Auditioning For Movies/TV | Commercials | Theatre | Acting Advice

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hi everybody welcome to the actors academy thank you for tuning in today today we're going to be talking about the differences between auditioning for projects such as theater projects commercials or TV and movies some of you don't actually know the difference between this and some of you maybe want to just go and do theater maybe some of you want to do TV's and movies maybe it's just commercials maybe it's a collection of all of them but it's important to know the differences especially if you're just starting out or maybe you're deciding hey I want to get into this field or maybe you're doing theater right now and you want to do TVs into movies you just don't know what the difference is that's what we're gonna be talking about today so first we're going to start off with theater theater auditions were like heavily heavily on monologues not so much when it comes to commercials and for TVs and movies the reason monologues are important is because if we think about it for an actual theater show we've ever been to a play monologues are very hard to do because with a monologue you have to go and keep the audience captivated you have to have in line all memorized has to be interesting you have to know what you're talking about um to be able to tell a story everyone has to be able to hear you and understand you and see you it has a lot of different things that go on for the monologue so which means the monologue tends to be sometimes one of the trickier things with the theater process of doing the play which is walking you going you're actually auditioning for a play they're happy to do a lot of monologues I suggest having a minimum of at least five good monologues great monologues damn it really good if you can get ten that's perfect that's amazing but if you can't get ten get a minimum of at least five when you want to shin you will be doing just two monologues contrasting so maybe it's one is a dramatic monologue and another is gonna be a comedy but they're different you have to have at least two monologues that are contrasting when you go in for that initial audition the callback that you will have usually tends to be you doing a scene and they're happy doing the scene with maybe another actor who also got a callback that's usually what a callback will tend to be for a theater audition sometimes though they may have you just do another monologue they may say hey we got a monologue in this play this is what we want you to bring in for the callback maybe it'll be a collection of things maybe they want you to do that monologue your own monologue already have and they want you to do a scene they can vary it can depend you have that initial audition once just you doing your monologue they say hey great thank you maybe they talk to you maybe they don't just depends on the director but the situation the time there's a lot of variables that get involved some actors freak out when they don't get talked to it's fine don't freak out about it but that's the initial audition and then the second one usually tends to just be you doing a scene with another actor who also got a callback maybe a monologues included in that maybe not but usually a scene it's now we're going to be talking about the commercial auditions for the commercial auditions these tend to be super super easy the process of actually doing a commercial audition is one of the easiest processes that you will probably find as an actor especially if you've never done commercial auditions before if you did a commercial audition you've become what the heck this is it this is all I have to do there's a lot of different type of commercial auditions sometimes they just call you in they just want to have a look at you they just want to see what do you look like sometimes I want to see your hands actual commercial but sometimes I'm at auditions before well they just call you in they want to see what you look like they say okay great bye but usually what it tends to be more so is that they're bringing you in with a collection of other actors to bring you in usually with five other actors in total so you guys will come into that room all together I had an audition actually last week for a commercial and for this commercial they brought in total of six actors me being one of them and they said okay so you guys are gonna do because we're all just gonna dance around and have fun that's all we want just dance and have fun and that's all we had to do dance and have fun we didn't have to memorize any lines and have to do any of that and it was great and it's super fun now sometimes we will have to have lines memorize and that's okay because when you do have to memorize lines you only have to memorize two to three lines it's super simple super easy when you do have to memorize lines it's barely any lines it's a lot more improv when it comes to these auditions the callbacks usually tend to be really quick the whole turnaround time for a commercial is very quickly I might audition today for a commercial and then next week books commercials just happened really really really fast and then when you are booked sometimes it's one or two days of work it's not even it doesn't take up a whole week right and like that so auditions for commercials tend to be very quick very fast usually lines are at the minimal usually it's just a lot more improv so you can have fun sometimes you may not even have to do callbacks for commercials just depends I got lucky one time we're about to do this audition didn't have to do any callbacks at all they just saw me got to do this audition with these two ladies we did it improv scene and they booked me right off of that it happens sometimes usually they might have one audition callback that you will do but sometimes they'll have it where they don't do audition callbacks and those are a little bit nice because you just go you just booked it then you do your stuff then you just have some fun on the day of the shooting next we're gonna be talking about TV and movie audition so for the TV and movie auditions these tend to be a little bit trickier because you do have to memorize a lot more and you're having to play a lot of different characters you don't get to play a lot of the same characters as you would say for a theater audition when you have your monologues because you're so used to these monologues you have them down because you've never working them for a whole year or a few months or whatever whereas for a scene for a TV show or movie you have to put it out next week so you may get an audition and you may have to do it next week or in the next few days you just have to have it memorized and you have to bring a different character sometimes maybe today you're gonna be a rock star next week your skateboard of the week after you the boy next door just playing a lot of different characters this can sometimes be tricky for some actress but this is the process that you have to go through for auditioning for TV shows movies also for TV shows and movies the turnaround time is a little bit longer compared to a commercial okay you're auditioning today and then you're shooting next week for TV shows and movies if you're auditioning today but you may be shooting and filming in a month two months or maybe even later depending on the project but those can tend to be sometimes pretty quick sometimes the month sometimes it's two months just depends on the project and when they're actually shooting but it usually does take longer then a commercial audition you do have a lot more callbacks in which please so for a commercial audition maybe it's one callback that you have for TV shows of movies you may have several callbacks you may have the first audition then you have callback with the director another callback with the producers then maybe they want to see you one or two more times after that because they decided between actors then they haven't do a screen test chemistry read so you could do a lot of auditioning I had a friend before who's auditioning for the really big thing I'm Nicola Lee and I think it was he had to go and audition several several several times but he actually go and fly to New York and then fly back once or twice so it was a whole big process but sometimes that's what happens and that's just sometimes the thing to expect when you get a movie audition or a TV show audition you won't have to be doing a lot of sometimes commuting back and forth or just a lot of auditioning for the projects but again sometimes you can get lucky and then you won't even have to do many callbacks at all or just one callback or no call back so usually what you're gonna have for TV shows movie auditions that you're gonna have an audition and they're gonna have a lot of callbacks and meetings in between before the shooting ever begins so I hope you guys like this video make sure you guys subscribe to the channels can be up to date with everything give this video a thumbs up if it helps you guys you guys have any questions about anything just let me down in the comment section below let me know also I'll be leaving the 10-hour acting masterclass stand a description and also a comment section if you guys are interested in that takes about two minutes or so to sign up as well as the ten actually resume templates writing see you guys next time bye guys you
Channel: The Actors Academy
Views: 5,020
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: The Difference Between TV/Movie Commercial and Theatre Auditions, The Difference Between TV/Movie Commercial and Theater Auditions, movie auditions, tv auditions, netflix auditions, disney auditions, hbo auditions, how to audition, how to become an actor, how to start acting, acting advice, best acting advice, commercial auditions, tv and movie auditions, theater auditions, theatre auditions, auditions, how to audition for movies and tv shows, audition tips, acting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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