AUGUST 2021 BUDGET RECAP | 30% Off Preorders

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well welcome to the budget mom youtube channel i'm kamika love from and we have ryan here today and some exciting announcements this is our regular monthly budget recap going over august it's a little bit late in the month but we did it for a good reason this budget recap is going to be a little bit different because i'm going to be showing you how i use all the pages in the brand new budget by paycheck workbook that pre-orders start here just on september 15th but i wanted to show you what it looks like filled out when i use mine so we're going to do ryan's budget recap first using the old workbook because she's still using the old workbook and then we're going to show you my budget recap in the new workbook it's going to give you a chance to see some of the differences even the changes if you would like to see more detail sneak peek behind in what the budget by paycheck workbook looks like go back to our uh recent video that we just did here on the budget on youtube channel [Music] so we've got some crazy announcements before we jump into the new budget by paycheck workbook also in this video i'm going to be showing you a step-by-step breakdown video on how you can get 30 percent off our pre-order price of the new budget by paycheck workbook so if you are thinking about pre-ordering the physical copy of the budget by paycheck workbook stay tuned for that instructional video on how to get 30 off it's very exciting it's a huge announcement and it's so exciting and i i'm just i'm so excited to share it so we have another exciting announcement right now right now i'm moving ryan has moved yeah right she's not yes i have moved she's gone um and i'm i'm heartbroken and i'm sad uh because when i first hired ryan i did it with the intention of having a assistant here with me in spokane we have a lot of full-time employees working for the budget mom that work remotely yeah the blessing about what we do yeah right um but ryan needed to be closer to family so ryan midwest to the midwest so tell us more about this experience are we going to be seeing any of these expenses in your budget with this budget recap what's going on with that okay so obviously this was kind of a very last minute move um just some family stuff in oklahoma and kansas that i just am pulled there so i just need to be there for a little bit like i told me go i don't know if it's permanent but right now that's just where i need to be so with that said um you'll see once we kind of go over the numbers i shifted a lot actually majority of my extra income to savings just to save for that move because i had nothing saved because it was so last minute but luckily i you know my only debt is my student loans and that payment is fairly low so i had quite a bit of money that i was able to save in august and then moving into september saving is also my number one goal okay but you're here now i am and i'll be here i'll be here yes and we're still gonna be doing our monthly budget recap she's not so far away to where she will never come back here or be with me or do any of these videos but it is definitely a change yes for her stress-wise i bet right now yeah crazy um and then a change for me and the budget mom but the blessing out of all of this is ryan will continue to work for the budget mom doing everything that she's doing now like i said it's a blessing that we are able to have for sure to be able to work remotely and still do what she loves to do here at the budget mom and really be a part of this team because ryan here is not is is irreplaceable there's no there's i mean there is no other ryan okay so those are our big announcements and like i said we're gonna start today with ryan's budget recap and then we'll jump into all of my august worksheets in the new budget by paycheck workbook okay so here's my august closeout numbers um i had a starting balance of 302.24 incoming income this was all earned income so again i didn't separate it like you'll see in mikko's um that was 3899 for a total of 4201 okay everything in red means that i was over budget in august everything in green means i was under food i was over i was doing really good on my food budget but with the move and everything we're currently living at cody's parents house i just needed i went over budget for food and that was primarily why everything else though wasn't too bad household again just because we're living at cody's parents that was over 175 debt i did still was able to put 682 dollars towards debt and then you'll see here i put about 1200 towards savings so that's why those numbers are over budget utilities i was over by 17 not a big deal other than that everything pretty good for the month of august um i was off by 4 42 i didn't even bother going back to find out what happened so i'm just taking that and moving on to september okay so here's my monthly debt and savings breakdown like i said my income was 4201. i put about 16 of my income towards debt and that was all towards my student loan and then i put about 29 of my income towards savings and you can see that breakdown here so the move was 754.80 is what i was able to save sinking funds was 303 and then my savings challenges was 162. okay question yes what does this include the 754 for the move i know i have a lot of um community members who are trying to prepare for a move what is this just savings yes we're not it's not broken down like there's no specific expense yet exactly exactly preparing that's what in september whenever we do our september recap you'll kind of see it more broken