little bit more uh you know the philosophy here my philosophy is always power monitoring i i try not to segregate the two energy versus power quality i tend to look at the big picture especially with energy you can have cost energy cost savings methods in effect and your monitoring energy and you know where every kilowatt hour is going and you have it and you have it managed perfectly but if you're not watching the power quality you can have a single power quality event that can come along and basically delete any energy savings that you might have accumulated so it's always a good idea if you have the instrumentation if the instrument is capable of providing power quality data you should always be monitoring the power quality as well and we'll get more into the power quality aspects of it at our next virtual seminar on september 9th and again just a review of drainage monitoring products from handheld to permanently installed and again don't forget to when you have uh time go to our website uh go ahead and view the detailed information on our latest product introduction that we introduced yesterday the drain expert i think you'll find i think you'll find its specifications very useful for your applications in terms of versatility and cost and again if you have any questions after this seminar that happened to come up you can always reach us at 1 800 dratech and i thank you for your time and we're going to hang around a few and address any of the questions that you may have chatted during the seminar and let's see let's go to our chats here all right all right so we'll go back and just reviewing the questions here all right um so the first question here uh that i see uh make sure that no one answered it okay is there an ansi standard that defines metering intervals and how the interval values are calculated at the revenue meter uh the ansi standard that i'm familiar with is the ansi standard um 12 uh ansi standard c12.20 which i believe will define metering intervals and how the intervals are calculated so it's an ansi standard and you know there's two ansi standards there's the ansi standard which is c12.1 which basically describes electro uh electric metering and then there's the ansi standard which is um uh ansi c uh ncc 12.20 which defines the meter itself a device itself which covers uh you know things such as metering intervals and how the intervals are calculated and i think that's the only question that we have so i uh again i'm going to uh i'm going to remain here for the next few moments and uh any questions that uh that you guys may have i still see there's a fair number of people out there so if you have questions please uh don't hesitate to chat them over you
Channel: DranetzTech
Views: 183
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pq meter, pq analyzer, power quality, pq, energy meter, energy monitoring, power survey, energy survey
Id: vblyJp0YjdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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