August 15, 2020 - Growing together Sabbath School - Walk as God Commands

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[Music] well good morning happy sabbath this week's theme is all about walking with jesus so we're gonna sing walking with jesus with jesus walking every day all along walking with jesus walking with jesus along walking in the sunlight walking in the shadows walking every day all along the way walking in the sunlight walking in the shadows walking with jesus alone sing along walking with jesus alone walking in the sunlight walking in the shadows walking every day all along the way walking in the sunlight walking in the shadows walking with jesus alone we're going to sing making melodies ready we're going to put our thumbs up making melodies in my heart making heart to my videos of kings thumbs out pinkies out making melodies in my heart making my movies in my heart making maggots in my heart to the king of kings thumbs up pinkies out elbows out ready making melodies in my heart making melodies in my heart making melodies in my heart to the king out kings thumbs up pinkies out applesauce knees spent ready making melodies in my heart making my videos in my heart pinkies out elbows out knees bent tongue out ready good morning boys and girls it's a great day to praise the lord let's praise god together as pastor shana leads us in a prayer of praise and thanksgiving boys and girls i invite you to join me for prayer let's talk to jesus this morning bow your heads with me dear heavenly father lord this morning i just thank you for the sunshine that i feel on my face thank you for the greenery around us and all the trees you've made for us to enjoy thank you for the beautiful flowers that you've created for us to smell and to look at lord we just thank you for this week and all the beautiful blessings that you've poured down upon us our lesson today is about walking with you in your command lord i just ask you that we follow the guidelines that you've set up for us in the bible may we follow the instructions that you've given us and live a life living for you lord we want to love each other and i ask you that we be kind to one another this week thank you for being with us and i ask you to please be with each boy and girl who have joined us in prayer this morning in jesus name we pray amen remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath to the lord your god you know boys and girls i am so glad that god created the sabbath to provide a special space in my life for him and i together did you know that he created 10 guidelines to help us live the walk with god and those around us today's lesson is on walking as god commands let's go to our connect as we learn more about it today hi kids today we're gonna make a cake do you guys like cake we're gonna make a yellow cake and it's gonna be so yummy have you guys ever made a cake well i think if you to make a cake you need some flour but i don't have flour so i have the package though so i'm gonna get it right here and i'm gonna throw it in like that then i think it says it needs some eggs so but i ran out of eggs and i didn't get a chance to go to costco yet so got this put in there then um it says we need some vegetable oil oh hold on vegetables i got vegetables okay hold on a second [Music] these are vegetables some celery and some carrots they're vegetables right that work just check them in okay and then it says add some water oh i know i i ran out i know that that that's a water thing but i got a cup let's throw it in there then it says you got to mix it right mix it like oh mix mix mix mix mix kids this doesn't look like cake batter does it i need help let me ask pastor maria pastor maria can you help me make better cake batter that looks like cake batter what did i do wrong hi faster clint first of all you need to follow the instructions if you put in real three eggs instead of a carton one half cup of real vegetable oil instead of vegetables and a cup of actual water instead of a cup and you will see a good result [Music] instructions [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] well done caleb and brianna see things will turn out way better when you follow the directions children the bible god's word gives us directions on how to live a good and happy life it helps us know god and how to be in relationship with jesus it shows us how god intended to love us just like the directions on a cake box shows us how to bake a cake the bible boys and girls shows us how to live our lives properly for example if i want to know how to love others i can go to ephesians 4 32 yes and the bible says i should show kindness and be tenderhearted toward others but boys and girls it is my choice to decide if i want to know god and be in a relationship with jesus again boys and girls it is my own choice god made us and knows the best way for us to live so to follow his word is to choose the best way today boys and girls we will read god's word and learn how to follow god alright boys and girls don't forget your offering okay have a wonderful sabbath boys and girls have you seen our quarterly for beginners kindergarten primary juniors teen life and discipler for moms and dads they help our sabbath school teachers and parents make our weekly lesson easy and fun to teach you can access them on our website at and download teachers quarterly for free as a new school year is beginning we are so excited to let you guys know that we are soon shifting to become a media resource for our sabbath school teachers and parents who do sabbath school at home beginning september we want to invite you to a special growing together zoom town hall meeting this thursday at 5 pm pacific standard time and 8 pm eastern standard time where we can share with you how you can create an exciting interactive sabbath school program below is the meeting id and password for our zoom meeting thank you for partnering with us and helping our families grow together your generous donation will help keep this self-sustaining ministry going god bless matthew 22 tells us that one day an expert in the law had a very important question for jesus his question was what is the greatest commandment and this is what jesus answered you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your heart you shall love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind you shall love the lord your god with all your soul with all your souls you shall love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind and he shall love your neighbor as you love yourself you shall love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind shall love the lord your god with all your mind with all your mind you shall love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind and you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself you shall love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind with all your heart soul and mind today's lesson points us to something super important our bible lesson will remind us who god is and how he wants us to treat each other and how he wants us to live our lives can you guess what our lesson is about here's a little hint today our verse comes from the book of romans now the romans were oppressive to god's people they really mistreated them but listen to how god asks christians to treat everyone including their enemies our verse comes from romans chapter 13 verses 8 through 10. owe no one anything except to love one another for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the entire law the commandments you shall not commit adultery you shall not kill [Music] you shall not steal [Music] you shall not covet and any other commandment are summed up in this sentence you shall love your neighbor as yourself love does no wrong to a neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law paul wrote this special message just for you this week's verse is found in john 15 verse 10 and it talks all about our theme which is walking in jesus commands jesus said if you obey my commands and you will remain in my love just as i've obeyed my father's commands and remain in his love let's sing it together are you ready my commands you will remain in my love just as i have obeyed my father's command and remain in [Music] you will remain in my love just as i have obeyed my father's commands and remain in his love and remaining hi boys and girls i'm here in front of your reach this place is an outreach of one of our church here in southeastern california conference and it is here to help serve the community and the needs of those who come here many of you may have a similar program in your local church did you know that walking as god commands lead to loving actions as a result of our love for god let's go to our application respond to see how we can apply it to this week's lesson isn't it amazing you know i've been thinking and this thought that god wants to walk with us like god the creator of the universe wants us to walk with him i mean that's how much he loves us like he doesn't just love me and you he loves jj and everyone else too like that really makes me think about how i treat people like huh it's all about living a good life for god what is walking with god because i don't care you jj you know that's not what that means like god really wants us to trust that he is with us we can't see him but he says that he'll never leave us nor will he forsake us plus he's given us something and someone to help us along the way don't you have a bible in your backpack jojo yeah can i see it this jj is a bible well you know what a bible is yeah but a bible it's here so that can help us live better lives for christ like learn how to love him better how to serve others better how to be a better brother a better sister a better neighbor a better friend all we have to do is read it and follow the instructions well it's a lot faster jj you're really important we want you here with us so our next clue is a place where we play in the sand but it is not attached to the ocean there you go the volleyball park we just need the gps to help get us there are you kidding me the gps is the safest way to get there we're going to follow it pictures all right then but let me operate it all right okay all right let's go jj this doesn't look like the volleyball court at all no it does not did you follow the gps well not exactly i really thought i knew the best way it's great now we're lost lost but that's okay jj we can just use gps cigars from here no problem you're right jojo as a matter of fact aj try one more time i'm sure you can get us there okay let's do this all right let's go all right which way we go this way that way we made it we're here of course we did we followed the gps right exactly you got it he got it finally let's go get the volleyball okay [Music] together you are here god you are here we are growing together loving each other serving each other in your grace [Music] you are here god you are here as well [Music] loving each other serving each other in your grace [Music] it's been so much fun learning about god's love and how we should live love it's also been fun spending this time with you but it's time to say goodbye for today but before we end our time together let's pray together hello church family and today i will be doing your prayer dear jesus please help the students and teachers stay healthy and happy at school and please make us have a great time at school again in your name amen hi parents happy sabbath as you know this month we are talking about walking walking with god currently for me walking involves crutches because i fractured a bone in my foot and this got me thinking about the different tools that we use to walk or to hike or to move we might use crutches we might use a wheelchair we might use a walking stick or a cane we might use a walker we might use um hiking shoes with a good tread you know we use these different tools to walk to be safe to have a fun and enjoyable experience when we go for a walk or a hike and it's the same with god's commands you know god doesn't command us things just to be bossy just to tell us what to do when god commands us something it's always in our best interest so in addition to your home connection sheet we want to encourage you to go for a family walk talk about god's commands the different things that god's commanded us and why it's a good idea to follow them why he tells us to do certain things or not to do certain things and why it's in our best interest you know talk about why it's a good idea not to steal or to be jealous um god commands us various things but always because it's in our best interest so families i hope you have a wonderful sabbath and enjoy that family walk [Music] remember a family that prays together grows together thanks for joining us today it's been so much fun when you post up pictures be sure to tag us and don't forget to check out our website and subscribe to our youtube channel for this week's family worship you'll need to download home connections you know we're very grateful to our team for their commitment and dedication to bringing growing together sabbath school to us every week so a big thank you to them hey join us again next week we really look forward to seeing you all again see you then
Channel: Growing Together Sabbath School
Views: 785
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: p7lQ13aObqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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