down but in august all i knew was i was moving so that's why i just kind of categorized it as move instead of breaking it down into like you know a u-haul or storage or all those expenses okay so from july to august i had a decrease of income of about 15.59 back in july i did get a bonus so that is why that was such a huge drop off from the two months everything you see here in red means i spent more in august than i did in july everything in green means i spent less and as you can see i spent less pretty much in every category besides food like i said i've been doing really well with sticking to the food budget but with the move and everything it just kind of got out of hand a lot of take out so that's why i was over 173 and luckily i just had my checking account cushion to take that hit and i replenished it back again in september other than that i was under the same for two categories which never happened so that was kind of funny to me the same in miscellaneous and insurance um let's see i did save less but that was just because of my income change and then debt i wasn't able to put as much towards debt but again that is just because of the move all right so now we're going to look at my budget recap for august and it's going to be a little bit different because i'm going to walk you through all of the different worksheets to show you this is the brand new budget by paycheck workbook so pretty so pretty so um for this new year i am using the full size peony theme which is going to be available for pre-order september 15th now remember all of last year i used the box set i'm back to the full size i've been getting a question about the full size i love the box set the box set and the little booklets are great and if you want to see a preview of the box set make sure you check out our previous video that we just did here on youtube i like it for the portability how small the individual booklets are but i am a stationary budgeter and planner planner yeah um for the pure fact that when i stay stationary i don't move right i am on my writing desk it's how i my routine is set up it's how my life is set up i am not on the move i work from home so it makes more sense i like having the full size so this is the peony theme um that's going to be available for pre-order uh september 15th and it's absolutely beautiful so let's jump into august now these workbooks and the box set are completely undated let me say that first and foremost you can see even the days at the top of your calendar are blank you can if you're a sunday start person or a monday start person you can customize that all of them are blank now this is my budget calendar for august the main change is we took off the days from previous years so you can write those in now remember your budget calendar is not just for your bills my bills are everything in pink now remember i get paid once a month here on august 1st so all of my bills are going to be paid with this first this one paycheck because i only get paid once a month but if you get paid multiple times in a single month like maybe on the 5th and the 20th then you're going to see like i like to use the highlighter method so everything that i paid with my paycheck on the fifth would be highlighted one color all of the bills that i pay with my paycheck on the 20th would be highlighted one color but you're seeing them all in one color because i'm using only one paycheck events are highlighted in green i only had one event which was my son's birthday very big event and then anything in blue is travel which you can see down here at the bottom i started a vacation the 30th i was on vacation from the 30th to the 3rd of september i also like to put down my savings challenges on my budget calendar to remind myself hey complete your savings challenge those are highlighted in yellow that is how i use my budget calendar it's not just for bills it is for your real life anything that you plan on spending money in this current month should be written down on your budget calendar this is your roadmap and your reminder to include it in your budget for your august paychecks so that's the calendar now we get into a big change that you're going to see is we change the name of this worksheet from the paycheck bill tracker to the paycheck budget tracker and i did that because remember your budget is not just bills so i didn't like having that in the title of the worksheet so now it's the paycheck budget tracker so i here i list out my income and then i had a sinking fund that i was going to use i saved the previous year for james's birthday here in august so i have the 400 cash saved i'm gonna use it so it's part of my income because it's part of an expense on my budget somewhere now it's really important not to get focused on my numbers my numbers aren't what's important the method process and organization of the but paycheck budget tracker is what you need to focus on so i have my all of my bills right here these are my fixed expenses these are all on auto pay then after i take care of my fixed expenses i then take care of my variable spending which i use cash envelopes so after all of my fixed expenses were done i had three one eight nine left over i then use that to take care of my variable spending or my cash envelopes after that's done i have 1789 left over and then i take care of my sinking funds now sinking funds if you are not aware are planning for expected and planned expenses you know are happening in the future this is a strategy a savings strategy that gives you a plan and makes you prepared for expenses you know are coming up now usually they're bigger expenses expenses that you can't afford with just your paycheck alone so i have valentine's day my kids sports costco dysport house maintenance house insurance car maintenance property taxes okay this is called paying yourself first this is prioritizing savings in your life and this may look very different if you are paying off debt because i'm debt free so all of my extra discretionary income goes towards sinking fund or extra savings but you like i said yours might look different depending on what's happening in your personal life in your personal financial situation after i take care of my sinking funds and prioritizing savings in my life i'm left with 288 left over which i then put towards my landscaping savings goal now this is as organized into a zero based budget income minus expenses should give you zero and that you can work that out down here at the bottom of the of the worksheet now let's look at the cash envelope breakdown if you you this workbook is meant for the budget by paycheck method which i am a firm believer and user of cash envelope so we give you a cash envelope breakdown this is where you can break down what expenses you are paying in cash and what bill denominations you want to pull out for those cash envelopes or sinking funds in my case i have sinking funds my sinking funds are in red you can see i have it highlighted labeled here and then my blue ones are for my budget so you can really i can see really which ones are sinking fun savings which ones i am putting in my wallet for my variable spending for my budget now this isn't part of the worksheet you can break down any money thoughts any priority goals that you have this is our teller slips this is a separate product but i like to use the cash teller sip because i bring this to the bank so i know exactly what cash i need to pull out for my cash envelopes just makes it really easy you're going to get five budgets per month inside the budget by paycheck workbook now a lot of people ask me well mikko you only get paid once a month aren't all these pages wasted no and i'll be showing that in rece in upcoming budget recaps i use these for vacation budgets thanksgiving budgets holiday budgets christmas budgets birthday budgets you can use this budget worksheet for any budget that you need to do in a month mock budgets too mock budgets if you want to do a pr uh uh what i call a first run budget where it's not their finalized budget but you're just kind of working out the numbers these are great worksheets so having five is very helpful all right then we get to my expense tracker now you get one two three four five six six expense trackers per month i organize my expense trackers like this i have one expense are two expense trackers for my uh checking account spending and then i i use two expense trackers for my cash right i separate them out so that's what my expense trackers look like i use the highlighter method meaning that every single category in my budget which you can see here is in a different color why do i do this i learned very early on in my budgeting journey that i'm a visual learner seeing things visually is what stimulates my mind it makes things clearer for me i have clarity so if i just had this all white with just writing on it i wouldn't just looking at it i wouldn't get a lot of information about my spending but because my categories are highlighted different colors i can tell you right in right away wow i got a lot of gas this month because it's in in purple and i never have a lot of purple highlights like that i can also tell you that in my checking account i didn't have a lot of food spending which means and tells me i stuck to the cash that was in my cash envelope i have one eating out wow highlights one eating out highlight see there's a lot that you can just automatically tell about your spending by visually seeing it within one second right i can also tell you right now that i spent a lot out of my checking account for fun and entertainment in the month of august because it was summer oh yeah that's green look at all the green purchases see how the highlighter method makes a huge difference and i do the same thing with my cash did you want to go over the change on the xbox yes on the expense tracker we did make a change we used to have an account column here we have the account listed here so you don't have to keep writing the same thing over and over and over again the changes we made in the new budget by paycheck workbook pre-orders start september 15th here just in about a week or so we did it to make it more efficient right so we took away the account and gave you more room to write for your transactions and your categories now after the expense trackers you have the debt payment plan worksheet i'll link the uh a video going over the debt payment plan worksheet um in this video or in the description uh below if you want to see a detailed uh video on how to fill out this worksheet i'm debt free so i did not fill out this worksheet and there are no changes on this worksheet from previous years now if we get into the you the monthly net worth tracker no changes as well i'll make sure to put a link to a video in the description of this video on how to fill this out if you need a descriptive video to fill the net worth tracker out now we get into the where do our money go worksheets we did some major changes to these worksheets my main change that i wanted to make on the murder my money go worksheets which is the worksheets you use to close out your budget is the language is the vocabulary i really wanted to break down what your inflow into your life actually looks like in any given tracking period so you could see ryan's was a little bit different in the new workbook it's broken down into the things that truly make up your inflow for the month money coming into your life in any given tracking period now i'm not talking about just your earned income or your paycheck income because honestly you receive income outside of just your earned income what if you sell something online if you get a bonus or or you work for someone outside of work maybe you do some babysitting on the side maybe you know there's a ton of things where you're going to make extra income you're going to use savings in your life that you saved in prior months which is an inflow into the current month so here's how it's broken down your starting balance this is what was in your checking account unused money in your checking account or cash on the first day of your peer tracking period mine was one two six seven earn income what do you get from your job your w-2 job fifty six hundred dollars for me i had no other income but other income might include alimony child support maybe reimbursements like if you if you paid maybe you live with someone you paid a bill and they gave you half of that money back to pay that bill that's other income you sold something online that's other income i had zero then any savings that you used in this current tracking period that you saved in previous months for me i spent 415 dollars in august that savings that i used it was actually for costco i did uh i did a costco run oh yeah i see your food and i used some of my costco savings so that was savings used or an inflow into my life so i could spend it in the month of august which gives me a total monthly inflow of 7282 here is how it was broken down where did i spend this money that i res that was inflowed into my life in august well in all my budget categories now if it's in red i was over what i expected to spend my monthly budget my tracking period budget if it's in green i was under so here is why i was no i usually only spend 450 a month on my food but because i did that extra costco bulk run i was over by 488 part of the savings that i used i was over in my gas and car which is the norm right now i'm driving a lot gas prices have increased dramatically i was over in household by 59 bucks but and i was over in savings which is always good you always want to save more than what you plan and then the rest i was under wow so i did pretty good yeah and then my income and my expenses matched up perfectly now let's go to the monthly debt and savings let's go to the monthly debt and savings breakdown now i'm debt free so i track my investments there are a couple of changes on this the main thing is the vocabulary for debt if i was tracking debt it'd be total monthly inflow so how much debt did you pay with what you received in the month of august for me it's how much did i invest so i invested 16 percent into these two investment accounts three investment accounts my tods which i have two transfer on debts these are non-retirement individual investment accounts and then my 529 college account for my son now with your monthly savings breakdown it's just includes your monthly income because you're not going to use savings used as part as your inflow right you're not going to save if you're using savings so the savings used your total monthly income includes your starting balance earned income and other income which is why you're seeing a different number on these two things it's going to affect your percentage right and it'll even make your savings percentage act more accurate more accurate accounting right you're not in connection you're not including the savings that you use so i saved 30 percent 2080 of the income that i received into syncing funds landscaping my five dollar challenge at my 2021 challenge why do i break it down because it's not important to know how much you save total or how much you invested it's important to know what you're saving for specifically especially if you're saving for multiple goals because if you're saving for multiple goals or you're completing multiple financial goals obviously one prioritizes another they're not all the same priority in your life so you want to make sure that you are throwing money towards your goals in a way that makes sense for your priorities of your savings or financial goals in your life okay the next thing is our monthly spending comparison we made a change now before you had to write down budget categories twice we fit it all into one page we made it more efficient we're comparing august to july i had an income inflow change of 439 because i used that costco sinking fund that savings that i had that is the bulk increase of that change of that increase now if it's in red i spent more in august than i did july and if it's in green i spent less than so i spent less for gas hey that's a win it's a win it's a win it's a win um i spent of course more on food right um more in utilities some other things um i spent more in savings which is always good a little bit more on health and beauty but nothing outrageous except smaller amounts except for my food budget now let's get to a brand new worksheet in the in the new budget by paycheck workbooks now it's safe to say that your food budget much like your mortgage child care is a big expense but not only is it a big expense it's a hard expense a lot of time it's a budget but what we call quote unquote budget busters so meal planning is a big part of the budgeting process so we included a calendar for meal planning now we wanted to give you bigger boxes and have fit a calendar all on one page for you so this is how it's set up august is a perfect month to show this there are gonna be i think three months out of the year where there's gonna be more dates than there are rows so how we did it is we are i so you can see i'm a monday through sunday meal planner okay my meal plan starts on mondays now yours might start on sundays that's totally fine these blank these boxes are blank at the top but the month started on a sunday and there wasn't enough you can see there's not enough boxes down here to get all the way down to the 31st so what this calendar does you bring it up the the last couple of days the three or four months that that happens you bring up back up to the top now you can see i made mine very apparent by highlighting it in yellow hey these are the last two days of the month and i crossed out the days that i wasn't going to use so you can see your whole meal plan in the three to four months that that does happen throughout the year if it's all on one calendar it's just the way that you you'd utilize the calendar but if we put the extra row down at here at the bottom your boxes would have been very small and it seems like there's even enough room where you could write you know breakfast lunch dinner yes you can do breakfast lunch dinner now how i do and organize now usually i'm a weekly meal planner what i mean by that is i grocery shop every week i don't do one grocery haul for the entire month to take care of all of this because then you're left with stale food you throw out a lot of foods but having the monthly plan allows you to plan for the entire month and then plan out your weekly meal plans and your grocery runs right so you can get the whole month planned out if you want to i love that so this is what it looks like now you might be saying nico what are these these are leftover days i choose two days out of the week in my meal plan where i utilize leftovers it's always wednesday and sunday it's what works best for my family and our schedules which is you can see these leftover stickers now these little shopping carts i do my grocery shopping on saturdays for my meal plans right so this is what this is the new calendar it's just a blank calendar and in fact i'll flip to september for you so you can see what it looks like just blank it's just a blank calendar that you can fill out so essentially if we continue on after your monthly meal plan you have a page for notes every single month this is also new we did not have a notes page every month but now you do and then you have your cash teller slips if you don't want to buy my fancy dandy sticky sticky notes you have your own cash teller slips that you can cut and utilize there's nothing on the back here you can cut these out and bring these with you to the bank if you want to so that is a detailed look of how i use the budget by paycheck workbook now keep in mind i'm getting i know i'm going to get questions miko is this the same in the in the box sets the booklets have the exact same worksheets it's going to be filled out the exact same way all right so let's talk about how you can get 30 off if you plan on pre-ordering the new budget by paycheck workbook september 15th and this is some exciting news my brand new book my money my way is actually available for pre-order the same day as the launch for the free rounds for the workbook now my money my way is a book that i've been working on for over a year yeah and it's an amazing book you know i didn't want to come out with a book just detailing how to create a budget right i wanted to go over what's truly important that is so missed when you are talking about working through creating a realistic budget in your life and that's the emotional psychological and self-discovery journey that is included in that process i'm not talking about just budgeting paying off debt or saving but i'm talking about truly learning who you are and what you want from your money now there has been a lot of times where i've asked community members what do you want what are you trying to accomplish what brings value to your life and i have i'm the surprising answer is a lot of people don't know right or they give me what i call an empty answer an answer that's just supposed to come out of their mind their mouths yeah the quote-unquote right answer right i want to pay off debt right yeah you may want to pay off debt but let's jump past that why do you want to pay off debt okay it's a self-discovery there's amazing tips in this book that i've never talked about stories that are shared from community members more of my personal story my money relationship and we're going to be talking about money relationships in the book and why i am the way i am right each money relationship is different and the book is really about conquering your finances in your own unique way and being and and being proud of that getting past the self-comparison game of oh they did this that i should be doing that no right but truly building your own confidence to be able to say you know what this is my money plan these are my goals and dang it i don't care i don't care because it's what's important to me and my family right it's about three things to conquer one thing the three things are stability clarity and confidence to give you financial fulfillment right drop mic drop and the thing about financial fulfillment is it's something that anyone can establish and conquer in their lives no matter what income they have right now no matter what debt circumstance you have right now you have no debt you can have a hundred thousand dollars in debt no matter your goals this is finally the book that's coming out and saying you know what it's okay to be different to want different things for your life here's how you do it i'm giving you the foundation you're building the house and ryan's been with me on this process my brand new book my money my way is going to be available for pre-orders september 15th as well hence how you're going to get the 30 off pre-orders are so extremely important in the book publishing world it's important to me so to get 30 off if you plan on ordering a workbook i'm going to show you order pre-order my brand new book my money my way and you're going to get a discount code for 30 off for the brand new workbooks now ryan can attest she has been with me on this journey with the book she has read it read it read it it's amazing i truly feel it's life changing a lot of work was put into it and on all aspects on all aspects and here's the thing the great thing is it completely covers the budget by paycheck method it does so at the end of each chapter it will say hey if you're working in the budget by paycheck method this is the step right that we're talking about it breaks down really really breaks down the budget by paycheck method but it's it's to an extreme and it covers so many more things it's about financially being financially fulfilled in your life right and let's just talk about fulfillment for a second and the book talks about this being truly fulfilled in your life and once you're done with this process and you've gone through the steps in this book you'll realize that true fulfillment is here it's in your heart and it's from within it's it's the small things that a lot of people attribute to money right right it's a complete it's a complete life changer trust me i've been on this journey myself it's my 10-year journey in a book in a very um to-do way you're going to be able to apply that there's action steps at the end of each chapter for you to complete we have accompanying worksheets it's amazing yeah um so let's get into what this looks like step-by-step breakdown on what it looks like to get that 30 off the new pre-order of the workbooks and how to pre-order my brand new book my money my way to pre-order my brand new book my money my way and to get 30 off the brand new budget by paycheck workbook the first website you need to go to is now this is the website that we have that i have up right now up at the top there's a list of menu items you want to go to the very far right one here that says get the book click on that it's gonna bring you to the um the my money my way website where you can pre-order my new book now what you want to pay attention to is all these links right here you can pre-order from any of these different retailers in this example let's say i want to do and pre-order from amazon so i'm going to click on amazon and it's going to bring you to the amazon page where you can pre-order my new book once you have pre-ordered the book you're going to receive a confirmation email for your order and that's going to look like this in the example of amazon you can see here i have an order number and you're going to need that order number or the confirmation number for your pre-order of the brand new book my money my way once you have that confirmation order number for your pre-order for the book you want to go and click on this get 30 off my bbp workbook here that's going to generate a form where you can enter in your pre-order for my money my way so you can get your 30 off discount code for the bbp workbook you're going to type in your first name your last name an email address where you pre-ordered the book so in this example amazon then you're going to type in your purchase confirmation number that you got from the retailer that you pre-ordered from then you're going to hit this get my 30 off button once you click on that get my 30 off you're going to get a unique discount code each person gets you gets a unique discount code for 30 off the budget by paycheck workbook this code is only good one per user once you have that you can then use this code at checkout for your budget by paycheck workbook go ahead and just click on you can say order here for the budget by paycheck workbook now currently we have the waiting soon page up because we're about to launch pre-orders of the brand new workbook on september 15th but as an example i want to show you where you can enter in this 30 out discount code during the checkout process for your budget by paycheck workbook you'll see a box where you can enter your 30 off discount code and that's how you get 30 off the brand new budget by paycheck workbook so that is the steps on how to pre-order my brand new book my money my way and get that 30 off discount to pre-order your brand new budget by paycheck workbook coming september 15th it's getting crazy at the budget mom so truly thank you for all the support as well that's our budget recap and a look at the brand new budget by paycheck workbook if you found this video helpful please like it and don't forget to subscribe i'm kamiko love from [Music] toby [Music] done done [Music]
Channel: The Budget Mom
Views: 24,768
Rating: 4.9575973 out of 5
Keywords: budget recap, zero based budget, personal finance, monthly budget, august budget recap, august budget, budget close out, budget planner, how to budget, monthly budget with me, zero based budgeting, august budget close out, budget spreadsheet, how to budget your money, monthly budget planning, personal finance 101, how to budget and save money, the budget mom, budget with me budget by paycheck, budgeting for beginners
Id: WEwBUk7pnPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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